
Photograph via snooOG

Anything relating to defending your home and family.

Home security system information, CCTV cameras, Outdoor lighting, door & window fortification & locks, No-knock warrant discussion, Panic rooms/Weather shelters, Safes, Utility outages, Firearm selection & safe storage & proper use, Safety plans, tactics, etc.

Anything relating to defending your home and family.

Including, not limited to:

  • Home security system information
  • CCTV cameras
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Entryway fortification
  • No-knock warrant discussion
  • Panic rooms
  • Safes
  • Safety plans

Four D's of Home Defense:

  • Deter
  • Detect
  • Delay
  • Defend


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Renting - want to hide this alley

Currently renting - wanting to block off this narrow alleyway (4 feet) that goes directly into our backyard. The rest of the backyard is gated, not sure why they left this open. There is some shrubbery behind me in the photo, so it’s not the most obvious entryway.

Only issue here is that landlords have a gardener who occasionally uses it to get to our backyard - otherwise, it’s never used.

I’ve thought about a barricade gate (one of those accordion type things) but the property next door isn’t something we can drill into. Also considered plants to block the opening and hide the fact that the alley exists, or something like this.

Any ideas for something secure yet movable by us should we need to move it for the gardener? There is another even narrower opening between the shed and home, that is currently plugged up with trash bins and a plant. I suppose we could make the alleyway completely sealed off and move the bins and such for the gardener when needed. Mostly just looking to deter/hide, as we can’t install a permanent gate or anything since we’re renting.

01:30 UTC


Home security system

Does anyone else have a dog that's protective of the home but also wants a security system? I've heard and read that when police encounter a dog they will often shoot to kill as a first response. This has me worried that if something sets off the alarm police will shoot my dog because my dog is protecting the home. I know security systems are often set off by mistake and wonder if anyone has a dog like this and how police are with them.

21:44 UTC


Standalone camera

Hi, I need camera that would be 100% local storage, just insert microsd card, plug it into power outlet and forget. There are hundreds of different models but most of them has wifi and I wasn't able to find any that would allow to disable it. Could you help me?

1 Comment
21:26 UTC


Craft Fair Booth Security

Hey there this might be outside the realm of this group but I'm trying to solve a problem and don't know how to go about it. So figured I'd crowd source ideas from people with experience.

I have a friend who I'm going to be helping with a booth at a very large craft fair. She's been in the business a long time very sweet lady. And she's explaining to me how often people steel from her booth. She has a large booth, 3-6 booth spots, with a very high inventory. Lots of small expensive items easy to knick along with larger items. (She was telling me about a lady who removed an $160 item from the packaging put in her bag and claimed it was hers! 😡)

I'm thinking maybe a security camera or two? But there's no wifi and possibly limited access to power strips. It can't be anything too complicated, she's an older lady with minimal tech experience. But I want her to feel secure and lower the theft ratios or at least give her some insurance. But also keep it reasonably priced for a what it is.

She will be out of state while I run the booth so I want her to feel secure in my performance too! It's like a 4 day event. But she does these fairs several times a year.

Any and all recommendations appreciated! TIA! ❤️

Also signs or no signs stating there's cameras?

1 Comment
17:05 UTC


Want to set combination on old Steelmaster safe

I have an old dial safe that has no combination set up. Is there a handy guide for setting a combination? I can't find anything specifically related to Steelmaster.



15:08 UTC


I have a Chinese camera & the QR code is lost how can I add it to the app, Can anyone help how to retrieve the QR code or anything else. I think its looks like this one in the link https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256805859794755.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt even if I don't know who the manufacturer is

10:51 UTC


Someone keeps banging on my window

I'm at a loss here and not really sure what to do and need advice:

Currently living with my dad and his girlfriend, we live in the projects, a lot of drug addicts, etc.
The apartment is really small, one bedroom, one bathroom. I'm currently staying in the living room.
Recently, somebody has started banging on my window/punching my window. I live on the ground floor and the window is facing an alleyway. The window is directly behind my computer set up and a bit to the right. My mattress is on the floor, pushed up against the wall under the window, with the window at the foot of my mattress. That's what makes it so terrifying and makes me fear for my safety.
The window is half open with an AC in it which takes up half of the opening. The other half was covered with cardboard taped to the window to keep the hot air out. I have a long dark curtain that hangs over the window and is just tucked above the AC not to block it.

