
Photograph via snooOG

Providing a place to collaborate and learn about Stickler Syndrome and the health / medical needs associated.

This is a community for people whose lives are touched by Stickler Syndrome. We welcome relatives, friends, caretakers, and medical professionals. Our goal is to share resources and knowledge so that we all may have access to the very best opportunity to overcome the challenges of this disorder.



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220 Subscribers


Trachea & Collagen

Hi all,

Wondering if anyone with Sticklers has had trouble with airway symptoms - specifically the trachea. I have a family member who’s had joint replacements and retinal detachments her whole life - but was unexpectedly in the hospital for a week lately with what they first thought was pneumonia, later said was a asthma from a virus - but a bronchoscopy was done and nothing was found/no mucus plugs could be removed.

What was observed was a “flattening trachea”. We are searching for specialists (pulmonologists, sleep specialists and beyond) because the pulmonologist who did the bronchoscopy said she’d never seen anything like it before - and they are thinking Stickler Syndrome could potentially be why, since the trachea is indeed made of collagen.

This family member has had probably sleep apnea for years and inconsistent snoring, which are all signs to a worsening issue over the years as well. Just looking to see if anyone else has had airway issues over the years. Thanks!

1 Comment
20:45 UTC



My mom has been diagnosed with an undocumented gene of Sticklers disease. I think it’s closest to col11a1, but it is called col11t1. She is asking me and my family to be tested so that if there are 5 people with this gene, they can document it and then begin testing on this specific mutation.

Has anyone ever heard of col11t1 and do I need to be tested? I am perfectly healthy (29 y/o) and am honestly afraid of being tested and don’t want to be if I don’t have to, since I have no symptoms.

22:06 UTC


Anyone else a random mutation?

I have no family history of this. Was born with a mutation on the COL2A1. Known since I was very young celf palette and all that jazz. I was just wondering if anyone else was just a random mutation with no family history of it. Figured this was the place to ask.

03:24 UTC


Does anyone know the odds of heredity with Sticklers?

Research I've done only indicates that people with Sticklers have a 50% chance of passing it on, but I can't find anywhere that indicates if you can just be a carrier without having Stickler yourself. I'm curious if it's either a "you have it or you don't", or if you can not have it but still be able to pass it on. Anyone know?

18:50 UTC


Anyone had any other issues with stickler besides eye/ear/joint problems?

Hey there everyone,

I recently found out I have a pathogenic mutation on the Col2a1 gene. Specifically my variant basically created a stop codon for phenylalanine. My genecist was super helpful and told me there isn’t much known on this variant and there isnt much known on what the effects of loss protein production on phenylalanine would do to type 2 collagen, and she’s right I’ve tried to do a lot of digging myself and it seems like there isn’t much research done outside of sticklers besides eye and hearing problems.

What I do know is the following:

I was born with a bone deformity in my right ear, so I have a prosthetic bone in my ear to help hear and that worked a little bit after I had the surgery for this but I can no longer hear out of it now.

I started to become extremely nearsighted when I was in elementary school. My eyesight did get progressively worse and I know before I had my cataract surgery I was at ~8.5 contact prescription with four counts of astigmatism. I did develop cataracts when I was 28, and I currently have a hole in my left retina

I do have hyper mobile joints and honestly I did a lot of research on heds and I feel like I would meet the criteria for it. I have dislocated my left knee multiple times and tore my acl. I also have chronic joint pains specifically in my knees and ankles, as well as back pain

These things all add up to sticklers but the things that don’t make any sense is the following

I have had issues with my blood pressure. Lately it runs pretty low. There was a situation where I went to get a laser procedure on my eye and that ended up in me having a seizure/passing out - drs at the hospital when I went to the er weren’t sure because I had wet myself which is signs of seizure but my ekgs and head scans were normal so this situation they thought it was just syncope. I have passed out before, once from walking up stairs my vision just went black, and another time it was from a sharp shooting pain I had under my left arm, my vision just went black for a few then I can to. All throughout my life I would have these random pains but more specifically it’s under my left arm and I can feel it through my ribs, under my shoulder blade, and all the way to my pinky. The best I can describe it is it’s almost like electricity where it’s sharp and pulsating. The other random pains I feel in the middle of my forearm or in my legs and the best way to describe it is like pressure in my veins. I’ve also have a average high heart rate resting/sitting is from 90-96 and standing could be as high as 120. I also do have GI issues and was diagnosed with Ibs.

