r/DailyWire is a place for conservatives to discuss and critique things relating to the Daily Wire podcasts, articles, and events within the context of conservative ideology. Anti-conservative attacks are not in line with our mission, however reasonable critique is allowed from conservatives.
Our mission is to provide a place for conservatives and liberals alike to discuss and critique things relating to the Daily Wire podcasts, articles, and events within the context of conservative ideology. Anti-conservative attacks are not in line with our mission, however reasonable critique is encouraged from liberals and or conservatives.
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This is a conservative subreddit focusing on content from the Daily Wire. Liberals are welcome to discuss within the context of conservatism.
I finally got a chance to watch this last week. I just wanted to give my take aways here. First off, and I would expect nothing less here, it was incredibly well done. It was factual, educational, and strongly based in evidentiary truth.
Secondly, I’ve been in this fight for quite some time now. And have held a hard line against this insanity for years now. That being said, I have personally never seen some of the footage they showed of what these procedures actually encompass.
To put it bluntly and directly, I was absolutely horrified. How could anyone, anywhere, anytime think this could be a moral thing to introduce to anyone, but especially children. I found myself in tears multiple times. I was flabbergasted, and just couldn’t believe the horrors that I was seeing right before my eyes.
I would suggest anyone who is a supporter of common sense, sanity, and protecting the innocence of our children watch this documentary. I thought I couldn’t feel more strongly than I already do about this topic, and I was wrong.
Thank you Daily Wire for yet another outstanding and compelling documentary. I am a proud yearly subscriber, and gladly support you all, and the work you do. In the words of Matt Walsh, Godspeed.
Hitler gave thumbs-ups to people, drank water, and used a phone...KAMALA HARRIS DID THE SAME STUFF! Irrefutable proof that Kamala Harris is a Nazi!
Am I doing this right? I feel like I am, but I'm not sure. Anyone want to help me learn to create something out of nothing?