
Photograph via snooOG

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Food and drug allergy translation cards

Allergy Shots - Expected Costs (Allergen Immunotherapy)

Experiences with a septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and endoscopic sinus surgery

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Pollen Allergy Medications?

I am having infection from last 3 days and last night I was not able to sleep due to Nasal Congestion and eye itching and today I bought all three medications. Flonase Allergy Relief nasal spray, Systane Zaditor eye itch relief and Zyrtec. Should I use all three or any one of these is good

1 Comment
17:16 UTC


Testing for marijuana allergy?

Whenever my partner smokes marijuana his lymph nodes in his neck tend to get very swollen and his throat can get irritated/itchy.

We're unsure if it is directly related to the marijuana and wonder if he could have a slight allergy to it.

Is there an allergy test out there that can help us determine if he is allergic to marijuana? Or a test closely related that could test for pesticides or things used in the growing process?

He is also allergic to pollen and dust, so wondering if that could be in the marijuana were inhaling, and perhaps it isn't flushed out very well?

Thanks in advance.

16:52 UTC


Suddenly started getting teeny tiny itchy red bumps on my forearms after visits friends house.

Have been visiting a friends house for the last 8 years. Last two times in the last two weeks I’ve driven home from their house.. only to find I’ve got itchy red bumps on my fore arms. It’s very mild and minor. And cortisone cream makes it disappear in 20 mins.

But I’m curious as I’ve never had allergies: is it often the case that my skin is being irritated by something I’m coming into contact with? Or am I inhaling something that causes the reaction to occur on my skin?

I don’t have any history of allergies. So this is new to me. Thanks for any insight.

16:36 UTC


Cat/Dog Allergy - Loratadine and Cetirizine/Antihistamine

Hi! I have a mild cat/dog + general spring allergies and I have always taken 1 Zyrtec (cetrizine/antihistamine) every night. It’s worked as long as I’m not majorly exposed to the allergen but recently all my friends have gotten pets so I want to manage that.

I saw AllerClear (loratadine) and I was wondering if I could take AllerClear every night and then take Zyrtec (since it’s fast acting) if I feel my reaction coming up around pets?

What have people’s experience been between these two drugs? Does one work better than the other? Should I explore taking both?

15:37 UTC


Cough at night results in poor sleep

Zero cough during the day, but when I lay down, especially on my sides, I get an itch in my throat that makes me cough and wake up multiple times in the night. Have to drink water to ease the itch and get back to sleep. Online research suggests that this could be related to nasal discharge.

Doctor (allergist) believes I have mild-persistent asthma. Doesn’t help that I live in Texas. I am currently doing allergy shots and working my way up to the maintainance dose. Taking montelukast, Zyrtec and Flonase daily till I get to maintainance dose.

Is there anything in the meantime that can help remove/reduce the cough that I am experiencing in the night?

15:18 UTC


allergic reaction to brow tint

I used an eyebrow tint 2 days ago and yesterday i woke up to swollen brows, my eyelid area was completely red, my brows were oozing yellow. i treated it with a bandage 🩹, petroleum jelly, my usual eczema moisturiser (as i suffer from face eczema hence the allergy sensitive), and cold ice.

Today, I woke up and it was even worse, dry skin, flaking, i took off my bandage 🩹 and it was yellow stained from all the oozing, and also my complete face is red (eye area and mouth area) My face eczema has flared up. I don’t know how to treat it please help?

14:54 UTC


Should I take matters into my own hands and order EpiPens online from a Boots pharmacy prescription?

I had my very first anaphylactic shock in January 2023 at age 33. I was hospitalised for 2 days and my blood pressure was really low and my heart rate was high. I ate a cashew nut based snack (think like fruit and nut bars), but had been eating cashews regularly prior without any symptoms.

Then in March/April I developed hayfever for the first time in my life. My eyes would burn like Habenero when I walked outside even though my weather app said pollen levels in my area were low.

I had eight more anaphylactic shocks from eating non-cashew related food such as a protein bar, chocolate tart, oat milk, flaxseeds, etc. Foods that I had been eating regularly or on a daily basis basically. I was not hospitalised for these and managed them with antihistamines daily until gone.