I just wanted to pop on here to see if anyone has ever experienced pains or the other issues with heart rate/etc. I’m honestly curious to know if all connective tissue disorders are somehow linked to one another or if there’s more going on here. I do have referral with specialist to follow up on my condition but until then I’m just genuinely curious if anyone out there has experienced this.

23:51 UTC


Type 3 with optical issues?

Basically what the title says. Two years ago I had my entire exome tested (covered in my country) to try to figure out what was wrong with me; a mutation came back on the same gene as Sticklers type 3. The specific mutation hadn’t been listed before in literature, though, and despite type 3 apparently having no optical issues I do have optical issues? Cataracts, high myopia, and some sort of deposits on my optical nerve which may turn into glaucoma, iirc. Anyways - I was wondering if anyone else had ever been diagnosed with type 3 or had a mutation on that gene who also had eye issues?

23:46 UTC


Anyone familiar with these COL11A2 VUS? The bottom one is rare .000008

COL11A2 • rs145343609, CADD 22.9, freq. .0009452, uncertain significance (but also likely benign)

• rs1179310340, CADD .781, freq. 0 – ALFA, .000008 – Top Med, T, G, TG

Wondering if my hEDS is really Sticklers - as my dad has a cleft palate.

1 Comment
03:11 UTC


Can I do Muay Thai

I want to start Muay Thai which is a martial art which similar to boxing means heavy blows to the head. I got laser eye surgery when I was 2 in 2009 to ( I think) securely connect my retinas into place I was wondering if after that surgery I’m more susceptible to retina detachment and therefore shouldn’t fight

20:55 UTC


Longest period of time you've had silicon oil in an eye?

For those who have gotten a vitrectomy in one (or both) of your eyes, what's the longest consecutive period of time you've had silicon oil? How has your vision changed over time due to it? My good eye has been filled with the same oil for nearly two years now, and since then the distortion has become a lot more noticeable. I'm not sure if my developing cataract is a factor in this or if it's mainly because of the oil. We are waiting as long as we can before removing the oil because it's pretty much the only eye I see with and I've experienced redetachment within a month of the last time the oil in my other eye was removed.

21:42 UTC


Stickler Type

Does anyone not know what type of Stickler they have? I am a 38f and was diagnosed at 5 years old. My Dad and Grandmother were also diagnosed at the same time. I can remember sitting in a circle and them taking pictures of our hands and feet and being amazed by what they were seeing. I had that geneticist follow me until I was about 12 and he passed away. I have asked my mother if she knew anything about types and she has no clue. I am guessing there weren't different types 30 years ago. I'd like to find out that type I have but every Dr. I have told about it has never heard of stickler. When I was having my 1st child my OB did tons of research to find out as much as she could so I could have a safe delivery, but she's the only Dr. that has ever tried. BTW neither of my children have stickler. I was born with a club foot, and a lazy eye, but no cleft palate. I do wear glasses but have never had any retina issues. I have severe hypermobility issues, and hearing loss.

21:41 UTC


Kids with stickler

My husband has Stickler syndrome 1 and had cleft pallate, retina detachment, hyper mobility and joint pains sometimes. So we are going with IVF with PGTM and have got just 2 embryos as normal. Will the pregnancy be viable?

02:52 UTC


Hands pain

Hi everyone, I see this sub is not that active but just posting in case someone still follows it and has some info/advice. I'm in late 20s and have been diagnosed with stickler syndrome some years ago. Appart from several eye issues, in the last 2 years sometime I have pain in my hands upon waking up which tends to pass after a while. This comes and goes and when it starts happening it can go on every day for months even. I have had a rheumatology appointment last year which showed no signs of arthritis but still the pain happens at times.

So, I'm wondering if others have the same experience since I'm not sure this is due to sticklers. If you do have the same issue and have some advice on how you deal with it I'd be happy to hear that. Thanks :)

16:27 UTC


Is this subreddit still active?

I have sticker syndrome! I wonder if this subreddit is still active, as it's still considered a rare disease?

11:21 UTC


Does anyone still use this platform? Do you know that we have a stickler syndrome support group that meets on zoom twice a month and have a support group both on Instagram and Facebook

15:52 UTC


Introducing myself

Hi everyone,

I just found this sub. I am 36F and my entire mom's side of the family has Stickler's. I had a retinal detachment right around my 18th birthday. I had the gas bubble, cryo, and a scleral buckle to repair it but my vision is very poor in that eye. In my mid-20s my eye pressure started to get too high so i've been trying to manage that for about a decade. Two weeks ago I had a cataract removed from my right eye. My brother had detachments in both eyes before middle school, and my uncles and grandmother all had detachments. My mom has glaucoma and as she has gotten older has struggled to keep her pressure down. That's a quick overview of my life with Stickler's. From browsing this sub it seems like a lot of y'all can relate.

