
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/antipornography. We are a diverse group of individuals who share one common belief: Pornography is harmful.

No particular ideology or viewpoint is enforced in this space, but many users here have issues with porn due to feminist perspectives; however, anyone who is anti-porn is welcome to participate in this subreddit as long as the rules are followed.

Welcome to r/antipornography. We are a diverse group of individuals who share one common belief: pornography is harmful. We're happy to have you join us!

No particular ideology or viewpoint is enforced in this space, but many users here have issues with porn due to feminist perspectives. However, anyone who is anti-porn is welcome to participate in this subreddit as long as the rules are followed.

Remember that we’re all here with limited energy and interest to contribute to shared goals.


Please report rule violations, your help maintaining this space is appreciated. Mods do our best but we don’t anticipate being perfect, so make the best of what we manage to offer here.

Enforcement is entirely at the discretion of the mods, you may be banned on first offense or simply if your presence is judged to be counter-productive to the purpose of the sub.

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  2. No Hate • Identity-based hate is against Reddit-wide rules, and is not tolerated here. The porn industry casts a wide net of harm-- please be mindful as to not further that harm by alienating marginalized people from anti-pornography spaces. Racism/misogyny/homophobia/etc is not allowed.

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  4. Stay On-Topic/No Trolling • All posts should relate to pornography and anti-porn activism. If your post is off-topic for the subreddit, it will be removed. Same deal with trolling behavior. If you think your post may be more relevant elsewhere, please check out our "Related Communities" section for help with finding a more appropriate sub!

  5. No Explicit Content • Posting pornography or sexually explicit text is an immediate ban. If you are posting something that is sub-relevant but involves suggestive imagery, such as an article thumbnail, please tag it "NSFW" when you post.

  6. No Debating • There are subreddits intended for debating the merits of pornography: this is not one of them. Be respectful of this being an anti-porn space & do not just come here to stir the pot.

  7. Be Aware Of Our Reasons For Being Anti-Porn • Before engaging with r/antipornography, please have a basic understanding of why people are against porn. There are resources in our sidebar/about tab that you can use to educate yourself. Willful ignorance is frowned upon.

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Genuinely disheartening to see so many people defend watching porn while in a relationship with someone else

I feel like I'm losing braincells arguing with people in the comments of posts asking for advice on what to do about their partners watching porn. Isn't having a partner that can satisfy your needs the whole point of a relationship? I'm not talking about masturbation I mean watching literal porn while in a relationship, people saying it's "just entertainment" and not a form of cheating, I don't understand how that has become normalized at all

15:52 UTC


I relapsed and I feel horrible

Yeah, just what the title says. I can’t believe that I know how evil porn is and I still desire it, and worse, I give into that desire. I don’t know how to stop myself from wanting it. I feel like throwing out my toys and just never touching myself again just to remove any hint of a temptation.

I have feelings for someone too. This amazing, beautiful, down-to-earth friend of mine who I think would be the most loyal, loving person in the world towards me if we ever ended up together. I think I would be his first girlfriend. My first boyfriend was a porn addict and after a few months he stopped desiring sex with me, it was just easier for him to masturbate, and I’m going to be the exact same if I end up with this man I love. I feel absolutely fucking horrible.

I don’t know how to stay accountable. I don’t have anyone who can be an accountability partner for me. I’m thinking of quitting masturbating altogether for a few months but I have no idea if I’ll be able to. I’m just beyond pitiful, I don’t know how I manage to be this incapable. I just hate myself.

07:16 UTC


How do people think it’s controlling to have a boundary of not wanting your partner to watch porn?

I noticed this is a common argument and I’m confused at why they think it’s so important in their lives and that it’s controlling or crazy for a partner to not want their partner to watch porn basically lusting over others and watching them have sex

08:10 UTC


Snapchat's "Discover" Feature

I only use snapchat to talk to a few friends and keep in touch, however I'm considering deleting it entirely and asking my friends to just use my number or something instead.

