
Photograph via snooOG

r/IdeasForTheAdmins is a subreddit where you can submit ideas from your reddit feature wishlist for admin consideration. This is not an admin-run community, so we can't personally implement the ideas, but we will try and give our support!


r/IdeasForTheAdmins is a subreddit where you can submit ideas from your reddit feature wishlist for admin consideration. This is not an admin-run community, so we can't personally implement the ideas, but we will try and give our support!

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  • 2. State your feature idea clearly

  • 3. Do not call out specific subreddits or users

  • 4. Be civil in your ideas and discussion

  • 5. Be constructive, not destructive

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Sorting options in custom feeds with a lot of sub reddits

Would be nice if there where better/more sorting options in custom feeds.

05:19 UTC


Ability to zoom in further on Reddit-hosted images in browser version

1 Comment
00:24 UTC


An option to hide posts with profanity

Hi, I like Reddit but I don't care for curse words and profanity. How can I prevent posts with offensive words from being shown to me? Some of my own posts were removed for that reason, so I want all profane posts and topics to be removed from my sight as well. Please add that function for users. Thanks!

1 Comment
23:03 UTC


Seriously, let us toggle off religious ads

This feature exists for other ad categories. Add it for religious ads.

It is really hard not to go on a rant about a specific cause for this. I keep seeing ads from groups that deny my existence and persecute me and people like me. It is wrong you allow this to happen.

If you won't remove these ads from the site, give us the option to opt-out of religious ads. Or, stop showing us ads that we report. Why would an advertiser want to show an ad to someone who reports it?

13:56 UTC


An option to search through your own comments

I think this would be very useful. I often try to find old comments I made and there is no easy way to do so.

09:23 UTC


Better Polls 📊

Right now, polls aren't as good as they could be. They can only have up to 6 options and there is no way to check the results without voting which is a problem if the question does not apply to you. There is also no way to change your vote in case you change your mind or mis-click.

My suggestions are to increase the max number of options to at least 8, have a "view results" button that lets you see the results of a poll without voting, and let users change their vote on polls unless the OP disables the ability to do so.

01:10 UTC


The ability to mute certain words

Hello! I'd love if the ability to mute certain words so posts containing it in the title or text would not show up.

Sometimes darker themed posts show up in the 'you might like' suggested forum posts and I often find myself caught-offguard by it. I mostly enjoy most of the posts in the groups I'm in, except for things surrounding the specific topic I'd like to avoid.

So if there was a way to mute a specific word I'd be able to enjoy a wider variety of posts without fearing stumbling across something I'd rather avoid.

Thanks for any response!

00:43 UTC


As a Korean user, I would like to say something to the operator.

Please make UI/UX accessible easily...

Please add Korean language support & translation function...

Please reduce battery consumption.

Please let me eat less data...

This is not something a subreddit moderator can do...

00:15 UTC


Alternative to current presentation of cross-posted links

Rather than have N separate elements in my feed for a post that has been posted to N feeds, why not collapse them all into a single thread that is headed by the names of the N sub-reddits to which it was posted? Unify the replies into a single thread and eliminate the apparent reposting.

Additionally, allow users to merge crossposts that are located in just this fashion.

22:42 UTC


[Request] Some form of anti-bot karma system?

So, I don't believe in alternate accounts, and post in both political and non-political subs. While I understand bots fixating and driving karma negative on political comments, it seems they'll also branch into non-political posts as well. How in the world does the top comment and the "thank you" comment receive more karma than the content comment?

I know Reddit was founded on the principle of protecting the anonymous, but it seems that principle has been exploited at this point. Perhaps if we allowed users to filter by votes [unverified, "verified", "yahoo/gmail/etc", ".edu", ".gov/mil/etc"]? It would bring clarity to many subs, and is something I would actively love to filter by.

05:16 UTC


Allow Us To Select Default Sort For Comments Across All Sub Reddits

I do not want things sorted by "Best" when I'm reading the comments on a post. I always want it as "Old" so I can read the comments in the order they were posted. Please give us a profile setting that allows us to change this so it doesn't just always default to "Best".

We had this with the old preferences and going to https://old.reddit.com/prefs to change it there works from time to time but does not work all the time. (In fact looking at it now I have it set to "old" and have "ignore suggested sorts" checked but nope, everything I've checked tonight is sorted by "Best" instead of "Old")

Please give us this option back in the current preferences. I am getting real tired of having to change the comment sort every time I want to read a post.

04:48 UTC


Allow subreddits whose names have changed due to a long period of inactivity to change their name

Explains itself.

16:51 UTC


New layout is fine, but "recent" (on the left side) needs ability to "clear all"

That's it. If it's a setting somewhere, i can't seem to find it.

1 Comment
14:05 UTC


Please, TTS option for posts and comments.

Text to speech for the visually impaired.

Especially on the mobile app.

Even better if they let you choose different voices for folk with accents.

01:24 UTC


Potential Idea For a Collaborative Community Project

Hi Reddit, I'd like to begin by saying this idea came to me out of the blue and so not one bit of it is concrete, but I otherwise think it has the potential to be pretty neat.

I had an absolute blast with the most recent r/Place and it gave me the idea that this sort of camaraderie is something we could all do with a bit more.

With that in mind, my idea is a proposal for a similar concept related to governance. The general framework would be to establish a fictional country in a fictional world that contains no laws or legal doctrine.

