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A subreddit for people with the condition know as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Community Information

This community is for discussions of GERD, Acid Reflux and Heartburn. You can also find information about symptoms and related treatments. Join us by sharing your stories, treatments and your favorite GERD friendly recipes!


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GERD, Acid Reflux and Heartburn Information

What is GERD?

What is Acid Reflux/Heartburn?

Take the GERD TEST.

GERD Grading of Severity.



Over the counter medications: H2 Antagonists and Antacids

Prescription Medications: Proton-pump inhibitors

Surgical Treaments: Nissen fundoplication and LINX


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  • Apple Cider Vinegar
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Anyone with similar weird symptoms and it was GERD?


So for the past few days i have been nauseous 24/7. Then 2 days ago lower and central abdominal pain that is this gnawing feeling that stays almost all day. When i eat as soon as water or food gets down to the stomach i have really bad, 8/10 pain in my stomach. I cant eat or drink without this pain, and get bloated just from some water.

The pain hasn't gone away and has moved into my right side both upper and lower as an achy feeling thats pretty painful. Plus into my back on the right side as well.

Saw Doctor and they did blood tests and xrays and nothing out of the ordinary.

He says its some bad acid reflux. Ive never heard of reflux making your stomach hurt so much that you choose not to eat or drink because bad stomach pains start immediately after stuff gets to your stomach. (Within seconds) Even tried Tums and once that got down to my stomach it was intense pain.

Anyone else have GERD symptoms like these?

01:14 UTC


I need help

I just got put on Famotidine (20MG). It says take once morning, once at night. I never took it before. I’m nervous about side effects. What should I do?

1 Comment
23:47 UTC


Bravo Procedure Pain

Hi, I just had an endoscopy with a bravo placement. I had to get off of all my PPI meds and all for five days prior and then for 96 hours after. Once they put it in, I’ve never known such excruciating pain. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t stand up. I couldn’t take a full breath. I could barely eat anything other than popsicles. it was just horrible! My question is how do you know if the bravo hasn’t fallen out? I have a hiatal hernia and it feels like maybe that’s just it but it could be the bravo I can’t tell. Either way I still can’t eat and the pain is at like 25 out of 10!!!

22:55 UTC


What kind of sweetener does everyone do the best with?

I'm looking to cut out all white sugar from my diet. I've been using saccharine for awhile now, but I've recently read that artificial sweeteners aren't the best idea.

I've thought of monk fruit, but it's almost impossible to get where I live. Stevia gives me a headache and nausea.

I need just a little something to sweeten my cup of tea in the morning and my oatmeal. Would a spoonful of honey or maple syrup be okay for GERD?

What does everyone else use? Thanks!

22:29 UTC


I think I poisoned myself

I’m on a 24 hour prescription for my acid reflux, but last night I was dumb and ate Indian food for dinner which always causes me to wake up in the middle of the night with stomach acid filling my mouth.

So I thought I’d try and take Pepcid right before bed to stop it from happening, on top of my prescription med. well it still happened extremely badly and so I took another Pepcid, which didn’t help. And then so i decided to take a third one.

After that I got so ill. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, body aches, dizziness.

It’s been 12 hours now and I’m still so sick.

Has everyone else ever had this happen?

21:22 UTC


GERD/Diverticulus/Hiatal Hernia

I am struggling on what to eat anymore, I literally feel like giving up on all foods at this point. I had my gallbladder removed back in February and everything was fine up until I added chocolate back into my diet last weekend, and ovbiously the foods I couldn’t eat before I could after my surgery. But now I guess I can’t again!!!?!?! UGHHHHHH. I tried to have just chicken couldn’t even tolerate that. I started feeling an upset stomach last few months and figured it was due to my hiatal grade 1 hernia. But I don’t know anymore. With diverticulus I can’t eat whole wheat bread? i can’t have regular bread? i can’t eat red meats. What the he** can I eat??? I’m going to be seeing a GI dr and dietitian but I’ve gone through almost a week now with upset stomach and puking,BUT with no pains like I had with my gallbladder, but the upset stomach just won’t go away. I don’t know what to do anymore.
I’m at a loss I really am. I can’t eat anything?? I’m sick of broth. I don’t even know what I’m asking here to be honest. I just needed somewhere to vent.

20:09 UTC


Nexium impact on period

Started taking Nexium 2 days before my period was due. It is now 5 days late. I am 100% not pregnant.

