The official sub to request transcriptions or descriptions from the transcribers of reddit!
This is the official subreddit to request that images, videos, or audio be transcribed or described by The Transcribers of Reddit! Just post a link to an image, video, etc, and someone will be along to help you out shortly!
If you'd like to help out by transcribing for others:
You can visit /r/ToR_Archive to find previously transcribed content to enjoy! Also see our list of places online to find other transcribed content.
Be nice, don't be rude. If you're ever in doubt, follow the rules of reddiquette. Especially remember that all of our transcribers are humans, not bots! A little thanks goes a long way.
This subreddit frequently links to others. Just like when you visit someone else's house: while you're there, follow their rules, and not ours. Check out our guide to conduct in other subs here.
Our subreddit does not curate the material being requested, and as such you may encounter NSFW content. Don't freak out, and don't make it weird.
Lastly, if you have any questions or uncertainty, about anything, ask a mod! We live for that stuff.
I guess it's something that treat scoliosis, but I have no clue what that something is or what it does.
Hello. I just want to know what the singer says here
at around 1:54 he says
"Love is old," and then says something which I just can't figure out.
Thanks in advance.
this is the page where the image table is given
it's under icon called View fullsize Look, a table of all our topics, for the next six years! https://www.scienceisweird.com/everything
here's the image link https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8b78cc7986fb1655b3edd0/3fc6bb60-c9c7-4852-8f31-6b3c819d5563/Screen_Shot_2023-01-15_at_9.59.47_AM.png?format=1500w
i would like to have some manga or anime described.
pls comment here, or dm me, if interested
i can provide you with the manga/anime.
What do the people look like in this video and what’s happening in the video?