I finally saw an allergy specialist in December 2023. This is someone the NHS referred me to. They did a skin prick test which came back negative for all tree nuts and peanuts. Celery tastes like Carolina reapers, but somehow I'm skin prick negative.

I was never offered a blood allergy test and since December I have heard nothing from my doctor.

I have had mild allergic reactions since then such as burning gums, but no shocks this year so far so the doctor's update this week was that I don't really need the pens and I should just see how I get ion.

I can order EpiPens online with boots pharmacy. Basically just do a survey and the clinician approves it and then I pay the £250 for two pens. Do you think this is a smart move or should I contact my doctor and wait for them to mess me about again?

14:37 UTC


Hi all, am pretty new to this. Last year i started to have headache daily for one month straight. Now am having again at the exact time as last year. How do you deal with seasonal allergies?

As mentioned i was having headaches last year. I did MRI and turned out fine. It started mid april till mid/ end of may. I started to have the same headache now and thought it is possible to have allergy maybe. So i went to check today. They did a skin test which turned out fine. They took some blood and will let me know on the results 4-6 weeks later. I also checked my sinuses which were fine as per the doc. I’m having constant headache and feeling very tired and sleepy. Anyone had the same and how are you managing it please? The only explanation i can give is allergy since is happening exactly at the same time as last year.

14:37 UTC


Pain in throat when yawning

When I yawn while lying down I feel like something moves in my throat, specifically on the right side. It feels as its a straw that bends, I feel pain and cannot swallow cuz it feels like a blocked straw. Only way to fix it is by moving my head back and forth until it pops back in place. Anyone has any idea what it is? It’s been happening for years now and I can’t find a doctor that understands whats wrong

14:16 UTC


My employer got cats.

I am a nanny who is deathly allergic to cats, like throat closing allergic. She decided after asking me how allergic I was to foster cats for two days in one of her bathrooms… How long would it take for it to be okay to go back to work after factoring in her kids (2 & 5) wanting to touch and play with them.

14:09 UTC


Best allergy medicine and sunblock/ sunscreen for someone who is allergic to the sun

So I wouldn't care if it wasn't so bad, but during my sleep I end up with the bumps being even worse because of friction. Then I end up frantically itching for a while until I fall back asleep. I have PMLE, so the sun is my enemy. It affects my hands the most, then my elbows, then my neck in that order. The hands have it the worst. Yes, I need sunscreen/ sunblock regardless but most of that might cause cancer so I don't like it. It's basically "skin cancer or other cancer" because for some reason they use the worst ingredients. But then the stuff that's better doesn't work or it's expensive or both.

13:22 UTC


Any advice on avoiding/battling these allergens (outdoor)? I live in southern Indiana and take daily Loratadine and Flonase. We went on a two day camping trip recently and I felt terrible when I got home. I want to continue camping

Allergens: Eastern cottonwood trees White Hickory trees Yellow dock weeds Kochia weeds Lambs quarter weeds Common/sage mugwort weeds Nettle weeds English plantain weeds Red/sheep sorrel weeds Ragweed Bermuda grass Johnson grass Timothy grass KT mix grass

1 Comment
13:00 UTC


I’m in the hospital with anaphylaxis again and it seems like I’m allergic to everything.

Hi gang,

First of all, I’m so bored, so if you feel like dropping a comment I’d appreciate it ☺️

So, I’ve been in and out of the hospital because of anaphylaxis all week. This is the second time I’ve been admitted.

It seems like the main culprit is wheat, which is bad. I work in a pizza shop and deliver pizzas with my car. Just the smell of it is enough to trigger an anaphylactic reaction.

I had to use my epipen and get admitted after I ate a tiny piece of pizza. Just driving in my car sets me off. A friend vacuumed and shampooed the carpets for me, so hopefully that will have cleaned it out enough.

Everything is triggering me though. I just took a Valium because of bad back cramps and it caused my breathing to be impaired.

The nurses and aides are all really awesome. I couldn’t ask for better care, but I can smell their lotions or colognes and it makes it hard to breathe. But what are they going to do? Stay out of the room or jump in the shower real quick?

