We are a satirical PC hardware community dedicated to proving that AMD is clearly the better choice. Everyone is welcome, including non-AMD fanboys.
Don't want to burn your house down with Novideo GPUs or Shintel CPUs? Then AyyMD is the right place for you! From dank memes to mocking silly Nvidiots, we have it all.
We are a satirical PC hardware community dedicated to proving that AMD is clearly the better choice. Everyone is welcome, including non-AMD fanboys.
Don't want to burn your house down with Novideo GPUs or Shintel CPUs? Then AyyMD is the right place for you! From dank memes to mocking silly Nvidiots, we have it all.
nvidiots, gefuccbois, sandy/ivy cunts, shitlake, and unintelligent people are not allowed in /r/AyyMD. Begone. Do not post, comment or vote here.
If you're posting a screenshot of a comment or post, CENSOR THE USERNAMES. This leads onto the rule below:
If you are caught trying to start a brigade, or brigading yourself, you'll get banned the first time we see this happen, and permanently banned the second time. There are no exceptions. Brigading is the act of trying to downvote or upvote people who are either against, or in favor of your opinion.
This also extends to crossposting from other subreddits. If you want to post about something you've seen, screenshot it and crop out the subreddit name and any usernames you see.
No racism, antisemitism, homophobia, etc. Violation of this rule will get you banned. NSFW content will be removed.
This should go without saying, but no mocking AMD. Criticism is acceptable to a certain level but prepare to be met by a barrage of downvotes, and potentially a temporary ban if a moderator deems necessary.
Flair your posts. Don't waste our time!
Any especially dank memes or posts will receive the gOoD sHiT flair.
Note: We are not affiliated with AMD or its subsidiaries in any official capacity. The views of the moderation team do not reflect the view of AMD or its subsidiaries.
Note: To prevent spam from bots/manually created accounts with the purpose of spamming, posts from users with new accounts and/or low karma will be automatically removed.
Do you think the current instability issues with Intel Core processors evoke a sense of déjà vu from the Bulldozer era?
Why would the Blue remove one of their most valuable features, and will AMD stick with hyperthreading until the last drop of bloods?
AMD Makes claims of 13% increases in gaming, actually +5% increase. Intel Makes claims of 0% increase in gaming, actually -10 to -50% decrease
Enjoy your day with the red car. AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX is running World record in 1440p QHD Qualität Path Tracing 235-260fps 🥰
Let me have it cowards
AMD invest 5.4B$ last year in R&D and Nvidia Invested 7.4B$ in R&D. "NVidia is soo dedicated to research and cutting edge" 🧐
Intel is a 29.4% so they are heavily investing in.... Nobody knows 🥴 But my guess is US government money 🤑 will it be effective ? 🙋♀️😺