Toradora is a Japanese manga/anime series, featuring the kind but scary looking Ryuji Takasu who is in love with Kushieda Minori (Minorin), a care-free softball loving girl, who is friends with Aisaka Taiga (Tenori Taiga), a rich, tsundere that is in love with Kitamura (Takasu's best friend)
"There is something in this world which no one has ever seen. It is soft and sweet. If it is spotted, I'm sure everyone will want to have it, which is why no one has ever seen it."
This subreddit is for the light novel written by Yuyuko Takemiya that has been adapted into an anime and manga series, all of which are entitled Toradora! (とらドラ!). Legend has it that since ancient times, the dragon has been the only beast to equal the tiger. Thus is the story of Toradora-Dragon meets Tiger.
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Why do people like ToraDora so much?
I loved ToraDora and need something else like it. Any suggestions?
What else is there that's Toradora?
Toradora has a Discord Server!
A pretty thorough analysis of Toradora
/u/flubbityfloop for the Background Image
/u/LibraryNerdOne for the Banner and Flairs!
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Who’s excited for the annual REWATCH?!??
Hello Reddit. This year I'm doing something different for Christmas season, I'll be watching my favorite holiday time anime "Toradora" There are 25 eps and by the time I finish it it will Christmas Day. For some background Toradora is definitely top 3 romance anime, I first watched it 2018 and I watched it in one night and being completely honest I cried at the end. Being a young boy at the time I really enjoyed the thrill of them finding out they like each other. Anyways today I watched ep 1 and I really like how it started when it explains love without saying it's talking about love. My favorite part of episode one is when he delivers the wallet to the lost and found and she says he finds a lot of wallets. So episode 1 l would rate it 8/10. Check back for day 2!!
Here we go again! 😅
Hello everyone!
It is that time of year again for us all to cry and remember why we love Toradora so much. The annual Toradora rewatch is starting soon! The watch will begin on December 6th through December 30th, and the OVA on the 31st.
Please visit r/anime, because u/ChristmasClub will be hosting it and have more details on their post!
Let the mod team know if you have any other questions, otherwise we hope to have you join in the rewatch!
Christmas is coming up, and normally I’d rewatch Toradora but I’m finding that the show is becoming very predictable due to me having rewatched it about ten times already. Is there a way I can induce some kind of brain damage/amnesia that ONLY affects the part of my brain associated with Toradora?
Just got this gaming keyboard for my birthday and watched toradora and it’s really cool and what do u guys think
This will be my first one so I’d like to know and for the other people who don’t know
I am not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but... I think it was completely logical that Taiga didn't want to confess to Ryuuji after her realization in the Christmas episode. I have frequently seen comments saying that Taiga let Minorin have Ryuuji. Or that she didn't want to confess because she was running away from her feelings. I disagree. Taiga knew very well that Ryuuji liked Minorin. She had no reason to think he might love her back. She also (correctly) assumed that Minorin likes Ryuuji, too. If two people dear to her like each other, why would she stand in their way? It seems completely logical to me that she would just want to suppress her feelings and distance herself. In her eyes, there was no hope at all. It also bothers me a bit how Minorin tried to force the confession out of Taiga in the school. That wasn't her decision to make. As viewers, we know that Ryuuji loves Taiga and he will stay with her - but Taiga doesn't.
All I want for Christmas is Toradora back on Netflix, so I don't have to sail the seven seas for the Christmas rematch. (Good luck singing this)
I couldn’t handle not knowing if Ryuji and Taiga were end game so I looked up the ending probably five episodes in. I’m glad I did because I read all the disgruntled people who didn’t like how she left at the end. So I was expecting them to realize they like each other and then immediately part. I was thrilled to see that we got so many moments of them together after they both realized their feelings. I guess I appreciated those moments (their kisses, the handhold, wanting to get married) even more because I didn’t expect to get anything. And I’m really glad that I read about the after credits scene cause I probably wouldn’t have seen it otherwise.
I was keeping a list of all my favorite moments on my phone and as soon as the last episode was over I immediately went back and watched them again.
They are:
When she dove off that railing to stop him from confessing his love first it cracked me up. Such a Taiga move to shove him over the railing. She’s our little klutz.
Great show and it made me smile a lot!
I've been thinking for a bit about it and I would really like a more faithful Toradora.
The anime isn't bad but, having read the novel and comparing the two, the novel is entirely superior especially in its ending.
It's far more emotional in its entirety, but what's important is that many details and very important things are skipped or straight up changed in the anime.
The confession, the depth of their love and especially the ending are just way better in the novel.
I recently reread the last volume, and I've come to really dislike the "back to status quo" ending the anime had, and how much they skipped and changed about Taiga and Ryuuji's relationship.
The ending in the novel is really beautiful, and while indeed it "goes back to status quo", it also leaves you with the feeling that everything changed and the two of them have a fixed future together (getting married at the end of the year).