I’m just frustrated. It was bad enough being allergic to peanuts, but now wheat and a ton of medications. I even had a reaction with natural teeth whitening strips.

The allergist says they can’t get me in until the 21st, but the hospital social worker told me to call them tomorrow and see if they could see me sooner. If they tell me no, then she’ll call on my behalf.

I’m really hoping that they don’t discharge me from the hospital this morning. I need Benadryl every 4 hours on the dot and have had several epinephrine shots since I’ve been here 😭 I’m afraid to go back out into the world where all I have is Benadryl and prednisone to help.

Anyway, thank you for reading my tale of allergen woes ☺️

1 Comment
12:55 UTC


I have a bus driver that has a scent allergy but my cat peed in one of my shoes. Will the bus driver be affected by cat urine?

11:14 UTC


What's causing this allergic reaction for my partner?

Me (24f) and partner (26m) have been seeing each other for a few weeks. However, his eyes get watery and red every time after we're intimate, to a point where he needs to put eye drops. i changed my shampoo, laundry detergent and perfume. We tried non-latex products too, and neither of us have pets... I am not sure on what else to do. We really like each other and would like for this relationship to continue. but the allergies are really concerning

07:53 UTC



Does anyone promote here or know how without getting ban

06:36 UTC


Where are my allergies coming from?

05:54 UTC


Air Conditioning Allergy?

I’ve never had any allergies. Recently I moved to a country with air conditioning. My GF turned it on for the first time maybe a month ago. First time I don’t think I had any symptoms, but shortly after - I started getting mild headaches, mild nausea, cramps in my stomach. The next time she turned it on, my eyes got watery and itchy and my nose was blocked for two days. She turned it on again last night and my eyes got watery again, turned it off and I was fine. Are these symptoms of an allergy? I’ve been to the doc about all my symptoms, they’ve checked me out and said I’m all good. Only thing left seems like an allergic reaction to something from the air conditioning?

1 Comment
05:36 UTC


Nasal Congestion at Night

I’m very allergic to dogs & dust. I live in a small apartment with my boyfriend and his dog, I used to just wake up in the morning with stuffy nose but now I can’t even make it through the night without waking up cause I can’t breathe out of my nose. I’ve taken Zyrtec & Xyzal but they don’t help me at night. Looking into nasal sprays, any suggestions would be a big help. I’m exhausted.

05:12 UTC


Is it possible to have allergic reactions to a pet in the apartment below mine?

I have been living in my apartment for almost a year now. I love it, I have no desire to move. I have pretty bad pet-dander allergies (both cats and dogs). Right before winter, a family moved into the apartment directly below us. Wonderful people, with a baby and a dog. Since they moved in, I've started having severe eczema and face/scalp flaking. My building has poor insulation, and in general I'll find that my bedroom smells like food that people in the surrounding rooms and units cook, and since they moved in, a few times I've found that my room smells like a dog. Is it possible that the airborne dander from this dog somehow drifted into my room, even though I'm above them, not under?

Edit: Past winters, I've had a scab on my scalp at most, but now its been so bad that my roommates (and even family) are visibly grossed out by me. It hasn't gone away now that the weather is nice, so I'm suspicious this is allergic, not weather related.

04:08 UTC


Can mildew cause a sinus/allergy/ETD problem?

For background: I have tinnitus, but I manage it and try not to let it ruin my life. As a child I had sinus problems but I haven’t for a long time. During that time as a child it seems like Singulair was the only med that worked for me, but I’m scared to try it again because of the new black box label. Does anyone think it’s safe?

For two or three days I experienced a periodic popping or loud rubbing sound in my left ear. I have done some research and found that it could be Eustachian tube dysfunction. In that left ear it sometime feels like the T is louder but I think I could be imagining it. On Saturday afternoon I went to urgent care and the doctor did not find any fluid in my ear. She found slight redness in the outer ear but did not diagnose it as an infection. Saturday the popping was going away and getting quieter but I heard it in full force one more time after positioning my jaw a certain way, admittedly due to crying but for an unrelated reason. Today (Sunday) was the first day I did not experience the involuntary popping and I am very grateful for that. Last night I did start to develop a noise sensitivity in the same left ear, and I still have a constant slight tickling/pain/pressure. I am curious if it is related to allergies or sinus as I am experiencing some mucus in the back of the throat and maybe a slight pressure in the head. I can also swallow and experience the same feeling as “popping your ears” like on an airplane, but it is a different popping from the involuntary one that I no longer experience. I am wondering if this leads to sinuses but I am thankful that it’s not a full blown infection.

