
Photograph via snooOG

This community is for knowledge, first aid advice, husbandry, and training of any species of captive bird. Doves, parrots, chickens, emus, dodos, etc. are all welcome.

This community is for knowledge, first aid advice, husbandry, and training of any species of captive bird. Doves, parrots, chickens, emus, dodo's, ect are all welcome.

We aim for science based knowledge and continued education in those subjects. We want to help those medical deserts without the option of an avian vet as best we can. No one should feel alone and helpless to provide some level of care to their flock.



  1. Please back up any medical, training, ect advice with sources if able! This will both allowed us to build a useful wiki, and keep our advice consistent and up to date.

  2. No aww/cute/funny media unless it's related to the health and care of birds.

  3. Civil discussion only. No flaming, name calling, or mobbing. If someone gives comprehensive advice. Upvote/addon to that post rather then making your own. Aggressive tactics will not be tolerated.

  4. Please tag any graphic images or descriptions of bird death or injury with NSFW.

  5. We support continued education! Please post articles, journals, videos, and other such media. We want to learn and remain current.

  6. If you are a professional in an Avian field and would like special flair to show your experience. Please message the Mods with request and proof.

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Budgie losing weight

My female budgie has lost a lot of weight. She is totally changed from a few months. She is quiet, puffed up and sleeping most of the times. She also frequently vomits seeds. Her droppings are very small, and usually just water. She doesn't play, and just sits at the bottom.

I live in an area where there no vets. What do I do? Please help, I don't want her to die.

11:20 UTC


Found baby house finch, with severe eye crust.

I had put some bacatracin over the large crust. Not sure if the eye is still under there. Hoping anyone got any clues on what I should do. I'm already looking for a rehabber. Adolescent finch not able to fly yet but seems like he's not far off.

05:14 UTC


Help with bird (swallow)

I found a baby barn swallow on the floor. I checked him, he seems healthy and has feathers, but he can't fly (does big jumps). The interesting thing is that he tries to follow me and when I put my hand in front of him he comes on my hand and when I try to put him down again he doesn't leave. But I tried to give him bug food and potato which he won't eat. What should i do?

21:46 UTC


Cockatiel swollen beak?

Anyone know what this is? I just noticed this in my cockatiel very recently, my other one seems to be fine.

For context, she is currently going through liver issues as well, she’s currently on medications cos her liver enzymes are really high. Don’t know if that would’ve caused this but just mentioning for context.

03:01 UTC


Gosling with uncomfortable wing

Every year my apartments have a family of geese that take over our parking lot and pool. Usually they are gone by mid summer, however it seems like they’re sticking around due to the goslings feathers being stuck in their protective sheaths. It seems to be preventing it from bringing its wing in, keeping it stuck out at an awkward angle. At first i believed it to be broken or injured, but upon closer inspection (at least as close as i could get without being attacked) it seems like the straw like feathers are at the very base of the wing, closest to the body. It’s been over a week of it being stuck out at an angle, and i’m wondering what steps i should take from here. Is there someone I can call or something I can do? (California) The gosling is still walking around, eating normally, swimming in the pool, it just can no longer bring its wing in at any time, even sleeping with its wing out.

18:53 UTC


Need baby bird healthcare advice please

Hello! I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to take care of this little fellow. 7 days ago I found him on my backyard, no nest to be found around. I think maybe it was from my roof and that possibly he is a sparrow, at least it seems more likely? Can someone identify him too please?

He seems to be managing well. I keep a heating pad underneath him, and he is inside a warm sock. I give him baby bird food like every 2 hours, except at night. He didn't have any feathers before and the eyes were closed. So something I'm doing right I think. However I wanted more advice as to how help him thrive more.

Should I buy some specific baby food? Give him vitamins? And when / if he grows up, will he manage to survive in the wild? I don't know anything about birds, so thank you very much for all the help you can give!

12:25 UTC


Oral meds for Cockatiel issue

My male cockatiel, 5 almost 6 years old, unfortunately needed his wing amputated last Tuesday due to wing trauma. He has been taking oral pain meds, reluctantly, since last Sunday when he was injured. He keeps coughing and sneezing (mostly coughing) after his oral medication for extended periods of time. My vet said it was okay since he was under anesthesia and that can cause throat/respiratory irritation BUT it should go away. It has not gone away and is causing me concern for how much coughing and sneezing directly after meds. It eventually goes away in ~24 hours (but then i must readminister it and its a cycle). I called my vet and they said the doctor would get back to me but it has been 3 hours, and I am worried. He has been acting completely normal with eating, drinking, chewing, breathing, everything but the coughing. It sounds like there is in his throat that he needs to clear. Is it possible that he could just leave the medicine in his mouth to cough up over time since he hates taking it? Looking for advice until vet calls me back.

16:15 UTC


House Finch, bent feather, can't fly

Found this sweet female house finch hopping across our street around dusk. She can manage to fly about 6-10 inches off the ground. She has a couple wonky feathers sticking out on her right wing.

