
Photograph via snooOG

Recreational mediævalism. An unofficial subreddit for folks associated with the Society for Creative Anachronism, but not an official organ of the SCA, Inc.

Recreational mediævalism



Official sites

  • New to the SCA?
  • West: Alaska, Japan, Korea, Nevada, northern California, Pacific Rim & Thailand
  • East: Connecticut, Delaware, eastern New York, eastern Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island & Vermont
  • Middle: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa (Scott county), Kentucky (except southwest counties), Michigan, Ohio & Ontario (Essex & Windsor counties)
  • Atenveldt: Arizona
  • Meridies: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky (Allen, Barren, Calloway, Logan, Simpson & Warren counties) & most of Tennessee
  • Caid: Hawaii, Nevada (greater Las Vegas) & southern California
  • Ansteorra: Eastern Texas & Oklahoma
  • Atlantia: District of Columbia, Georgia (Augusta), Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina & Virginia
  • An Tir: Most of British Columbia, Idaho (northern tip), Northwest Territories, Oregon, Washington & the Yukon
  • Calontir: Northern Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri & Nebraska
  • Trimaris: Florida & Panama
  • The Outlands: Eastern Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas (El Paso & Hudspeth counties) & eastern Wyoming
  • Drachenwald: Africa, Europe & the Middle East
  • Artemisia: Western Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, Utah, western Wyoming
  • Æthelmearc: Western New York, central & western Pennsylvania & West Virginia
  • Ealdormere: Ontario (save for Essex County & northwestern Ontario)
  • Lochac: Antarctica, Australia & New Zealand
  • Northshield: Manitoba, upper peninsular Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, northwestern Ontario, South Dakota & Wisconsin
  • Gleann Abhann: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi & Tennessee (Memphis)
  • Avacal: Alberta, eastern British Columbia & Saskatchewan


20,858 Subscribers


Who does one go to?

Who does one go to?

It is understood that Household drama, evictions, etc, stays within the Households and the Seneschals have no sway in this.

That being said...

When this boils out into a lowered Kingdom populace, when 3 bad actors, who collude and backstab someone to nullify a household, making said HoH(Head of Household) leave the SCA permanently... Taking populace with them.

And these same bad actors are responsible for 3 other Households leaving entirely... Along with several(>7) other people...

Who in the SCA steps in and says enough to these people? Who???

How many people do they have to hurt, before something is done?

Who does one go to?

04:06 UTC


Heavy fighting axe/pole arm materials

I’m looking to branch out from swords. Ive seen both molded-rubber and cut foam used for axe and great weapon heads. Regarding the foam weapons, might anyone here be able to provide some guidance on the types of foam that might work well?

20:19 UTC


Golden (crab)Apples

I thought my fellow SCAdians would appreciate this!

I was reading an article about the Oseberg burial and discovered they found a bushel of apples on board! They even found apple seeds in the water. Which I thought was cool.

Turns out the apples were a native crabapple. And the European crabapples are a beautiful golden color!

And an interesting tidbit- domestic apples as we know them didn't reach Scandinavia until the late middle ages.

Which made me realize something. Idunn's apples might have been crabapples! Sure, someone might have traded a bigger, fancier apple at some point and the scandenavians might have decided those were the magic apples apples. But considering the apples on the ship were native it seems to mean these wild golden apples had some sort of importance. At least enough that someone would want to be buried with them. And the idea that Idunn's apples were ittyy bitty crabapples just tickles my fancy.

So if anyone has any other interesting facts about medieval apple cultivation (or fun recommended reading) I'd love to hear them.

08:49 UTC


How do we not have a better household and following in Evansville, IN

I originally joined SCA back in 2000 (Officially). I've been going to weekly practice for fighters since 1997. I've been to almost every Estrella war in AZ since then to 2009. I recently learned there is a a practicing group around Evansville but nothing JUST Evansville. I honestly believe there's a ton of us that would love to build a household in just Evansville

01:01 UTC


An Artful Egg Dish (c. 1550)

18:15 UTC


Is there an SCA policy on drone usage at events?