I can only think of two reasons. The first is that I rode in a loud car the day the involuntary popping started. It doesn’t make too much sense that it’s only in one ear though if that’s the cause.

The only other thing I can think of is that I rode in my friends car that had a mildew smell. I’ve rode in it before and had no issues, but I’m now wondering if it’s contributed to a sinus or allergy issue. I feel like I’m grasping at straws. I just hope my ear noise sensitivity and pain goes away just like the popping did. I am trying to stay hopeful.

1 Comment
03:13 UTC


Strange reaction to Nasalcrom (Cromolyn sodium)

Nasalcrom nasal spray is a wonder drug for allergic rhinitis, but after I use it about 3 times, I get chills like I'm having a fever and feel a little flu-like. (Thermometer even shows my temp up a degree like when I get fevers from a virus). At first I thought it was just coincidense with all the viruses going around. But I tried it again now that the viruses have died down, and sure enough, got the chills again. Took some Tylenol and now I feel fine. What the heck? I'm guessing it's triggering my immune system? I haven't been able to find anyone else saying they have this reaction. Some RX sites list "flushing" as a possible rare side-effect. But I wouldn't describe it as flushing. Too bad, because it works great otherwise.

03:13 UTC


Sideeffects with one 10mg shot of Decadron due to food allergy


M33. Few days back i had a minor allergic reaction after eating Mangoes. Caused sore throat, and tingling tongue, Went to ER and they gave me one 10mg Decadron shot on my left hand muscle. Allergic reaction subsided after that. Havent taken a steroid in my life, it was the first time I took a single shot due to allergic reaction.

Since then its 4 days and I have overall weakness, feel lethargic, I had very active life style, and used to do a regular 5miles run, 30-40 mins GYM. Now its all stopped after taking that bloody steroid shot.

Asked my PCP and he said its not because of the shot, but I feel its because of shot since it all started after taking it.

After researching online I see people feeling energetic after taking steroid shot, but in case of me its total opposite. Unable to get into my usual lifestyle where I can continue gym, go for running etc.

Anyone here with same symptoms? When will these symptoms go away? when can I feel energetic like before?

23:55 UTC


Can the flu boost allergic coughing?

Hello all, i've been ill with the flu for a couple of days and have noticed something inexplicable to me. Whenever I leave the house (or open the windows) to breathe some fresh air, I will need to frequently cough for some time afterwards.

I'm allergic to pollen (birch and grasses), but have done desensitization a couple of years ago. It was successful, to the point that I barely had any more problems with allergies.

Is it possible that the flu boosts allergic coughing? Has anyone experienced something similar or has some kind of explanation? After all, it's the main season for birch and grasses pollen where I'm located.

Thanks in advance

23:53 UTC


Chronic Post-Nasal Drip is disrupting my life. Please HELP!

I wanted to say “ruining my life” but I’m trying (probably failing) not to be dramatic here. This ended up being longer than I intended but I thought it might be helpful info somehow. For background, I’m 25 years old. I have had nut allergies since I was about 2-3 years old. First it started with peanuts, then I became allergic to hazelnuts at about age 6, now I’m allergic to all nuts (anaphylactic type reaction). That’s about as far as food allergies go to my knowledge.

I have always had seasonal allergies and growing up I was prone to sinus infections and colds a little more than most people I knew, but otherwise I thought everything was mostly normal. Then when I was about 17 I started having what seemed like more than seasonal allergies. It was year round sinus irritation, itchy red eyes, runny nose type stuff. I went to my ENT, and he recommended allergy testing.

Did the environmental allergy testing back in 2019. They pricked me with I think 38 different samples and I was allergic to every…single…one. They told me I might have some flair ups at the prick/injection test sites for a couple days. I was getting flair ups for A MONTH. In any case, I started on the allergy shots. Did those for a few months until COVID hit and everything shut down and haven’t back on since although I’m scheduled to get retested next week so I can start back.