In my experience, snapchat has been terrible with recommending me porn and onlyfans promotions. When i go to the search feature, under the "follow a snap star" option, it recommends mostly only fans models (both guys and girls) with very explicit pictures as their cover. I had gotten mad at my ex boyfriend before when I saw that on his snapchat and accused him of following accounts like that, because why else would he be getting recommended them? But then I checked my own snap and even asked my girlfriends to check there's and it's all the same, and I've never ever followed or looked up anything or anyone porn related on snap chat.

My last straw was recently with snapchat's "discover" feature that is under the stories section. Of course, I would be usually getting either porn or an only fans promotion every now and then, so I would just hold down on them and press block. This was working for a while as I would never get recommended that specific person again. However two days ago I got recommend a story with an only fans model posing in an extremely reveling cosplay. Like usual, I held down and pressed block, and it disappeared. Yesterday when I went to the snap story section, it was there again at the very top. I recognized it right away. I thought maybe it didnt work when I pressed block the other day, so I held down on the story again, but now I don't get the option to block them. Instead, I'm just greeted with a promt that says "something went wrong" whenever I held down on it. I just ignored it, and again today when I opened snap it was at the top of the discovery feature again, giving me the same prompt when I hold down. So I have literally blocked this specific person, and snapchat is still forcing me to look at their content.

Literally cannot escape being shown porn online.

23:23 UTC


As an artist, finding inspo is tiring

19:16 UTC


How Pornographers Feel About Women

18:39 UTC


Repulsed by nudity

Nakedness has become so sexualized that the human body in its most natural form is repulsive to me. I find it uncomfortable to look at and sometimes even disgusting. Is that unusual/bad? I have no sexual experience, so possibly I could overcome it if I get into a relationship in the future (I'm 22yo). Can anyone else relate to this and can share their thoughts?

01:39 UTC


Tired of Youtube's Porny Ads and Shorts!

I came here to rant because I'm just sick of it. I have my Youtube set to restricted mode in hopes of it weeding out that crap, but I still get confronted with it. If it's not the sick ads they allow on their platform, it's the highly inappropriate shorts. I was scrolling through shorts after looking up period bloating (you know how the first few shorts are on topic, then the next are dictated by the algorithm), and I just got a stupid short about the 2 way mirror vans in Japan and a "censored" description of what they are. These kinds of things are extremely triggering for me because I have a bad history with the effects of this industry and I try my best to avoid getting triggered by stuff.

It looks like I'm going to have to get Youtube kids or just stop watching it all together. I'm so tired of living in this hypersexualized society. Everywhere I look, there is some porn-ish influence tainting everything and no one seems to care. I wish I could go live on Mars somewhere.

20:23 UTC


Arguments to Refute sex/porn addiction isn't a thing

When you are advocating for anti-pornography and talking about porn and sex addiction here and reddit there is always someone who will come along and say that is not a thing and it is not an official diagnosis.

What they usually are referring to our diagnoses within the DSM-5 which is a highly politically charged categorization of diagnoses that often seem to at least recently be made to cater to pharmaceutical interventions.

Anyway, here are some of the other commonly represented diagnoses that people talk about every day that is also not in a DSM-5:

Codepenecy CPTSD Oppositional Defiance Disorder in adults Gaming addiction Internet addiction Misophonia Adult attachment Disorder Pathological Demand Avoidance Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) Food Addiction Burnout Compassion fatigue

And there used to be diagnosis in the DSM-5 that no longer are such as Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder.

And some have been considered for removal yet remain still such as Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal Personality Disorders.

And this last one is interesting because there was a ton of controversy it was originally included and then removed that is Self-Defeating Personality Disorder, which basically meant that this is the pathological reason why abused women stay in abusive marriages. It was struck down because it was seen as victim blaming.