The first time it happened was June 27th at 9:20 am, I was playing a game on my PC and somebody punched the cardboard in the window. I told my dad and his gf and I went outside to look around. Nobody was nearby but the cardboard was visibly dented so I knew something must have hit it. I decided to just cope not to freak out and force myself to believe it was nothing.
Second time was the day right after, the 28th at around 5:50 am. This time they punched the cardboard multiple times so I knew for a fact it wasn't some bird that accidentally flew into it. We went outside to check and yep, cardboard still dented.

I had told my mom about it and we decided to sort of reinforce the window. We replaced the cardboard with a piece of wood and a piece of plexiglass behind it. And it stopped happening. I thought that was the end of it.

Now, it has happened again. Two days in a row like last time but this time at the dead of night.
Yesterday someone hit the wood on my window at 12:00 am. I told my dad about it, we went outside with a flashlight, my knife and pepper spray and looked around. I noticed that the metal gate that's attached to my window was fully open but thought maybe I had forgotten to "close" it (it doesn't fully close due to the AC in the window blocking it). We saw no one. So they must be running and hiding right after. There's a lot of smaller gaps in between houses in the alleyway so they could have hid anywhere or run anywhere.
And once again. It happened today, July 21st at 10:30 pm. Somebody punched my window again. Unfortunately this time due to how fed up with it I've been, I opened the curtain and screamed outside the window, threatening whoever was doing it. I didn't see anyone nearby but I wasn't going to stick my head out the window to genuinely look around. I did notice that the metal gate was once again fully swung open, when I remembered to close it as much as possible before. So now I am 100% sure someone is deliberately punching my window.

I wasn't as scared about it before because it was in broad daylight and assumed that maybe it was a school kid messing around. But now it's happening at night and I really have no idea what to do. I don't really have the money for a security camera at the moment but I can't ignore it any longer. I genuinely cannot understand why someone would just randomly punch someone's window and then keep doing it. Is this some sort of new tactic to bait people into coming outside to rob them/enter their home? Is it someone just pulling a prank? I've contemplated calling the police but ultimately feel like it's not going to do anything. I have zero information on who is doing it, not even a gender, and it's not an immediate emergency because they seem flee the scene afterwards so I would feel bad dialing 911 and taking up time that could be used towards genuine emergencies.

What should I do? What can I do?

TLDR: Someone has punched the wooden board on my window 4 times now, which faces an alleyway. 2 times in June in the very early morning. And 2 times this month at very late in the night. I have no information on who it is or anything. I am 100% certain it is a human being and not an animal/bird/etc. Not sure what to do and need advice.

04:13 UTC


Had a thief come rummaging around our carport. Now I'm in the market for wireless security cameras.

Two days ago we had a someone walk into our carport and steal something. I live in a very small community of <800 people and most everyone knows who this person is. He's done this a few times before and has been in trouble with the law because of it. But nothing has deterred him. I was in the bathroom when I heard (my bathroom window opens to the carport), and so I immediately grabbed my firearm and ran outside. Unfortunately he was long gone by the time I got out there. The police said there's nothing they can do without evidence. So, now we need security cameras.

As our house is a century-old historic home with original walls, we are very reluctant to run a wired system as it would damage the original structure. So, we're looking at a wireless system.

Money isn't a factor, so I'm fine with going top-notch to ensure security. Can you guys point me in the right direction?

23:55 UTC


Umarex air javelin for self-defense / home defense

Just wondering on what your thoughts are if it could be used for home defense I'm in Canada I have a air javelin and saber both one shots and just wondering if you think it could get the job done I got a 9" Spike bayonet for the javelin and a 1600 lumen light with a laser on it too and I'm rocking 100gr Magnus stingers buzzcuts what do you think I'm getting my pal but I won't be able to get my shotgun for another couple months

12:28 UTC


How to get cameras up and running? Amcrest.

I built a house and purchased these cameras

Amcrest UltraHD 4K (8MP) Outdoor... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RHQGS8V?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

They are connected via Ethernet. But aren’t plugged into anything. How do I get these going with an NVR?

I do have a Reolink doorbell camera that I love and enjoy the app and alerts. Maybe I’ll move them all to HomeKit but so far trying HomeKit with other items not a huge fan.

20:50 UTC


Outdoor Security Camera Recommendations?

I realize this is probably posted frequently but I am renting a house for the first time and I'm more concerned with this now that we have the budget and don't live on a third story floor apartment (which was a deterrent).

