
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit totally dedicated to Cockatiels. Feel free to talk about anything related or to post pictures of your own parrots.

This is a community for the discussion of cockatiels. Talk about anything related, or post pictures of your own :)

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Male cocktaiel bird whistling issue

My male cocktaiel bird was away for around 4 month and just today we went a picked him up from my friends house.

After bringing him back home and observing his behaviour i realized he has become very fat and chuncky and cant fly properly.

But the main issue that caught my eye was that despite being able to whistle and talk a little bit before departure now he struggles to make normal cocktaeil sounds and makes scritching sounds like somebody that has a soar throat and his voice has become terible to hear.

I was wondering what might have caused this issue during the time he was away and other than taking him to the vet what might help him regain back his voice.


17:56 UTC



my birds got into a fight and my girl whooped my boys a$s. she bit his foot and he was bleeding a little. it’s stopped bleeding but what do i do?? i put him in his cage.

for context, they had 3 eggs and have been taking turns, but starting yesterday he would not let her in the nest and was fighting her. i put him in his cage for the rest of the day and over night. he seemed fine this afternoon so i let him out and he went directly to the nest and she wasn’t having it. they had 2 fights in the nest and she chased him out. and his foot is all bitten up. it’s not bleeding anymore but i know it hurts him cause he keeps messing with it. please let me know what i should do, and how i can keep them from fighting. and how i should move forward. (picture for attention)

16:47 UTC


So i was meaning to get some more formula for my tiel kiki, but I've been watching her and it seems, she's eating fine, what should i do in this situation?

16:11 UTC


Lemon's practicing his/her vocals 🤣 anyway can you tell their genders?

14:40 UTC


Yivo Talking Compilation Video

1 Comment
14:26 UTC



Hello! I’m trying to find the best food to give to my cockatiel (and conure). Up until now they have gotten diced fruit and vegetables in small portions. But after some research i have seen that fruit should be given sparingly. And then my question is it better to make chop? (Didn’t know what it was until now) and what is appropriate to put in it? 🤔 i want my birds as healthy as possible but my fat cockatiel only wants to eat seed mix so I’m willing to try anything 🥲 (I’ve tried pellets l, he literally starves himself before he eats them💀)

13:10 UTC


Should i take her to get her nails trimmed?

10:43 UTC


Why is she so cute(oc)

10:39 UTC


Mave's version of Cookie Cookie!

He seems so proud performing with his silly dance lol

09:26 UTC


advices to avoid moth, or any other insect infestation

I live in a humid climate and things get run over too easily by the buggies. I had my birds cage get infested by moths twice this year.

Any suggestion to keep them off our feathered friends? will appreciate anything 🖐

09:09 UTC


immun 44, please answer if youre knowledgeable

My cockatiels food was swarming with moths before I took everything out of his cage and cleaned them all. I am now keeping the possible infested foods in the freezer for over 3 days to make sure any insects or eggs in them are killed off. He has been suffering from hoarseness for a few days (he is slowly improving with the clean enviroment) I want to supplement him with adding Immun 44 into his water. It was precripted for him by the vet when he suffered with diarrhea. Do you think I should give the med to him? What should be the dosage?

I can only consult to the vet on Tuesday so I need advice for atleast these 2 days. Thanks!

1 Comment
09:01 UTC


Question for bird breeders

I wanna know what breeders look for in terms of cage requirements when they have a buyer looking to get a cockatiel. I’m planning on getting a cockatiel in a few months and I’m not sure what cage to get. Someone help!!

06:25 UTC


Cage Recommendations

Hi there. I am the proud servant to 4 little pterodactyls. My oldest is 15, but been a bird mom for 22 years now. I want a good high quality cage. I’ve been looking but I’m just overwhelmed. What do y’all think? Any brand or websites yall think I should consider?

02:51 UTC


bird hates his cage

my bird hates his cage. he screams the same abrasive sound over and over unless he is allowed out. the cage is big. he is fed, he has water, enrichment, and he is not getting too much sunlight. i genuinely just think he deeply dislikes being in a cage.

does anyone else have this issue? what have you done about it? can i let him have free range or is that dangerous?

23:50 UTC


cockatiel help

23:42 UTC


The new administrative assistant at my office is terrible.

23:34 UTC


Black runny poop PLEASE HELP

I took my tiel to the vet and she said he had yeast and other candida in his poop (potentially AGY) so she got him on amphotericin. After a week I took him for a revisit and she said his poop was completely disease free but I should keep giving him his meds for another few weeks. This was a few days ago.

Yesterday night he began vomiting and acting letharthic and today I woke up to BLACK poop, almost tar like.

It’s sunday and the vets not open. Do I wait until tomorrow or what??? The vet said she didn’t need to see him for another 6 months I’m so confused as to why he’s this sick again

He’s acting fine and preening now and has gained energy since yesterday but I’m not sure if it can wait until tomorrow

1 Comment
22:39 UTC


I have no idea what im doing.

A couple of months ago, i got a budgie. I was able to befriend it in a matter of 4-5 days. Now it sits on my shoulder and sleeps while im working. So i thought, if i can have a friend in a form of a budgie id love one in a form of a cockatiel. So a couple of days ago, probably 4 days i bought a cockatiel from a store. The cockatiel is a female, and 7 months old. First of all, is she too old to be tame? Second of all, what should i exactly do? So far i havent done much except offer her food from my hand, and give her more food in her bowl and water. I figured she wont be tamed in a short amount of time like my budgie was, so im here asking for help. When i did offer her food from my hand, i wouldnt chase her or anything. Id usually say here, this is for you. Not hungry? Okay then. She hisses at me all the time, except when im sitting down next to her. I am not very experienced, and i am in need of help to tame this wild beast. Also, im open for name suggestions. She is grey, with 3 white spots on her wings, and spots on her tail feathers.

20:36 UTC


White stuff on the beak?

What’s the white stuff that comes off my bird’s beak when he bites me or pecks at my phone screen? Is it just tiel dust from preening? Does it have a name? It seems almost like a really fine powder but damp. I’m not worried about it, it seems to be normal I’m just curious what it’s called and where it comes from.

20:29 UTC

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