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Ideas for diet or things to eliminate

Hi y'all,

I've seen many posts that has these vibes in this sub or copious variant of this

I'm eating healthily but it does not seems to works


I've tried all types of diet but seen no improvement


I've need new idea on which diet to try

While eczema is not necessary diet related, it is a large possibilities. So, I'm going to list down more under the radar diets out there or things to read about here in case you need new idea:

Additionally, I would also recommend reading on these plant's chemicals. They are not necessarily bad, but dose make the toxin. So, if you are eating plenty of them in your diet, you might want to check if you have sensitivities towards them. These are not full list, but just to kick start your own research around it:

  • Oxalate. eg: spinach, legume, nuts, sweet potato
  • Tannin. eg: coffee, tea, apple, berry
  • Lectin. eg: nightshade, beans, grain, nuts
  • Salicylate. eg: peanuts, almond, coffee, tea

I'm sure there are plenty others diets and sensitivities out there. I just hope this give few of you new ideas/areas on what to research about.

14:55 UTC


Eczema on hands on dupixent

I started dupixent a bit over a month ago and during the last week my hands have gotten very red and itchy from nowhere while my other eczema has gotten better quite quickly. Nothing seem to really help my hands at all.

Edit: The progression of redness has also been rapid, within a week I've gone from nearing not red at all on my hands to having them be extremely red basically as red as when my eczema has been very bad

14:54 UTC


Topical steroids question

I’m pretty sure my question isn’t this sub’s alley but I don’t know where else I can post it..

I have seborrheic dermatitis and I have been applying topical steroid cream on the sides of my nose every other day for the past 5 years… I apply very little of it barely on the tip of my finger but it adds up throughout the years.

I know it’s stupid and you’re supposed to use the cream for 2 weeks tops but it’s the only thing that has helped me keep my dermatitis under control.

I now saw a random tiktok about TSW and it scared the shit out of me. What consequences can there be if I keep using topical steroids like that in the future?

13:59 UTC


Flare after dupixent administration?

I have been diagnosed with eczema since I was in elementary school. I was treated with only steroids and phototherapy with zero improvement for several years. Eventually, the eczema progressed, and led to further testing which included a celiac diagnosis via biopsy. Since becoming gf, my skin is much clearer. However, I still have moderate eczema on a daily basis. Last year, my derm suggested I discontinue dupixent and trial rinvoq. Initially, I had the clearest skin of my life. However, I noticed more and more breakthrough flares that worse see each time, eventually leading to a short hospital stay and a very long prednisone taper. I have since stopped rinvoq and have restarted the dupixent. However, I am noticing that about 12-24 hours after I do the injection, I am having whole body itching and extremely itchy eyes. I am strict on my gluten free diet so I know that is not the issue. Has anyone else experienced something similar? I am at my wits end here.

13:25 UTC


Calluses discolored skin on hand

I’m using steroid cream (and it’s not helping much ftr). The palms of my hands are getting dark patches of thick callus type skin. Anyone else? Is this a bad thing or to be expected?

10:07 UTC


Dupixent and eye irritation / facial breakouts

First up, thank you to everyone here who continues to post about their ongoing issues with eczema, it's been a godsend finding this place!

I started on Dupixent a couple months ago - I have my 4th shot due this coming Tuesday - and the results so far have been amazing. Before starting my eczema covered around 80 - 90% of my body, and was using topical steroids (Eleuphrat) multiple times a day on the majority of my body. I was also taking prednisolone tablets at least once a month for around 10 days at a time (75mg for 4 - 5 days, then 50mg for 3 - 4 days, then one 25mg tablet for a couple of days) to get my skin under control. Since starting on Duploxent I've only had to use the topical steriods a couple of times and very sparingly on a few troublesome spots.

Over the past few weeks my eyes have really started to become very irritated - very red at times and itching like crazy as well. I was told that this could be a side effect of the Dupixent before I started taking it so was kinda prepared for what it might be like, but it's getting a little hard to manage. I've been using Naphcon-A eyedrops (allergy eye relief) to try and combat the redness and itching, and Systane Gel drops to try and keep my eyes lubricated.

I've also had what look like little pimples break out all over my face as well. I don't think it's a herpes simplex virus (I've had an outbreak of this before from a cold sore that got into eczema damaged skin on my face and it was not fun!), this seems to be a bit different to that.