Does anyone have a similar experience? Curious if the period was just delayed or skipped to the next month altogether.

Other possibly relevant info: workout 4x/week, no spikes in stress, healthy bmi

19:48 UTC


Doctor said I can eat spicy food but cannot drink coffee?

Hey guys. So, after a basically routine endoscopy where it was discovered I have a hiatal hernia and esophagitis and, of course, GERD, I had a follow up with my gastroenterologist. I have little to no symptoms except some dsyphagia, mind you, and am also on PPIs. In any event, during this follow up appointment, my doctor told me that I absolutely cannot have coffee. This is fine with me, as I had more or less already cut out caffeine from my life, and I’m willing to do what is necessary to reduce inflammation.

However, she said something surprising: after I told her I’d been eating largely bland food and not eating anything spicy, she told me that that isn’t necessary, and that I can eat spicy food, just not coffee and keep taking PPIs. This is surprising to me, as I thought spicy food was a cause of GERD. I’m a little apprehensive about eating anything spicy, however, just due to the fact that so many people say that it can aggravate GERD.

What do you guys think? Should I trust my doctor and feel okay eating something spicy? Or should I play it safe and avoid it entirely? I know this sounds stupid, but I’m kind of in a quandary.

19:46 UTC


Should I get checked out for GERD? PLEASE READ

I think and hope it may be temporary because it happened out of the blue. For context **it's very important**. : Five days ago I had chest pain starting on the left side of my chest, obviously as someone with anxiety and having that kind of pain I started panicking about having a heart attack and ended up collapsing from panic (did not lose consciousness though), EMS came, took my vitals, did that thing with the stickers and wires all over my body to see how I was and they said my heart was perfectly fine. The day after, I hadn't slept well and I drank some tea to help myself sleep, hours after I woke up to stomach pain. I went to urgent care they did blood tests and urine tests and everything came back normal. This was also accompanied by soft stool for three days. Today my stool is normal and the pain has been subsiding, it's not as bad as the previous days but I am still having chest pain mainly on the left and right, never really in the center but sometimes. Went to urgent care yesterday for reevaulation and they concluded that it COULD be that gas issue but the only symptom I have rn is chest pain and some stomach pain.

My mom wants me to try taking Alkeseltzer. Should I? Also, should I make an appointment to a gastronologist? The chest pain isn't painful painful but my anxiety makes me hyperfocus on it and it's uncomfortable sharp-ish or like poking pain that alternates between left and right throughout the day.


19:33 UTC


Omeprazole causing anxiety also after withdrawal?

I'm 30M and I've been suffering with GERD/acid reflux for 4+ years now and I have been on all sorts of PPI medications over the years but nothing really has worked for me.

Long story short, I was advised by the doctor to start taking omeprazole again and for the past 2 weeks it has trigged severe panic attacks on two separate occasions. Last incident was a few days ago and it made me decide to cut off the medication as I'm usually a calm individual.

It's been 3 days now since I've stopped taking omeprazole and as a result I'm constantly anxious, feel unsettled and have not been eating much. Also worth highlighting my appetite has been very poor, I cannot feel any signs of hunger? I've been force feeding myself smaller meals but just having a tough time as of late.

Has anyone had anxiety going through withdrawals off Omeprazole and how did you overcome it?

Any positive feedback would be really appreciated. Thanks!

18:47 UTC


Sedation didn't do anything for me during gastroscopy, anyone else?

I do have an anxiety disorder and I was very anxious about having this procedure and as such my blood pressure and heart rate were both significantly elevated. Naturally I chose to have sedation because of this.

Now I have heard people saying that with sedation, concious sedation mind you, that you don't remember anything about the procedure and it makes it a breeze, now I can tell you that I can remember absolutely everything about the day and could explain it in full detail, the medication did basically nothing for me other than make me feel a little light headed.

I was given 3mg of Midazolam and 50 mcg of Fentanyl. Apparently this is considered a high dose, and its not as if I am tolerant to benzos because the last time I took a benzo was 10 years, but it did nothing, the only thing it actually did was after the procedure I noticed my social anxiety was temporarily better. Does anyone else have a similar experience?

1 Comment
18:27 UTC


How to monitor progress when you don't feel pain?

Does anyone with LPR only have the following symptoms: lump in throat, sour taste in mouth, chronic bad breath, somewhat sniffly nose, a little bit of burping, a little bit of throat clearing/horseness (but not enough to cause problems in my life)? I feel VERY grateful I don't have pain/difficulty breathing but it's making it hard for me to track whether my low acid/low fat diet/lifestyle change is doing much good.

