
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share pictures, ask questions, have discussions, and share articles about our favorite avian, the conure!

The r/Conures Comprehensive Conure Guide!

Welcome to /r/Conures - a place to share pictures, ask questions, have discussions, and share articles about our favorite avian, the conure!

Subreddit rules and guidelines:

  • If you are posting images of a sick or injured bird, please tag your post NSFW. This will warn those who are not prepared to view such images, as well as clearly mark your submission as asking for urgent help or advice. Thank you.

  • Images of birds in dangerous situations - in close proximity to a carnivore (dog, cat), outdoors without a harness, etc - may be removed. See this post for further information.

  • We welcome images of conure paintings and handmade conure-related items! But please, no promotion of your work for sale. This includes Etsy or other online store links in comments, "find more in my profile", "pm me for details", etc etc.

  • No soliciting donations. We understand that not being able to afford vet care for a sick or injured bird is stressful and distressing. However, we do not allow solicitations for financial support.

External links:

Parrot First Aid - Facebook group

Conure Owners Unite - Facebook group

Other great subreddits to check out:

Check out the r/Conures Comprehensive Conure Guide here!


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Plastic Foot Toys

My GCC loves plastic foot toys. I’ve been searching EVERYWHERE for ANYTHING but not many birds like having solely plastic toys. But mine does!

Does anyone have any links to plastic foot toys for my GCC? 🦜

1 Comment
05:29 UTC


Cuddle time with Mango Bodengo

02:07 UTC


Birds sharing a cage

From what I’ve read and seen is that if the birds didn’t grow up together you do not put them in the same cage. We are thinking of getting another GCC for our current GCC to have as a friend while we are gone at work. If we don’t co-cage them do we just let them out in the room together? There’s branches and ropes on the cage and a small playscape.

00:32 UTC


Albert is not a bird. Dunno what he actually is, but it ain’t birb. The one thing I do know; this little guy is my best friend


00:11 UTC


good breeder(s) or place to get dusky conure from in north jersey? (or thatll ship?)

anyone know any? i was about to try with flybabiesaviary but im skeptical since mixed reviews

please give me any recommendations you can, thank u!

1 Comment
23:28 UTC



Very confused and concerned with my gcc. We got her 2 months ago and took her to the vet about a month ago as well. Mango is to my knowledge pulling off down feathers and I went to check her with a flashlight just to make sure it wasn’t mites. (Didn’t see any) but I did see this. Is this the start of a new feather?

23:19 UTC


ooo shiny

21:51 UTC


she thinks she’s sia

20:24 UTC


Maya taking a short flight

White Eye baby

19:59 UTC


The Plastic Leaves bring Petey much happiness 💚

19:31 UTC


Did we just become best friends?

Scuttle update no one asked for 😂 we are officially best friends and I couldn’t be happier!

18:18 UTC


How to hold da baby?

I see people holding their birds just like this all the time, even though I know touching/petting below their neck is like ritualistic.

Am I coddling him correctly to not spark any hormonal behavior? Or is he already enticed? I've assumed this means he loves his cuddles and wants more– still learning his sweet spots, tho ^^

17:44 UTC


"Safe" Carpet Cleaner for a bug-paranoid bird momma?

I need to take my budgies and conures out of their bird room (in carriers) and remove their cages to pressure wash and deep clean their cages.

Right now, their room has the plastic desk chair mats to catch poopies and food. I mop those with anti-bacterial Dawn dishsoap once a week, and vaccuum/sweep them basically every other day.

I want to remove the mats too, vaccuum, somehow clean the carpets, and then either put down a bird-safe insect control around the perimeter OR spray the Ortho Home Defense spray and then let the birds sit in their main cages outside of the room for a day or two until it dries completely.

I have 2 questions:

  1. I have a Bissell carpet shampooer I use in the rest of my house's carpeted rooms. Can I use the same cleaner as long as it's dry when the birds return to their room? I haven't had any issues with them being in other shampooed rooms after they've dried, but my budgies in particular don't really leave their room.
  2. Is Ortho Home Defense dangerous even after it's dried? I've tried looking into this but can't reach a solid conclusion. I'm very paranoid about attracting bugs inside my house; I also spray the rest of my carpeted house strategically--I let it dry for several days before letting my birds or dogs in the room.
17:17 UTC



Is the such thing at a max 45” long cage that is 3 cages stacked on top of each other? I have 3 different kinds of birds I have to fit in one area of my room. The cages are all different sizes and one seems to small. Is there such thing as large stacked cages? Oh how I wish I could house them all in one giant cage.