Just wondering how others who are taking Dupixent deal with this, what they use, and whether it settles down at all after a few months? I really don't want to stop with the injections because the change they've made has been amazing, but I also don't want to swap one source of constant annoyance for another!

10:05 UTC


eczema / diseases

currently i'm listening to a very powerful spiritual audio book and author talks about diseases and what causes them . illness is a low vibrational frequency in a body that attracts pathogenic micro organisms and develops into a disease. only way to the well being in any illness is shifting your vibrational frequencies as much as possible by consuming high vibrational diet which is live foods, live probiotics , raw fruit and veggies , mineral spring water etc. reconnecting with all four elements of life , which is fire (getting enough sunshine) water( swimming , taking clean water shower ) earth (walking barefoot on the ground, gardening) wind/Air (breathing consciously not automatically). also playing healing music, using actual instruments or singing bowls . praying, replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and affirmations . practicing all this is what rescued me from mental blur , depression, agony and most of all constant eczema flare ups. if you are in a toxic environment, relationships and your not able to shif that persons energy you will need to continue on your path without them . wish them love , peace and clarity, don't leave negatively. wishing you all the best of luck and peace of mind! 🙏✨

06:07 UTC


GLP1 Treatments

Just seeing if anyone had experience of glp1 treatments (e.g. Ozempic) with eczema. There's some indication that these might be beneficial, so thought perhaps people in the here might have been prescribed for other reasons and maybe seen an impact.

There aren't any papers that I've seen yet on the subject.

1 Comment
05:20 UTC


Dupixent and Kratom?

I have severe eczema and by allergist started me on dupixent a week ago. I take Kratom for the pain when I’m having a really bad flare up, it’s the only thing that seems to help the itch. I cannot find any research if it’s safe to take both. Has anyone tried this? I asked my doctor and all she did was lecture me and assume I was addicted to Kratom. I only take it as needed and never for fun. I go long times without taking it with zero issue. I just don’t want to harm myself by taking both.

1 Comment
04:59 UTC


Good foundation/coverup for eczema?

I’m looking for a good foundation/coverup for my eczema prone skin. I get patches above my lips and around my eyes and I need something that isn’t going to make me flare up. What do y’all use?

03:23 UTC


Sudocrem treatment?

Hi, I've had eczema problems since birth on my face and behind the knees, that I've managed to keep under control most of the time. In 2020, out of nowhere, I started developing painful, little water pimples on my fingers that I later found out was dyshidrotic eczema. I've tried cortisones on and off and a whole crap of fragrance/soap/alcohol free balms and lotions and nothing's worked.

Until 2 weeks ago, I randomly picked up Sudocrem and started applying it 2-3 times a day, and it's like I never had any hand eczema. It's still very early stages and I don't know if in a month's time I'll get it all back, but I'm curious to know if anyone else has tried Sudocrem for eczema? Does anyone know the science behind it or any resources I could look into?

Thank you.

1 Comment
01:43 UTC


What do you use for KP?

I’ve had KP pretty severe all my life. On the backs of my arms and thighs mostly. Since developing eczema though I can’t use the physical exfoliation methods I used to. Would love to hear what products you all use to keep kp under control.

01:04 UTC


eczema and mental health


i’m (19F) a long time lurker first time poster on here. i have several eczema nearly everywhere, they’re big patches that just keep spreading and spreading. My worst is on my arms mainly around my inner elbows.

i’m writing this as im hitting an all time low. I barely ever got eczema growing up and if i did it was just dry patches on my nose and the little blisters on my fingers and mouth which would clear up after 2 weeks. It was only after i turned 18 that its gotten this bad. And it only seems to be getting worse.

At first i thought it was the dairy causing it as that’s my dads trigger but after cutting it out it didn’t go away (i reintroduced and had a flare up so im still dairy free). I’ve had a blood test done which came back saying the only allergies i have are dust mites, cats dogs and a type of grass but nothing dietary. I’ve done what i can to mitigate the dust mites but i live at home and we have 7 cats and a dog so all i can do is make sure they don’t enter my room.

