Dragon Ball shitposts & memes
Rule 1: No porn. If something is borderline, tag it NSFW. It might be removed anyway. (What is porn?)
Rule 2: No reposts. Try to make original content. (When reporting reposts, please post the original in the comments.)
Rule 3: No bigotry. (What is this?) If you see something that violates Reddit TOS, report it.
Rule 4: DB memes and shitposts only. Anything that is off-topic will be removed. Self-promo spam will result in a ban.
Spoilers are allowed. We reserve the right to remove posts for any reason, but if your post does not appear, you may message the moderators.
Credits: Mordo Alt (YouTube)
I remember when everything seemed to turn around once Buu found Bubble. That was quite a moment from long ago that happened in Dragon Ball Z
Is being orphan a requirement to be a Z warrior?
Realistically the Duolingo owl would solo
Why couldn't Goku literally Just ask for help from Vegeta to defeat Baby??? Is he THAT dumb?
For u/Hejeiru who wants memes instead of politics in our favorite Ningen subreddit