I live in a city where crime is pretty frequent - not the worst in the country but it makes the top 20 list. And unfortunately I'm in my thirties and have watched way too many forensic files...like the tik tok videos of women in their 30s vs 20s. That's me.

All that said, I bit the bullet and bought the three pack of Google Nest outdoor cameras before realizing they don't actually rotate on a motor. I'm contemplating a fourth for the four sides of the house. I haven't installed them yet and have 15 days to return. I've even read that rotating cameras are not actually that great, and a fixed, cross-something camera system is best, with each camera looking at the other is to avoid tampering....but wouldn't that involve 8 cameras?

I want all four sides of my home covered and the general areas they cover beyond just the four walls of my home..extending out to the street toward my neighbors yard even possibly, the driveway, my door area for instance just from the first one...and I'd like to make sure no one basically crawls into my windows like the dang "strangler" - or any door anywhere on my home...which doors/windows are on three out of four sides.

Ideally I don't want to pay a ton in subscription costs but I'm ok with a reasonable fee I.e. $100/year total - bc live footage isn't really good to the police after the fact. But I don't even know if you have to have a subscription (fee) on each individual camera or the whole system (the latter is way more ideal to me). Would love to know the answer to that.

I've heard 50/50 on Arlo so not willing to gamble on that one unless I'm really convinced otherwise...

Please help. I work in communications (not telecommunications btw, otherwise I'd know WTH I was doing lol). So therefore I've been wary of home cameras because of data/privacy skepticism. But now I just want security.

04:15 UTC


Posting too many videos a security vulnerability?

I've been getting more Recruitment emails & messages over the past few months. Seems the footage I capture on my home security and vehicle dashcam... It's getting attention from companies who want to own the rights, and mash my videos into longer montages and repost with extreme an names and thumbnail, seeking viral videos.

I don't like this, don't want anyone to take or copy my footage. I've posted a few things, and decided not to post other stuff based on my exposure to a security vulnerability. I really don't want to expand my social footprint; I closed up my Facebook when I started using Reddit, no TwitterX, no Instagram, no Snapchat. My opinion is too much social media is a security vulnerability, telling the world when, where (and what) you eat, they know your house is empty. Too many vacation posts, or drunk party pictures, either house is empty, or you're too drunk to remember the sexual assault.

Yes there was a bad in a Hit & Run down at the intersection, no I don't want to share with the world a video compilation that could be researched and locate my address! 🤔😒🤬

03:42 UTC


Please recommend a safe for my needs.

Hello everyone, I have been checking amazon but reviews are mixed and I dont see name brands there, so I Needs recs for a fireproof/waterproof safe to hold stuff at my office, I can bolt it to the floor of a closet for added security. Thx in advance!

01:33 UTC


Is there a Motion sensor that doesn’t set of alarm or Wi-Fi?

Is there a motion sensor that only sends a notification to my phone and doesn’t need WiFi also doesn’t set off light or alarm?

17:12 UTC


New Barndo Build- Security Camera Setup- ~$5k Budget

I am currently in the stage of building a new Barndominium where the framing is all complete and I can easily run a POE Security system and am looking to see what might be best. How would you spend $5k(more if really worth it.) I have had Arlo's setup at my current home and it works fine, but don't really want to deal with batteries 22' in the air, or the laggy wireless connectivity.

Specs: Home is basically a 72x36 rectangle on 40 acres. In Pacific Northwest so I see temps from -10F to 110F. Cams will likely be under a soffit so reasonably protected.

Needs: Outdoor camera in at least all 4 corners, and possibly 4 cameras indoors. Want high resolution and quality, good POV or Pan/Tilt. Flood or Spot lights would be a bonus.

From my short research it looks like Reolink and Axis come up a lot. Reolink seems to have good bundles with NVR, Axis I haven't found anything but standalone cams so far. Reolink Duo 3 PoE perhaps? What for indoors?

If you had $5k to spend with wiggle room, how would you spec out a system? I am computer savvy, apps are fine, BlueIris if better is an option also.

This is a forever home so if there is anything such as better Ethernet cables or anything that can future proof I am all about that as well.

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
16:55 UTC


Choosing a Home Security System for My Apartment

I’m a recent college graduate who just moved to Los Angeles and rented an apartment to live by myself. Considering the crime rate in the area, I’m really keen on installing a home security system to ensure my safety. However, I’m a complete newbie when it comes to this stuff and could really use some advice from the experts here.