My point all of this is to give you some knowledge in an area when you are discussing sex and porn addiction to others when they try to tell you it's not a thing because it's not officially diagnosed. But the thing is is that we commonly use off label diagnoses all the times for things that like above that are not in the DSM-5. And the DSM is constantly undergoing revision and changes as society changes. And it's not just a black and white thing that there are proposals to changes there are labels of things that change things move into different categories it's a shifting context it shouldn't be taken as fact of life for every lived experience and anything that's not in it is a fiction of your imagination.

But people, typically addicts themselves, want to use this as an excuse to invalidate what is now pretty much in my opinion epidemic issues with porn addiction and sex addiction.

So you can go ahead and use this list above in your conversations and say do you believe in CPTSD? Do you believe in burnout? There's literally a medication for misophonia but it's not a diagnosis as a mental disorder in the DSM-5.

And sex addiction or even a compulsive sexual disorder got very close to being in the DSM-5 but I'm sure that the board who reviews these things are probably addicts themselves which is why this very obvious thing hasn't been put there yet.

12:33 UTC


What is a good argument against woman being controlling when they don’t want their partner watching porn? Ok with masturbation + toys - just NOT porn

Personally, I highly dislike my partner watching these things. For him he says it’s an intimacy issue/insecurity and he watches it when he feels a gap in our intimacy (fights, etc) as a coping mechanism. Ie: addiction.

But it really bothers me and he says he is working on it. And understanding. But he says it is a hard thing to quit…

Recently we got into a fight and we talked about how upset I am about porn, I left for a few hours and he used porn as a coping mechanism. I was very hurt by it since he knows how much it bothers me. And he did it RIGHT after.

For me I just don’t understand how anyone can look at other naked woman and be ok with it. He says he doesn’t check them out or look at them BUT only does it for the intimacy part (being close, intimate) he likes scenes with the characters knowing each other and getting close.

Sometimes when we get into arguments about it he defends himself saying “It is just a fantasy” “I don’t even use it to check them out - I use it for the intimacy fantasy “ “They are not real, you are” “You are being controlling and how I deal with things” “Isn’t that controlling, telling me what I can or cannot do?” “Not all porn exploits women - I mainly watch mainstream actresses” “It helps me get aroused faster so I can finish” “It is your own insecurities “

Keep in mind I am 100% okay with him masturbating and having sex toys. I don’t care if he uses toys in front of me or whatever. It literally is just the porn. I am okay if he uses erotica or listens to sounds.

I AM also 100% aware that my partner will always have eyes for others too, no one can only find one person attractive. That is not human nature. So this is not an issue for me. I am ok with him masturbating and also ok with him finding others attractive.

And whenever I ask him of his progress we get into an argument since he relapses but he is working on it.

Also he is aware he has an addiction problem.

Keep in mind, in the beginning of the relationship I told him I am not okay with my partner watching porn. I personally believe it is an industry that exploits women.

This thing deeply hurts me and I just don’t understand how someone can not stop when they know it hurts their partner. He admits it’s an addiction so it is difficult.

I also have been told that this is MY insecurity and my ego that I would need to work on. Ie: other women prettier and having bigger breasts, etc. My insecurity.

Again: we have a healthy sex life.

08:32 UTC


I'm a hypocrite.

Hey guys and gals. I'm a 20M. I need to confess and vent a bit. Even though I know porn is evil, I got back into it again.

I feel like I betrayed women just from watching it. I have a high sex drive but that's no excuse to watch it. I used to stop porn awhile ago yet as I got older, my hormones were like a orchestra. Now that I'm this age it's almost impossible to quit. I need help everybody.

I also have autism and OCD so please help me.

03:41 UTC


I wanted to share this piece of poetry I wrote titled "This Is An Adult Website"

This Is An Adult Website

This website contains age-restricted materials including nudity and explicit depictions of sexual activity. By entering, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are accessing the website from, and you consent to viewing the following:

Someone convinced she must sacrifice her dignity to make ends meet,

Hiding dead eyes longing for it all to end behind an imitation of ecstasy

While those who claim to respect her tell her it's empowering;

Though all they see is an object of pleasure they never plan to lose.

