The Meme Lounge is a coalition of Meme Subs aiming to unite the Reddit Meme community with events and by helping out smaller subs. We also have shitposts and meta memes on this sub.
Don't discriminate, spam, act like an asshole to your fellow users, bring up politics, etc etc. You'd think this'd be an obvious rule, but it sometimes needs reminding.
General memes like you'd find on /r/dankmemes are not allowed.
What is allowed: Any meta posts regarding the Meme Lounge, crossover memes between at least 2 Lounge subreddits, meme-making questions about how to use software like GIMP or After Effects, meme templates (with a few conditions), and so on.
If you make a new, fresh-off-the-press meme, you can post it here and in the participating subs, but old memes that have already been posted on /r/MemeLounge or any member subreddit will be removed. This isn't a dumping ground for stale memes.
Please tag your spoilers with the following format: [name of show spoiled] >!spoiler goes here!<. This would result in stuff like [MemeLounge Tournament] Crxdefx was done dirty. Similarly, no spoilers in the titles, as those cannot be spoiler-tagged for some reason.
Lounge Members
Disclaimer IDK if this is the right sub to ask BUT...
After the recent allegations, I decided to make a diss dong aimed at Mr Beast.
However my knowledge of graphic design is lacking, so I want to request someone to make me one that shows maybe the contrast of light vs dark like half devil / angel type one just the image,
so I can add words to it please and thank you?
Title says it all, here's an example
Basicly what title says. Also wondering if r/goodanimemes should join us.
Edit: there seems to be a few arguments in the comment section..
Hi! Lurking Animemes refugee here.
I don't know if this is the best place for this but I felt that I needed to toss my two cents' worth into the fiery cesspool that it is now. I made this post just wondering how people genuinely viewed r/Animemes recent ban on the word "Trap". If people really do think it's a bad word, then I'll accept that and go back to my lurker cave, but looking at how the Animemes community has responded, it doesn't look like a popular decision. I won't say here who I support and who I think is right, but I'm very much open to hearing other viewpoints, and of course I love a good debate so if you'd like to take it into private messages I'd be happy to hear anybody out.