A few friends have suggested ADT and Cove, but I don’t know much about them or if they’re the best fit for my situation. Since I just graduated and my savings are limited, I’m looking for a budget-friendly option that still offers good protection.

I’ve created this account specifically to seek out your advice. What are some good, cost-effective home security systems that would work well for a small apartment? Any tips on what to look for or avoid would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

09:47 UTC


Non-firearm options

Hello, I want to start off by saying I do own a glock. I keep it locked up for safety reasons because of our son and I. I have bipolar and a history or self harm in my past so my spouse keeps the key. Recently I moved to a new area with my family and the neighborhood isn't in the most ideal part of town, nothing against the folks. I was just wanting an option for my household if the firearm is unavailble. I'm not sure if it'll help but my bedroom is the closest to the front door rights beside it if I open my door it's to the left. then it's a wide open living room area. My first thought was a bat.

16:31 UTC


Your Experiences, Recommendations - LOREX, REOLINK, EUFY and ARLO

UPDATE 1: So far, I've heard more poor reviews of Lorex than Reolink, mostly focussed on the app, and, given my suspicion that they use the same supplier/manufacturer as Swann based on the identical battery packs, I'm feeling I need to deprioritise them over Reolink.
So far my focus is the Home Hub with Argus 3 Ultra cameras ($A700) from Reolink.

Alright Reddit. Another one of these, I know, but with Prime going on, everyone's sale-ing.

I'm in the market for a good 4K completely wireless system. I previously bought and tried the Swann 4K NVR kit (four cameras with a Hub, 1 TB storage, HDMI out, etc.) and, in VERY short, it was let down hard by crap software - I think I got a good feed I could use for long enough to see a recording/live feed and potentially turn on a light or siren about 16% of the time. The rest were app crashes, logouts, or just infinite loading - so, that's why Swann's not on this list. Bonus points if the kit is well supported in Home Assistant.

I want to do my best to guarantee that this system is local-only and is sending only tbe absolute minimum to the cloud to work. I will not use a Ring or Nest system because (apart from fuck those companies) they have been caught using recordings however they like, and, in Google's case, will simply take your hardware from you by discontinuing support. This system MUST work offline, even if that means more PITA work for me, hence the hub systems.

I also included Eufy and Arlo here since they seem to be the best competitors for quality cameras. A friend with Arlo has shown me their setup and, even though it's old by now, it looks like they don't work without internet despite having a hub. I also don't want to support them after their attempted subscription push. I don't want to support Eufy after Anker's total fuck-up with unsecured and misconfigured recordings and camera access, BUT I am including them because, if they really are the most reliable kit, I'll block them from the internet and use the hub/kit local-only.

Lorex have their 'HaLow' long-range wifi IP which looks like it'll help where my Swann kit struggled (mostly the front door thanks probably to the old thick walled house.) Downside is the cameras seem to be all-in-one designed, so my existing standard screw mounts won't work - Lorex expect you to mount their wall plate and the battery compartment hooks onto that. They're wireless, have a comparable hub, and look reputable. They also use the exact same batteries as the Swann kit so I'm worried they're using the same re-skinned app too.

Reolink have lacked good local storage, but they've recently launched their WiFi 6 and Hub devices, which look solid. Reolink seems to be well liked online. Their support for hub-based systems is new so unproven, but their cameras look solid, and their hubs seem to have all I need - expandable HDD, local support, etc.
(RLN12W with RLC-811WA or RLC-810WA)

Kits like this are comparable with other 4K home hub systems and I like that Eufy cameras have built-in solar panels rather than purchasable add-on kits. For all intents and purposes, this is a competitor to the Swann or Arlo variants. I do NOT want to buy Eufy unless they are the best and most reliable product in this market.

Arlo's newer systems must be locally functional. Arlo look to repeatedly beat the competition at a given price point/camera quality (2K for the competition's 1080p, 4K for their 2K) and I have seen recordings from Arlo systems and used the app to a limited extent.


  • Ubiquiti - needs true wireless support
  • Hikvision - too SMB+, less support for consumer focussed products like true wireless kits
  • Dahua - same as above
  • Tapo - I've made it a choice to deprioritise anything that's got cameras on public IP cam websites, and TP-Link Tapo have cameras from my country on such sites.
  • Hue - Not mature enough, and Philips is pushing account locking/online only. There are 100 other brands, but many of these are cheap and unsophisticated, (Tapo, Cygnett, Eko, Blink) use Tuya, (Wiz, Laser, Uniden, Brilliant) or aren't yet mature enough (Synology, Uniden, Panasonic, Hue, Nextech)

NOTE: I have removed ALL links as the bot here is picking up anything I link regardless of the tag being present. You'll have to copy+paste or serach the device names yourself to view.)

