
Photograph via //r/ghibli

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio founded in June 1985 by the director Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata and the producer Toshio Suzuki. The company's logo features the character Totoro (a large forest spirit) from Hayao Miyazaki's film "My Neighbor Totoro". It has its headquarters in Koganei, Tokyo.

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    Thanks to

    /u/Jaxspider for the CSS!

    /u/Ragegirl9-5 for the Snoo!

    /u/klange for his Thumbnail Totoro!


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    listening to the soundtrack while working on this is peak relaxation

    1 Comment
    20:58 UTC


    Overlap between Ghibli movies and Marcel Proust books?

    New to Ghibli works, but absolutely in love with them. I saw My Neighbor Totoro, and felt a profound overlap between Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time".

    - The hyper focus on "the ordinary" to highlight the beauty of simple everyday occurrences (where Proust is heavily influenced by Vermeer's paintings). While Proust does this in prose, MNT does this with its animation and visuals and sound design.

    - Lots of reminiscing on the sweetness of childhood and relationships with a granny that make you stop and think about your own family life. Every time I read some Proust I appreciate my own life and family more, and the only other artistic works that have had this effect has been the Studio Ghibli movies i've been watching.

    - The obsession with dreaming and imagination. Proust has a quote, "If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less, but to dream more, to dream all the time." I find this theme omnipresent in Studio Ghibli works.

    Has anyone else picked up on this? Was Miyazaki influenced by Proust? Anyone else here also a fan of Proust?

    19:51 UTC


    Does anyone else just want to cry when they watch ghibli movies

    Every time i watch a ghibli movie on a big screen or at the movies i always want to start to cry, im not sure if its just because it was such huge part of my childhood but it happens all the time. I have such a huge appreciation for the studio and as an artist i truly look up to miyazaki’s art style like no other artist.

    18:58 UTC


    Spotted in the wild! Cat Bus-stop at the SUNY Purchase campus, New York

    1 Comment
    18:36 UTC


    My Neighbor Totoro Puzzle

    Just finished this 1,000 piece puzzle I got as a souvenir while visiting Japan! Took over a week but was so worth it. Planning to frame it and put in my office!

    (*The edges only look weird because the table is round)

    1 Comment
    18:30 UTC


    Tried to capture the summery playful vibes of my neighbour totoro! Definitely my favourite comfort film ❤️

    17:52 UTC


    What’s a good movie for my partner and I to watch?

    Just what the title says :3 We’ve already watched Ponyo, My neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Howl’s moving castle, and The Cat Returns!

    I’m just looking for suggestions, thank you :D

    17:43 UTC


    My Neighbour totoro

    1 Comment
    14:09 UTC


    How many Ghibli movies would you find in this drawing?

    Hello, I wanted to share you this Ghibli fanart with you ! 😁 There are 13 movies to find in this drawing. The artist is Timya on instagram ✍️

    13:19 UTC


    How many of you have watched this Ghibli movie that I am currently painting?

    12:42 UTC


    Searching for ghibli studio short clips

    Hello, I'm searching for ghibli studio short clips for my editing purposes. Where can I get them?

    12:10 UTC


    A gift from my dad

    I really wanted this book and easily could’ve gotten it for cheap online. But my dad got it for me. I told him how I wanted to earn this book, since I’m going into the military soon. I wanted to give myself a reward to look forward to. But one morning while visiting he just came back and got it for me

    I was surprised but also a bit disappointed that there was a tear on the bottom. Since I like my things to be clean and yk not ripped, dirty, or used.

    But then it hit me, my dad rarely ever hears what I want besides money for birthday and Christmas, and I’m normally not very open bout this. Just because I’m not. But this was the first I’ve ever told him something I was passionate about getting that wasn’t money. And this little tear grew on me. That it’s imperfect.

    It’s a reminder that nothing is perfect, something i just struggle with internally and externally. That even though my dad won’t ever know, he’s helping me grow out of this perfectionist mindset, and that it’s ok to have a few tears here and there.

    Thanks dad, every time I look at this book and that eyesore on the bottom right corner, I’ll think of you and he grateful for anything you give me

    09:47 UTC


    Cantonese dubs produced before English?

    My question concerns older Ghibli titles, maybe before the mid-90s Disney home video deal.

    The Hong Kong theatrical release dates seem to come before the USA ones. Off of that point, I am guessing that Cantonese dubs were created/released before English.

    However, I do not know about home video, and perhaps there were overseas markets target before USA.

    Dragonball I believe was dubbed in Cantonese before English. Also IIRC, Akira dubbed in English first -- but for the Hong Kong market!

