
Photograph via snooOG

A forum to discuss porn addiction - and the recovery process.

What is porn addiction?

The compulsive use of pornography that proves to be difficult to stop, despite negative consequences.

What are the potential symptoms of porn addiction?

  • An inability to stop using porn, despite best attempts, despite negative consequences of using it.
  • PIED, or porn induced erectile dysfunction, which is the ability to get an erection to porn, but not to porn-free masturbation or partnered sexual encounters.
  • Anorgasmia, or an inability to orgasm during sex.
  • Little to zero interest in partnered sex, in favor of porn.
  • Relationship problems, reduced relationship satisfaction, caused by excessive porn consumption.
  • Choosing to use porn instead of important obligations. For example, missing a school exam because you couldn't stop your binge session.
  • Other effects, which may be difficult to peg onto porn habits, may include hypofrontality, decreased motivation, and other life-impairments. If you are wondering if your symptoms may be caused by porn simply try quitting porn for a period of time to see what changes for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is rebooting? Rebooting is abstaining from sexual behaviors for a brief period of time to recover from porn addiction. Generally, this means a break from masturbation for 30-90 days, while of course refraining from pornography. Basically "rebooting" is slang for "reducing or quitting porn use."
  • Can porn be addictive? Modern digital porn is available in endless amounts, making it far more potentially addictive than the pornography of the past. As people seem to start using porn at increasingly younger ages, porn addiction is a growing issue.
  • Is this anti-masturbation or anti-porn? Absolutely not. Alcoholics Anonymous isn't "anti-alcohol." We're pro-recovery.
  • Should porn be banned? We aren't involved in political stuff and don't advocate for porn to be banned. We think that educating the public about porn addiction and helping people who want to quit is more effective.
  • How do I get in touch with the moderators? You can go here. We're happy to help with any moderation-related issues!
  • Isn't this just "sex addiction"? Nope. Porn addiction and non-porn compulsive sexual behavior can be co-occurring, but we believe that they are distinct from each other. Most porn addicts are less interested in actual sex with a person, conditioning their brains to prefer pixels.
  • Where can I get help? You can get peer support here. For professional support, treatment, or therapy, look for a qualified professional in your area who treats problematic porn use or porn addiction.
  • I'm a woman, can I post here? Absolutely! Why wouldn't you? We're an inclusive community of people pursuing recovery from porn-related problems. Anyone seeking healthier sexual habits is welcome here.
  • Who can post here? Anyone, as long as you follow the rules. We're available to addicts and non-addicts, including partners of porn addicts seeking support.

Other Resources

  • PornFree is a popular porn addiction recovery forum on Reddit.
  • NoFap is another popular porn addiction recovery forum where people often abstain from masturbation for 7-30 days to help them quit or reduce porn use.
  • Struggling? Help is available. If you are feeling suicidal or want to self-harm, contact a prevention hotline immediately.


  • No discrimination or disparaging demographics of humans for any reason.
  • No conspiracy theories about the porn industry. Focus on yourself, not the porn industry.
  • No threatening anyone, including the porn industry.
  • No advertising.
  • No religious content outside of sharing your own personal journey.


70,371 Subscribers


Do stories or fantasies written out count?

Just curious if i should cut those out too as they maybe stimulate the mind more than videos or pictures. Thanks

20:56 UTC


Do I want to see other people or is it just my addiction?

I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now and he's great. He thinks I have a porn addiction and maybe I do, but I just think I want more in my sex life. Spontaneous nsa sex sometimes. I am thinking of asking for an open relationship but maybe it is just my porn addiction talking. I don't want to ruin something that's good. Any advice?

20:51 UTC


How do I save myself

Using a throwaway... Cause obviously

I (18M) wouldn't say that I am a full fledged porn addict however I occasionally indulge in masturbation. Now the problem is that my fetish is Incest (the thought of doing it has never crossed my mind, but seeing it makes me hot), and I am unable to ejaculate on any regular vanilla porn unless its some degenerated incest one. I have tried but I just can't.