A reluctant woman being held down against her will, raped and beaten,

"What authentic acting," viewers will think looking no further, clouded by desire

As videos that never should have been run far into every crevice of the web;

Where they will stand indelible so long as there remains an internet to visit.

Fantasies where shame is obsolete, and all is legal.

Just remember this site does not condone child abuse-

Though it is proud to support and recommend videos

Labeled in bold text, "barely legal."

Someone and her co-star?

Or perhaps a sister and her brother

Sneaking off from their parents to a dark, empty room

Filled with the busyness of lights, cameras, and action.

Videos with the power to crumple all the relationships you treasure-

The pain and the confusion those loved ones would feel when they'd find out

And the frustration and the uncomfortable silence that soon would follow;

The same loss once experienced by the victims many now dehumanize so readily.

Countless hours of media, each piece a little more stimulating than the last-

Corroding your mind, as a wicked industry that defiles all it touches

Pulls you down too, blinds your vision, and locks you in chains

And somehow it'll make you enjoy that too.


edit: made some revisions, thank you Level-Bus-5591 for the enlightening suggestion!

01:35 UTC


I feel like Reddit has more porn than any other social media site...

This may not be true, but I have noticed that when I start to type anything in the search bar, NSFW results come up. Names, especially female names, bring up porn results. I typed the letter R and of course r*pe porn came up as a NSFW result. I have not noticed this sort of thing with other sites (though I know pornbots are a problem everywhere).

It's just odd to me, being on an antiporn subreddit yet feeling "surrounded" by other communities sharing such dark and objectifying content. It's like we're a little island that no one else cares about. Very disheartening honestly.

22:45 UTC


Leveraging corporate criminal liability under the Violence Against Women Directive to safeguard against pornographic deepfake exploitation.

Disrupting the Deepfake Pipeline in Europe - Future of Life Institute

Leveraging corporate criminal liability under the Violence Against Women Directive to safeguard against pornographic deepfake exploitation.

Today, it is easier than ever to create exploitative deepfakes depicting women in a sexual manner without their consent – and the recently negotiated EU directive combating violence against women Today, it is easier than ever to create exploitative deepfakes depicting women in a sexual manner without their consent – and the recently negotiated EU directive combating violence against women could finally bring justice for victims by holding the AI model developers criminally accountable.

Deepfakes refer to AI-generated voices, images, or videos produced without consent, and the most popular type of deepfake, comprising at least 96% of instances, is pornographic. Women and girls make up 99% of victims. Many of these victims will remain unaware that they have been the subject of a deepfake for months after the fact, during which the content garners thousands, sometimes millions, of views.

Given the widespread popularity of deepfake-generating AI systems, the most effective approach to counter deepfakes is for governments to institute comprehensive bans at every stage of production and distribution. Mere criminalization of deepfake production and sharing is insufficient; accountability must extend to the developers, model providers, service providers, and compute providers involved in the process.

Nevertheless, it is not necessarily illegal to create a sexually explicit deepfake in Europe. The final text of the EU AI Act would only require transparency obligations for providers and users of certain AI systems and general-purpose AI models under Article 52. These types of disclosure obligations do very little to mitigate the harms of pornographic deepfakes, given that in the majority of cases the content is consumed with full understanding that it is not truthful. As such, the defamation laws of most EU Member States tend to be equally unhelpful for victims.

The forthcoming directive on combating violence against women could change that. On February 6, 2024, legislators reached a political agreement on rules aimed at combating gender-based violence and protecting its victims. The Directive specifically addresses deepfakes, describing them as the non-consensual production, manipulation, or alteration of material which makes it appear as though another person is engaged in sexual activities. The content must “appreciably” resemble an existing person and “falsely appear to others to be authentic or truthful” (Recital 19).