17:03 UTC


Need advice to integrate a new conure in the group

Hello everyone, I would like to have some advices about the integration of a new conure among a group of 2 conures, i used to own 2 conures (2yo F and 1yo M)until 2 weeks ago when i rescued a new one, 14 yo, unknown gender. Despite my efforts they can’t get along yet, when i put the female in the same room as the new one, they just ignore each other until they get too close (sometimes by accident)and start fighting, which is pretty encouraging, otherwise for the male it’s a bit more complicated, when i put them in same room one of them would eventually fly to the other to fight and im a but concerned about if they would eventually get along or not. I had to introduce 2 new conures before that and they got along very quick (2 days, and 6 days for the second one) that’s why im starting to ask if it’s normal or not for them to still be hostile to each other after 2 weeks. After the first week my guess was that the rescued conure lived 14 years without seeing another conure so maybe it would take more time ? So if you guys have some advice that could help, i’ll take them !

15:51 UTC


Cuddling 🦜

Hello everyone, is it normal to cuddle your conure a lot? I saw a video where the guy said not to pet anything other than the neck because it can arouse the bird. My bird has been extremely affectionate lately but I just don’t want it to develop behavior problems in the future

13:03 UTC


My conure killed a house fly yesterday (no pictures just text)

Hopefully this doesn’t get taken down.

So basically yesterday I saw my conure bullying a housefly usually they fly away I capture them and throw them outside.

But instead after a little bit I didn’t hear the fly and I saw Ari throw something and he CHOPPED the fly in half hopefully Ari is safe and rip fly

12:41 UTC


GCC feathers: is this a sign of something worrying or does she just need a bath?

Key info:

Roughly four years old and a rescue with unclear history - never had any health problems though, has been with me over a year now. I believe she was originally purchased at a pet shop.

She has a great diet that's been assessed by a consultant. She gets fresh chop every day, Tops pellets (as recommended by consultants), a selection of healthy seeds (hemp, milk thistle, sesame etc) and rarely eats fruit, nuts, treats etc. She also has some supplements like dried flowers, kelp powder, turmeric sprinkled on top.

Her droppings and behaviour seem fine. She seems to be going through a nippy phase but she has been moulting and we've been having a bit of a heat wave here so I figure hormones are pretty high.

I am pretty sure the reason her feathers are particularly dark here is because that is where she likes to rest against my oily hand lol.

She's not exhibiting any sexual or laying behaviour.

We have a flock of other birds she is often out with when I am around. They sometimes poop on each other, sit in my food, etc.

Some recent events that may be causing stress; a couple of months ago I adopted a second conure, a male around the same age. They had a bit of trouble getting along at first but never had any bad fights and the only issues occurred when they were both sitting on me and got jealous. This has now calmed down and they don't love each other, but they do tolerate each other. They sleep in separate cages next to each other. Additionally my flatmate recently very suddenly moved out. This girl was especially close to my flatmate and her boyfriend. Like my flatmate was her favourite person, not me! Annoyingly! Now she's moved out we have less people visiting and it is just me giving her attention. They didn't even say goodbye. She was just here one day and gone the next.

The feathers here feel very oily and almost like they have a little film of oil or something on them? I'm not sure how to describe it. I can't tell if the feathers are just a bit dirty and messy or if they're damaged and we might have a problem.

Idk it's probably just some errant budgie poop but she is my baby so I want a second opinion!

11:23 UTC


Conure injury

Hey everyone,

I have a 7-month-old conure who's super curious and always tries to fly over to my 11-year-old African Grey's cage. My African Grey can be pretty aggressive and scary, so I always try to keep them separated before anything bad happens. Unfortunately, yesterday when I wasn't looking, they got into a tiff and the African Grey hurt the side of my conure's beak, causing a bit of bleeding. I applied corn starch to stop the bleeding, and he's acting okay now. I also made homemade apple sauce and have been feeding him that just in case it hurts him too much to open his mouth. He seems active and normal today, but I wanted to ask what other soft foods I can give him if his seeds are too painful to eat. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

1 Comment
11:01 UTC


I have no idea what I'm doing

Quick summery; new sun conure (Pigeon) that my dad brought home from someone that was giving the bird away because of how loud he is. I have no prior parrot experience.

He seems to want to come out of the bird cage and he usually flies around and to my shoulder, but his nails are long and i keep getting really bad scratches. I'm not sure how to go about cutting them myself as there aren't any local avian vets, but I'm nervous to interact with him otherwise because of the deep scratches.

He seems to dislike me more than my dad; when i do anything like change his water, add food, or move toys, he moves really fast to try biting my fingers.

I am struggling a lot with food. I have a pellet mix he enjoys, he likes apples, almonds, egg, soft bread. He dislikes kale, collard greens, walnuts, pecans, watermelon, sweet potato, carrot, and zuccini.

I also don't notice him drinking often which worries me

03:46 UTC


Bonding 2 conures

Hello everyone, I have had my Pineapple GCC (Robin) for almost a month now and have decided to get him a friend, I brought home a Turquoise Yellowsided GCC (Rocky) home today from the same breeder I got Robin from and they were cage mates before we bought him, They fought at first and are now being friendly but i was wondering how to get them to both bond with each other and bond with us. Robin has been bonded with us he’s very nice and playful but since we brought home Rocky he’s been with him instead. Do you have any tips how to bond them with all of us and each other?

02:58 UTC

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