Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)!

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)! Please check out the wiki!

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  • We do not condone the modern-day use of swords as actual weapons. Topics on the subject are not prohibited, but readers are encouraged to link to this topic explaining the official stance.

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Help with difference in swords.

There are two swords I am interested in right now.

Sabers and rapiers.

What exactly are the differences? Is ine more for slashing and one for more thrust? Is one more for combat then the other? Isn't a saber blade more curved while a rapier is straight and more flexible?

01:38 UTC



Anyone have recommendations for blunt sparring longswords? Been looking online and only finding sharpened swords, which is not what I'm looking for.

23:11 UTC


Three Ikakalaka

The sun finally came out here so I spent the day outside photographing the collection, ran out of sunlight before I could finish sadly, two Kaskara, three Takoba and twelve Infantry officer swords left to photograph, hopefully next weekend will be sunny.

I will be slowly uploading all the photos to Imgur over the next few weeks, I promised to show some people on here my Ikakalaka so they're the first album I uploaded.


1 Comment
18:44 UTC


Is lk chens town guard worth the extra 200ish dollars or is it indifferent to the windlass one which is cheaper

Really loving the design of the Munich town guard but conflicted on weather I should spend the extra doe on the lk Chen one or not.

15:39 UTC


What the hell is this?

15:05 UTC


New sword owner here. Do I remove the shipping grease even if I currently don't have oil to apply in the absence of it?

Basically I want to see the blade without anything on it, but if I were to remove it now, It would be bare and stored in the scabbard for a few days probably. The sword is made of carbon steel (1065). I don't believe the inside of the scabbard is leather, and I live in Kansas. The humidity levels in the room its in is about 36 to 40 percent.

07:07 UTC


What is the difference between a rounded tip sword vs a spatulated tip sword?

For both sword safety and historical typography...

05:08 UTC


What is the difference between a rounded tip sword vs a spatulated tip sword?

For both sword safety and historical typography...

1 Comment
05:08 UTC


Could anyone help translate this?

Hello I’m a American so I only speak English.

In all seriousness I’m just curious as to what the writing on this sword means, any my best attempt to scry it on paper and use google translate has been less that fruitful so I figure why not ask others for help, thank you for your time and effort kind strangers.

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Would people buy

Would people buy copper swords if I made them this wouldn't be for a while because I don't have any of the materials to do it, but do you think people would buy them. They would be good quality and different styles ,but mostly from the Roman and Norse era

04:17 UTC


Does anyone know a reliable place I can get miniature swords from?

I really like the idea of having a sword collection, but I don’t have the space or anywhere to store them.

I’ve been getting ads about mini replica swords from games and shows, but most reddit posts about the sites are saying their orders didn’t show up.

Does anyone know of a reliable site where I could get a collection of tiny swords?

04:10 UTC


How often does SIGI Forge have Sales?

Hi everyone, I've been looking for a while to get a HEMA longsword, and from a few recommendations, and a bunch of reviews, SIGI seems to be highly regarded. Only problem is that the sword I want is 500 Euro. I live in Canada so this is a little bit of a problem with the way our dollar is genuinely crap right now. 500 Euro is about $755 CAD. While that is really close to the top of my budget, that isn't all to the price. After discussing with someone from their Instagram account, they said the estimated shipping cost would be 90 Euro or $145 CAD... Then whatever tax they put on top of it... So i was wondering how often they have a sale and how much they usually make the sale. 10%? 20%?

TL;DR: Too expensive, need sale. Asking how often SIGI forge has sales and how much of a sale they put on?

Also, if anyone has a better place for a Canadian to get a good quality HEMA longsword, I would greatly appreciate it!

04:03 UTC

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