Publishing deepfakes would be considered a criminal offence under Article 7, as that would constitute using information and communication technologies to make sexually explicit content accessible to the public without the consent of those involved. This offence applies only if the conduct is likely to cause serious harm.

At the same time, aiding, abetting, or inciting the commission of Article 7 would also be a criminal offence under Article 11. As such, providers of AI systems which generate sexual deepfakes may be captured by the directive, since they would be directly enabling the commission of an Article 7 offence. Given that many sites openly advertise their model’s deepfake capabilities and that the training data is usually replete with sexually explicit content, it is difficult to argue that developers and providrs play an insignificant or auxiliary role in the commission of the crime.

The interpretation of Article 11 could be a crucial first step for dismantling the pipeline which fuels sexual exploitation through deepfakes. The broadest reading of Article 11 would imply that developers are subject to corporate criminal liability.

One important hurdle is that corporate criminal liability does not apply uniformly across Europe, with some Member States recognizing corporations as entities capable of committing crimes, while others do not. Nevertheless, the application of Article 11 in at least some jurisdictions would be a tremendous step towards stopping the mass production of sexual deepfakes. Afterall, jurisdiction is established based on territory, nationality, and residence according to Article 14.

The directive also briefly addresses the role of hosting and intermediary platforms. Recital 40 empowers Member States to order hosting service providers to remove or disable access to material violating Article 7, encouraging cooperation and self-regulation through a code of conduct. While this may be an acceptable level of responsibility for intermediaries, self-regulation is entirely inappropriate for providers who constitute the active and deliberate source of downstream harm.

The final plenary vote is scheduled for April. The capacity for this directive to protect women and girls from being exploited through harmful deepfakes rides on whether the companies commercializing this exploitation are also held criminally liable.

This content was first published at futureoflife.org on February 22, 2024.

About the Future of Life Institute

The Future of Life Institute (FLI) is a global non-profit with a team of 20+ full-time staff operating across the US and Europe. FLI has been working to steer the development of transformative technologies towards benefitting life and away from extreme large-scale risks since its founding in 2014. Find out more about our mission or explore our work.could finally bring justice for victims by holding the AI model developers criminally accountable.

Deepfakes refer to AI-generated voices, images, or videos produced without consent, and the most popular type of deepfake, comprising at least 96% of instances, is pornographic. Women and girls make up 99% of victims. Many of these victims will remain unaware that they have been the subject of a deepfake for months after the fact, during which the content garners thousands, sometimes millions, of views.

Given the widespread popularity of deepfake-generating AI systems, the most effective approach to counter deepfakes is for governments to institute comprehensive bans at every stage of production and distribution. Mere criminalization of deepfake production and sharing is insufficient; accountability must extend to the developers, model providers, service providers, and compute providers involved in the process.

Nevertheless, it is not necessarily illegal to create a sexually explicit deepfake in Europe. The final text of the EU AI Act would only require transparency obligations for providers and users of certain AI systems and general-purpose AI models under Article 52. These types of disclosure obligations do very little to mitigate the harms of pornographic deepfakes, given that in the majority of cases the content is consumed with full understanding that it is not truthful. As such, the defamation laws of most EU Member States tend to be equally unhelpful for victims.

The forthcoming directive on combating violence against women could change that. On February 6, 2024, legislators reached a political agreement on rules aimed at combating gender-based violence and protecting its victims. The Directive specifically addresses deepfakes, describing them as the non-consensual production, manipulation, or alteration of material which makes it appear as though another person is engaged in sexual activities. The content must “appreciably” resemble an existing person and “falsely appear to others to be authentic or truthful” (Recital 19).

Publishing deepfakes would be considered a criminal offence under Article 7, as that would constitute using information and communication technologies to make sexually explicit content accessible to the public without the consent of those involved. This offence applies only if the conduct is likely to cause serious harm.