06:30 UTC


Home defense if guns aren't an option like less lethal,air bows no gun license options

I'm just wondering what your thoughts are and what you would use if you couldn't use your AR or shotgun

02:36 UTC


Recommendations for how to lock my door when the actual lock doesn't work?

It's a long story, but basically, I moved into a new apartment and the key doesn't work, so I can't lock the door when I'm not there. I also have roommates, which complicates it. My landlord is being difficult, so until I can work it out with him, I need a way to keep my stuff safe while I'm not there. Alternatively, if no such product exists, I would love a recommendation for a security camera that doesn't need wifi or an app, preferably in the <$25-30 range, since it'll only be temporary and I'm on a low budget. Thanks!

22:37 UTC


Outdoor Floodlight Camera for backyard

Hi folks - any recommendations for an outdoor camera with motion floodlight? I have looked at Ring, Eufy, Wyze etc. I have a couple of Wyze cameras currently but not super happy with them. I have a wired light above the door in the backyard where I can install a wired cam, I believe. I am leaning towards Eufy as they seem to have the best reviews and ratings but just curious what folks’ opinions are who’ve used some. Need to deal with winter time temps where I am in Canada but nothing extreme, so assume wired is best option too.

15:16 UTC


Secure home for 10 Day Absence


I have a pretty severe case of OCD and paranoia, which is why I have trouble leaving my home for long periods of time. I already have 2 Indoor Cameras (Wired), which make me feel a lot safer when i’m gone, but things like WIFI jammers or a simple power outage could fuck everything up and the cameras go offline. I need 24/7 monitoring, that’s a must. What options do I have to secure my home?

Thank you

14:54 UTC


Advice Needed for Affordable Security Camera System for Home in Jamaica

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to buy a security camera system for my home in Jamaica, and I could really use some advice. My house is approximately 75x50 feet, and the property, including the yard, is around .33 acres.
Avg net speeds 20mb down 30mb up. This would be for external use

Here are some specifics and requirements I have:

  • Solar-Powered Option: Given that my house is already powered by solar energy, a solar-powered system would be a nice addition but is not essential.
  • Mobile Access: I need a system that I can access via my mobile phone to monitor the property remotely.
  • Alerts and Notifications: It would be really handy to get alerts for any unusual activity, especially motion detection.
  • Budget-Friendly: I'm not looking for anything too over-the-top or expensive. A good balance between cost and features is what I'm after.
  • Courier-Friendly: The system will need to be shipped from the US, so it shouldn't be too heavy or cumbersome to courier.


  1. High-Resolution Cameras: At least 720p (ideally 1080p+) resolution for clear video quality.
  2. Weatherproof: Durable and resistant to the tropical climate, including rain and humidity.
  3. Night Vision: Essential for monitoring during the night.
  4. Expandable System: The ability to add more cameras in the future if needed.
  5. Local Storage: Option for SD card storage in addition to cloud storage to ensure redundancy.
  6. Two-Way Audio: Not essential for my needs.

Any suggestions on specific brands or models that fit these criteria would be greatly appreciated. Also, any tips on installation and maintenance in a tropical climate would be great.

Thanks in advance for your help!

11:55 UTC


Anyone know what software this is?

I recently moved out a few months ago and our new place has a security system. Unfortunately, the management here is not very responsive, so they haven't provided me with the PIN or instructions on how to reset it. Does anyone know the type of system this is so I can try to find the corresponding app to reset it? I encountered a similar problem with our keypad before and managed to download the app to reset it.

04:59 UTC


Adding Motion or other compatible ZWave Sensors to Qolsys IQP4001

I have a recently installed Qolsys IQP4001 with (1) Motion (1) Glassbreak (3) Door Contact and (4) Window Sensors. The system was installed by a local reseller of ADT services and essentially was installed at no charge for the hardware or labor however if I want to add sensors each one is $120-$200 installed depending on what type of sensor. I looked these sensors up and they are $20-$40 to purchase new so of course I want to add the additional sensors myself. I'm technical enough as an IT Manager w/ 20+ years experience that I know I could do it. Just looking to know if this is possible and if anyone has done it with the system IQP4001? Thank you in advance for your feedback or guidance.

1 Comment
21:27 UTC

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