But since the start of the pandemic (to my knowledge I have never gotten COVID), I have started having daily, thick, viscous post-nasal drip nonstop. Every 20 minutes or less I’m hissing like a cat coughing up a hairball trying to hack up a wad of mucus. I’ve tried everything I can think of. Flonase, Nasacort, Azelastine, saline, hypertonic saline, Neti-pot, humidifier, air purifiers in the room, I’ve taken Zyrtec, Claritin, Xyzal, Allegra, Sudafed, Benedryl, Robitussin, Mucinex, Butterbur, NAC, NOTHING helps. There was an Advil Allergy Sinus medication in a green box that actually worked and I remember having to get it from the pharmacist, but my PCP doesn’t allow me to take Ibuprofen anymore because I have kidney hypoplasia and HBP so that’s out the question now.

I’ve even done the diet thing by process of elimination. Trying to see if it’s caused by wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar, meat, soy, alcohol, etc. Obviously diary and sugar will exacerbate any mucus-related issue but nothing appears to be the direct culprit.

On top of all of this, ever since I’ve been off of allergy shots back in early 2020, I’ve started developing weird fragrance allergies. I can’t use scented hand soap anymore or it’ll start making me sneeze, almost every hair product makes my eyes burn and my PND even worse even days after application where I can’t consciously smell it anymore. Even the fragrance free products cause eye burning and excessive PND.

In the last few years, a lot of clothes have also started developing strange scents that make my eyes burn, my skin itch, and won’t wash out. I tried soaking them in baking soda, vinegar, borax, peroxide, nothing gets it out. I’ll wash them, they’ll be fine for a day or two, then back to irritating my eyes and skin. And it’s only a certain items. Some of my clothes will take on the scent and some won’t and I can’t figure out why.

At this point I have no idea what to do. I thought maybe I have a deviated septum and that’s why my PND is so bad but my ENT says my septum, while deviated, is a very mild case and so he only wants me to do allergy therapy. And I’m game for that, but allergy therapy is a long process and I don’t know whether that will help with the fragrance sensitivities or the PND since I have PND even when my allergies aren’t flared up.

All of this has gotten me fed up, lost, confused, and depressed. I’m tired of waking up everyday spluttering and spending all day with a stinging feeling in the roof of my mouth, spitting up mucus every 10 minutes and not being able to do normal tasks because of some scent that might get on me and leave me suffering for hours or days. If anyone has some advice on what to do or if allergy therapy has helped with their PND or fragrance sensitivity please feel free to share because I am so over this.

1 Comment
23:27 UTC


Most effective and cheap OTC allergy medication that doesn't cause dementia?

23:10 UTC


Nasal spray keeps dripping down my throat..

I'm using pirinase and I keep swallowing it. How do I use this spray properly? I bend my head slightly forward but It still drips down becasue i can taste it.

Also, is it harmful to swallow pirinase?

21:54 UTC


Moving vs medication

Hi all. I live in Oregon near Portland. Myself, my husband and my 2 boys aged 3 and 5 all have HORRIBLE allergies. Pollen dust mites hayfever mold all of it. We have to give my son allergy meds for at least 2 months straight. Now the dr wants us to give him flonase and every year the meds keep getting stronger. We've been considering SLIT therapy or just moving to a place without such high pollen. I also have asthma so that's fun. Anyway- wondering where the best place to live is for allergies!? I hear mixed things. Some people say Arizona some people say not true... what are your thoughts on the best places for allergy sufferers? I'd rather move from this hell hole

19:25 UTC


Throat itching noise while sleeping

When I’m asleep I make weird throat bodies that relieve an itchy throat. It is keeping my girlfriend up during the night. What can I do to fix this?

1 Comment
19:17 UTC


Tingling on forehead like 🐜 are walking there?! Is it sign to some kind allergens?

Hallo already 2 years i have tingling on forehead. I had pains too but dictor said i had synusit and with monetasone spray it goes after 1 month using permanently. But now it started again not pain but just tingling. Is it sign of other illnes?

19:01 UTC

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