We’ve been to a kinesiologist and i’m on a very strict diet (no gluten or alike, no dairy, eggs, peppers, grapes, melons, low sugar, no oats etc) and after 2 months my eczema is still getting worse. I’ve been on very strong steroids which only provide temporary relief and by the time i’m weening off it doesn’t help at all, i’ve taken oral steroids combined with antibiotics and still nothing.

I feel like all i want to do is cry about how awful it has been and that it’s not going away. I can’t sleep anymore, i’ve tried cling film wraps and bandage wraps but it just irritates me more snd i can’t stand how it feels, i’ve tried gloves but the friction is terrible and im still able to scratch through silk ones. i’ve got finger cots too but they never stay on throughout the whole night. Just last night i woke up scratching and then had a complete breakdown over how much it burned and that i couldn’t sleep comfortably. What used to be my favourite time of day (bedtime) is now my most feared. I’ve managed to get an appointment with a dermatologist on thursday and i am praying i get out on biologics cuz i don’t know how long i can go on like this. I never thought that this would impact my mental health as it is but here i am at the lowest point.

i used to love my skin but i hate it more than anything right now.

thank you for reading.

00:19 UTC


Luck with hemp lotion?

My son (11) has had ezcema since he first started formula at 2 months old.

We’re Looking for a better lotion for him to use in between the medications. Anyone have luck with hemp lotions?

00:00 UTC


Prickley eczema 😩

Why does my eczema feel prickly, iv had eczema for a few years its never felt like this..

21:38 UTC


Dermatologist appointment

Hi! So yesterday I had a dermatologist appointment where she confirmed I had dyshidrotic eczema which was good. She also gave me a clobetasol prescription which I’ve used before briefly and had success.

However when I asked if I could be referred to an allergist she said no because it wasn’t related? I know for a fact I’m allergic to nickel and also have severe environmental allergies and to my knowledge allergies can cause flares so I’m not really sure why she said that 😣

She advised me some hypoallergenic/fragrance free products and the appointment went so quick I’m frustrated I don’t remember everything she said, I wish I recorded it. I think I might call back Monday and ask if I could be forwarded any notes she made :/

This just sucks so fucking bad. I’m tired of the dry skin and peeling and impossible itchiness and urge to put my hands under super hot water I know isn’t good for my skin to stop the itching even if temporary!!

I also have a patch of eczema on my armpit that’s acting up. And I’m running out of prescription allergy medication!!! I’m tired of talking about this all the tiiiiime and while this group has been so nice and comforting/validating to look through, all the advice and different ways people are treating their eczema is so plentiful and I hardly know where to start tbh.

I had eczema a bit as a kid and on my left ring finger towards the end of 2022 but otherwise it started late January super angry (also on left ring finger) seemingly out of nowhere and it’s spread to both my hands and changed the hell out of my life since.

For now, I think just following my treatment plan, switching my body soap and detergent, continuing to take my allergy pills and vit d/c/magnesium will be fine. I’m also going to look for an allergist for patch testing.

Idk what the point of this is really, maybe just to rant to people who will understand but if you have anything to say feel free to comment <3 I could definitely use community rn

21:18 UTC


Extreme eczema

My boyfriend has extreme eczema on his arms and he’s been struggling with it for the past few months and he refuses to wear short sleeves and I’ve felt so bad that haven’t been able to help him with it and I’ve been giving him cortizone 10 and shea butter to keep it from itching and stuff but he’s so insecure about it. I was wonder if there’s anyway to help him clear up his skin and get him to wear short sleeves?

21:03 UTC


Sunburn during UV treatment?

it’s very unusually sunny in Scotland right now and i’ve been outside a lot the past couple of days. despite wearing and reapplying factor 50 sunscreen to my arms/neck/face which were exposed my face exclusively seems pretty burnt. it’s been red since my second phototherapy treatment yesterday (i was only in for 40 seconds), and i can’t really tell if it’s the same or worse today. does anyone know what will happen if i get sunburnt during UV treatment? i want to be able to continue it

20:40 UTC


Lifelong battle

I have had eczema since I was a baby. It is really something that had defined my life. I had a couple of hospitalizations and I have tried all the cortisones, steroids and protopic, but none of the help was lasting and usually my skin would get much worse afterwards.