At the same time, aiding, abetting, or inciting the commission of Article 7 would also be a criminal offence under Article 11. As such, providers of AI systems which generate sexual deepfakes may be captured by the directive, since they would be directly enabling the commission of an Article 7 offence. Given that many sites openly advertise their model’s deepfake capabilities and that the training data is usually replete with sexually explicit content, it is difficult to argue that developers and providrs play an insignificant or auxiliary role in the commission of the crime.

The interpretation of Article 11 could be a crucial first step for dismantling the pipeline which fuels sexual exploitation through deepfakes. The broadest reading of Article 11 would imply that developers are subject to corporate criminal liability.

One important hurdle is that corporate criminal liability does not apply uniformly across Europe, with some Member States recognizing corporations as entities capable of committing crimes, while others do not. Nevertheless, the application of Article 11 in at least some jurisdictions would be a tremendous step towards stopping the mass production of sexual deepfakes. Afterall, jurisdiction is established based on territory, nationality, and residence according to Article 14.

The directive also briefly addresses the role of hosting and intermediary platforms. Recital 40 empowers Member States to order hosting service providers to remove or disable access to material violating Article 7, encouraging cooperation and self-regulation through a code of conduct. While this may be an acceptable level of responsibility for intermediaries, self-regulation is entirely inappropriate for providers who constitute the active and deliberate source of downstream harm.

The final plenary vote is scheduled for April. The capacity for this directive to protect women and girls from being exploited through harmful deepfakes rides on whether the companies commercializing this exploitation are also held criminally liable.

1 Comment
17:59 UTC


Growing Concerns Over Porn In Japan

06:42 UTC


“this is what they choose”

I need something to say when I hear “if she wants to get naked on camera, then it’s her choice.” and I don’t wanna sound like I just want so badly for these women to be victims to confirm my confirmation bias.

Every other woman has an OF and we hear all the time about how much money they make and never about when OF doesn’t work as a job for them. I know it’s self destructive to exploit your body but what do you say to this:

“She chose this, she doesn’t make porn with incest, rape, pedophilia, bestiality, sexism or anything and all her clients respect her” let’s even say she doesn’t so S&M which I’m also against. No dangerous or gross fetishes either. How can this be harmful?

Please note i’m also antiporn but I need the best arguments possible to prove my points.

10:50 UTC


They’re so close to getting it. The comments reassuring OP that it’s okay to feel horrible.

02:28 UTC


Porn and Voting

Instead of sitting around watching porn, I encourage everyone here (in particular everyone based in the US) to get off your end and vote.

Regardless of who you're voting for, it's important, and it helps counteract the feeling of worthlessness you'd get from otherwise doing absolutely nothing.

Election's in a couple weeks. In some states, you can vote already. Getting out and making sure you're registered, making sure you know what to do, where to go, and when, heck maybe even volunteering for your cause of choice, these are all actions that can take an addict out there far away from the possibility of relapsing.

That's the most important part of what I wanted to say.

Now the political part, and I apologize if this is at all out of place:

There is a mentality which has existed prominently in our culture for far too long. It's a sexist, objectifying mentality which has led many of us to the problem of porn addiction, which we're all (I hope) here to try and fix. There is one candidate for US president right now who embodies and perpetuates this same sexist, objectifying mentality, with a very, very long list of evidence and offences: www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-offensive-comments-women

There is another candidate who is respectful, inclusive, and who demonstrates what we can accomplish if we put our minds to it, regardless of gender, whose very candidacy and prominence is already helping to topple stubborn notions of female capability, of female humanity, or any conceivable lack thereof, that many in our country and culture still hold, consciously or otherwise.

I have a young daughter, and the thought that she may end up potentially looking up to one of these candidates as a role model, as a model for how to achieve success, for how society should and shouldn't be, for how women should and shouldn't be treated, is terrifying me to my core.