I am just curious because I just purchased on and having a blast with it. I started thinking about the spectacle of battle and, well.. lol

08:15 UTC


Wool Fabrics

So I live in the middle of nowhere and I have to get my wool online. I've browsed the r/SCAdians list of fabric providers and noticed that FashionFabricsClub/Denver fabrics has been known to be spotty. Unfortunately *because* I live in the middle of nowhere I'm reliant on internet fabrics and won't be able to go and feel or check them.

Has anyone gotten any of these fabrics and had good results with them? Follow up question, are any of these actually the right *kind* of wool for over dresses/light coats? Specifically I'm looking at making apron dresses and 9th century frankish/german coats like the ones found in Aregund's grave).

Or would I be better off getting the Worsted wool from Burnley and Trowbridge?

https://fashionfabricsclub.com/products/platinum-wool-suiting-fabric-72046 (light weight 'Suiting' fabric)
https://fashionfabricsclub.com/products/taupe-streak-tropical-wool-suiting-fabric-74799 ('Tropical' weight suiting fabric)
https://fashionfabricsclub.com/products/navy-ink-wool-gabardine-suiting-fabric-72297 (Light/Medium Gabardine fabric)

Thank you <3

07:51 UTC


Suggestion on padding

I know this isn't really related but I figured you guys would know what I'm looking for since you guys know about armor paddings and what not. I am looking for a soft/durable padding that I could easily wrap my upper body over so I can use one of these back decompression devices without any discomfort or pain. https://www.amazon.com/Sit-Decompress-Ultimate-Stretcher-instantly/dp/B00OFATD9U/ref=sr_1_45

The problem with the device is that it causes a lot of pain in the armpit/chest/back regions from the material mixed with the pressure of the weight of my body. So I was looking for something I could glue or sew on the inside of the actual vest. Also, if you guys recommend I use glue I would ask for a recommendation on what glue to use.

20:03 UTC


Blessings for Fruit (11th c.)

19:13 UTC


Question about archery/ crossbow

I know a royal round in the East Kingdom consists of: 20 yds, 20 yds. timed (30 seconds), 30 yds, 40 yds on a 5 ringed target.

what is the point value from outside to inside for the target?

How much does it cost to obtain a suitable bow or crossbow?

1 Comment
18:37 UTC


SCA vs Reenactment groups in Europe

Hey I'm from Europe and I've had this question for a while, ever since I learned about the SCA.

As an outsider looking in, the SCA looks a bit weird, almost cultish like, with all of the importance given to titles, oaths, ceremonies, kingdoms, etc. Coming from Europe, where I've interacted and participated with some medieval reenactment groups, we had none of that. People were interested in history and they picked a time period and did reenactment on that period, went to medieval fairs in the medieval fair season, etc. Whereas the SCA almost looks a bit like LARPing from my perspective.

However I don't want to be judgemental and I wanted to hear from people in it what they think about this aspect of the SCA. Especially if you're from europe and have interacted with other reenactment groups, as I know that there's some SCA presence in europe but not nearly as much as in the US.

What do you feel are the main advantages and disadvantages of being in the SCA vs just being in a historical reenactment group?

15:58 UTC


May Mus (c. 1550)

19:05 UTC


Question about bliaut construction - side lacing

Before getting to my question, let me just say that I am newb-ish, but only because life has prevented me from having the time for hobbies. Now that I have the time, I'd really like to skip the loaner garb and make a few pieces for myself to attend events with.

For my "fancier" beginner's garb, I'd like to make a bliaut. I've seen a couple of different ways to make them more fitted - some patterns have curved sides, some mention side lacing. There seems to be a debate on whether side lacing in period. The one piece of garb (not a bliaut) I was gifted years ago by an SCA officer does has side lacing, so I'm guessing it would pass either way and it's more a matter of personal preference.