I am currently a virgin (no surprise there) but I have contemplated about having sex with my future partner and the thought of not being able to cum scares me. It will probably destroy my relationship. I want to kill my fetish and be a normal human watching normal (or no ) porn. Do I have the time, can I still reform and save myself? Please help, Not a joke.

20:19 UTC


Just for anyone who needs these

Um so I kinda relapsed but I'm kinda starting a new routine where I repeat these like phrases to myself to kinda rewire my brain into like hating porn lmao I dont even know if saying affirmations even work but its worth a shot šŸ˜­

i just thought I'd share these šŸ˜­ sorry if they sound kinda cringe

  • "I am stronger than my urgesā€
  • "The pleasure lasts seconds. The regret lingers much longer.ā€
  • "I have control over my body and mind."
  • "Every time I resist, I get stronger."
  • "Porn gives you an illusion of control, but in reality, it controls you."
  • "If something leaves you feeling empty afterward, was it really worth it?"
  • "Self-respect feels better than any short-lived pleasure."
  • "Porn is like drinking salt waterā€”it never truly satisfies, and it only leaves you thirstier."

For anyone who's struggling, I love you šŸ©·, you're beautiful and you're so strongā˜¹ļø you got this!

1 Comment
19:26 UTC


Can I be revived?

This is my first time making a post on reddit I am (16M) I was exposed to masturbation when I was 8 It was one classmate of mine, she used to do the hj to me, I was terrified, she had all control over me, she said that If I told anything about this she'll just cry and blame it all on me and everyone would believe her cause she's a girl, I believed her (all my siblings are sisters so I've seen people trusting a girl more or I was just a kid afraid of being labelled as a creep at the age of 8)

Years later, she was out of my life eventually but I wanted to feel the thing I felt back then I don't know how this even makes sense but I now am afraid of girls and I am an addict to porn, I really don't want to lead this life, I have a gf too and only we know how this relationship is working, she's supportive, she knows about the past but she doesn't know about my addiction. Am ashamed, I don't want to disappoint her, she's the best person I know and I don't want her be with a creep

I am an athlete, and I love working out (I have a good maintained body) am the best at my high school too, it kills me everytime my juniors look up to me and say we want to be like you brother. They don't the horrible person behind the perfect senior they see I want to become a better person for myself, my gf, my family and my future self I don't want to lead an addict life ahead Should I open up to my gf? she's the only one I can too I've tried nofap but I've failed countless times Is there hope for me? Can I overcome this addiction? Can I achieve my dreams of competing in the world championship? "Can I be revived"?

1 Comment
18:45 UTC


Day 0 of starting my journey

I always figured that I had a masturbation addiction and I can quit watching adult content whenever. But this new year my resolution was to could days I rubbed and days I didnt, well as you may have guessed, it showed me rubbing one multiple times a day sometimes and multiple days a week.
Looking at tips, one of the suggestions was to rub without porn, and I tried doing it for about a 3 days, each time I just caved, which made me realise I also have a porn addiction. I need to stop and, well this is the start to my jounrney. I read that leaving an addiction takes a while, hopefully by next time this year I can quit and become the best motivated version of myself

18:21 UTC


day 4 or 5 i dont remember

hey guys how are you this is i think day 4 or 5 so far so good

17:55 UTC


Triggered and relapsed after 5 days.

Feel disgusting. Got triggered by people on tik tok and in real life and decided to peek and ended up getting my flesh light out and masturbated 3 times last night for hours stayed up way too late and then once this morning. Apparently iā€™m addicted to femboys now all the sudden it keeps changingā€¦

17:41 UTC


Going into day 2 without porn.

Itā€™s my first time ever acknowledging it as an addiction. Itā€™s made me a deceitful individual to those I care about and is absolute ruining my brain and my relationship with my wife.

Itā€™s time to make a change.

I have a specialist that Iā€™m seeing Tuesday so my first goal is to make it until then without engaging in pornography.

