A community for anime memes!
A subreddit for the dankest anime memes.
Rule 1 - Post Animemes: These are memes that use anime and/or are related to anime / weeb culture.
Rule 2 - No Unedited media: Anime clips, screenshots, manga pages, panels, plain text, non-OC fanart, comics, etc. will be removed.
This include edits that only provide a reaction to or summary of the initial media; edits must meaningfully add to, continue, or re-contextualize the initial media.
Rule 3 - Reaction memes are only allowed on Saturday and Sunday UTC time: They are defined as
Rule 4 - No Reposts:
No reposts of any previous submissions to the sub. Minor edits to posts (see rule 2) count as similar reposts and will be removed.
Deleting and resubmitting your own content still counts as reposting.
No chain posts.
Rule 5 - The Meme Shadow realm. Posts that follow formats included on this wiki page are temporarily banned.
Rule 6 - Post Quality: A post may be removed if it has poor image quality.
Rule 7- Posts Titles Standards: A post must work without it's title, and the title must not be generic or lazy.
Rule 8 - Properly mark spoilers: Learn how to properly tag posts and comments here. Same-day content from currently airing shows is subject to additional scrutiny.
Rule 9 - Be Nice:
Do not encourage suicide, promote sexual violence, or advocate self-harm. (Doing so will result in a minimum ban of 7 days.)
Do not personally attack, name-call, deliberately spoil, bully, troll, bait, or harass other users.
Do not post sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic content.
Do not organize, promote, or encourage brigades.
Do not post shock images or links to shock sites.
Rule 10 - No Current Politics: No posts, discussions, or arguments about current politics.
Rule 11 - NSFW guidelines: Nudity and dominantly lewd posts are not allowed, but content linked in comments is fine as long as it's identified as NSFW.
Rule 12 - No lewd loli/shota content: Lewd loli/shota content will not be tolerated. Please abide by Reddit policies.
Rule 13 - No Engagement Baiting: This includes Karma begging and other violations. See the extended rules for details.
Rule 14 - No spam, or excessive advertising: Spam, Excessive advertising, or self-promotion are not allowed.
Rule 15 - Operational Policies:
Meet the minimum account age and karma thresholds.
Use approved domains when posting
Use approved formats when posting
No inciting posts or comments
Don't misuse flairs
Don't flood new
For a more comprehensive breakdown of our rules, check our extended rules page!
Our sister subreddits:
/r/anime_irl, /r/EliteWeebs, /r/AnimemesHQ, /r/AnimemeBank, /r/WholesomeAnimemes, /r/HistoryAnimemes, and /r/MoeMorphism.
Also check out our former-enemies-turned-friends in a shounen battle arc:
/r/RoughRomanMemes, /r/HistoryMemes, /r/Shrek, and members of /r/MemeLounge.