The timeline for healing is also unclear to me. I feel when I read about the timeline to heal in LPR, it says it can take months for your voice box/throat to heal. But shouldn't it take less time for the acid to stop creeping up to cause the sour taste and bad odor?

Wishing everyone well on your journeys <3 this condition fricken sucks.

17:56 UTC


Worsening GERD

I’ve recently started switching to a vegetarian diet for 2+ weeks, and well the last few days I’ve been having worsening GERD symptoms and have been increasingly taking more tums. Well, today was horrible (I work nights) and took probably 4 to get through the night and this morning at around 8am I just had a light smoothie before bed probably a bad idea. Well, laying down I felt it at 8am. I chewed gum around 10am and symptoms were relieved. Fell asleep around 11 and woke up 1230pm due to horrible reflux. I popped 2 tums with no help. Should I be concerned? Do I need to see doctor?

1 Comment
17:48 UTC


Swollen waldeyer's ring

Anyone here with diagnosed gerd - and swollen throat lymphnodes? I got an throat xray and doctor said my lymphnodes in my throat are swollen. It could be from the acid, bc all my bloodworks are fine. My other doctor said i should go to ultrasound for the other lymphnodes. Any ppl here with same issues?

17:46 UTC


So annoyed with PH test

So two days ago I had the 24hr PH monitor fitted. Can you believe within that 24hrs I had NO REFLUX SYMPTOMS (probably cos I couldn’t eat much but still) and as soon as they take it off, I’m full of acid!!!

Fuming. Now I’m worried they will say everything’s normal!

I hate my body honestly it’s so frustrating

16:50 UTC


Tapering off PPI

I started to taper off my daily 40mg Nexium because my esophagitis healed, i cut from 40 to 20 daily, now im on every other day 20mg. I burp about 20 times a day now, does acid rebound occur while tapering or when you completely stop PPIs? Is some reflux normal during taper?? Thanks!

16:45 UTC



I had my endoscopy a week ago for my GERD. Esophageal flap valve grade 3, small hiatal hernia, and gastritis. I am still waiting for the biopsies to come back. They prescribed me Omeprazole 40mg and after a couple days I have had the worst burps ever! I mean before the Omeprazole I would burp a lot but these burps were OMG! Smelled like I was farting out of my mouth! I did not take the Omeprazole yesterday and noticed my upper abdomen bloating a little bit and a weird stomach feeling but no more nasty burping. This morning I picked up some Pepcid from the store and I just took one to see if Pepcid might work for me. I’m not sure if the nasty burping was in fact the Omeprazole or what! Has this happened to anyone else?

1 Comment
16:12 UTC


Not disciplined enough to follow a strict diet

Anyone else have this problem? I know that my GERD would be way better with a good diet and avoiding sugar + cigarettes but its so hard to quit. I tried a few times the last few weeks to do it. At least I managed to quit cigarettes and sugar for one week but that doesn‘t make a difference and I didn‘t feel much improvement yet. Btw I have non erosive reflux with no damage and I also think my LES is normal (do they see that in a gastroscopy?). Alcohol and Caffeine is easy to avoid for me but sugar and cigarettes is so hard.

15:52 UTC


Just had an endoscopy and have class D esophagitis. Any success stories healing this?

I’ve had digestive issues and bloating for over a year since having Covid in 2022. Everything went haywire back in December 2023 when I was on 4 rounds of antibiotics (for no good reason retrospectively) and some other supplements caused other issues. Among those other issues I’ve had extreme bloating with everything I eat, worsened asthma, and panic attacks (for other issues and I assume the gerd was making these worse).

Has anyone successfully healed esophagitis rated at a grade D? I can’t tolerate anything fatty or slow cooked. Sugar sends me into extreme bouts of air hunger. So I am avoiding it. I had to switch from albuterol to symbicort which only kind of helps. I wake up gasping for air sometimes (I sleep elevated) and get heart palpitations frequently. I wake up every morning with a lot of phlegm in my throat that needs to be coughed up and eventually expels over a couple hours and gives me /some/ relief. Sometimes the phlegm is tinged with yellow.

Not sure if this is related, but I’ve tried hydroxyzine before which is an h1/h2 blocker and it sent me into one of the worst panic attacks of my life. Palpitations started within 30 minutes and that night and the following morning were hell where my heart would race and pound visibly out of my chest, I felt insane heat come over me where ice packs on my neck were warranted (I normally cannot tolerate any cold) and I still needed to cool down.

