
Photograph via snooOG

Reddit's asthma forum.

Whether you have questions relating to asthma or simply wish to talk, this community is for you. We are a small subreddit, but nearly all posts receive a response.

Asthma first aid

Asthma treatment and medication

Is it asthma?


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Don't delay. If an asthma attack is severe and not improving, call for emergency assistance.

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Does anyone have issues with vape but not with cigarettes?

I know, I know, both of them are harmful.

16:51 UTC


Do I still need to carry Albuterol everywhere?

Been on advair for~3 weeks now and I haven't had wheezing or chest tightness or shortness of breath or anything like that in a couple weeks (hopefully I don't jinx it lol). Do I still need to carry Albuterol everywhere?

16:14 UTC


Do you cough when hearing other people wheeze?

My asthma and multiple bouts with pneumonia as a child have conditioned me to cough anytime I hear someone else wheeze. I can’t help it. It’s like Pavlov’s bell, but way less fun.

15:01 UTC


Flovent and increases thirst/palpitations

Anyone else get really thirsty on Flovent or any inhaler for that matter, and feel like they need to intake more potassium to keep palpitations at bay? I’m also switching to breo for the laba, any good experiences from that?

12:58 UTC


I think I don’t have asthma

(Not native english speaker). Anybody here who found out that they dont have asthma? I always thought that I have it because I have allergies too and I thought my shortness of breath was because of it but didnt do anything about it (didnt do spirometry test in years until now). I had many years only rescue inhaler, but in the last months my breathing got so bad, that I finally went to my alergologist and did spirometry test - results were bad so he prescribed me budelin novolizer. I was taking it but didnt seem to help me at all. So my doctor suggest to me emg test for tetany. And it was “significantly positive”. Tetany is mostly caused by anxiety and low magnesium. And I have both. I think I am malnourished so I have deficiency of most vitamins and minerals. After taking magnesium for months I felt better, now I started to take vitamin B complex and probiotics and I feel better like never before. I no longer take budelin novolizer (About 1-2 months). So, i think all of those problems were caused by anxiety and vitamins/minerals deficiency

1 Comment
10:53 UTC


Fatigue after a more serious attack

Omg the fatigue is insane , my ER doc even wanted to write me a note for work so I can get rest . this is no joke but I’m glad I got my asthma treated on time or things would be way worse . I’m just wondering does caffeine help you guys recover ? also does it help you cough less as well ?

09:22 UTC


Are there any adverse effects from longterm laba use?

Thinking about starting foster instead of alvesco. Are there any things should know beforehand?

1 Comment
07:32 UTC


Can anyone explain what “low inflammatory type asthma” means

Diagnosed with asthma 3 months ago after 5 years of doctors tests and believing I’m getting recurrent infections.

Tested negative for the big 5 allergens in blood test but noticed I wake up and wet cough kicks in about 10 min later, I eat and usually get attacks shortly after, and always react even when indoors during humid days or weather changes, driving through construction zones, and oddly after drinking anything but water and coffee (even energy drinks with caffeine).

Told this to my doc and he told me I have the “low inflammatory type” of asthma.

Not sure what this means? Can anyone explain or share experiences?

Even after using my preventers as prescribed , I react to the above things and can’t figure out why!

05:38 UTC


Trellergy and throat discomfort side effect

Hi all,

Im currently on trelergy laba/lama/ics. After every time I take the inhaler I immediately get discomfort and mucus buildup in the back of my throat!

Does anyone else get similar side effects, or have suggestions to reduce them? I wash my mouth out after every use, but the discomfort is terrible. (The inhaler is great for my breathing though) 😥


04:14 UTC


Does using your inhaler help alleviate fatigue or poor concentration?

Hi all!

I just got diagnosed with asthma in adulthood and am getting an inhaler for the first time in my life. I have always suspected maybe I had asthma, but it wasn't until someone witnessed me having a serious allergy response where I seriously couldn't breathe and asked me if I had an inhaler that I was like... oh, maybe I should get one of those.

Anyways, flash forward a few months and I had my breathing test and I've just been diagnosed. I've never used an inhaler before but have been prescribed to use one 2x a day and a separate one for emergencies.

I guess my question is - will using the inhaler positively impact my life in other ways? I am always short of breath, but I'm also very fatigued and have bad ADHD symptoms/poor executive functioning. I'm wondering if the potential untreated asthma could be a cause of those and if so, will the inhaler help?

Has anyone had positive benefits from using an inhaler besides the, y'know, breathing better? Does breathing better lead to better health in general?

I'm feeling hopeful right now for the first time in a long time. A bit nervous but hopeful. Thank you for reading!

03:33 UTC


Newbie with maybe a dumb question about my steroid disk

Hey all! Newly diagnosed at 39 and I'm just finishing up my first disk of my daily inhaled steroids.

My question is this... When I flip the plastic piece on the disc so that it opens the foil pack inside and the number changes on remaining doses, does the number count the dose that I just activated?

Basically when I flip it and the number goes to 1, is there one left after I use that does or did I just use the last dose?