My kids and I put her in our cat carrier with a nest we happened to have, and some seeds and bugs and water. The carrier is inside, locked away from the cats.

What's my next move? I've taken care of birds before, ones that I could eventually release. Will her wing heal?

02:43 UTC


The little house sparrow hatchling I was looking after passed away - unsure if it aspirated food in its sleep or died naturally.

15:59 UTC


Looking for more info on seagull habits

There’s a seagull that’s been sitting on a neighbours roof for days. Occasionally moves to the other side of the house but spends hours on the one spot. Is this normal behaviour or a sign of illness/injury etc?

Anything I can do to help if this is irregular behaviour?

1 Comment
00:19 UTC


Baby budgie has indent under its beak/neck

We noticed 1 of our baby budgies has a little indent/hole under its beak/on its neck when it was looking up. I think it moves in and out when breathing or doing some kind of mouth movement, not entirely sure on that. Is this normal and if not what should we do? This is my families first time with baby budgies.


20:28 UTC


Is Neosporin toxic? Urgent

My budgie has a case of bumblefoot and I put neosporin on it until we can get him to the vet since it's closed on weekends. I did this based on what I read off of another site.

But now I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information about it being toxic if ingested.

I'm very worried because he was preening. I rinsed him off as best as I could but he was struggling and I don't know how much I was able to take off since some went in his leg feathers/lower belly because of how much he was wriggling when I grabbed him

I'm honestly kinda panicking right now that I made things worse. Should I give him activated charcoal? He's already really stressed after the whole ordeal but I don't want him to die

04:09 UTC


Disoriented Sparrow

Sparrow was found on the sidewalk, mostly docile but it's flapping around and turning on its head and can't seem to stand on its own or fly. Tried offering it some fruit or seeds but he doesn't take it. I know nothing of birds, but sparrows are killed on shelters and veterinaries since they're an invasive species in my country. Some help?

00:43 UTC


Wild Baby Bird still in egg-hatching process. Far from any trees, called Rescue Reserve (Does it look okay? We don't want to hurt it or let it die)

18:43 UTC


Baby Bird out of the Nest

Today I found a baby bird (it was in a bit of rough shape when found) next to my car. I picked it up and moved it to a shadier area and when I came back home from work the mom was nearby and the baby had perked up so so much.

I found the nest, but the nest is very not good. There were two dead babies in the nest, the one on the ground being the only one alive now.

The problem is that my neighbor has a cat that’s just allowed to wander everywhere, and I’m super worried about the little bird. If I leave it on the ground I’m afraid that the cat will get it, but if I move it anywhere out of the cats immediate reach then maybe the mom won’t be able to find it? I have birdhouses galore, but there’s no nest and I don’t know what to do going forward or if there’s anything I can do.

Any advice or ideas?

20:53 UTC


Is this bird dying of heat/dehyrdration??

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I'm really worried about a seagull that lives on our neighbors roof (I know people hate seagulls, but I don't).We're on the fourth floor in an attic apt so we are parallel with all the neighboring roofs. There is a mother seagull with her two week old babies out in the almost 100 degree heat and 95% humidity. Obviously they are able to withstand harsh Mew England conditions, and I've seen birds open their mouths for an extended time or even pant a bit, but the mother is PANTING. Her chest is heaving and she keeps closing her eyes for a few seconds at a time. However, she's still standing.

Is this normal?? I've lived here 5 years and avidly watch the babies each summer, but I've never seen them act this way. I was able to secure a plastic bowl of water outside our window which felt stupid and pointless but I felt like I had to do something ☹️

Hopefully someone can tell me I'm overreacting and this is perfectly normal.

18:40 UTC


What is happening to him/her? Laying in this position all day when I go near he/she stands up but when I leave its the same.

18:07 UTC


Eggbound recovery

12:37 UTC


Baby house sparrow hatchling has cemented food in its beak at the back - how to remove or help swallow successfully?

Hi, I've rescued the featherless hatchling since no parent bird or nest was to be found and I've started administering wet cat kibble with tweezers every 30 minutes or so.

Unfortunately, it seems there is a tiny fragment cemented at the back of the inside of the lower beak and it's been there for over an hour. Is it dangerous? What measures should I take to help it through or remove it?

It doesn't seem distressed and is chirping and gaping often, seeming hungry. I do not want to feed him until the cemented part is gone, in case there is an obstruction but don't want him to starve. Any tips? All help highly appreciated in advance.

04:26 UTC



was on someone's driveway so I scooped him up and put in the grass a couple feet away so it wouldn't get ran over. Idk if i messed up by moving it but the mom was nearby. One thing that was bothering me was that it seemed to act like a nestling despite it's age and it's eyes were constantly closed. I heard about a eye problem with Avians in illinois because of the influx of cicadas being fed to babies causing a nutrient deficiency. For future reference should I have left it alone?

02:15 UTC


HELP! - hurt robin

i was walking my dog when i found a hurt robin in my yard. it tried to fly, but it immediately fell. it refuses to lay on its stomach(?) and only is still when its laying on its side or back. what is wrong with it?

20:25 UTC

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