Any success stories or advice are greatly appreciated 😅 I can’t find much info on here about others with grade d esophagitis.

13:26 UTC


Needing to talk

I have been feeling daily throat discomfort and a weak annoying persistent pain for almost 2 months. Sometimes the pain gets stronger without any obvious reason and the pain can spread to ears and head. I've visited ENT, who performed a simple indirect laryngoscopy and said everything looked fine and that I should wait for the upcoming endoscopy on 27.5.

It all started when I took a sip of Coke from my husband's cup (I dont even know why because I dont like any kind of soda) and it went down my throat causing pain and my throat is not the same since then. A few days before the Coke drinking, I ate a toast quite fast and a sharp crumble went down my throat scratching it and causing a big pain, but that faded after few minutes.

Could a food and drink trauma almost 2 months ago be the culprit of all of this:

  • persistent throat pain (which can spread to ears and head if pain is stronger)
  • some discomfort after speaking
  • mucus in throat (which I don't know if coming from nose)
  • sometimes it feels like I have something pressing my throat

I've read a lot about this and people usually feel some pain swallowing food and a lot of indigestion. I don't feel pain swallowing and I rarely feel bloated. I don't know. It's all very weird and I'm very anxious about what's going on. Have to wait still 9 days to the endoscopy to know what's up but it feels like forever.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

12:39 UTC


H. Pylori was found in my endoscopy

I've had GERD symptoms for years now, but in December I started to develop severe LPR problems and heartburn, to the point that even water made me feel bad and the esomeprazole I've been taking for years wasn't working anymore.

I got an endoscopy today after months of putting it off, and they found H. Pylori. Could that be the cause of my sudden worsening of symptoms, and has anyone here resolved their symptoms after doing the whole antibiotics course? I'm really hoping I'll be able to start living a "normal" life again once I treat this.

I'm also very confused on how my stomach and esophagus aren't inflamed or anything because I feel like acid is constantly coming up, but at least there's no damage, I guess

11:58 UTC


Would sodium alginate work in capsules?

Hey all, so I bought some sodium alginate (amongst other ingredients) to make my own sort of Gaviscon, it went alright but the texture is very meh.

What I’m wondering is would it work the same if I put the sodium alginate into a capsule? I know Gaviscon has more than just this, but I feel like I just want the effect of the alginate only. Has anyone tried anything like this before?

Let me know!

11:23 UTC


Should I vist a gastroenterologist?

I was put on a Gerd diet or recommended by my family doctor as she believed that would help me with my continued symptoms of excessive gas , chest pain, stomach issues and for sometime it did, she gave me gave me some prescription to take Pantropazole and famotidine. I also want to acknowledge the fact that she delivered lab test which she said I had some of my vitamins low and was also done a bacteria test which came out as negative. Lately the uncomfortable sensation on my stomach has make me wonder back if I should really see a gastroenterologist or if I should continue with the prescriptions and thats all. She also mentioned I could also had a very sensitive stomach but never mentioned something about needed to see a gastroenterologist so I wonder if I am taking this the right way or not. I have had my times feeling I have heal for some days and then find myself from time to time with some pain again. Have also find myself having symptoms like pain near my ribs or even the right part of my back, is this normal behavior under a gerd diet?

09:31 UTC


sucralfate stopped working

Hi everyone. I’ve been a lurker on this subreddit and thought I’d share my recent gerd situation, and hopefully get some advice. (I’m 27F btw)

So back in April 2023, right before I went to bed I had this awful pain in my chest. I was a mess and thought I was dying or having some sudden panic attack. The next day came and I still had the pain in my chest, and then the next day I went to urgent care and then the hospital (the urgent care did an EKG but nothing else honestly). After an EKG, bloodwork, and 6 hours of waiting in total… it was acid reflux/GERD. They “prescribed” Pepcid and milk of magnesia. The milk of magnesia worked wonders for the next 9 or so months.

Now to my current issue. This past February/March I’ve been having a weird dull pain in my breastbone area. Milk of magnesia wasn’t working and I even tried Pepcid again (the last time I tried Pepcid, it GAVE ME heartburn). And nothing changed, the pain was still there even with the over the counter stuff. (The pain comes and goes, doesn’t matter if I’m laying down or doing mundane things like cooking or cleaning.)

