
Photograph via snooOG

For people who see the world differently

Welcome to r/colorblind!

This is a community to share your experiences and anecdotes with colourblindness, and how it affects your life.

This community is to offer resources for both colourblind and people with normal vision for better awareness and understanding of this condition. We have custom flair available above to signal what type of colourblindness you have or if you have "Normal Vision" too!

Unsure if you are colourblind or not? There are various tests on the internet, but note that they are not always accurate, and your computer monitor might display colours incorrectly, giving incorrect results.

Here are a few web-based tests





https://www.colorlitelens.com/mosaic-test.html / https://www.colorlitelens.com/tritan-color-blind-test

The best way to find out if you are colourblind is to go to your optometrist and ask for a printed Ishihara Colour Vision Deficiency test.

Color blindness/Colourblindness can be spelled however you like as long as the point gets across. For clarity, if you mean "being able to see no colour at all" please point that out clearly or use "total color blindness".

Please feel free to message the moderators (or just submit a post) if you have any questions, comments, or problems with r/colorblind!


  1. All content should be somehow relevant to color blindness.

  2. Do not encourage users to break the ToS of Reddit. Anyone breaking reddiquette will be reported to the admins.

  3. Repetitive topics will be removed, you should use the search function before posting. Repetitive topics covers anything that the community feels is posted too much. Yes, we have heard about Enchroma glasses..

  4. No racism/sexism/homophobia or other hate based speech. Directly calling out or providing enough information to cause a witch-hunt of another user is not allowed.

  5. Memes are allowed, but nothing too rude or offensive. This includes "F*ck the colorblind" memes, they are banned.

  6. Posts of Vision Tests/Ishihara Plates must include the Normal Color Vision result in the Title or Comments before people need to ask what it is.


We may modify these at any time, keep an eye out in the sidebar.


31,092 Subscribers


I’m not colorblind but I need help

Ok so, I am a small twitch streamer and I like to play rhythm games like clone hero, beat saber, etc. With beat saber there are only 2 colors so making my stream more appealing to colorblind viewers is easy. I’ve also gotten messages saying that having someone stream in colorblind colors is a breath of fresh air, so I would like more people to have a more inclusive viewing experience. But with clone hero and a 5 color fret guitar, it seems difficult to find a pallet that would be easy for most people to see clearly. If you don’t know the original 5 colors are Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange in that order. Like I said I am not color blind and from the bit of research done I can’t find a simple “here is a good all rounder pallet” Maybe I’m trying to hard and should just go with what I see but I would like the viewing experience to be as nice as possible for most people. Any ideas on a pallet or even if I have to reuse colors to be more visible please let me know. Thank you

09:42 UTC


So I was looking to find the original location/creator of certain reverse colour blindness test posted by another user* and came across this. The colours are really different! (also please read the image caption) (The solution is 5 if you have trouble seeing it)

The website says\" The more severe color blindness, the more frequently read these plates. (Note: About half of the normal color vision subjects between 20 and 30 years of age read hidden-digit plates and hardly ever read by subjects over 50 or by young children.) \"

I am also wondering if the image, the okkl website one, (due to image quality or whatnot) appears clearer to individuals with normal vision range? I am curious to know people's thoughts and how other normal vision people and colourblind people find this test compared to the other one*. Because I can say without a doubt that this version of the test is much more difficult.

*I know I keep reffering to a previous image and post, I didn't want to link the user's reddit post just in case they mind. If you don't then I would appreciate if you linked it in the comments 🙏

Obligatory message to mods:
Whilst, I know this may look like a bandwagon post as the image is similar to one shared on here recently. I believe there are significant differences that make my post constructive and not just another bandwagon post.

The image I used is different and conveys alternative insights that I think add to the conversation rather that just repeating the previous one. My intention is to complement the existing discussion.

—- Edit: so turns out everyone struggling, I was expecting color blind people might see better but looks like it’s not a great test 😭

16:06 UTC


I got colorblind glasses. Here is an honest review.

So first things first: English is my second language so forgive me for any mistakes made. I have deuteranomaly, and I got “colorlite” glasses with a prescription. The reason I got colorlite ones is because I live in hungary and enchroma ones aren’t available here, as far as I know. And it’s nice to have a prescription for it. When I first put the glasses on, not much really changed, just a purple tint to everything. Then my eyes adjusted, allowing me to test the glasses without the purple tint. Reds looked so much more.. colorful. It’s like they were almost orange. It’s like if the saturation was increased by a lot. Now here is the crazy thing. Turquoise greens looked a LOT different. They looked so much more blue. Or I guess turquoise. I have to relearn colors again :D. Anyway, the normal greens, for example minecraft grass looked a little less colorful. My explanation for this is that I have moderate/strong deuteranomaly and the glasses filtered out all the red from the grass and only left the greens that I could see clearly. But I’m still happy I got a taste of real, red free green. But in no way was I even close to crying or having a strong reaction to any of the things i looked at with these glasses. It was more like “really? This is what is looks like?”

