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    222,027 Subscribers


    Is it possible to change the size of a custom cursor on Windows 11?

    I've uploaded a custom cursor I made in Inkscape, converted to '.cur' but everytime I upload it in the Windows 11 mouse properties, it's like twice the size of a standard Windows 11 cursor. When I go into the pointer settings (separate window) to change cursor size, it resets to the standard Windows 11 cursor. Thanks.

    03:12 UTC


    i turned windows 11 into a modernized windows 7

    02:04 UTC


    PSA: Rejoice! We can drag & drop into the address bar again!

    01:03 UTC


    GPU different displays

    In my laptop I have at least three programs to detect the usage of the hardware like the CPU and GPu, but for some reason at least the main GPU has three different displays in all of these three programs. Which one would be more reliable since also the same Task manager doesn't display correctly the numbers.

    GPU displays

    22:40 UTC


    Display presets configurations

    I have a built a gaming PC and have three monitor inputs. 1 TV and the others are desktop monitors. Is there a way that I can select a display configuration without going to the display setting or pulling cables. I either use the two monitors or the TV but never all three.

    00:15 UTC


    Looking for update tab at application startup

    Hello there. From nearly one month, on certain applications, (eg: Arc Browser, Windows Terminal ...), I have a tab opening before the application, looking for update, and then, the application opens.

    If there is an update, a new tab open to tell me to make it, and impossible to open the app without making that update.

    That's the update tab :


    I don't have the one that obligates me to do it. But I search how remove that thing, I even tried a Google Lens, but no answer. That's not in Microsoft Store (certain application having that thing are not Windows Apps), tried in Setting / Config Panel... Nothing.

    If someone knows how remove that thing, he'll be my hero guys 🤗

    17:32 UTC


    Just updated my computer and is this bloat normal? Should I go back to windows 10?

    18:23 UTC


    The Dev and Beta Insider channels will receive the same builds until the end of February. If you want to switch from Dev to Beta, you should do it now. (https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2025/01/31/announcing-windows-11-insider-preview-build-26120-3073-dev-and-beta-channels/)

    18:21 UTC


    Registry Editor Data Replacement

    As in the title, I am planning to do a fresh windows 11 install on my pc but before that I want to backup my entire registry files and then import them in lieu of the fresh registry editor files.

    Is it advisable to do so or not?

    If I dont end up backing up my reg editor files.. what might I end up losing ( I believe I might have some changes that I wanna keep but I am not sure what were they exactly)

    19:13 UTC


    Windows 11 Enterprise ISO

    Lets say i have a VisualStudio subscription that I use in my lab and I download the latest version of Windows 11 Enterprise. Can I use the same ISO at my company with their Windows 11 Enterprise Activation or is that not allowed?

    1 Comment
    18:15 UTC


    Windows 11 24H2 Windows Update

    Just wanted to ask.

    Has anyone received 24H2 over Windows Update?

    Currently running 23H2 22635.4805.

    CPU is a 13700K with 64GB DDR5 and a 1TB Samsung 990 Pro boot drive.


    It seems I'm just getting it now.

    Just did an update check after posting this, for a lark.

    26120.3073 is downloading now.

    18:19 UTC


    Navigation Pane confusion

    I have no idea what is going on, i have the "show all folders" ticked on. Why is everything duplicated?

    15:52 UTC


    Anyone else had this Winget-AutoUpdate-aaS **magically** install itself?

    Recently strange (and rather ugly) notification started appearing on windows startup notifying these or that app update or couldn't update.

    Turns out it's Winget-AutoUpdate-Intune a new app in Microsoft Store named Winget-AutoUpdate-aaS that installed itself (without my consent🙄) (and can't be installed🙄🙄) which publisher is not event Microsoft but Hauke Hasselberg whom 6 month ago brags on linkedin.

    No kidding? 🙄

    Of course the app don't appear in the store library and not even with

    Get-AppxPackage -User $env:USERNAME | Select-Object Name, PackageFullName 

    So no way for the normal user to opt-out and even a superuser to simply remove it with a Remove-AppxPackage

    The worst is that it keeps installing a version for powershell not yet supported by Anaconda which breaks of tool of trade.

    What the What the duck is going on? 🦆

    When does Microsoft will stop acting like monopolistic bully and shoving things down our throats 🤬

    For now disabling the scheduled tasks, the app creates stop the updates from happening but I lost so much time investigate this issue. And I won't surprised if those tasks magically turn back on at some point.

    It's surprising that literally nothing exist on the web about this. Am I part of a first pool of guinea pig beta tester? 🧪

    11:07 UTC


    Has anyone else else experienced windows start button highlighted on start up?