  1. All laws would be entirely user submitted and can be added to, but not removed from the countries legal framework.

  2. A law cannot be added if it would invalidate or make it impossible to comply with an existing law.

I think as a general concept, this could have the potential to be an engaging and unique experience that would provide interesting insights on nation building. I'd love to hear any thoughts about this and it's my hope that whatever i'm seeing in it might also be shared by others.

01:16 UTC


Show a top 10 leader board on subreddits for the people that have gained the most karma for that subreddit

This would be a fun idea and should definitely be a thing

1 Comment
13:20 UTC


Reddit: The Best Place Online to Meet Your Next Someone

Hear me out!

Reddit is one of the few places on the planet where people are genuinely interacting with each other on topics they care about. Isn't this the perfect way and place for people to meet a potential romantic partner? But is another site for this purpose needed? YES. I was just listening to NPR today about how dating sites do a miserable job of allowing people to get to know others in any substantive way. People are lonelier now than ever before. Reddit, we need your help!

How could Reddit become a place for people to meet? It could be this easy:

Allow two dots to be added to Avatars:

Dot 1: Gender and what gender I'm seeking

Dot 2: Age range

(Optional Dot 3: Location)

No dots: I'm not interested in making a romantic connection

Then, as people interact, if they like someone's comments, they can just PM them. IT COULD BE THAT EASY.

If you wanted to take it farther you could allow users to create very small profiles.

Reddit, you could change the world. Nay, Reddit, you could SAVE the world!


00:25 UTC


It’s insane how we don’t have a translate button for comments yet

Basically title, I’d like to view other subreddits that are in different languages seamlessly. It seems like a no brainer addition to the platform

21:16 UTC


Redirection options

Since the new design has been pushed, there is no option to return to the new.reddit design in the user settings. One must install 3rd party extensions or manually change the URLs which is not desirable. However, the old.reddit redirect still exists in the settings? Can we get a redirect option to opt out of the new design and return to the previous design? Also, an option to disable image redirects (i.redd.it) would be pretty useful to many. Why not just open an image directly in a new tab? Once again, to accomplish this, you need a 3rd party extension. These should all be Reddit native options.

18:46 UTC


Please add a collapse feature to the left bar in the redesign

I find the left navigation bar on desktop very distracting for reading comments. This is in the newest redesign UI. Is there any way the Reddit developers can add a collapse feature? Thank you.

14:55 UTC


Polls should allow you to forfeit your vote to see their results

I did a search and this was suggested 2 years ago but I thought it was worth giving a bump to. I browse subs built around activities, hobbies and games that I don't necessarily participate in, but I'm still interested in seeing poll results and I'd rather not skew them by voting just to do it. Thanks

19:02 UTC


Reddit should allow you to merge cells in a table

I usually make table posts on Reddit. For example I think it would be useful if I could merge cells to explain the divisibilty rule of 625 because I think all possible methods would be hard to read in just 1 row

12:27 UTC


All subs should allow you to edit your post

Why do so many subs not all you to edit posts?

Typos happen, sometimes people word things in the way that comes off as rude or patronising. Even uploading the wrong photo happens.

21:50 UTC


Option to reorder favorite subreddits list

16:52 UTC


Accessing and adding subreddits to Custom Feeds is frustrating and unintuitive.

I can’t figure out how to access the custom feeds I created. I would appreciate having a separate section in the left menu under communities with my custom feeds.

There are numerous posts and feedback regarding Custom Feeds since a large update a few years ago. I hope this is fixed and I hope someone can tell me how to open my custom feeds.

Thank you!

14:44 UTC


Random sort within subreddit

New sort option within a subreddit to have all its posts show up in random order

07:45 UTC


Flair stats

I moderate a huge sub (200k users) where User Flairs are required.

It would be fun/interesting if we could have stats in our insights tool that showed us how many users have each flair.

1 Comment
14:38 UTC


Proposition for a system for deterring knee-jerk reactions in the comments

While being the bedrock of today’s social media landscape, infinite scrolling and short-form content has the unfortunate side effect of users rapidly flicking from one post to another.

This applies mostly to video content, but it would be useful to deter people from only glancing at a piece of content before jumping right into the comment section.

My proposal is to include some sort of discrete indicator embedded in the comment itself that shows how much of a video was watched before the comment was written (maybe the comment background starts translucent and gets more opaque the more the user has watched).

This shouldn’t be used as an underhanded way of forcing users to spend more time looking at content. The scale should max out at 50% watched as this system is only meant to discourage those who comment too abruptly (i.e. after having watched less than 10% of a video) and prevent conflict created by users misunderstanding the content they are commenting on.

13:50 UTC


Ability to temporarily dis-include a related cluster of subreddits from my feed

I subscribe to different types of subreddits: science, politics, gaming, law, etc. I usually like this blend, but I really wish I could mute the politics cluster of content from my feed when I'm not in the mood to deal with it. I can imagine other people might have their own cluster of content they typically like but that they'd like to occasionally quiet.

13:04 UTC


Idea to reduce visibility of rule breaking posts

I’ve seen a lot of posts which are irrelevant to the subreddit, or simply break the rules of their various subreddits.

Would it be possible for Reddit to track who upvotes each post, then when the mods remove a blatantly rule breaking post, the users who upvoted it would have their upvotes mean less and less each time on that particular subreddit.

E.g. their upvote would only count for 80% on that particular subreddit towards the post karma, then keep reducing more and more.

I say this as I imagine it is the same group of people/bots upvoting the posts in question

1 Comment
16:59 UTC

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