Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)!

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)! Please check out the wiki!

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  • Be civil. Debate is welcome, but don't demean others, and exercise tact regarding people's property. If you are tired of newbie questions, it is better to link wiki posts or old topics than to spread negativity.

  • Please post from only one account. Vote spamming is not just rude but dishonest.

  • No commercial spam. You can promote your own works and services, as long as you identify them as such. This isn't a classifieds list, but we do welcome makers, sellers, and teachers willing to engage with the community. Also, avoid posting many similar topics in a very short period (e.g. every YouTube video by a given user). Finally, be aware that Reddit automatically shadow-blocks posts that link to your own materials too often; as mods we have zero ability to stop this.

  • We do not condone the modern-day use of swords as actual weapons. Topics on the subject are not prohibited, but readers are encouraged to link to this topic explaining the official stance.

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New to sword collecting

Hello, I just joined the subreddit because I got interested. I saw this sword from Cold Steel and I wanted to ask you guys what you think of this sword and is it good quality?


12:12 UTC


Good Sub-$600 Longswords?

What are some good longswords and/or bastard swords for under $600? I'm particularly looking for a sword with Oakeshott Type XVIIIa bladeform, but I'm open to other types as well. I purchased the Windlass Erbach sword (Kult of Athena's re-designed version), but I found it to be a bit underwhelming. The blade is a little too springy, as it noticeably flexes under its own weight. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

23:08 UTC


Looking for Reviews of the Honshu Hybrid Cutlass

I think that's about as straight forward a title as I can make it. Does anyone have any experience with the Honshu 1917 Hybrid Cutlass? It seems to be just about perfect for what I want out of a cutlass for a cutter, but I have absolutely no experience with Honshu.

22:45 UTC



1 Comment
21:22 UTC


Can we please ban all the how much can I get for this sword posts

Example: this sword has been handed down to the first born of my family for 10 generations how much can I get for it cuz I’m a feckless fop who has no respect for anything. Example End.

20:16 UTC


Whats the name of these ones?

What are these ones called and where could I buy them? I thought they are probably wakazashis but idk tho

20:07 UTC


Bastard sword from Shadiversity?

I’m trying to find out who makes this bastard sword that is in a lot of Shadiversity’s videos. It has a curved guard, scent-stopper pommel, and it looks like double fullers. Honshu makes one that is similar, but having reviewed that one, it has a screwed-on pommel, so likely a cheaply welded tang.

19:31 UTC


Best sellers online?

I am looking to get a couple of swords that I have always liked from some of my favorite shows/games. Stuff like the virtuous contract form nier, and Elucitdator, dark repulser, and blue rose sword from sao, etc. I am struggling to find somewhere that sells something somewhat battle ready (doesn’t have to be sharp but has to not fall apart with swing). I appreciate any and all recommendations.

19:22 UTC


Is it possible for a blade to be designed with 2 different colors (like black and white/silver and gold) without compromising integrity?

I know that making a sword out of pure gold, silver, or anything not of carbon steel would only yield a wall hanger that shatters in battle. However, I do wonder if it's possible to have a functional blade that is coated/treated with different colors. I'm especially curious if it's possible to have 2 different colors for the blade.

For instance, while I don't watch or read Demon Slayer, I find Tanjiro's weapon to be pretty slick with its black spine and white edge (I also like the colors on the hilt and scabbard, but that's besides the point)(another blade example is Ichigo's Zanpakuto from Bleach). While it's obviously a fantasy series, would it be possible to make a functional sword that has two different colors on the same sheet of steel?

18:09 UTC


Identity of this sword?

Hi all, I've been looking around for a while looking to find the maker of this sword, it's identity, and it's value. The closest I have found is Martos Sword of The Apocalypse Riders. But this sword is much longer, with a different style blade. And info helps! Thanks!

16:34 UTC


Does anyone know some good smiths for Indian swords, daggers and other weapons? Looking for working steel not just show pieces

I have interest in finding some smiths skilled in Indian weapons and their making as I have a great many I’d like made

14:40 UTC


Yataghan Sword

Hey people, After my grandfather passed away he left me a Yataghan Sword ( A sword originating from Ottoman Empire) which appears that they were produced between 16th and 19th century. It has a Seal of Solomun on it too. I wonder about its value. Does anyone has an idea?

10:42 UTC


In a fantasy western setting where firearms are uncommon, what sword would a cowboy use?

Outside of the obvious solution of “cowboys ride horses, so cavalry sword.” I’m more so looking for an answer to what they’d use in the event of a spaghetti-western-style, high-noon, quickdraw duel (but make it fantasy).

03:28 UTC


"Sword Slice" and its safety

As per the title I found a various fantasy sword seller from recent a comment on a thread that is more than 8 years old.
Said account seems to have only posted anything related to "SwordSlice.com" even though that it is three years old now. All of this combined shows some hefty red flags, does anyone know anything about said webstore? Could be some sort of recent seller as they link various social media to the website but I'm not sure.

Any help? Link.

02:49 UTC

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