If youā€™re out there struggling, I see you. Itā€™s never too late to be who you want to be.

17:30 UTC


My Doctor Shared His Storyā€”And Truly Listened to Mine!

Yesterday I was finally able to talk to someone about my porn addiction and not feel judgement or a condescending attitude.

I have a brand new doctorā€”first time meeting himā€”and he listened carefully and actually shared his own story of addiction and cravings (from a very high-level, obviously). It was extremely helpful to know Iā€™m not alone in that space and it immediately built a level of trust I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had with a healthcare provider. He put me at ease by allowing me to open up and, candidly, I think it might have been helpful to him as well to know we could talk about it.

Sounds like he and I are in the same boat and Iā€™m looking forward to actually having someone to confide in besides my fellow Redditors!

Does anyone else have a similar story?

1 Comment
15:09 UTC


What do I do about this?

TLDR; My partner of 7 years finally admitted he has a porn addiction after cheating on me many times.

I've been with my partner for almost 8 years. I love him and have his kid. When I was pregnant I caught him paying for onlyfans and this wasn't even the first time. I asked him every time I caught him cheating one me, why are you doing it? Are you addicted to sex? Am I not good enough for you? What can I do to make you happy? I tried EVERYTHING. Well. My SON is turning 1 tomorrow and I would flip this world upside down and light it ablaze over my baby. I grew up in a really bad life situation with my family. My mom overdosed when I was 16 from meth. My father raped me and I was removed from their care at 8 and moved in with my grandparents and got emancipated at 15. I don't know where my father is, or if he's even my real father because I had another man message me when I was 23 telling me he thinks he's my dad. Not trying to get into my craziness in my life but when I got with him he knew this. I don't have any family and I don't have many friends. I spend all my time caring for him and our kid. Even before our kid, I took care of him. I work, go to school, keep a clean house, take care of everything. I've caught him over and over and over again. I don't want my son growing up in ANY kind of environment that could damage him in his future. This includes porn addictions. I don't want to leave because I've invested so much time and my self esteem is shot due to this and I'm not even ugly.... I'm complimented all the time by strangers but.. I can't accept them... It doesn't feel like they're telling the truth... He was going in the bathroom FOREVER, I'm talking about 1-3 hours. I knew something was going on as I have a STRONG intuition. I'm honestly torn and hurt. I don't think it's fair that I stay to support this as he said "I just wanted you to support me and now I regret ever saying anything". I already had mental health problems from my family and now he's exasterbating them. I don't want to start all over but this isn't fair right? I've been loyal and honest. I've never lied to him. He is always lying and sneaking. I could go on and on. Please give any advice and I'm a very blunt and honest person so nothing you say will hurt my feelings. Give it to me straight. Straight like that.

14:56 UTC


My Longest Streak in Years

11 years of addiction. Wowā€¦

I started masturbating at the age of 11. It went on for this long. Whenever I got that urge to masturbate, my heart races and I get anxious, cuz Iā€™m looking for ways to either relax my bad thoughts or find an escape from my problems.

Iā€™m 5 days clean. And initially before that I was four days clean. Iā€™ve not gone this long without masturbating in succession and itā€™s crazy to me that I can actually sleep without feeling I have to stroke one out. I havenā€™t even had violent urges in the past week. Initially Iā€™d struggle to go 3 days without masturbating, and even when I did succeed, Iā€™d usually do it again a day after and the day after that. Almost like Iā€™m making up for the days I didnā€™t get to do it. This sudden drastic and unfamiliar change (of course for the better) after a thought I had is so weird to me. Especially after struggling for this long.

Nearly two weeks ago, the moment I reflected and told myself that, I donā€™t want any partner of mine to deal with my addiction problem of masturbating alone, I justā€¦ snapped out of it. Instantly. Iā€™ve gone back and fourth on myself and how much I hated myself in a previous post on here and that never worked out. I gave myself understanding and I think that was the final puzzle piece I was missing. I tried to understand my trauma rather than dragging myself across the floor on a problem I was very much aware of.

