
Photograph via snooOG

Have questions about moderating your subreddit? We might be able to help!

Have questions about moderating your subreddit? We might be able to help! Just please, keep it civil.

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You might also try these other fine subreddits:

  • /r/csshelp for help with CSS
  • /r/RedesignHelp for help with the Reddit redesign
  • /r/modsupport - a point of contact for moderators to discuss issues with reddit admins, mostly about mod tools
  • /r/reddithax to see CSS examples
  • /r/selectorlegend to easily find CSS selectors
  • /r/redditlogos request a custom logo
  • /r/help for help with reddit in general
  • /r/modnews News of interest to moderators
  • /r/needamod Need a mod for your reddit? Want to volunteer?
  • /r/redditrequest - Request to mod an abandoned subreddit or request a subreddit be unbanned
  • /r/adoptareddit Have a reddit you no longer want? Post here!
  • /r/newreddits: - A place to advertise your subreddit.
  • /r/ideasfortheadmins If you have an idea for the admins.
  • /r/bugs If you have found a possible bug in reddit.
  • /r/changelog See when new ideas are implemented
  • /r/cssnews Your CSS suddenly wonky? See what has changed here!
  • /r/AskModerators A place for users to ask reddit mods questions about how they moderate their communities
  • /r/modclub A place for mods of communities with 100 or more users to hang out
  • /r/modsoftherealms For mods of location specific subreddits to talk and ask questions
  • /r/Bot A place to share bots and scripts that help moderators with their tasks.
  • /r/Modtalk, a private subreddit that you can apply to join if you meet the requirements.
  • /r/ModGuide, a collection of searchable and indexed posts on various topics trying to cover all aspects of reddit moderation.

Want to combine both reports and spam?
Append /about/modqueue/ to your subreddit. Mod more than one subreddit?
Use /r/mod/about/modqueue

More information on multi-subreddits

Check out the following:

Official reddit moderation FAQ.


135,283 Subscribers


How to hold posts and comments containing certain words for manual review?

Is there a way to do this on desktop or iOS?

21:24 UTC


How to ban a mod with full permission?

Some stuff came out and I want to ban them, but they also have "full permission" like me. Help? Android

17:53 UTC


Why is wiki not showing on subreddit even after following all directions??????

My wiki is not showing on my subreddit. I've followed every direction possible, no luck. I've read countless times the intro and rules. These automated responses aren't helpful because I have already followed them to a T. I've been at this for hours every single week trying to figure it out. Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


16:35 UTC


How to stop shadowbans

So I recently set up a subreddit for my company then i made this user account, I attempted to post with my user account in my subreddit, I can see my post in my history but it doesn't show up in the subreddit history. As a mod i was able to see the post after searching and then approved it, in spite of that noone can see it, it doesn't show as removed etc, it's just simply invisible to anyone. As a mod/ower I can comment on the invisible post and my user account can see that. I have automatic filters set to the lowest setting reddit allows.

How can i setup my community to not hide posts like this? Many of our new users over the next weeks are going to be new to reddit with 0 karma etc and the last thing I want is reddit shadowbanning everyone and not telling me about it. If there isn't exactly an easy way to do this any advice would be much appreciated!

Was asked to specify platform: Desktop

12:22 UTC


Hey I'm a mod and I've made a community but I can't post a video

How can I get it to let me post nsfw videos on this nsfw community android

11:54 UTC


Astroturfing on Political Subs

So I moderate a political sub with 22K subscribers and this past few months have been very busy for us. We are getting a fair few complaints regarding astroturfing.

So I wanted to ask other moderators from other mod-teams how you usually deal with astroturfing without compromising free speech. Is it simply a matter of expecting users to report this as part of your spam policy or do you usually take other measures?

*To full-fill the requirements of r/modhelp, I am expected to tell you the platform I'm using. I use Desktop, browser is Safari 17.5 for Mac. Occasionally use iPhone iOS.*

09:45 UTC


Live chat

I’m trying to get live chat or discussions enabled in my group. I’ve sent in what i think is a request to reddit but they never answered? How can i get this enabled? I’m on IOS

05:08 UTC


Why can't I rename my Subreddit???

I need help on renaming my Subreddit name. I think we can rename subreddit right?? Or is it not possible right now. I'm using Android

03:06 UTC


Reddit hides posts I've downvoted, even in the sub I moderate. Can I turn this off? I want to be able to still keep an eye on those posts.

As the title says, the interface hides (ie, stops showing me at all) posts I have downvoted. I don't want that, I want to be able to still see them, particularly in the subreddit that I moderate, because I feel it's important to be able to see what's happening in such posts.

Can I do this? This is a problem on desktop and on mobile (Android). On old reddit there were a bunch of options for stuff like this, but I don't want to go to old reddit (and I can't use old reddit in the app anyway, which also has this behavior)

00:31 UTC


Can members still see posts in Private subs?

I am using a desktop browser. I moderated a sub which gained a few hundred members, and then took it private to converse with other mods. Only me and the other mods show as "approved users," yet my profile shows my posts to this sub get dozens or even hundreds of views. Can legacy members still see content in private subs, even if they are not "approved users?"

18:40 UTC


I'm struggling with making AutoMod code for account age and karma requirements

This is what I have so far:

type: submission


account age: "< 1 month"

combined karma: "< 20"

action: remove

message: Your account does not meet the karma and/or age requirements of this subreddit. Please return when you have gained more karma, and when your account is older.

type: comment


account age: "< 1 month"

combined karma: "< 20"

action: remove

message: Your account does not meet the karma and/or age requirements of this subreddit. Please return when you have gained more karma, and when your account is older.

