
Photograph via snooOG

This is the place to discuss chain maille (aka chain mail)


This is the place to discuss maille (more commonly referred to as chain mail) in all forms including historical armor discussions, crafting discussions, creativity discussions and anything else. We're working on getting etsy shops up and posted for those who are interested. If you have questions, want tutorials or just a place to start, you're home!

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New to this, no clue what i'm doing

So I want to be able to buy jump rings, but I don't know what I need. I have seen many different, opposing bits of information. I want to mostly make jewellery, so I know I want the rings to be saw-cut. I also want to be able to use some silver and also some coloured rings of varying sizes because of the different weaves I have seen. There are some where the smaller rings have to fit inside the larger ring, and I don't know how to determine that when buying. I am thinking I want the larger rings to be 18SWG 1/4" because that seems the best to me from my research, but I can't find what would fit inside that size. I also don't know where the best place to shop for rings is, as I'm based in the UK, and most places I have seen are US-based.

22:56 UTC


Largest piece to date!

Needs some alterations but was trying to use up some bright aluminum since I switched to stainless steel to sell. Tbh I want to go back to making smaller pieces now but it was fun!!

22:34 UTC


Scale fidget flap

Someone wanted just a flap of scalemaille to hold and pet. This is made with SPG petite size scales and was soooo nice. She said so many people were touching it hanging off her purse she had to put it away because it was supposed to be just for her. 😆

20:27 UTC


Ring size charts? (Aspect ratio)

I’m still new to maille, so I’ve ordered from a couple of places. Some rings are SWG, some AWG. I do know the difference, but I wish I had a comprehensive chart with the aspect ratio for both. Any info charts on wire diameter, inside diameter, aspect ratio or aspect ratios for different weaves would be incredibly helpful! And any recs for buying rings in the US? Preferably with color and size variety. Thank you!

05:22 UTC


Where do you wear your maille?

I see a lot of people here making awesome stuff out of maille, wether it's jewellery or a whole suit, what sort of places do you wear your maille and what sort of attention does it get outside of a historic/LARPing context?

16:48 UTC


Bluing maille

I've had the idea of bluing my maille. It is riveted mild steel. Has anyone done this? I know it wouldn't be in any way historically accurate, I'm just looking for a practical layer of rust prevention that isn't oily.

I don't do any reenactment or larping, the maille just sits on my armour stand and is very occasionally worn to fancy dress parties or on Halloween.

07:35 UTC


Question about ring size

I wanted to grab some jump rings from Michaels before taking the dive and getting things off of theringlord or other shops.

I bought these 8 mm ones but they are really tiny (like 1 is the size if not smaller than my pinky nail)
but the entire piece im working on moves as I try to thread thru the connector (doing the european 4:1) can someone recommend something from Michaels of a different mm size?

23:50 UTC


Need help with a round mail bracelet

Hi there,

I'm trying to make a round mail bracelet that continues all the way around but I have no idea how to attach the two ends, has anyone who's done this got any advice?

Thanks in advance :)

22:31 UTC


Stainless Riveted Rings

I'm looking to make a standard/collar and want to use stainless 6mm rings but no one seems to be selling stainless riveted rings in any size. Do any of you lovely people have a line on who's selling them.

16:19 UTC

16:56 UTC


First Malle

Currently at 780 rings, 16 swg 5/16 20x20 outer ring mesh

I’m either making a shirt or the world coldest blanket you decide

1 Comment
17:49 UTC


Weave suggestions for edges of garments?

I make a lot of chainmail tops and wanted suggestions on how to trim the edges of the garments to give a more finished look. Are there suggestions for how to do this? What weave would work best?

  • I have asked this somewhere (I think there used to be another chain sub) but have searched and can't find where I saved the response.
17:28 UTC


The beginning of my 4 n 1 maille shirt I think I'm about 400 rings in

17:09 UTC


Another update… and request for advice…

I’ve gotten (one of) the sleeves on my hauberk and I’ve KINDA got an idea for how to go about the armpits.

I’m thinking that I should make a patch in the dimensions of the gap created by the sleeve in that position but part of my brain is saying “no that doesn’t quite feel right.”

Advice, tips, tricks, and tutorials that aren’t going to make me go cross eyed would be greatly appreciated.

14:09 UTC


How do i start

I've always to make a t-shirt or haubark out of mail but i don't know where you would get the rings from or what the strongest but lightest metal is, and if it's possible to make something that could save my life someday or if it's just to look cool at a ren faire, how do you make it into a pattern too? one part of me wants to slowly make a silver haubark but i know that would heavy and awful to wear.