03:19 UTC


PSA for basement dwellers like myself

be wary of staying in your basement in places like Canada, Russia, Norway and Sweden.

its where RADON gas accumulates since its a heavy gas and longterm exposure can cause lung cancer over decades of exposure. Most of these places have mitigation systems for 1000$-2000$. and only takes a day of install

1 Comment
03:18 UTC


Is this asthma or bad cardio?

Long story short. As a kid I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and never got tested again. Throughout high school and college, I was involved with very cardio-intense sports- wrestling/rowing. And the first 2-3 weeks of every season was hell because I’d go through the same thing I go through when I don’t do cardio for awhile and then try to jump back in at 100%. Lately I’m trying to get back into cardio shape but it’s hell putting myself through it.

While running/rowing I feel what you’d expect the typical out of shape cardio session to feel like. Fatigue, sweaty, shortness of breath, burning in whatever muscles I’m using etc. nothing crazy. It’s only when I STOP working out that I start to feel like I’m dying. Without fail, 1-2 minutes after exercising, I will be on the verge of passing out and/or puking for 10-15 minutes. My body will feel weak, it will feel like I’m not getting enough air when I breathe, I get light headed, dizzy, my vision starts to go wonky, it looks like I’m looking straight into TV static, I will also get a very real sense of impending doom, and it all gets worse if I stand up and/or walk around. Whenever it happens I feel the need to walk out in front of and around people in case I really do pass out. I have an albuterol inhaler I use before doing cardio, not sure if it works because I’m not too eager to try doing cardio without it in case it is helping.

Is this just the result of completely neglecting cardio for months at a time or is this still that asthma I had as a kid?

02:46 UTC


Does anyone have asthma symptoms when there’s no ac or furnace running?

Lungs feel so tight, headache and neuropathy in hands and feet every-time the air is off. Is there a reason for this? It’s not hot enough outside to turn the ac on but it’s the only thing that helps it. A fan, air purifier etc, don’t help.

01:18 UTC


Right lung pain at night

For the better part of a year the right side of my chest hurts towards the end of the day. It's fine when i wake up but after a long day of working hard or excercising the right side of my chest, lungs and back muscles hurt at certain positions like laying in bed or sitting but also while walking. The pain forces me to adjust to a specific position wich is random but sometimes i cant move due to the pain. It's always the right side. The pain usaully leaves within a minute but only lesves for a few aswell. I'm not sure but i think the pain comes from the longissimus thoracis muscle but i dont know. Any ideas?

1 Comment
00:52 UTC


O2 monitor

I know they’re not 100% accurate but pretty solid still. Anyone who uses it how often do you guys do?

I’m curious to see if my asthma (if I do have it) gets flared up after very busy, very stressful days. So I think imma check it 2-3 times a week? Anyone use it?

21:08 UTC


How do you assess the severity of your asthma attack?

I just got diagnosed with asthma and I’m not quite sure what is considered mild, moderate and severe. And what course of treatment is justified for each.

For instance, I haven’t had any wheezing but my breathing is shorter and uncomfortable. If that’s considered mild, does it justify using an inhaler? I used it a few times the last couple of days and I’m wondering if I could’ve used a more conservative approach, if there is such a thing.

20:46 UTC


Flare up Vs Attack?

I've had asthma since I was a child (approx age 11). I'm now early 30s. I no longer have reactions to pollen like I used to, but I do react like hell to catching a virus. If I get even a mild cold I start wheezing, coughing, short of breathe easily, peak flow around 60% etc. I would call this an asthma flare up, it goes on for the duration of the illness and then gradually fades in the week or two after. I have to up my fostair and sometimes need Montelukast or Pred to solve it.

However, every time I see a doctor in that sort of state they don't seem particularly worried, just tell me to up my inhalers and send me home. All the asthma plans I've been made say if your peak flow is below 50% call an ambulance, if you're having to stop mid-sentence for a breath call an ambulance, if you still have symptoms after all 8 fostair doses call an ambulance. However, I don't feel ill enough at the time to feel my life is in danger, they never seem particularly fussed when I have gone to hospital under those conditions. They just give me Pred and send me on my way. A Dr even once said to me "I thought from over the phone maybe you were having an asthma attack but your oxygen levels are just fine" and send me home.

At what point am I meant to actually worry and call an ambulance or go to the hospital and and what point do I just put up with it or see my usual GP? I feel like I should know this 20 years in, but I just don't!

19:54 UTC


I lost the cap to my inhaler. So I made one with Duct Tape.

19:03 UTC


Recently (re)diagnosed - looking for some guidance

Hello everyone!

I used to have moderate asthma as a child but stop having symptoms around my teenage years. I might have had one episode a year during my 20s. Now, in my early 30s, I started having consistent symptoms again. It started a few days ago and it’s been repeating every night (something that’s not common with me at all).

I did a video appointment after my first night of asthma and got prescribed albuterol. I will have an in-person appt next week. My attacks are moderate and only at night - shortness of breath but not much wheezing. But because I haven’t been used to it much, last night I used albuterol three times in a span of 10 hours as it was interfering with my sleep. That is too much, right? And also, is it common that the effects of albuterol “wears off” in like 4 hours?