I got most of this code from a somewhat recent YouTube tutorial. I also took some creative liberties with the code by making my own message, adding in the type comment, and putting in the account age. I'm new to this so I'm well aware that I probably butchered this code and I can't find any recent tutorials so all help is appreciated. I'm doing this on Desktop Microsoft

17:59 UTC


Hi I am a mod of a community

How can I pin a post to a community I am using the app on my android

15:54 UTC


(iOS) How to change the upvotes and downvotes

iOS How do I change what the upvotes and downvotes look like

03:53 UTC


Why can't I reorder removal reasons?

Seems like it's been this way for years. Why hasn't this been fixed?

Windows, firefox. Desktop.

My god, what is the keyword I need to use to post this?

DESKTOP. Desktop, Mobile web, Android, iOS (iPhone)

02:49 UTC


How can I disable image post type but enable image upload on text post?

Hi. I found that if I disable image post type on the community setting, it will also disable the image upload on the text post.

Is there any way to disable Image Post Type only and still allow my members to upload the image on the text post?

This is on the Windows / desktop browser version of Reddit.

02:08 UTC


How do I stop automod from posting in a stickied post?

I'm trying to get an automated help thread posted in my sub (r/LegionGo) and the first time I did, I got an automod message. Is there any way to block that from happening the next time I post the same message?

This is on the Windows / desktop browser version of Reddit.

23:07 UTC


Page not found on submit page only with the new UI

Only in my subreddit, does creating a post, the submit page shows a page not found. Works with the Android mobile apps, with new reddit & old reddit and other subs (like this post), but not my sub. Tried with another browser and another account, another IP, tried Desktop, mobile browser, same thing.

Looking at settings I don't see anything that would prevent that.

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


How do I edit my new sub

Newbie here on iOS

How do I find it to edit it to add rules, mission, etc.

Don’t seem to be able to even find it


22:23 UTC


This community doesn't have any posts yet

This community doesn't have any posts yet

Make one and get this feed started.

In new.reddit, my subreddit doesn't show me any Posts. The default view is [hot]; but the first 3 all fail to show anything apart from the above message, and a 'Post' button:

The only filter that shows any content is /rising.

Post and Comment settings allow everything, except Archiving. My spam filter settings are low, low, low.

This has been a long-standing issue, at least 6 months, and similar on both Desktop and Mobile, so I tend to use old.reddit instead. Not sure if it's related but previously I've noticed a quirk where some posts from the community just didn't seem to show up in the filters at all, and I only find them was through my recent notifications.

1 Comment
20:37 UTC


Can't see most modmail mailboxes or send modmail to other mods

This is on desktop with new reddit. Most modmail boxes I click on show mail for a split second then go blank with "no mail" displayed. Same with modmail, and I can't even figure out how to start a thread with other mods, and I have in the past. Went to modmail config and couldn't find anything that could help.

20:04 UTC


How do I change my subreddit banner?


19:28 UTC


How do I change my subs background?

Not the icon, just the background. Android

19:25 UTC


Accidental post removal

I accidentally removed a post, but then corrected that by approving the post. That's supposed to 'unremove' the post, right? Now, the post can be viewed by other people (tested this with incognito) if they have the right URL, but it's not showing up on the list of posts on the subreddit itself


19:01 UTC



How can I cancel queues in my subreddit and make posts publish automatically?


12:07 UTC


Reporting to myself in the modmail

We have been dealing with a troublemaker user that have been causing trouble in the community for a long time. After several temporally bans we decided to use a permanent one and get rid of that toxic user.

On the modmail the user complained that he doesn't care, that he has a lot of alt accounts and will come back with all of them to keep causing trouble.

So I wanted to report this modmail answer for "ban evasion" (like... he literally confess that will evade it), but when I submit the report it says that I reported to myself (probably because is a reply to my mod message).

Is this a reddit bug? How can I report this case?
Can I take down the bugged report and do it again?

I did it wih the official Reddit App for Android, should I use the web version? In old, new or www Reddit?

Phone, Android

11:09 UTC


Change subreddit topic if taking over a formerly banned sub?

I'm trying to figure out how to update the topic of a subreddit if I am taking one over that was formerly banned. I have not been able to find it in the mod settings. I am trying to find the settings in the desktop version.

06:44 UTC


Best way to report an account for solicitation

Hello, I mod a subreddit (r/opiatesrecovery) which is a support group for people in recovery from opioid addiction. Four times now (under different accounts) a user has tried to offer opioids in comments or a straight post. I know this coming from the same person/entity because they include a link to their “telegram” handle each time 🤦🏽‍♂️. I have set up the appropriate evasion filters, but they have been able to post under new accounts.

I want to make sure this “person” cannot put content like that in our community again. I also want to report them but have been unable to because the accounts are usually quickly deleted. What is the best way I can report this illegal and repulsive behavior?

Thank you — first time posting here.

*My platform is usually iOS (iPhone).

21:54 UTC


How do you design up/downvotes on subreddits?? (On android)

I've seen some designed upvotes and downvotes on some subreddits, and i wanted to do one for a subreddit, but I don't really know how? Is their a way to do it? If so, I would be very appreciated! Im using a android version on my samsung phone.

20:48 UTC


Mobile mod

Anytime I go to browser Reddit(with or without desktop version) and try to mod my subs with mod tools it just brings me to queues and I am unable to add anything to my sub, it allows me to do so on the app version but I am limited to what I can do on there.

18:04 UTC


How to create my subreddit's own chat section

I'm an intern moderator and I need to get this done ASAP. I can't create a chat section for the subreddit. I read articles on reddit help pages and there was a Google form link that asked me about my username,my community in which I want a chat and the reason behind why I want a chat section. I submitted the form but no response. And now I don't know how to create the official subreddit chat. Kindly help if you know what to do next.

I'm using Android phone and a laptop both.

17:41 UTC

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