23:37 UTC


A preview of this year awareness week are you ready ?!?

01:29 UTC



Does anyone here experience tinnitus? I was diagnosed with Stickler syndrome last year and have some mild hearing loss. Last week, I started getting ringing in my right ear and, as of yesterday, there is pulsating in my left ear. I have an audiology test scheduled for late October and was just wondering if this could possibly be linked to having Stickler syndrome.

19:54 UTC


Awareness week . Did you know that there is an awareness week to bring awareness for those who have Sticklers . It will be posted on various social media platforms

23:51 UTC


HELP: Women's Health Insight

Hello everyone! I am studying further into the topic of health for women and gender bias' impacts. I am conducting an interview/survey to get further insight. Participants must be female, 18-35, and living in the Southern region of the U.S. If you choose to participate, your voice will be heard and can greatly contribute to addressing this issue in women's health. Thank you in advance. Please comment any questions or concerns, or email me (information in the link).

Here is the link: https://forms.gle/1tJEyYM4ihLtde5K7

06:09 UTC


41 male, Texas, USA

Hello. I am glad that I thought to check to see if this subreddit existed. As the title says, I'm 41 male living in Texas. I don't know what exact type of sticklers I most likely have. Insurance/medical care and services tend to be a pretty cliche challenge in the US, especially in conservative controlled states like my own.

Despite now being on disability, I only recently was able to find a rheumatologist with even passing familiarity with the disease, and actual genetic testing is something he recommended but was not optimistic about being actually attainable.

2 years ago after invasive surgery to fix retinal detachment on my second eye, the surgeon who had performed retinal reattachments on both of my eyes at that point noted irregularities in my vitreous fluids(?) which coupled with my issues with cataracts that started being noticeable as early as the 8th grade, and more recent glaucoma issues, led him to give me a stickler's diagnosis.

Learning more about the disease allowed several irregularities about my body/health (throughout my life) to suddenly click into place.

At this point, I am a 41 year old widower with two young kids. My eye cataracts became intolerable and I finally had them removed several years ago despite my wife being in the middle of cancer treatment. When I couldn't recognize her face from 6 feet away, I shouldn't have been driving, but the desperation of our situation left only me to care for her and our kids, who were very small then.

After my cataract removal, my left eye developed retinal tears and started detaching. Despite having insurance, I still had to find a surgeon to take me on as a charity case for the massive portion my insurance wouldn't cover, and I was lucky to do so. After the costs of my wife's care, I had only been able to afford the cataract surgeries with help from family. At the same time, I was starting to buckle under the demands of work, caring for my family, and several other health issues that continued to worsen.

Because of my situation, the surgeon put oil in my left eye instead of the normal gas bubble, and told me that ideally we would keep the oil in for 6 months before removing it.

But, after this point I lost my job, and the little insurance I had. Between that, and my wife's condition worsening, I never made it to any of my followup appointments. I just kept focusing on enduring it until the 6 month mark. But, since I didn't go to any followups, I didn't realize that I shouldn't have needed to endure anything.

After the surgery I had a great deal of discomfort and pain, which continued to increase with time. I eventually regained some distorted light perception in the eye, but by the 6 month mark, that had faded and the pain I had in the eye was crippling. With family offering to help pay, I finally went to a followup appointment.

In that 6 months, my retina had healed well, but I had developed severe glaucoma in that eye and the optic nerve had been destroyed. After emergency surgery to remove the oil, I never recovered any sight and to this day severe glaucoma in that eye causes me near constant pain. A cocktail of eye drops helps some, but I have a very unusual reaction to any of the oral glaucoma medications. After a many month wait I eventually saw a glaucoma specialist, but due to how thin my eye tissues are due to sticklers, I am not a candidate for any of the traditional glaucoma procedures. Removing the eye is my only option for pain relief at this point, and right now that is still a bit too scary for me.

My right eye spontaneously started having retinal tears and detachments a couple years after the first, but by that time I no longer had to care for my wife, so my family helped me care for me and my kids during my recovery from surgery (after lasers didnt work) and made sure I got all my follow up care. I have fortunately regained most of the vision for that eye with very few complications and only minimal glaucoma.

Still, I have issues with eye strain and focusing for my one working eye that make many things a challenge.

In addition to my eye problems, I have the typical stiffness and loss of flexibility that has gotten worse with my age. Before my diagnosis, I dismissed the pains and issues as being a wuss and feeling sorry for myself when my wife was the one really sick.