    Not that it's a big problem but I just noticed it since the windows 11 update from the 30th - on start up it's as if the tab key has been pressed. Does it without any peripherals connected too.


    Goes away when clicking anything else but still thought it was weird.

    09:58 UTC


    2 days ago a couple of our users noticed this. When you usually try to cut and paste a file, the icon would dim or darken to indicate it was selected to move. When you try to move a file now, the icon flashes or blinks instead. The cut and paste functionality still works but the indication doesn't.

    07:35 UTC


    I changed the system font to the Minecraft one

    15:45 UTC


    Restore Dark Mode Sound in Windows 11

    How to restore Windows 11 Dark Mode System Sound for 24H2? Since December 2024 Update for Windows 11 24H2, the Dark Mode Sound is totally same with Light Mode Sound.

    15:35 UTC


    Unpin Microsoft 365 Copilot Apps from taskbar on windows 11 using Intune

    Have tried to find out how we using Intune can unpin Microsoft 365 Copilot Apps from the taskbar on all our Windows 11 machines.
    Any tips?

    07:20 UTC


    I want to know how to remove icons.

    Is there a way for you to remove these icons? I want to make my home screen blank so my wallpaper will be visible in all parts. TIA


    09:34 UTC


    Spontaneous "Boop" noise??

    I understand that this may very well not be a windows thing but Does windows suddenly *Boop*???

    I was just browsing today and suddenly my laptop let out a *Boop*, not a Beep, not a windows notification thing, just a plain Boop.

    I did a quick google and results came up about "its windows signaling a problem" or "beeping sounds may indicate a hardware problem" but they're all to vague for me to rule out what's my problem.

    Has anyone encountered this before? It's not a consistent Boop either, the second Boop happened some time before I started typing this.

    And if this isn't some sort of windows then sorry to have wasted this subs time, but could it be a driver thing? and Opera thing?, My opera has been stuttering for no reason lately, I'm really confused.

    If you need more specifications on my laptop feel free to ask.

    05:43 UTC


    Stop Windows 11 from resizing taskbar tabs?

    00:43 UTC


    How do I allow browser to use location, without giving same permission to windows background processes?

    Currently I have Location services turned off in Windows ( Privacy & Security > Location ). As a result, every time I go to google.com, using Firefox, I get 2 pop ups. One in the browser:


    and then the windows settings page


    I want to be able to let FF ( or other app ) access location settings. However if I enable Location Services, and then the detailed setting, there is no toggle for microsoft services.


    Does this mean that I allow windows to use location services whenever it wants to?

    Maybe I'm overthinking a privacy issue, but I want to minimize data being sent to MS.

    01:26 UTC


    Disable Microsoft Login window to use domain account

    I have an issue where an app needs to use my admin account to authenticate. When I launch the app it keeps failing without giving me an option to sign in. It’s trying to auto sign in with my pc domain account and that account does not have access only my admin account.

    I have logged out of EVERYTHING Microsoft and Office to make sure that the prompt is not being feed from 365 services.

    I have tried on a windows 10 machine and it’s working fine. So I have concluded that it’s a windows 11 issue.

    What feature is doing this and how do I disable it.

    02:16 UTC


    Get rid of CTRL SHIFT C shortcut?

    I usually use ctrl shift c to modify stuff on my google chrome browser for fun but my most recent windows update has changed this to recording my laptop display. Does anyone know how to change it back or get rid of the recording shortcut? Thanks in advance

    02:40 UTC


    How to Disable mandatory Sign-In when I have been away while using Windows Hello

    I am using Windows 11 Home and Professional on two different laptops, they are configured to Turn Off the display at 5min and Sleep at 30min.

    Every time that I don't use the laptop for 5min or more and come back before the 30min mark, it will ask for for Sign-In credentials, it is annoying because sometimes I check something quickly for 5min, come back and I have to Sign-In.

    The option "If you've been away, when should Windows require you to sign in again" is grayed our with the value of "Every time", instead of being able to select 5min, 10min, 15min, this is because I am using Windows Hello to sign in.

    Is there a way via PowerShell, Local Group Policy, Local Security Policy or other method to disable to have to Sign-In in when the display has been turned off because I have been away for more than 5min, I am ok with the more reasonable threshold of 15min to require sign-in, I know I can change the Display Off timeout, but I don't want to do that, I am trying to prevent the OLED displays to burn-in.

    Bottom line, I am trying to override the "If you've been away, when should Windows require you to sign in again" option when Windows Hello is being used, and change Every Time for a timeout of 15min.

    Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks

    00:44 UTC


    Can't Turn Off Update Notifications

    1 Comment
    23:11 UTC

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