I went to my new primary in the beginning of April. They prescribed me Pantoprazole, Sucralfate, and a coronary calcium CT scan. The CT scan came back good, nothing is wrong with my heart (and they reminded me of my fatty liver). Anyway, I’ve been taking both medications now for over a month. The Pantoprazole I take when I get up and the Sucralfate I take a 2-3 a day. Everything was going really well, I was feeling better.

But this past week and a half, the pain started coming back. I changed up my diet when the pain started coming back. I’m getting more fiber and eating more fruits and vegetables. Now, I’m not perfect. I’m still drinking coffee and soda. I’m trying to be better about that, but the caffeine withdrawal gave me terrible headaches. I’m cutting back on how much caffeine I’m taking in per day though.

Earlier today, I called in another prescription for the Sucralfate and I’m hoping with my diet change it’ll start working again.

But my question is, has anyone been on Sucralfate and it worked for a few weeks but then STOPPED working for them? I know the medication takes 4-8 weeks in total to work, I’m just hoping someone else has gone through this and can give me some insight.

This thought just occurred to me: why do I think it’s the Sucralfate that’s stopped working and not the Pantoprazole? I don’t notice much of a difference with the Pantoprazole honestly. I’m taking it because I have such a large supply of it.

(I’m also turning to reddit for advice because I currently don’t have insurance and you guys seem well knowledgeable about this stuff. Thanks.)

TLDR; I’ve been taking Sucralfate for the past month and it WAS working, but now it’s not. Why?

07:42 UTC



Did anyone succeed in dealing with coughing? I cough every time I eat now, like the food is irritating my throat 🙄 I got the reflux under control (again…) with meds but the cough doesn’t let go and it’s super annoying

07:39 UTC


To those who had esophageal biopsies taken, were they painful?

Edit 2: The question is for those who had their endoscopies done without sedation.

Did you feel anything when your biopsies were being taken? I didn't feel anything when my doctor took biopsies from the stomach, but both biopsies from esophagus were painful. The doctor seemed surprised and said that it shouldn't be painful, so I think it's quite unusual. What's your experience?

Edit: I see some people are confused. I'm asking specifically about the pain while the biopsies are being taken during endoscopy, not about the post procedure pain. Also, I'm not worried about the pain, I'm just curious because it may indicate a different pathophysiology than more common causes of reflux, imo.

06:59 UTC


Should I go back to the ER?

I went to the ER today because for the past two days my stomach and chest have been hurting nonstop. Diagnosis was heartburn. I was prescribed 20mg of pepcid and sent on my way. 5 hours later, i’m sitting on my couch in literal tears because my chest hurts SO bad. The pain has also spread fully into my right arm, and is constantly aching.

I am just wondering what I should do in this situation. Would it be wise to go back to the ER? I’m afraid of wasting their time and looking foolish.

Thank you!

06:52 UTC


“Scratchy” throat feeling and clearing the throat

Hello! I’m female, 20. In September 2023 I’ve started to have a problem with scratchy/dry throat feeling and throat clearing all day that wasn’t giving any relief, that scratchy feeling was still there. It disappeared almost completely on November like 1,5 months after it happened. And from November to January I had no symptoms of this but it came back in February and it’s not going away now so now I’m dealing with it all day long everyday since almost 4 months:(and I feel it all the time, I saw ent that didn’t really have an idea what could this be so she said it’s maybe a reflux. Did anyone have this throat problem and got better? If yes, then how?😕 it’s ruining my life.. back then in September or actually July I had eyedrops with steroid cause something caused allergic reaction to my eyes I’m not sure if some cosmetic or something else’s but do you think these strong eyedrops could have something with this? Did anyone had same problem with that throat? Please help:(

1 Comment
04:25 UTC


Help! Irregular Heartbeat on GERD

Hello guys, i haven't slept 1 minute the whole night because i keep having an irregular heartbeat. It gets worse when lying down and it gets better when standing up. I'm extremly bloated, and i feel like i'm gonna have a heart attack. I can feel the heartbeats being off beat and struggle beating.

Should i worry? How can i make it better? Did you experience this?


04:15 UTC


High levels of B12 and elevated Bilirubin Glucuronidated (Direct)

I've been experiencing GERD for months, and recent lab tests show high levels of B12 and elevated Bilirubin Glucuronidated (Direct). Has anyone else had similar symptoms or lab results?

I don't take b12 supplements, I don't drink alcohol, coffee, and I don't smoke...

02:36 UTC

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