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Can you photocopy or scan Texas ballot?

I'm at college in CA and still awaiting my ballot from Houston. Doing ballot tracking best I can say it was mailed Friday. It's due to county office posted marked 11/5 and rec'd 11/6.

By a miracle I get absentee ballot Monday 11/4 is it possible I fill it out and scan/copy/fax it to my mom and she hand delivers to local Houston post office otherwise despite my timely ballot request they took too long to mail me.

18:36 UTC

12:21 UTC


Release The Tape! Anthony Johnson Jr's Sisters Give the Details on the Murder of their Brother


VOTE! Election Day - 11/5 - 7am-7pm

Join us at Tarrant County Commissioners Court 11/5 9:30am https://actionnetwork.org/letters/release-the-tape-the-full-footage-of-the-homicide-of-anthony-johnson-jr

Tarrant County, it is time to come together and express our outrage and disgust at the blatant disregard for human life and justice that has been displayed by Sheriff Bill Waybourn and his office in the wake of Anthony Johnson Jr.'s murder on 4/21/2024. https://www.star-telegram.com./news/local/fort-worth/article289098149.html

The fact that he was killed while in custody, and yet the full video of the incident has not been released to the public, is a travesty. Sheriff Bill Waybourn, has consistently failed to provide transparency and accountability in the wake of Anthony's death. His decision to release only a portion of the video footage, while withholding the full tape, is a clear attempt to manipulate public opinion and avoid scrutiny. https://www.keranews.org/criminal-justice/2024-05-17/bill-waybourn-jail-deaths-calls-to-resign https://www.keranews.org/government/2024-08-06/tarrant-county-sheriff-operating-procedures-commissioners

But what's even more appalling is the role that each of the following members of Tarrant County leadership has played in withholding information and delaying justice for Anthony and his family.

County Judge Tim O'Hare’s support for Sheriff Waybourn is nothing short of hypocrisy. He claims to be a proponent of law and order, yet has done nothing to hold Waybourn accountable for his actions. He has shown a blatant disregard for transparency and accountability by removing Janell Johnson, Anthony's sister, from a commissioners' court meeting after she demanded answers about her brother's death. His actions are a clear attempt to silence the voices of those seeking justice. https://fortworthreport.org/2024/08/23/tarrant-county-judge-praises-sheriff-stresses-public-safety-at-state-of-the-county-address/ https://www.keranews.org/criminal-justice/2024-06-04/anthony-johnsons-sister-removed-from-commissioners-court-after-tarrant-county-jail-death-update

Commissioner Manny Ramirez’s lack of action on this issue is deafening. His constituents, the Johnson family and more, demand transparency and accountability, but instead, he remains silent and has refused to meet with them to this day. His words are of no value when his actions continue to be non-existent. https://www.keranews.org/criminal-justice/2024-06-19/commissioner-manny-ramirez-addresses-demand-by-family-of-anthony-johnson-jr-to-release-full-video

District Attorney Phil Sorrells’s decision not to release the full video footage is a clear attempt to obstruct justice. His lack of transparency and accountability is unacceptable as he refuses to take the staggering number of Tarrant County Jail deaths seriously. https://www.keranews.org/criminal-justice/2024-07-01/tarrant-county-sheriff-office-jailers-were-told-they-violated-policy-experts-say-its-unclear-if-they-did

And Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, his ruling that the video can be withheld from the public is a slap in the face to justice. His office has consistently shown a disregard for the rights of marginalized communities, and this decision is no exception. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/family-members-of-anthony-johnson-jr-call-on-officials-to-release-full-video-of-in-custody-death/

The fact that Anthony's family has had to fight tooth and nail for every scrap of information about his death is a testament to the systemic failures of our justice system. The lack of transparency and accountability is unacceptable. It's clear that each of these leaders in Tarrant County are more interested in protecting their own interests than in seeking justice for Anthony and his family.

But we will not be silenced in Tarrant County! We will not be deterred. We demand that the full video be released immediately. We demand that Sheriff Waybourn be held accountable for his actions. And we demand that each of them take immediate action to address the systemic failures that led to Anthony's death.

This is not just about Anthony Johnson Jr. This is about every person who has been failed by our justice system. This is about every family who has been denied justice and transparency. We will not rest until there is accountability and justice for all.

Texas/Tarrant County, We Have A Problem! It’s time to fix it.

07:15 UTC


Mail in ballot applications going "missing"?

I am a Texas voter who currently attends college in Georgia. I have friends also from Texas who also submitted mail in ballot requests way before the deadline who never received a mail in ballot as well. I called the Tarrant County elections office who claimed they never received an application. I definitely mailed in my application through USPS three weeks ago, which should have been more than sufficient time for delivery of my application to them and for my ballot to be shipped here to Georgia. What's crazy is that I keep on hearing of other people who just never got a mail in ballot after submitting applications.

I am flying home on Election Day to vote because I will not allow my vote to be suppressed in this election. However, there are definitely other people who could not go to similar lengths to vote, and unfortunately that might make the difference in this election since our state is so divided.

Is anyone else also experiencing this? I'm not one for conspiracies normally but after seeing all of the ballot boxes being burned on the news due to false claims that mail in ballots are vectors of fraud, I'm really starting to suspect that there's some something fishy going on, especially since there are a lot of Trump-aligned politicians in Texas who would definitely have motivation to prevent college students like me from voting in Texas.

23:09 UTC


I’m really scared

Here is my story. I became a hardcore trumper when I was in a bad place mentally- I have severe mental illness. I have had a spiritual awakening and I realized how maga is a cult. (Yes- in my darkest time I was shitposting on r/thedonald). I have a lot of shame and feel good knowing I voted for democracy. Being a trump supporter poisoned by brain and I’m still healing. I’m not even liberal. I miss when the Republican Party was sane. I’m a Mcain, moderate conservative. These ‘conservatives’ in Texas are extremist. It’s terrifying how brainwashed everyone is. How can anyone people vote for Ted Cruz after the Cancun fiasco?

This election scares me. Trump is a fascist and tons of people died under all fascist regimes. He openly advocated for Liz Cheney to be executed.

Nazis targeted the mentally ill. I’m on anti psychotics. Will I be targeted?

I have a bad feeling he will win and it’s been like that for weeks. I just feel existential dread and it’s all I can think about. How are you coping?

19:47 UTC


Early Voting/Mail-in Voting in Texas through 10/31/24 - as a percent of registered voters - county map [OC]

43.3% of registered voters have voted through the end of Thursday, 8.1 million out of 18.6 million registered voters in Texas.

Here's a map by county: https://i.imgur.com/hoVK0H4.png

Early voting ends today, November 1st.

Election Day voting will be on Tuesday, November 5th.

16:36 UTC



Today is the last day of early voting. This is hard reality that we are voting to continue or destroy the Democracy of the US. Don’t just sit on the sidelines or your nation will fall. We can do this!

14:54 UTC



This is what Republicans wanted. I personally don't like abortion. We should have birth control easily available to people. Save abortion for rapes and health dangers.

BUT it is not my right to make that choice for others. This is an incredible overreach by the "party of freedom". VOTE

13:51 UTC


Another Woman Dies From Lack of Abortion Care

ProPublica: A Pregnant Teenager Died After Trying to Get Care in Three Visits to Texas Emergency Rooms https://www.propublica.org/article/nevaeh-crain-death-texas-abortion-ban-emtala

12:20 UTC

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