Also, I guess I just felt I wasnā€™t deserving of the love that partners showed me due to how I saw myself even when they understood the trauma behind my masturbation issue. I guess it was guilt. Immense guilt I unconsciously punish myself for. As Iā€™m typing this. My brain is telling me to masturbate but, the urge isnā€™t even strong. My heart has stopped racing. And I donā€™t get anxious. I just feel at peace in a way.

Thank you guys so much for showing me the kindness I needed to show myself.

I never knew the last thing I needed to do was to be kind to myself. Youā€™ve saved my life.

14:51 UTC



Hello all so I am 22M I am a huge porn and mastrubation addict since 2017 even before I used to watch porn but I never maatrubated and the first time I mastrubated i became addicted to both after that my mental health has been completely ruined I was constantly bullied i couldn't take stand for myself I have constant fights with my parents and on one day in 2021 i saw my erection was soft even with porn I couldn't understand anything everything was ruined I even went to several doctors none of the doctor said that It was due to porn I even had Doppler test and it said that I have some vascular issue my blood flow was only fifty percent but I don't know it may be false because of my anxiety I still feel like porn is the culprit I still spend majority of my day watching porn even with soft erections I just want to get out of this shit how do I do this please somebody help me I just want to be cured I even tried to commit suicide once I feel helpless

14:47 UTC


48 days porn free

Another beautiful day. Let's get this bread. We got this šŸ’Ŗ

13:44 UTC


Seniors with PA?

Iā€™m a 69 old man that has been a PA for 50+ years.

The longest Iā€™ve been without pon was for around 5 years when I met my new wife. I got divorced because of my PA from my 1st wife.

Are there any other senior PAā€™s here I can have contact with?

07:25 UTC


Is texting onlyfans girls a porn addiction?

I (f) keep cetching my boyfriend (were in our 20s) texting other women online. He says its just a porn addiction, he texts and sends money to girls so they send him pictures but they also text back and forth, this has been happening through our entire 2 year relationship and had only come to light recently for the most part, it has grown to the point of hes texting people we know. Is this really a porn addiction? I dont know anything about porn addictions porns never been my thing. I do feel for the people who struggle with this but am i wasting my time or should i keep waiting for him to get around to getting a therapist?

06:37 UTC


I'm struggling but at the end I relapsed

I was taken a 100 days challenge but it had broken within 9 days then again I started day 1 and again after 4 days i relapsed then after the frequency of relapsed increases day by day.

I want to quit, and it's my day 1 again.. Can anyone help me? How to avoid all these... I haven't used insta for the last 20 days but I relapsed watching some horny ads, I don't use any special Media app except youtube having 1hour limited time a day ..

Anyone please help šŸ™

06:06 UTC


Its in my dreams

I am 16M and I have been addicted to porn for the last 2 years and now I even had sexual dreams about my mother and my sister, I feel awfull, I feel like I should die after those dreams. Please someone give me some advice and help me

1 Comment
05:44 UTC


My boyfriend is into rapey hentais (not depicting underage girls) and is into cheating porn. Should I be concerned?

He is a very kind, soft, gentle man. We have had open discussions about his porn interests. He seems embarrassed and ashamed of the porn he watches. Those porn interests are extremely triggering for me. I have a lot of sexual assult trauma. Being molested and recorded at 5, raped at 13, and had to fight off an attacker who was choking me and trying to drag me into bushes at the age of 28, right afrer my first husband died (I thankfully got away with only bruises as he was drunk).

I find myself spiraling over the porn I have found on my boyfriends phone. He is actively tryinging to heal and refrain from watching porn, and he has improved significantly, but I know he still lies when he has a slip up.

Anyways, what I'm really getting at here is, why are so many men sexual turned on by the idea of raping and cheating? Also incest? There is SO MUCH PORN on these topics. Is it just brain washing by the powers that be? Is there scientific evidence that surround this that should make me concerned?