But I can't find any instructions that include how to make one with side laces. Would you leave the sides open and use eyelets? Sew the sides and attach something to string the laces through?

Is it easier for a beginner with no pattern drafting experience to make one with side laces versus a curved, fitted pattern?

I'd appreciate any advice!

18:10 UTC


How much should one care about period correct camp equipment?

I’m new to the SCA, and with AnTir’s Crown tourney happening this weekend it got me curious. Do people care about modern material tents and coolers?

15:33 UTC


Oseberg Tapestry-Dress Recreation

So I found an article today talking about the Oseberg tapestry and they have an illustrated recreation for the book "Oseberg - the enigmatic textiles".( Illustration by Stig Saxegaard and the Cultural History Museum, Oslo). Three of the figures in the upper left appear to be women?

I'm wondering if anyone has any examples of dresses similar to what they're wearing? They don't look like the typical apron dress/under dress combo. The images are very interesting but I can't quite seem to figure out the setup of the layers.


00:18 UTC


Combat Archery

Just got a combat crossbow, looking to get some bolts together in a quick fashion so that I can authorize.

Northstar has a 4 week waiting period for orders, anywhere recommended that has a quicker turnaround? I don’t mind putting bolts together or buying them premade.

1 Comment
23:29 UTC


Goody bags?

I’m running an ArtSci competition at an event (very casual, populace vote) and I’m new to it. Prizes for winners will be goody bags, but I’m at a loss as to what to put into them. What would you like to find in a goody bag?

16:06 UTC


Blessings for Legumes (11th c.)

10:09 UTC


Cold Mus (c. 1550)

19:25 UTC


Cold Mus (c. 1550)

19:23 UTC


Helmet Hunting

My dilemma -

I am looking for a helmet, but there is a dose of information regarding the styles that were worn by the Poles in the Middle Ages.

Obviously the lobster pot of the winged hussars is infamous, but to say finding an SCA combat approved lobster pot is hard to find is a huge understandment.

How concerned should I be about time period accuracy when it comes to armor?

When I was in the game before, I used a fairly simple bascinet style with a crossbar face shield. I have no problem going back to that style of helmet, a sallet and a burgonet.

Also, does anybody know of any armories that make an extra large helmet. My noggin has a 26-in circumference...

Lord Kaz the Un-pronouncable

16:06 UTC


Where to start..?

I’m super new and not sure where to start. I’m in NE Tennessee and would like to find a group to engage with but not sure if there’s an appropriate way to go about it, and also don’t have any other social media accounts.

Should I just bite the bullet and remake a Facebook account to be able to find groups more easily?

I think I’m in the Meridies Kingdom if that helps.

15:11 UTC


Update to the smelly scalp thing from a year ago!

So I fought heavy, and showered, and still was possessed of this horrible stench so bad that I couldn't even taste my food. Like a pig farm at high noon.

I asked other people if they could smell it and they said they couldn't, which was good but I still had to get rid of it.

Doctors were useless. They couldn't smell it and I look healthy. If you can get something from your doctor that works, go with that!

Taking a cinnamon supplement (ceylon, not cassia, about 750 mg every day, then decreased to 500 mg ) helped. Again, CAPSULES! Don't do the cinnamon challenge from Tiktok, you can aspirate particles into your lungs and die. Don't do it.

Then I tried turmeric plus cinnamon and that also seemed to help. I put a no oil acne treatment on my scalp that contains 10% sulfur, and that helped. Wintergreen oil diluted with coconut oil also either helps or just covers it up. Wintergreen is like garlic, an anti-everything substance.

So it's gone from pig farm to something like noodles unless I sweat a lot and can't shower/shampoo for a while.

I am a sweaty guy and I live in a humid area. If I could just dry out and stay dry I think I could eradicate whatever it is.