I have tried all kinds of things to get help, I even studied a degree in nutrition to get help. At that time the things that I tried didn't help because I was in a very stressful life situation. Stress is such a huge driver of eczema. All of my lymph nodes were swollen (checked by ultrasound) for probably about seven years. It was after this that I had kids and it got even worse. I was desperate to find something that could help. CBD oil was something that helped me sleep. I also took a course on the immune system by Dr. Perry (IG: stopchasingpain) which was very helpful. I do his Big6 every day and my lymph nodes are no longer swollen. But what really changed my life was my investment in a water ionizer (Enagic K8). This changed my life. The machine adds hydrogen to the water and hydrogen is the best antioxidant that cleans free radicals from the body and reduces inflammation. It took six months for me to feel the difference. The first sign of help was energy. Eczema is exhausting. I got energy and I started to run again (movement is medicine, we were made to move) and then a few months later my skin started to heal. I know it was the water because I wasn't sleeping well (I had a baby and toddler), I wasn't eating exceptionally healthy, though I eat very little sugar (this is super important to reducing inflammation). It was also winter time and I still was not as dry and itchy as usual! It was amazing. I felt a light at the end of a very long dark tunnel. I still have eczema, but absolutely nothing compared to what it was before. I felt like I got my life back.

20:12 UTC


Can't sleep skin too sensitive

Hi guys,

I'm looking for advice- how to cope and get proper sleep when my skin is too sensitive?

It's gone beyond need smooth sheets, I'm talking cannot have anything in the bed (my own skin flakes/scabs feel like sharp stones, constantly have to sweep it), any bare skin contact on sheets drives me nuts and without any blankets at all I get cold. Just fabric moving and settling- I can feel it and it's so uncomfortable it feels like it burns

My bedding is clean and yet it feels like I'm being bitten and stung by tiny bugs and electric zaps everywhere randomly, as if the nerves in my skin are misfiring when they shouldn't

I've resorted to wearing long sleeved shirts and pants to bed, (leggings do not help because I can still feel the settling of the fabric somehow), and I feel like my only other choice is to try say denim jeans out of a stiff fabric but then I'll overheat at night (and when I overheat I get nightmares)

I've had eczema for years pretty badly and was even hospitalised at one point, and am now on duxipent which mostly controls it other than a few spots upper back of legs, which I've been using a bit of steroid cream on and so isn't getting worse.

I would really appreciate the help

17:36 UTC


Dead Skin Itching: is that a thing?

First, I want to thank everybody in this subReddit, for all the great advice, tips, insights as we battle eczema.

Like many of you, I started out with eczema on a decent scale as a kid, you know, elbows, behind leg, maybe neck. I lived with it, and managed to make it all work on a day-to-day basis. About a year and a half ago, maybe two years ago it just blew up.

As I begin to heal, I’ll see skin begin to raise up, turn into little skin balls or flakes, or what looks to be whiteheads of skin (if that makes sense).

It itches, but is that the body wanting the dead skin off? What do you do when healing skin is shedding? Dry brush? How to know when the itch is eczema, or when it’s new healing skin?

Any insights?

17:27 UTC


Hi, is anybody else’s eczema is now turning your skin only a tree bark?

I tried to file them down but they just grow back. The itching never ends and no cream works anymore. Really not sure what to do right now maybe a change of diet in some ways any recommendations?

15:52 UTC


How much steroid cream do you use at once

Like, literally, how much do you put on your finger to spread around? My son is 5 months old and he's had eczema starting at 2 months. We have used steroids on and off, but I really try to use as little as possible. I've started to notice that when we stop the steroids the eczema gets worse, which made me want to be even more conservative. However, now I'm wondering if using more would heal it better and then it wouldn't rebound when we stopped?

14:37 UTC


Help me! I've got these big white patches on my neck and inner forearm

have got these big round white patches on my neck and inner forearms usually it's sticky and when I rub it burns a little and shine like skin is polished out

14:36 UTC


Bumps vs eczema (need advice)

I have had ongoing issues with moisturisers for a while as they all seem to react (itchiness, redness, eczema, bumps).

However sometimes the same moisturiser will cause eczema (patches, redness flakiness) and sometimes the moisturiser will cause little flesh coloured bumps?