I implore you, if you're at all undecided, to please consider the world we're creating with these choices, and the problems we're either perpetuating or helping to solve for the next generation. And while you're at it, please dig deep and consider how much any biases you may have towards women may or may not be affecting your struggle to decide.

If you are already decided: then great, just get out there and vote.

I for one would like to be a part of helping to ensure that less kids grow up succumbing to these problems and temptations that stem from the overt pressures of society to objectify women, not more.

10:34 UTC


What's going on w/OF

I am 23M trying to open about whats going on. I am seeing lots of girls just making onlyfans account and sending nudes hows's that different from porn ? Why is this situation getting worse and worse. Is Genuine dating dead. I am no good in communication but whats up with this generation ?

16:43 UTC


Pornography is a curse on society and marriage. What can we individualistically/as a society to fight this depravity?

Apologies if this has been asked/discussed before.

Many years ago, I must've been 10 years old when I first watched a documentary about the Porn industry. I think I remember viewing how women are abused and fast forward to today, Porn usage is more widespread than ever.

I've seen this disease destroy many marriages. It is not just Pornographic videos but also images, sexting etc. which it encourages. People would rather follow OF models on Instagram than spend time with their actual human partner. For the life of me, I promise I don't want to surround rude but I don't even understand why someone would pleasure themselves to pixels rather than be intimate with an actual partner.

My question is what can we do to stop this? Society is hyper-sexualised as it is and nudity doesn't seem to be slowing anytime sooner.

15:24 UTC


How to explain child the effects of porn

If you had a 12 year old child (the age where you start to explore sexuality), how would you approach this topic?

Like, what arguments would you tell them? In what way would you tell them? Maybe someone has already done it with their kid?

Would love to hear thoughts and experiences.

12:21 UTC


How common is grooming/porn exposure for male children? How deep does the sexual conditioning of males go?

We all have seen the stats on how the average age for porn exposure is getting lower and lower due to unsupervised internet access. However, I have seen quite a few men say that they were exposed to porn or pornographic material by their fathers, older relatives, or friends. I’m wondering now if this is a common occurrence. I’ve also seen men taking their minor sons or younger brothers to places like hooters, and stories about fathers hiring prostitutes for their sons or taking them to strip clubs. I’ve also been disturbed by the comments from men on articles about male victims of female pedophiles. Many men say they would hi-five or fist bump their sons if they got raped by an adult woman.

For the men on this sub, I’m curious- was your porn usage ever encouraged by an adult male figure in your life? This seems disturbing to me but perhaps it’s more common than acknowledged. I’m pretty sure this would fall under the category of non contact sexual assault and I’m curious if it’s much more pervasive than we realize.

16:00 UTC


The Wedding Bands

I am amazed at how so many of these men posting nudes or videos don’t even bother taking their wedding bands off beforehand. Hell, some of them even title their post as married. It’s like it doesn’t even matter anymore. There’s no shame in it anymore. And I’m sure some leave the rings on purposefully because some females find that the fact that they’re married makes them even more desirable. Anyone else?

15:34 UTC



Why do men not see porn as an issue? They literally will make every excuse to use. They say it's normal when it's not normal. They try to tell us that it has nothing to do with us and it's separate from intimacy... Why? What makes it so precious and protected to them?

05:38 UTC


Crosspost that I found interesting: How bad is porn addiction among this generation really?

03:37 UTC


I’m so tired of so called “sex experts” (rant)

I’m gradually losing trust and hope in the field of so call « sex experts » and I’m tired of them using their title to justify their biases. Let me explain.

I was just listening to one of the most popular podcasts in my province. Their theme is all about sex, and it’s sometimes light hearted and sometimes serious, sometimes interview-based and others just the two hosts (two women) goofing around and reading testimonies from fans. Anyways, it’s very “libfem-y” and I enjoy it but I always listen with a critical mind as the hosts often say questionable stuff. The subject this week was « The impacts of pornography ». I was expecting that for once they would step away from the ´all sex positive’ pro porn rhetoric and show the realistic side.. I was wrong of course.

