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I hit puberty later than most people and only recently shaved my face for the first time and before I shaved I had only gotten maybe 5 pimples in 2 years but 3 days after shaving I have 6 or 7 so how do I stop this from happening every time? Also I wasn’t sure where to ask this so if there is a better place I should’ve asked this please let me know
I am 30F and I have tons of guy friends. JUST FRIENDS. And they gossip, A LOT. Its chaotically fun with those fools. Gather them in a bar, give them a pint of beer each and they’ll spill. Whether its about the weather, the granny across the street, daily routine at work and most of the time their conquests. Oh the good times! Its a breather to hear those amazing tales coming from a bunch of fart brains (chill, its our joke. Nothing against anyone. 😁)
I'm a student = i'm poor When I go out, I always go to mcdonald's cause it's not that expensive. I want an healthier alternative. Like a fast food but good for my health idk if it exists. I don't want it to be more expensive than a mcfirst lol. Please does it exist? Can you give me names?
How often do you call or text them ?
How long have you been without texting or calling naturally ? i.e not because of a fight/disagreement or being physically unable to call
Dads of men in their 20s, if your boy(s) are like this, any input appreciated.
Say it's a separate space on their property, like a cabin or suite, and the two of them have never been anything more than just friends.
Would you ever consider doing this yourself with a female friend?
Every time I go to the bar, at least 3 men put their hand on my lower back to walk by. Usually its accompanied by an “excuse me” but why not just leave it at that? It’s always strangers too which is more confusing. Can anyone guys in their 20’s explain why this happens?
I'm having trouble with achieving a nice even trim of my beard, the area under my chin and under my jawline/cheeks seem to always be longer then the rest of my face.
I use a 'beard trimmer' with different settings so I can choose the length I like to keep, I usually go for 5mm to get a cleaner look, if I go to 7mm or longer I can't seem to get those hairs properly at my jawline and under my chin...
Hi, I'm a 24M who genuinely wants to cut off his 25M friend. Ever since my friend has become a lead at our job for the last couple of years. He abuses his role by mistreating people and using his role towards superiority/power. I no longer work with him but acts the same outside of work. Just became a straight soft insecure dickhead.
This guy has been a dick to everyone since then. I know he suffers with a lot of personal insecurities as he is a short individual where no one really takes him seriously. Since he became a lead. He felt that was the only way to be powerful and have people finally take him seriously but at the same time bully everyone to stroke his ego. Yet, when you call him out on his bad actions he just starts guilt tripping and flipping it onto you. I don’t react as I am not a confrontational person which I’d assume is the reason why he does what he does. The same thing happens even after I left the job a year ago and stilll hanging out with him. I’ve always wanted to keep my distance because we are 2 different people but we have a friend group where it’s mutual. So naturally if I cut him off then I’d lose those mutual friends also. Including, I’m close to his family. I know behind it all he is insecure and scared. Maybe it’s because I’ve became resentful overtime. But I want to approach this as a man. Idk if I should be bold/straight forward or just simply ghost. As a man, I am assuming it’s better to be bold and straight forward?
As a man, should you ghost a friend or have balls and be bold and straight forward off wanting to cut ties?
I used to be 250 lbs. I’m now 200. The skin between my thighs is dark where they rubbed together. Any tips on how to lighten?
Life can be stressful, but how should a man go about relieving stress?
Edit: sorry for the confusion about as big as thishttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiT8J2ql6mLAxVFcn8AHc7HANEYABAgGgJvYQ&co=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk_CdqpepiwMVRXJ_AB3OxwDREAQYBCABEgKT1vD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRoW0ZydepwugkZkAQw7h7JL5WCAfeCBpCbVXmkw-dDxOOC-Jc&sig=AOD64_0CKoXH3l1SfUG1zFyUjj48fscL6g&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiJrJmql6mLAxVy78kDHTQyLSkQwg8oAHoECAQQIg&nis=8&adurl=
Genital Herpes- HSV2. What is the best time to have it disclosed to you and how you want to start with a conversation like this?
