Passenger and freight rail and trains, including transit, in and related to New York City.
This subreddit is dedicated to rail transportation in and related to New York City, including transit, commuter, long distance and freight.
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Ad hominems and personal attacks against other redditors will be removed.
Posts or comments disparaging people or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, sexual orientation, sex or gender will be removed.
Posts or comments advocating for crimes against another person or group of people will be removed.
Rule 2: Posts should be about NYC-area rail.
Posts about other forms of NYC-area transportation are allowed as long as they have some relation to rail.
Links to content about rail transportation outside of the NYC region are allowed, but they must include a submission statement relating them to NYC-area rail.
Rule 3: Respect laws.
Posts or comments requesting or providing information about how to engage in illegal activity will be removed.
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Double postings and news articles that don't add to previous conversations will be removed.
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Low-effort posts with little interest or basis for discussion will be removed at the mods’ discretion.
Rule 5: Media posts must have a descriptive title.
All media posts (photos, videos, etc) must include a meaningful title and/or must be accompanied by a comment introducing the content explaining the significance of what is being posted.
All fantasy map image posts require a submission statement explaining the major changes or features of the map. If this is provided or already exists through a blog post, a link to said post is sufficient.
Repeat violations of the above rules may result in a temporary suspension.
MTA subway track worker, March 2017
Interested in holding an AMA, or want to make a subreddit suggestion? Feel free to contact us via modmail!
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to the New York Subway
vanshnookenraggen's NYC Subway Track Map
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Outside NYC-area:
The L is crowded and the platforms are long enough so why not
My subway station only has 1 way to enter and exit from the platform. I’m always worried that when a crazy person comes and try to attack me - i have nowhere to escape to (ill be cornered and trapped). What are my options?? TIA -
The R160 was originaly intended to replace the R46, however due to issues with the R44 and some other rail cars, the replacement of the R46 was postponed. The R46 was built by Pullman, and rebuilt by Morrison Knudson.
I haven’t taken the bus since I was in high school. Only take the subway nowadays.
Finally took the bus today, and I noticed plenty of people come on and walk straight past the driver. When I was in HS, I’d always see this happen where people didn’t wanna pay, but this felt different. Groups of people walked past the driver, some even acknowledged him and the driver acknowledged them too. Not once did he call anyone to come back and pay.
So did bus drivers stop caring, or do they have a prepay option now? How does it work?
I just started commuting between Harlem-125th and White Plains on the MNR and it's my understanding that the pricing is done by zone. I was thinking about buying my monthly ticket for Grand Central instead of Harlem-125th so I can take it to GCT when I feel like going down there. Would the conductors care that my ticket says Grand Central when I board at Harlem?
12 cars wasn’t an option? Figured it would be even. Actually I’ve always had this question in my head but never really cared to ask now. But I’m sure there are good reasons for it.
So can it run on the NJ transit or Long Island railroad tracks?
Daniel Penny is innocent and any person who believes he should be in jail, I pray to god nobody helps you in the subway when a homeless dude, junkie, crack head or any hoodlum attacks you 🤷♂️
Taken at Roosevelt Island Station, is this common?
I used to be able to see my TrainTime tickets on my lock screen within iOS, but recently they've stopped appearing altogether. Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it? I checked my iPhone settings and the "Live Activities" feature is still enabled for the TrainTime app. Any help is much appreciated!
Was taking the J home, this came through. What is she? A cleaner train?
Appreciate the combination of Natural x Artificiality
They have at least two trains on the stand and 3 in the station, glad I left my car at home, #GoJets