I was wondering if there’s any reason to think it might be something else or it is common to have a asthma “relapse” in your 30s?

PS - I live in New York and it is full strength allergy season here. I suspect NYC has one of the worst environments for asthma patients.

17:02 UTC


ended in the ER last night by ambulance

things took a bad turn last night my oxygen meter got really low , and my hands were really shaky , ventolin only helped me a bit but couldn’t stabilize me enough , I had chest pain and was dizzy and by the time I got to the ER things were bad enough . A heart test was done as well as blood work and a physical exam . my wbc is high and that’s the only concerning thing on the blood test , they were able to stabilize my oxegyn so it wasn’t getting low anymore , and I was given a few medications and steroids and the thumbs up for discharge. today I’m really tired , coughing still and jittery but I had that too last time a few months ago. basically an upper respiratory thing made things worse but I got a home plan for recovery and if I sound out of it it’s cause I’m super tired

16:28 UTC


Need tips / advices

Hey! So, my friend group and I are gearing up for a trek, but one of my friend has asthma, and I'm worried. Before we hit the trek (which is about 15 miles), I wanted to get some advice.

Thanks a bunch!

16:19 UTC


Exercise Tips

Hi all, just been recently diagnosed after COVID and chest infections have left me unable to breathe. I’m now on the Symbicort inhaler which does seem to be helping and is like a comfort blanket.

I was quite an avid runner before all this started a year ago and am trying to get back into it. I understand I need to start slow but does anyone have any advice on exercising whilst having asthma?

I’m currently trying to run and work out when enough is enough. I was always competitive and kept going til I was pretty much dead but I obviously can’t do that anymore! I feel like everything is such a different ballgame and am just wondering if there’s anything different I need to be doing exercise, recovery or even warm up wise.

15:19 UTC


Can someome help me understand those results

Hello! 28 F non smoker

I'm having a hard time reading my results! Can someone help me please:)

12:46 UTC


Steroid-Induced dermatitis?

Been using Symbicort Raphihaler for 16 days now. I can't even do the standard 4 puffs a day (2 puffs at daytime, 2 puffs at night time) because of so much muscle spasms and even spasms on my left eye. Noticed that I have brown spots now on my right arm where most of the spasms are occurring, yet my pulmo says this inhaler "has the least side effects". Thinking of stopping it. Is this steroid induced dermatitis?


11:09 UTC


Deep cough

I just got sick in March, lost my voice for a few days. Finally felt better and just last week lost My voice again and barely now getting it back.

Had asthma since I was a kid. Now it seems to be onset by exercise or when I'm sick. My cough is so hard and deep a doctor said it sounds like a machine gun. I also cough hard when I start to laugh.

I've been trying to drink more tea and use my inhaler but doesn't seem to help. Especially with my vocal cords or whatever is effecting it.

My cough will lasts for months too after being sick or when it's been stressful.

Anyone have asthma coughs so hard it affected vocal cords? Any remedies you've tried ?

I've also had covid handful of times so not sure the lasting effects there.

06:58 UTC


Asthma when sick

Is it only an asthma thing to have coughing attacks when sick? I got diagnosed as a child and again in my early 20’s, but asthma doesn’t seem to affect my daily life, only when I’m sick. I’ll have coughing attacks until I almost vomit and I can’t breathe. I will also feel physically healthy but my cough won’t go away for weeks. Is this asthma or is this normal?

06:35 UTC


Question: Cardio Intense Sports with Asthma

Hey guys! So i was diagnosed with asthma since i was 2. I took a preventative inhaler daily up until i was 15, Assuming I grew out if it since it was always mild and I never had an attack. Now im 20, and have a decent amount of muscle and lift weights regularly, however, when playing soccer or basketball, i’m always tired and out if breath before my less active friends, would you guys say I need to get back on a preventative inhaler, or just focus more on improving stamina? I played soccer today without warming up and tasted a blood like taste and with warming up i still get so out of breath after 5 mins intensely that I have to sit down and feel out of gas. Thank you!!

06:18 UTC


Trelegy has me coughing

My allergist believes I have mild-persistent asthma. I am also on allergy shots and trying to get to maintenance does. He also prescribed me Trelegy that I have been taking for a couple of months now. He asked me to take it since he believes it will help me with my breathing while working out in this high allergy season.

The thing is, I don’t struggle breathing. The last few couple of weeks though, I have developed dry cough. Once every hour, I get this itch in my throat and it doesn’t go away till I cough violently and clear my throat. The worse is when I lie down to sleep. I have not slept well the last couple of weeks waking up every other hour coughing trying to clear my throat.

Could this be because of Trelegy? My allergist is crazy busy, his next appointment is in August. I can’t really think of any other reason for the cough as nothing else has changed in my life other than the introduction of this drug.

I plan to stop using it for a week to check if things improve but wondering if anyone else has experienced dry cough with Trelegy. Thanks!

05:24 UTC

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