The hosts were interviewing an “expert” (called officially a sexologist or sex therapist) who was just exposing his biases for the whole hour. Eg; Stating that watching porn for multiple hours a day is technically fine as long as it’s not a problem for you. He claimed without any counterdata that the impact of porn on the brain cannot be compared to other addictive drugs. He said some okay basic stuff, like that porn may induce problematic fetishes and he SUBTLY glossed over the violence over women aspect. But he lost all credibility when he went into the subject of porn use in couples, stating (rightly) that it’s mostly women in heterosexual couples who have a problem with their partner’s use. He reduced it to an insecurity problem and a controlling behaviour from the woman’s part, and that she should basically work on it by reducing her expectations (EVERY MAN supposedly regularly fantasize about other women, and wishing for total monogamy is unrealistic). He adds some women may have a problem with the misogyny and objectifying aspects of porn, but he suggests to them that they actually go and watch mainstream porn to see that it’s not as bad as they think (??!). They would be dozens of other problematic stuff with that episode, but it would be too long to detail. My point is mainly about the rising legitimacy of so called “experts”, and I will explain as my province is the leading one it that field.

My province is the only one in my country which provides a Bachelor degree in Sexology, or the science of sexuality. It’s becoming extremely popular and will probably expand as a field. It is synonymous with being a sex therapist (which I’m not sure what qualitifications that requires). It’s a social science (NOT a medical science) with a focus on therapeutic approaches. And to be a member of the Order of sexologists, you only need a bachelor degree. That’s it. That’s all the qualifications you need to therapize real people with real sexual problems. You can then get on public platforms and use your expert status to make broad claims and taint them as “scientific”. I say that as someone with a master’s degree in a similar (but different) field, this blows my mind because I do not feel a Bachelor’s degree can deem you an expert on such a complex subject. As sexologists DO NOT possess the biomedical background to understand the science of porn and the brain (I just finished reading “Your brain on porn” so I was especially mindblown by the lack of counter arguments), and they do not possess either enough sociological background to speak on the social impacts (Pornland is also one of my favourite recent reads..). My friend just finished her sexology studies so I have a good general idea of the program, and I can tell they are just people with a minimal educational background on a variety of sex-related topics, but with an ENORMOUS bias on the “sex positivity” no moral judgement approach, as their degree is therapy-based.

Anyways, I needed to rant as I hear more and more sexologists on the public sphere and 95% of the time I find they say very criticable stuff. I cannot take them seriously anymore as I realized they have just the same if not less education than me in the fields of social sciences. You could actually read just short of a hundreds of random peer reviewed studies about anythings sex related, and voilà you got practically as much credibility as them. I’m tired mostly of the individualistic approach regarding pornography. And I’m disappointed that this is one of the #10 trending podcast in my country, with a huge international following as well and this is what they promote. I wanted to hear your thoughts as sexology is a specific province -related field, but I’m curious if other “sex experts” are similar in your opinion?

22:00 UTC


Tik Tok CSAM in Comments

I was scrolling on tik tok. I have it pretty locked down with hashtag blocking and such but I came across a video about photo comments and how people were posting CSAM in the comments. Lo and behold people were posting CSAM in the comments of that video. I have never come across anything like that and it has shaken me to my core. I immediately reported it but I am reading that Tik Tok is not taking it down when other people report it. I deleted my account and the app, and will never use it again. I cannot use a platform that will not moderate its content like that. Truly disgusting.

02:58 UTC


Halloween Season! Which movies allow us to enjoy it?

I'm currently scouring the internet for classic horror movies that aren't "shoot tits, burn tits, hurt tits" (the bane of male sexuality). "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", "Night of the Living Dead", "House on Haunted Hill" are some of the fun ones. But those are easy. What movies do you enjoy this season?

09:45 UTC

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