TL;DR: Don’t expect these glasses to change your life. All the people crying in the videos of them trying these on for the first time are fake. However do expect to be surprised. Atleast I definitely was.

11:12 UTC


On the topic of reverse-colorblind tests

I've been seeing some talk about reverse-color blindness tests and I'm currently working on trying to find a way to make more Reverse-Ishihara test images. I've asked a bunch of people (normal vision) if they could see this and most of them said no.

So what do you see?


Answer:>!33, if a lot of people see this post, I might post an image outlining the answer.!<

04:25 UTC


What are your thoughts on stuff like this?

22:09 UTC


I've always wondered

I have some colorblindness, astigmatism and myopia

I always wondered what it was like to see like a normal person.

09:58 UTC


Help me validate a color palette option for a game?

I'm developing a video game where color plays an important role in discerning certain elements from others, so I was hoping I could get some help from this community in confirming that my alternate, colorblind-friendly palette is easier to read. I'm also curious how unfriendly the default palette appears. Here are the two palettes side by side using the in-game sprites (players will have the option to use either palette):


For reference, the alternate palette is adapted from one I found here: https://siegal.bio.nyu.edu/color-palette/

Thanks in advance!

05:45 UTC


Does this work for colorblind people?

04:26 UTC


Ink that’ll look vibrant for protan colourblindness

My dad is red-green colourblind, specifically protan. We live in different states and we’re both into fountain pens so we’re penpals and I want to find an ink that’s vibrant for when I write him letters.

His favourite colour is yellow so I’m thinking something like Diamine Enkindle, but I’m worried it may still look washed out to him since it’s more of a coppery-orange and not a true yellow. The other one I’m considering is Van Dieman’s Golden Orb Weaver since it’s a lighter yellow, and dad is scared of spiders so the idea of writing to him using and ink named after a spider just tickles me.

Can anyone with protan colourblindness please weigh in and let me know if they think either of these inks would be suitable?

03:25 UTC


Can color blind people tell who is who?

I thought all blue vs all red was a bad idea after an NFL game a few years back.

01:50 UTC


Tried the reverse colour-blind test with my partner.

I found this whole concept to be absolutely novel. His reaction upon learning there’s a five- of all numbers- was absolutely priceless. Wonder how many other people with normal sight have seen that pattern when viewing the image.

01:34 UTC


I keep buying green clothes thinking theyre brown

Its really annoying

20:00 UTC


Reverse test follow up.

Hey guys, most colorblind people will see the number 5 clearly.

However some people with normal vision said they could see a 5 as well. I just wanted to ask a couple of follow up questions if you were able to see the number with normal vision.

  1. if you didn't know what number to look for is the 5 still obvious?

  2. if there was a second number involved in addition to the 5 could you deny it?

  3. if I had said the number was 3 or 6 would you be able to deny it?

16:22 UTC


My little brother is faking being colorblind

I was around when he was learning his colors for years growing up he could tell the difference, and name every color, normal kid stuff. When he was about 9 he was watching a lot of fgtv and the dad is color blind. And only then did he start insisting that he was color blind. He is almost 13 and recently I have been asking him more questions about it because uase he keeps changing the color that he can’t see. He said he couldn’t see reds, but then he said he couldn’t see green. Then the last time I saw him he said that he could see red, but that it was shades of purple he couldn’t see, so I asked if he could see blue and he said yes. It happens like that constantly were the color he “can’t” see changes on a wim, and the only people I have met who were color blind were red color blind they couldn’t see red, and another person who could only see the color yellow and shades of it. What do you all think? am not yelling at him or constantly saying it’s fake it’s just when I catch him switching the color he can see around I just call him out, green on week red the next purple the next like..cmon, he used to say it was just pale that couldn’t see. I just want some input am I being an ass?

14:56 UTC


u/kjustin1992 has rocked this sub with the reverse colourblind test.

13:45 UTC


Can you cancel out anomalous colorblindess?

So if reds and greens are yellowed for people with anomalous red-green colorblindness, so reds have green in them and greens have red in them, can you just add blue to cancel out the yellowness, which will make the color more clear just a bit desaturated? I know according to the ISCC–NBS descriptor, pure red (255,0,0) and pure green (0,255,0) is already slightly yellowed for trichromats and so adding a little blue to them makes the colors more vivid, I was wondering if this works more drastically for us? I personally noticed some tealish greens looks greener than pure green, especially yellow-greens, so I imagine it works?

07:30 UTC


Design Solutions for Color Blind people

I’m an Interaction Design/ HCI student. My participant and I are running low on design solution ideas in our co-creation session in two opportunity areas below (defined after user interviews):

  1. Enhance confidence in color expression for color blind people by facilitating the selection or matching different colors. (Solution must be digital)

  2. Support young children with color blindness through interactive games in exploring and nurturing their creativity, fostering a positive self-recognition. (The game can be solo/collaborative).