Would it make a difference if the condition is controlled with medication? Or does it matter?
I will never forget literally the day after I turrned 30. I was working at a restaurant that had just hired a new hostess. She was 19, blonde, slender and...cute. That's it. She was only cute to me. And by "cute" I don't mean "mmm cute" but rather as in "hi! so you're in school? Nice! Keep it up, study hard, and here's a pat on the head" cute. I met her, looked at her, and felt something I never felt before: I felt that an adult was too young for me in a sexual way, and I felt it on a deep, physical level.
It is so weird, but at some point I think most men get to where women that young just start registering in the brain as "little girls", even though you know they aren't.
Oh, but don't get me wrong, I'm now 41 and I'm still eyeing women from 26ish and up, but 18-21 year olds? Eewww. I mean, I can say they're pretty, just as I can say the same thing about a genet, and I wouldn't want to have intercourse with one of those, either.
How old where you when age became something more significant than a number?
Ok for most of my life I never had this issue as I was skinny, unhealthy and didn’t care how I dressed.
But I’ve reentered the singles world recently, and went to an over 30’s singles event and my oh my how the tables have turned…. For the first time in my life it was the women who seemed more thirsty than the men… and I’ve just never, not even once, not a single time ever, been in a situation where more than one woman is overtly hitting on me… to the point they’re competing in an almost urgent and notable way … I’ve never developed the social acuity to navigate this dynamic before, it’s like there’s an ok girl offering to buy me a drink here and then a much hotter woman interrupting me on my way to the toilet to get my number and “get out of here for a drink elsewhere”… I’ve seen women naturally navigate such a dynamic as it’s there daily life…
I’m trying to think back on how brutally good women were at rejecting me all these years but it feels so difficult and mean to mirror that behaviour in reverse… not least of which women tend to take rejection more emotionally… where as a guy we just swallow it whole and bury it into our chamber of trauma and internal pain :D
I had one woman I spoke to briefly, see me walk out with a younger woman, and under her breath but loud enough to hear say “oh of course he goes for the tanned younger woman”… before trudging off… my friend who I went with heard it too and has basically been laughing about it for a week… I don’t really want that kind of drama, so I think I have to change my entire reception and converse to be less encouraging or something to set expectations when entering into a conversation…
Any other guys had to become more choosy and assertive later in life?
As a
My Father’s Day wallet is starting to come apart due to years of sitting on it and overloading it (I know better now). Currently in the market for a new wallet and am very overwhelmed. Also, I realize I carry way too much in it.
Fellas, what kind of wallet do you have?
What do you keep in it besides your ID/Credit Card?
How long have you had it?
Do you have a specific type — as in pale blondes, curvy tan brunettes, etc.? Would you be less attracted to a girl that was different from your type? Has your type ever changed/evolved?
Anything you’d like to add about “your type”. I’m curious to hear how strict men are on their types. My man’s type is pale curvy blondes. I’m a pale curvy brunette. Do you think I fit his “type” even without the hair color, or would I be even more ideal as a blonde? That kind of thing… I’d like to hear honest thoughts!
i've read a lot of threads on here & other places that describe the modern dating scene as a hellscape, to put it mildly. i'm just wondering what you think might help the situation, if anything. not putting the onus on men btw, just asking for opinions here since this sub seems to be somewhat less censored.
I've had a few greys coming in on the sides for a while but I'm now 28 and starting to go full salt and pepper. It's noticeable even from the front.
I'm not too worried, my ex used to say grey hair would really suit me and I often get told I look young so I don't think it'll be a bad thing.
But I was just wondering about the experiences of other dudes that went grey at a young age.
I’ve been curious about what the experience is like at a high-end strip club ( Marilyns in Budapest) , particularly when it comes to private booths. I’m not looking for anything inappropriate, just wondering what the vibe tends to be like. Is it more about socializing and conversation, or do people usually expect something different? What should someone be aware of in terms of etiquette and pricing in those private rooms? Any general advice or insights would be appreciated!