Now, I have a couple untreated lower abdominal hernia, and I recently learned that the bottom disk in my back is herniated and pinching my nerves in my spine, which is why I have had so much extra pain and occasional issues with standing/walking in the past year.

Lately, I have come out of mourning for my wife and have finally been trying to address my many health issues and make them manageable, so that I could begin moving forward with my life, and find a way to maybe eventually provide a better life for my kids.

I am working with doctors for my back issues, and trying to figure out reasonable expectations and safe activity levels to avoid further injury going forward. I am working on finding something productive I can do from home, now that I can't do many things I did before.

One my main challenges is that my muscle stiffness makes it to where no posture is comfortable, especially traditional standing or sitting postures due to my back, and remaining in one position for long causes extra stiffness and cramping.

I have set up a large flatscreen attached to a laptop to ease my eye strain and focusing issues, but I can't find a way to comfortably work in front of it for any length of time.

I am looking into either kneeling or reclining ergonomic chairs. Kneeling would fit better with my space limitations and existing furniture, and would compliment how I constantly have to lean forward with my vision. Reclining would take up more space and require a new desk type solution, but it would offer me more flexibility in posture options that I could swap between.

Does anyone have any experience and recommendations in these areas?

19:34 UTC


Type 1 Sticklers and reducing retinal detachment risk with prophylactic cryotherapy retinopexy

I'm in the UK with type 1 Sticklers on COL2A1. I'm 42 and have had a retinal detachment in both eyes. I was only diagnosed after my children were born and a talented opthalmologist saw a beaded vitreous, mild hearing loss and hypermobility and referred us to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Retinal detachments in Stickler patients follow a common tear pattern and it is a very difficult one for the eye surgeons to work on when detachments happen.

This cryotherapy reduces the risk of detachment from 80% down to about 8%. The team at Cambridge that do the surgery have about 30 years worth of data on this.

Does anyone else have any experience of this?

22:48 UTC


When you’re having new flashers and floaters....

And your opthalmalogist and the retina specialist are both out this week -_-

I had to call around and found one doc who could get me in first thing tomorrow morning. Add in I’m 37 weeks pregnant and this is all happening in my good eye :(

I’d greatly appreciate any prayers or good thoughts/vibes you may have to offer!!

00:18 UTC


Parent of children who likely have sticklers. Anyone else experience delays in early childhood?

I have a 3yo girl and an 18month boy. It is extremely likely that they have sticklers, however Covis has thrown everything off so they have not been tested yet.

My 3 year old is largely nonverbal and my 18month is verbally delayed at this point. My daughter was evaluated for autism but they said she does not present as autistic. I am wondering if the verbal delays could be connected to sticklers.


15:03 UTC


Stickler Syndrome

Hello I Was Born w Stickler Syndrome Not Sure Which Type To Be Honest How Can I Check That Out?? And Also Has Your Body Shifting or Developed a Slipping Rib ? Heard It Happens in Females..My Body Is Twisted Up Too. My Right Side Seems More Shifted My Chiropractor Confirmed My Body Being Twisted Up...So I'm Thinking It Has to do w The Sticklers and One Shoulder Is Higher Than Other..Anyone Else Ever Experience This? Or Know Anyone That Has?
Anyone Have Tips ? Very Much Appreciated🙏🏼❤️

03:51 UTC


Pregnancy with Stickler Syndrome

Anyone have experience being pregnant with Stickler SYndrome? I finally got my molecular diagnosis of Type 1 Stickler syndrome and pregancy has gone (relatively) ok so far, just curious how others have coped. My back and hips are the worst at the moment, on top of digestive issues which I've had for a while. I see my opthalmologist in a couple weeks to check on my eyes and make sure the retinas look good.

19:14 UTC


Diagnosed yesterday

Hello! Through genetic testing, I was officially diagnosed with Stickler syndrome yesterday. The genetic counselor that I spoke with was very sweet, but didn’t have many resources to give me. Are there any support groups? I live in Delaware, but because of COVID, I assume anything would be through Zoom right now anyway. Thanks for your help!

21:37 UTC


Newly diagnosed

Hi there!

I was originally diagnosed with hEDS but recent developments have led my geneticist to diagnose me with stickler syndrome. The biggest thing that tipped her off was my cleft palate which is not associated with hEDS.

Just wondering what it's like to have a stickler diagnosis. It was tough with EDS, most people didn't know what it was but I imagine it's similar with stickler.

Any insight/comments/advice appreciated!

1 Comment
16:07 UTC

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