05:44 UTC


10 days clean, feeling depressed and badly craving.

This is the worst night Iā€™ve had so far. Iā€™ve slowly been feeling more emotional the past few days and each day itā€™s getting harder not to give in. Any suggestions?

05:10 UTC


Bad Relapse.

Relapsed after a week. Fell off the wagon, hard.

04:23 UTC


I relapsed and it wasnā€™t worth it at all. Please donā€™t make the same mistake for Godā€™s sake!

It wasnā€™t worth it in the slightest. I donā€™t feel satisfied or relieved, I just feel like shit because Iā€™ve thrown away 2 months of fig fighting my porn addiction for nothing!

Every limit I set for myself to keep things under immediately went out the window! Genres sites, amount of times I used it, I dropped those limits at the slightest fucking breeze!

I have nothing going on in my life which has made things harder, so I decided to pause things until I headed off for university (college for Americans reading this) when Iā€™d actually have things happening in life.

So please, if anyone is considering quitting please head my warning and donā€™t do it! You wonā€™t feel satisfied, youā€™ll quickly be right back where you started, and youā€™ll feel like shit!

Anyway, Iā€™m resetting the clock. Hopefully I can stay stronger knowing first hand what giving up feels like.

03:37 UTC


Well today I said enough is enough

No more porn, no more onlyfans right now I want clarity!

02:54 UTC


Long distance relationship and i have a porn addiction

For context I 22F and my long distance boyfriend 24M have been together for 7 months now and we do sext and do sexual stuff on call. Anyway, my boyfriend is religious and he is very against porn (altho he said he did used to watch it but has abstained for a couple years now), me on the other hand i have a very high sex drive and I am used to masturbating a couple times a day every day to porn ever since i was 11. So to the issue at hand, it has come to the point where it is extremely hard for me to get turned on by my boyfriend if i am not watching porn in the background, and even hearing my boyfriends moans or attempts to turn me on immediately turn me off, so then i would just tell him i am not horny and lets do it later. The second i hang up with him, i go and watch porn and masturbate. I feel so guilty and i dont know how to stop myself from watching it and masturbating, it is affecting my attraction to him and he is an amazing guy and i dont want to lose him over something like this.

Its ok if u want to judge me i know what i am doing is very shitty and i feel very guilty, i have admitted before that i watch porn and he got sad and told me to delete every platform that i watch porn on. I did delete it and then i redownloaded it and i am still watching, and he does not know that i am watching. For context, my boyfriend doesnt masturbate unless it is with me, so already i am feeling the guilt that i 1) masturbate without him, 2) watch porn while doing it.

Any advice would be appreciated :)

02:45 UTC


Advice for someone who feels helpless in this fight.

Small background, have had problems with porn since I was 12/13 escalated to daily or multiple times a day. Relaxed a large amount in late teens by in 20ā€™s now and has come back and is killing me and ruining my life.

I hate myself so much for hours afterwards have horrible crippling anxiety and am being a shit partner, have very little emotional regulation and struggle to be intimate. I love my gf but I struggle to express it as much as I want to, she just wants to help but I hide my problem from her and tell myself I am strong enough to do this alone.

I feel like porn has seriously rotted my brain and I have no emotional complexity and cannot express myself in a healthy way, has destroyed my self confidence and makes me feel so dirty.

Constant cycle of giving in followed by hate and anxiety and promising myself Iā€™ll stop and reading self help material and articles but the next day Iā€™m back to square one and repeat this.

I need to get out of this cycle before it kills me, anyone have any advice or is/has experienced anything similar? Have never reached out in this way before because I am getting more desperate everyday, I just want to be rid of this and not constantly live in shame and feeling dirty all the time.

