Weebs that also use Linux.
Weebs that also use Linux. Restricted until further notice.
Posts must be memes related to Anime and Linux.
You are also strongly encouraged to cite your source ("dish the sauce").
NSFW posts must be tagged.
Dont be an ass.
Seriously. We're only here to have fun.
No reposts allowed.
Anything already posted here, or similar won't be allowed. Cross posts are usually acceptable (as long as it's the only crosspost so far)
No low effort or irrelevant titles allowed.
Don't do something like "Title" or "Haha funny may-may". Be creative.
I shouldn't have downloaded an ISO from some sketchy website...
Hello all!
It seems like Reddit isn't going anywhere, so we're opening the subreddit to take care of the community that's still here. We've also opened elsewhere, if you know what we mean.
In case you missed the last announcement, we're also on Discord! Join the Discord server to get the latest updates and chat with the wider Linux animeme community.
Your mods,
/u/bucket3432 and /u/thespeedy905
Hi all,
You've probably been wondering where we've been. We've been watching Reddit to see if there would be any movement after the blackout, but so far there appears to be none.But the fight is not over yet.
We stand in solidarity with the disabled users of Reddit and will continue to keep the subreddit restricted in protest of the new API policy.
In the meantime, you should join our Discord server. You can interact with fellow Linux animeme enjoyers and we will be posting updates there on the future of our community. We still hope Reddit will turn around, but until then, see you in the Discord!
Your mods, /u/thespeedy905 and /u/bucket3432
So, I came across the post from Ironash01 and remembered that a while ago i made this shitty wrapper for neofetch that some of you might like
it was my plans to make an "installer" that added it as an alias or directly as an actual "command" and also to check if its dependencies existed and ask to install them but i got lazy and forgot about it -_-'
I don't know if I should even try to improve it, any thoughts?