The only face wash that works is a bar soap. Could this be changing the pH to the point that I get bumps.due to dryness? Maybe I need toner?

Anyone been through this?

*I don't have any skin allergies, take supplements, probiotics etc

14:04 UTC


Marin skincare

I keep getting ig ads for Marin skincare… anyone use this before? If so, what’s your experience? I’m intrigued to try something aside from the rx’d steroids from my derm which DO work, but I can’t use them all the time.

1 Comment
13:43 UTC


I hope hyaluronic acid and probiotic spray works

Correction: it's hypochlorous acid. My mistake

So I just received my order of probiotic spray and hypochlorous acid yesterday. I read about hypochlorous acid from this sub, and probiotic sprays. I did morning and evening hypochlorous spray and probiotic spray 3x a day yesterday and today.

My doctor just prescribe topical steroid, stronger topical steroid, oral corticosteroid. But everytime I stop because you just cant take it continuously, my dyshidrotic eczema comes back. She even gave me steroid injections on the sole of my feet (ouch) and antibiotics. After 2 weeks dyshidrotic eczema is back. I tried the vinegar and salt bath. I also tried the bleach bath. They both dry the dyshidrosis but then my feet gets too dry it cracks, gets itchy again and back to dyshidrosis.

I tried over the counter anti fungal cream even when my skin scraping KOH test showed negative for fungal infection.

I find diet helps a bit, eating chia seeds pudding and yogurt every morning, minimizing wheat and sweets. I was actually considering doing a yogurt and turmeric wrap for my feet but it sounds messy.

Any time i have to be in shoes and on my feet all day, the friction and sweat triggers the eczema. I was on my feet all day today and it was super hot and humid. Surprisingly my feet did not break out. So it might be a good sign, but it is too early to tell.

I really really hope this works. Because I hate this eczema and it is ruining my life.

13:08 UTC


Atopic dermatitis/dysidrotic eczema

Hello everyone,

Long story short, i always suffered from childhood from atopic dermatitis, becoming an adult i basically get rid of atopic dermatitis but it got replaced from dysidrotic eczema/pompolix in my hands ,i believe the main trigger was hand sanitizer.. got to a dermatologist who prescribed me fucibet ,somehow to the prescription was as first threatment and other doctors dont want me to use it and i cant buy it .. what i know is that everything normalize when i use it ..now i have to rely only on sea water wich help to heal fast but i think it cant prevent the eczema from happening... Triggers are soap or water from the household and somehow dust ..i believe stress also make it worse.. did someone find a way to prevent it from triggering ..the itch is unbearable and i end up scratching until i bleed ..

1 Comment
10:59 UTC


how can i support my boyfriend with eczema?

my boyfriend has had severe eczema all of his life with a lot of flare-ups recently. it's largely caused from scratching in his sleep and he had to stop taking his medication (which works) because it compromises his immune system and he's been sick lately. it's gotten to the point that he's come out of the shower sobbing because of the pain/burning on his face, and he's breaking down after waking up because of new wounds from scratching. it's taking a huge mental toll on him, i'm sure i don't have to explain.

in short, what can i do to support him? of course i reassure him that i still love him and his skin doesn't change anything, but what else can i do? he pretty much only relies on cetaphil cream to soothe the pain/dryness. i'm thinking about getting him a mitten shirt for when he sleeps and new 100% cotton sheets. i know that eczema is different for everyone, but is there anything your s/o could have done to make it better, or are there products you wish you tried earlier?

sorry for the long post, not sure if i should be posting here since i don't have eczema but i figure this is where i can get some honest answers. i'm honestly so desperate, it's been so hard for us to deal with this.

08:37 UTC


I was itching at work and someone contacted my workplace to report me for m****rbating behind the counter. I can’t live like this anymore!!!

I was called into a meeting at work and asked if I was behaving inappropriately eg. wacking off at the counter because there had been a complaint from a woman with kids who said they saw me cranking it at the counter due to my arm moving back and forth and making moaning noises.

The truth is no freaking way! I have awful eczema in my inner thighs and must have been ascent mindedly itching there on the job.

No action was taken against me but ever since everyone at work has been treating me differently, some people who were my bros now just shake their head and laugh on sight. I don’t think they 100% believe me on this and think there is a chance I was cranking it at work.

06:22 UTC

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