The ideas don’t need to be highly defined and will go on post-it ideation board as external ideas, as is the point of co-creation. We would appreciate any input/ideas from a wider audience. Thank you!

1 Comment
03:54 UTC


Reverse color blind test. Color blind will see the number 5. People with normal vision will not see any number

This is a reverse ishihara test designed in a such a way that allows only color blind people to see anything. I sent this to my friend who has normal vision and he does indeed not see anything. I see a clear 5 it blows my mind.

00:59 UTC


My husband swears I'm color blind. I say I'm color deficient.

Sorry for the slight rambling.

So, I took all the tests on the side bar and all of them came up normal vision or 80% pass except for the last one I got "MILD DEUTAN TYPE OF COLOR VISION DEFICIENCY"

I did take all these tests the same way. Brightness up to 100% no coloring on the screen and with my normal glasses off.

Now here's what I've been experiencing. Blues and greens the darker the shade the more grey/black they look. Like I can see most bright greens like grass and trees are very obviously green with some yellow. But if it's dusk/dawn/rainy/cloudy they're grey or black.

My husband sometimes buys me clothes and he does enjoy buying green/blue items and he waits like an excited child for me to either clash them in my outfit or ask suspiciously what color they are. And it starts the game of "what color do you think they are?" And I'm rarely right.

Now my father is suspected of being color blind. But also I have experienced a lot of head traumas and neglect as a kid which I think plays a role.

Essentially I just want to know am I color blind? I don't think I am? I can see color just fine. In the right conditions.

18:04 UTC


What are the struggles of having a color vision deficiency as a kid? Let me hear your experiences!

I'm a college student taking up Multimedia Arts, and I'm doing some initial research on this topic for my thesis, and would like to hear experiences/stories/struggles as a kid (or someone you know) who has this condition. Thank you!!

06:57 UTC


Reverse Colorblind Tests

Hi everyone,

Is there any visual (especially the classic one with numbers) that can only colorblind people see. I want to troll normal vision people.

Apes together strong

06:53 UTC


Cerebral Achromatopsia

I’m not going to sugar coat anything here so I’ll put it plainly, I need help. Until a week ago I was completely normal but I can’t remember experiencing colors.

I have no idea what to do now, everything is color coded I can’t even cook ground beef.

If you guys need any information I will provide whatever you need.

05:44 UTC


Does windows color blind filter really work?

I believe I have deuteranopia and I am applying to a job, I worry if I am able to do it since it requires to watch some charts that have some really confusing colors. any tried this bult-in filters in windows?

17:06 UTC


Does windows color blind filter really work?

I believe I have deuteranopia and I am applying to a job, I worry if I am able to do it since it requires to watch some charts that have some really confusing colors. anyone tried this bult-in filters in windows?

1 Comment
17:06 UTC


Can people with these types of Colourblindness comment on the accuracy of this simulator?

How close are you colourblind filter and the original image in the middle?

12:32 UTC


Does Western Australia Police not actually test for colour blindness?

So I was recently rejected by Victoria Police due to not passing the colour vision requirements. Upon research. It seems WA don’t do a colour vision test? Why is that?

09:37 UTC


Frequency of color blondness in my family

My understanding is that the gene carrying the mutation is the X chromosome, and it’s recessive. That’s why it’s much more common in males (YX), which only need the only X to have the mutation to develop color blindness, while females (XX) need to have both X chromosomes with the mutation in order to develop it. This also means that a carrier mother (assuming the husband doesn’t carry the gene) with a male child has 50% chance of him being color blind, while daughters will have 50% chance of being carriers and 50% being non carriers. In addition to this, sons and daughters hers of a colorblind male are extremely unlikely to be colorblind. So here’s the thing: I’m colorblind, my mother’s brother (my uncle) is coloblind, the brother of their mother was color blind. Also my uncle has a son (non colorblind) and two daughters (non colorblind). One of the daughters (my cousin) has a son, colorblind. My sister has a son, suspected colorblind (I’ll test him today). So we are at least 5 males in the family, all colorblind, where the chances were 50:50 at birth/conception. The probability of this happening was 1/32. Or am I missing something?

07:34 UTC


Is anyone else able to see some/most of the ishihara plates depending on the source?

Wondering if other mild deutans or protans have this experience?

I've found some of the ishihara plates to be pretty easy like the ones here. https://www.color-blindness.com/ishiharas-test-for-colour-deficiency-38-plates-edition/

Also looked at the plates here and noticed they looked different from the ones linked above. https://www.challengetb.org/publications/tools/country/Ishihara_Tests.pdf

Some of the plates are more difficulty and at first glance the number blends in more but if I focus I can still make them out.

17:26 UTC


Colorblind awareness

Hello, im doing a project About colorblind awareness, and i want to ask if my test for this works… just comment if you have problem recognizing one or more Numbers from test below (each representing one of 3 most common colorblindness types) I would be really happy if i could use these results in my work :)

14:43 UTC

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