IRC web client: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.snoonet.org/#linuxmasterrace
This subreddit was temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app.
Website: https://linuxmasterrace.org
We have an IRC channel! #linuxmasterrace on irc.snoonet.org
web client here: http://webchat.snoonet.org/linuxmasterrace
Regular client link: irc://irc.snoonet.org/linuxmasterrace
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#linuxmasterrace:matrix.org
This is not a satirical or circlejerk subreddit. This is a normal casual Linux subreddit with some satirical & humor elements.
Looking for help? Check /r/linux4noobs and /r/linuxquestions, they have more subscribers you'll find help there easier.
Want to learn about linux? https://linuxjourney.com/
A subset of the Glorious PC Master Race, the Linux Master Race promotes the glorious operating systems that run using the free and open source Linux kernel. Linux differs from the disgustingly proprietary operating systems like Windows and Mac OS by being open and freely influenced by anyone with the necessary desire and abilities.
Why use Linux?
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
For expansions on the three basic rules, view the full rules page here.
Additionally, posts that are Microsoft/Windows related may only be posted on Mondays. Posts including Microsoft/Windows that also relate to Linux might be allowed according to moderator discretion.
I use Windows or Mac alongside Linux. Can I join the Linux Master Race?
Header by /u/Vladorz
Snoo-Tux (Snux) by /u/0ctobox
Sidebare images by /u/denholmsdead
Minecraft server: minecraft.linuxmasterrace.xyz
Other Subs
Please do not post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Feel free to post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems and the associated fuckery that goes with them.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Please do not post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Feel free to post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems and the associated fuckery that goes with them.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Please do not post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Feel free to post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems and the associated fuckery that goes with them.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Please do not post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.
Feel free to post about Microsoft/Apple/non-Linux operating systems and the associated fuckery that goes with them.
Note that we still do not allow crossposting/brigading other subreddits.