Do I live in an area where fungal infections are common? I don't know. Other than foot fungus! And my feet were a disaster for a loooong time too. They're almost back to normal now. I'm in the States. I didn't think the scalp thing and the foot thing were related until my feet started getting better.

Anyway, I hope this helps people.

#Original post from 2023:

"If your scalp starts to smell like feet and using clarifying shampoo doesn't work, and then tea tree oil doesn't work (or, like me, you're allergic to it), and washing it with vinegar or white wine doesn't work, then it seems that taking a cinnamon supplement does work. I found that out this year.

For a 230 pound guy, 2 doses of cinnamon at 750 mcg over a week, taken with a meal, worked. In capsules, though I suppose a really good cinnamon sauce (cameline) from our excellent Cook's Guild folks would work just as well, if you had enough of it.

Maybe there is just something weird about my scalp and clarifying shampoo works for most people. I've heard some people complain about having a smelly scalp after hot events, so hopefully this helps.

I am not saying to put cinnamon on your armor or your clothes or on your skin! Cinnamon oil is irritating and I don't think it works that way."

14:17 UTC


"Requires" accessories

I have required in quotes due to there being no "requirements" for garb, but there are a few items I recall being very handy.

  1. Knife/Dagger
  2. Mug/Cup
  3. Pouch (I usually keep a small 1st aid kit as a bare minimum)
  4. Bowl and spoon

I will be adding something like a boda bag for water as well.

Apart from the above, is there anything else the kind folks here would recommend?

01:54 UTC


Letter of intent addressing

I'm writing my first letter of intent for a local office. Who on Earth do I address this thing to?! My local seneschal has requested the letters go to them.

Possible people to address to: kingdom seneschal, kingdom office of bid, local seneschal, majesties and highnesses. Please also tell me what order to put them in as well.

21:42 UTC


Almond Mus (c. 1550)

19:04 UTC


You can't bully someone just by showing up, right?

Is there a risk that the more you do in the SCA, the greater the chance that someone will feel they are being bullied by you?

What I think of when I think of bullying is like the first scene in "Neverending Story" or the majority of the original "Carrie." To me, in my mindset, bullying is a group activity.

LOL And of course nothing you say on Reddit is bullying so you can beat up on victims like me as much as you like! Wow. Not like you represent Society for people interested in joining. Nope. /s

Here are some scenarios. Feel free to add your own:

  1. It's not bullying to teach a class on a subject somebody else thinks they're an expert on, and contradict some things they have said without naming them.

  2. It's not bullying to complain that an officer of the barony doesn't show up to business meetings.

  3. It's not bullying and exclusion if someone shows up to A&S Night and nobody talks to them because they're a stranger to the group. Though possibly if they're not a stranger and everyone is giving them the silent treatment in spite of that person trying to make casual conversation.

  4. It's not bullying if someone leaves their plates in the hospitality tent and somebody takes those plates to use at a party the plates owner is not invited to.

  5. It's not bullying to have volunteers the barony never thanks. Say, if some volunteers receive thanks, and awards, while others who served the same way but aren't friends of the baron and baroness don't get any thanks or awards.

  6. It's not bullying if someone says to stop all communication with them, and all communication stops but the person told to stop still shows up in the same spaces.

13:27 UTC


Slavic/Polish History Sources

Are some of the cross the YouTube channel the other day and it is a treasure trove! One of the problems I've always had in selecting a Polish persona is a lack of translated history of poland's, and especially Poland Lithuania.

I discovered this channel when I stumbled across a 17 part series concerning polish medieval history! I looked a little bit deeper in the channel covers everything! If you like what the guy is doing, please subscribe. This is the kind of thing that I've been looking for for literally 10 years.

Schwerpunkt https://youtube.com/@wol.im.hiut.und.immer.wol.?si=ivlmyz30t5m5gSim

07:34 UTC

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