22:05 UTC


What is the minimum and maximum AR for Full Persian chain???

11:32 UTC


Scalemail advice

I’d like to make a scalemail outfit. It will be worn around, but not used in battle. I will be using large anodized aluminum scales. I’m thinking of making a 1 or 2 shoulder armor and a kilt (think Roman gladiator style but with scalemail probably attached to a leather belt)

  1. Would aluminum jump ring be sufficient?
  2. What size ring should I be using for the scalemail?
18:14 UTC



Decided half way through u want the scales to be point down rather than to the side for my choker is it possible to continue from the sides to expand it or would I have to start over

05:08 UTC



Working on dragon scales the video I’m watching said to put big rings through the small ones at starting at the ends but it doesn’t go through? Am I doing something wrong?

22:27 UTC


Seeking advice on making a scale maille pentacle

Hi, I'm totally new to chain maille/scale maille but I'm interested in making a scale maille pentacle and I have some questions. I've linked a couple examples of similar projects below for reference. I was planning to make five triangles, one for each of the arms of the star, with a solid metal ring around the outside, like in the reference projects. Here's my questions:

  1. Is this too complex of a project for a total beginner?

  2. I think with the standard scale maille weave I've seen (on a couple tutorial videos), the angle of the triangles won't be the correct angle for a pentacle. I was thinking of modifying the weave to elongate the angles, something like the first row having 5 scales, then 4, then 3, then 4, then 3, 2, 1. Could something like that work? This would be a decorative item not something I would wear.

  3. How do I figure out how big of an outer ring to get?

1 Comment
19:04 UTC


Archival Project

Hi guys, after seeing so many posts commenting how mail websitey is slowly dying, I decided to try and make a back up of them.

For security and privacy reasons, there will be no login functionality on MAIL

At the moment all redirects are still going to the original website, with time I should have em bounce back to the host

I was made aware chainmail basket is working fine and updated weekly on a comment bellow, I shall take down it's clone tomorrow

14:55 UTC


Closing rings 100% flush? - help

Hi, grateful for any tips on getting rings super closed tight with 0 gaps.

Very familiar with closing to 100% flush due to jewelry making experience. But I’m new to scale mail.

I’m using these rings from the ring lord: Anodized Aluminum 18ga 1/4'' ID - Saw Cut (Option: SX-AA-1814-CHAM - CHAMPAGNE)

I’m using 2 pairs of needle nose pliers. The rings come partway open from the bag, so I just encourage that open a bit by pulling leading edge towards me, put my scales on, and close. I am not ripping the two ends apart in opposite directions, I’m twisting. But I cannot seem to get them 100% flush and I can feel a slight scrape when I run my fingers on the closed ring.

I plan to pick up some emery cloth as the scales themselves are a bit rough edges (anodized aluminum from ring lord). And it is for a worn piece.

Am I being unrealistic in expecting 100% closure?

Even when I bring the ends touching with the pliers, they bounce back a bit to gapped apart.

I have tried grabbing just a tiny bit with the tips of the needle nose pliers. I have also tried gripping a larger chunk/edge and pulling those together with the pliers.

As an experiment, I tried closing a ring from the bag without opening first, and it does close a bit tighter, but still not as close as I could get for example a thin sterling silver jump ring used in jewelry making. Not 100% flush.

If anyone has any videos or tips I would appreciate it. I notice in the videos I’ve watched the technique is so much quicker per ring and it’s quite a confident twist. When I do this though they are just not 100% flush.

Pic shows what I mean :) that is about the best I can do after opening it then closing.

I can confirm I am NOT opening them by pulling apart both edges to make a huge gap. I am just pulling the leading end towards me to increase the gap.

I am curious if the saw cut removes enough of a chunk that I will never get 100%. Or if I just need to do things differently.

Thanks in advance for any advice :)

10:43 UTC


Did I do this right?

So I’m trying to make dragon scale are the rings I’m using too small it doesn’t seem to fall it just looks like one row very tight

02:32 UTC


Help with ring sizing

I want to make dragon scale and helm chains whats the best ring sizes? I saw someone say use 16 SWG 3/8” 1/4” for helm would this work for dragon scale too?

00:23 UTC


Help with some very burred up scales

What's the best way to de-burr some sharp edged scales I got from TRL? I will be buying them elsewhere but would like to salvage this group of scales so that I can use them.

15:53 UTC

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