    04:36 UTC


    Does Ghibli Park Premium O-Sanpo Day Pass Areas still need you to book specific timings?

    Last time I went to Ghibli Park around 2023, there were very specific time slots we had to book for each special area (Satsuki and Mei's house, Hill of Youth World Emporium etc). But did they change that recently? Because after the Valley of Witches opened, I saw a lot of videos saying you need to book your timing for the grand warehouse, but never mention timings for any other areas. Can you just go in at any time if you have the pass?

    I'm planning a trip to Ghibli Park with a friend from Japan who's never been (but she's helping to buy the tickets since she's a local), so I thought I'd ask.

    1 Comment
    02:42 UTC


    Fanart Howl's Moving Castle

    1 Comment
    02:13 UTC


    My friend got a tattoo and she allowed me to show it here.

    02:12 UTC


    Hi Setsuko ☺️

    01:48 UTC


    How do you think people will remember the boy and the heron in like 10 or 15 years?

    When this movie came out specially brazil it felt like a HUGE event, everyone i knew was talking specially after the oscars which happend one week before the movie came out, everyone was talking about that being miyazaki last film, his magnum opus and we knew so little about it and i remember walking in the streets seeing poster of it and a huge standee in my movie theather, and at the time i wasnt even a ghibli fan i had only wacthed that one grogu short on disney + and ponyo which i loved at the time, i had friends how didnt watched a single ghibli film seeing it in the movies. So i think, this will be considered one of ghibli mainstream classics like howl's, kiki, ponyo, porco and spirrited away or it will be much more a cult classic like the wind rises because this movie has a lot of happening and meta commentary about miyazaki's life and ghibli as whole or the criativity and its box office sucess world wide will turn it on a mainstream classic? Only time will tell...


    00:43 UTC


    Grave of the Fireflies

    The wife is out of town with the kids, and I have a bottle whiskey ready. Am I in for a rough night by watching Grave of the Fireflies alone?

    00:09 UTC


    Which villain is the most vile?

    Most „Ghibli“ villains have ( at least in my opinion ) some redeeming qualities but Muska is the clear exception to that.I mean this guy wiling to force a teenage girl join him or face death so he could enact a literal genocide on all mankind.

    00:04 UTC


    Why Hayao Miyazaki Hates the Lord of the Rings

    Do you think that miyazaki is a Brat and Never Really read toliken's Works?

    23:34 UTC


    Thoughts on Lady Eboshi?

    20:48 UTC


    Want to keep this one safe as well... "Moro's Revenge" Does anyone have suggestions on how / where to get a color copy background?

    1 Comment
    20:18 UTC


    Gouache Study - Howl’s Moving Castle

    Recent gouache painting I did for some practice in my notebook!

    20:01 UTC


    Ghibli Park domestic site


    ahead of the 10th February sale, I'm thinking about using the domestic site instead of the international one. I remember I did this back in 2023 and it worked out fine, I just put in a random number in my account information. I've seen multiple people saying that from last year there is an SMS verification system for the tickets.. is that true? I went all the way to the payment page now for the March tickets (as a test) and it did not ask me to verify the phone number... do you think it would potentially be a problem when picking up the tickets at Lawson? Do I just put a fake number or does it have to be real? Anyone actually got the tickets within the past couple months?

    Another thing is, I accidently clicked "store payment" doing the test and it reserved them for me to pickup in store. Thanfully it will be voided in 4 days (since I won't go there), but I'm assuming that for pre-paid tickets I can actually pick them up once I arrive to Japan, not within 4 days? Or has that changed too?

    Lastly, I obviously had to put in my name in Kanji. When translating it back in Google it doesn't seem to sound that similar to my normal one... If they decide to check my passport (in Lawson or at the Ghibli entrance), how will they confirm it's actually me? Will it be a case of checking if it sounds similar, or if the Kanji name is misspelled (it does sound weird) there will be problems?

    Any advice would be appreciated. The English website keeps crashing for me even now and we only have 1 specific day we can go, so I really wanna try the domestic one too.

    19:40 UTC


    Earwig and the witch. Honestly, I didn't struggle too much with the visuals but goddamn these characters are so utterly unlikable and the plot is just boring. The credits had cute art though. Lots of small similarities and references to HMC (I know the books were from the same author)

    16:35 UTC


    Hayao Miyazaki Shikishi authentic?

    What do you think about these Hayao Miyazaki Shikishi? I have been comparing with authentic ones and can't see any inconsistency, it's condition looks from that time too. Any Miyazaki signature expert in the room :)?

    15:47 UTC

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