02:11 UTC


Addicts Will Always Be Addicts

I hope you read this till the end and let me know what you think

I was watching a podcast the other day and I heard about an interesting, crucial concept ā€œRecovery centredā€ meaning the moment we discover that weā€™re addicts, our life will become recovery centred and there is no other way to live a good life! let me be a little harsh today, we addicts will always be addicts and before you jump and punch me for saying that let me explain.

First of all, a lot of people underestimate what addiction is (and I was one of those), they think just reading a few books, attending a few therapy or rehab sessions or watching a few videos will solve the issue, ADDICTION is no joke, the chemicals in our brain is ruined, the reward system is ruined, or maybe they were shaped in that way when we grew up or when we were born, we react in a certain way to things and look for the magic solution to cope.

We addicts are powerless humans and we have to admit it, thatā€™s why you see some people struggling for years and years with their addiction, some of them recover and get sober for years and they think they won, but we hear that they went back to their compulsive behaviour.

That is why we have to live for the day and being sober is the top 1 priority, itā€™s the only choice we have as we cannot live without recovery, what is the other option? going back to addiction and we end up losing everything and wasting our valuable life? the only choice is to be sober to have a proper and hopefully fantastic life and thatā€™s why it needs to be the priority of literally everyday of our lives.

The compulsive behaviour we have is more powerful than us (from the word compulsive), thatā€™s why we need to get our power from people around us, a higher power, and us too at the same time. When we spend a day without watching po**n (or whatever addiction we have) itā€™s a miracle, weā€™re being free humans. So, if you spend a week without watching po**n you are a miracle walking on earth because youā€™re going against nature, against what your brain asking your body to do, against what your body is supposed to do with the thoughts coming from your brain, think about that for a moment.

let me be nice here and optimistic since I was harsh earlier, our brains can heal too, fully? not sure. But with recovery, weā€™re learning new valuable things, having a special lifestyle, being more grateful even for little things, unlocking creativity, discipline and so many more good things that I cannot count. With all those things we learn and apply on the way, and parallel to that our brain heals itself we will become exceptional creatures, not saying this to make you and I feel nice but this is the reality!!

We have to live for today, and recovery comes first, anything else after that.

Stay strong miracles and enjoy the journey

01:22 UTC


DAY 1 IS DONE!!!!!!

After so many trials and failing day1 don't seems a great achievement but it's better than not moving forward and staying with that same old useless porn life so let me just smile and mover on because "If You want to reach one day then we have to meet the day one "

00:17 UTC



Relapsed after almost a week. I had a bender this past week of just goon material. I just felt bleh after today. I am going to see s therapist this week for other reasons but I definitely am going to bring this up.

1 Comment
22:18 UTC


Triggers - Almost One Week

Iā€™m almost one week clean from viewing porn. Iā€™ve focused more on my fitness and acknowledging my triggers. But today has been rough. There was a moment during my morning run where a sexual thought entered my mind and itā€™s just been lingering there all day, itching at me.

Iā€™ve been questioning if going cold turkey is the right decision or if I should slowly reduce the amount of time I spend watching it. My gut is telling me cold turkey since Iā€™m craving it so hard today and want nothing more than to watch one or two videos. Shit is rough šŸ˜£

Any recommendations on how to fight these invasive thoughts?

1 Comment
22:18 UTC


Progress and struggle concerns

So I feel like Iā€™ve finally made some progress; normally I couldnā€™t stop myself from doing it for one day: but I can consistently stop myself for 2 days, and my 3rd day was always my relapse day; but I beat it. But unfortunately, on the 4th day (yesterday) I relapsed, so I feel like Iā€™m making progress, as Iā€™ve been writing some goals in my binder, but otherwise Iā€™m worried.

I hear people say the only real way to beat it is to either solve the problem thatā€™s making you run to it, or by replacing it with something else. But I have no clue how to do either, and when I think about making that big of a change, I get a surge of anxiety and dread. Why does this happen? And what and how could I do to replace porn with and heal myself in the root? I know everyoneā€™s different and itā€™s clearly a very open ended question. But some pointers or general advice would be greatly appreciated!

22:13 UTC

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