
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to the ancient art of blacksmithing. Show off your latest creations or get advice on a problem. This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app.

In the mean time, please join the community on Discord at https://discord.gg/dms

A subreddit devoted to all things blacksmith. Feel free to show off your latest creations or get advice on a problem, or anything else related to blacksmithing!

Previous winners of our monthly contest!

January: /u/ArtistCeleste

February: /u/Karn3

March: /u/docroberts

April: /u/forge_lizard

May/June: /u/The_Brass_Dog

Please remember that any information/tips/tricks you get from this subreddit are not the end-all-be-all of blacksmithing. This is a multi-thousand year old trade and much of the information garnered from those times were lost during the industrial revolution. Do your own research to double check if you agree with the opinions stated here before following them.

This Sub now has a Discord Channel. Join it here.

Beginner? Read our FAQ and FAQ Discussion, And be sure to check out below.

WARNING!!! Read this before attempting any kind of forging.

Rules and guidelines for posting:

  • Please be considerate to others when posting/commenting. Blatant troll posts/comments will be removed.

  • Posts of YouTube videos, gifs, or images must include the beginnings of a discussion or a write up in the comments with a minimum of three sentences. Posts without a submission comment from the OP will be removed within 24 hours.

  • Obviously this sub is for blacksmithing related topics, so keep posts related to blacksmithing.

  • Blatant advertising and for sale posts are not allowed.

  • When reporting content, you MUST state WHY you reported it.

  • Any NSFW posts will be reviewed by the mods and may be removed based on our judgement of the value of the content.

Further resources:

  • Iforgeiron

  • Have an englishweight anvil? Try this nifty little tool from anvilfire to find out how much it weighs in lbs.

  • Dictionary from anvilfire for those hard to google terms.

  • ABANAs list of schools in North America

  • Appalachian Blacksmiths Association list of schools in the US

  • Books:

  • Basic Blacksmithing

  • Metallurgy for bladesmiths and others who heat treat and forge steel

  • The Blacksmith's Craft

  • Engineering Handbook (Lots of info about Metallurgy)

  • Projects

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    Skilled Trade Network: Metalwork


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    Santa Cruz classes?

    I am going to UCSC and want to continue learning blacksmithing but the forge at the college is limited to art majors only. Are there any places within Santa Cruz that do classes? I can’t travel too far from campus as I can only bike or take an Uber.

    19:21 UTC


    Which metal would be the best?

    Does anyone know which metal would be most suited for a sword that doesn't really bend like a katana? Is T10 the best option? I heard titanium is very resistant, but doesn't absord the shock also it's too soft. Tungsten is too heavy and brittle. So which do you think is the best option?

    18:58 UTC


    Any uses for razor blades?

    I’ve had a barbershop for two years with a buddy. This is almost every razor blade we have used in that that time. I have no idea if it’s even possible but could these razors be melted down and reused? I was initially thinking a couple little knives but would really be cool to create any commemorative pieces made out them. Thanks in advance, always cool to see the stuff y’all can make the your hands.

    11:25 UTC


    Looking for a metal anvil stand. Whats the best place to buy one?

    My anvil stand had been rednecked together, and recently exploded into kindling and nails. Whats a good priced option that will last a long time?

    02:03 UTC


    Hey everyone hopefully this question is in the right place

    I came across this fire steel at a yard sale, how can I restore it?

    18:42 UTC


    69 kg anvil for 400$ vs 90 kg anvil for 800$

    So a week ago I made a post about a potential deal for an 90 kg anvil and a bunch of tools for 800$. The anvil is a bit rusty, but nothing a little grinding won't fix, I'm sure. I told the guy I probably I wanted to buy it but wanted to wait *just* in case I would find a better deal. Well I found an 69 kg anvil for 400$ with less tools but it's cheaper (everything in the picture is included btw).

    I'm a beginner so I will start with smaller stuff like jewelry, useful stuff like hooks, chains and such and some artsy stuff too, but I do plan doing swords and other larger things later. So I wonder which anvil would be best for these purposes? Would a 69kg anvil work or should I invest in the more heavier but more expensive one with more tools. If I choose the 69kg one I can obviously buy tools that are missing on my own (like tongs) but it would be nice to have a full kit with everything a beginner would need from the get-go.

    Freedom units for the americans: 69kg=152.119lbs 90kg=198.416lbs

    17:10 UTC


    Toolsmiths, what sells?

    My dream job is being a toolsmith, and even though fulltime is a bit unrealistic for me, maybe I can at least turn it into a side hustle in the future. I just need to get better at it first. And figure out what to make.

    As one person I can't possibly make every single tool there is, so which ones are worth making the most?

    16:56 UTC


    100 lb anvil for $100

    Scam? This is the only picture.

    16:21 UTC


    Ideas for what to do with thin spring steel?

    Not sure how thick. Probably around 6mm or so

    13:05 UTC


    A knot and a spiral out of some pretty chunky material just for practice

    21:38 UTC


    Products for selling this season

    What's everyone making for selling at fairs/shows this season? Not looking for pieces I need to charge hundreds for, more like the $10-100 range. Thanks

    17:43 UTC


    Sort of a random question

    Lately I've been designing my own armor and sword in my spare time. It's fantastical, but grounded by actual historical armors. While designing the sword, a thought hit me; could a European style longsword be made using Japanese forging techniques? Im not talking about steel quality or effectiveness, just cosmetically. For example could you use clay to create the hamon on a longsword or could you forge a rondle like crossguard inspired by a katana's tsuba?

    Kind of random i know but just genuinely curious if the inspirations and intertwining of ideas would be felt. Figured i would ask actual smiths. Thanks for any info!

    16:04 UTC


    Two questions propan forge

    When setting it up how far into the forge should the burner be and roughly how long should a 20lb tank last assuming proper mixture of gases

    15:29 UTC


    Thoughts on my logo?

    14:57 UTC


    Would you trust this to put your forge on? I need something I can pack away easy.

    I dont have a shed or shop to forge in so ill need to be able to move my forge in a d out if storage when I want to use it or put it away. Going to build a pole barn shop eventually but for now I think I’m going to use this and put a trash can over my anvil and keep it oiled.

    14:05 UTC

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