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    308,737 Subscribers

    05:55 UTC


    what will happen if x86 apps just don't run on Windows on ARM?

    I'm planning on purchasing a laptop, and many reviews of the new snapdragon X elite laptops, running ARM, have mentioned that software compiled for x86 might run just fine through the prism emulator, while some apps just refuse to open at all (e.g. Drive for Desktop)

    so is there a way to just brute force the app to run? or if I encounter apps which refuse to open, I just have to wait the many months it'll take for developers to eventually release an ARM version?

    05:05 UTC


    Black Screen Application

    Does anyone know of an app that can make the screen black. Similar to a black screen saver but don't want it to wake on mouse movement?

    21:40 UTC


    Looking for Automation Tool to Perform Actions Between Two Programs

    Hi everyone,

    I have a specific workflow that involves actions between two different programs. First, I select text in Microsoft Word, then copy it to another program. After about 1 second, the other program completes its action. Finally, I need to open a dropdown dialog in the same program and enter a text label.

    Is there a general Windows macro recorder or any other tool that can automate these actions seamlessly across different programs?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    20:04 UTC


    Automation Tool to Perform Actions Between Two Programs

    Hi everyone,

    I have a specific workflow that involves actions between two different programs. First, I select text in Microsoft Word, then copy it to another program. After about 1 second, the other program completes its action. Finally, I need to open a dropdown dialog in the same program and enter a text label.

    Is there a general Windows macro recorder or any other tool that can automate these actions seamlessly across different programs?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    20:22 UTC


    Friendly reminder to Windows 10 users - ENABLE Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling for better performance!

    So I recently I went back to Windows 10 using a fresh install. (RTX 4070, 5800x3d)

    For some reason, HW-accelerated GPU scheduling and Variable Refresh Rate (for adaptive sync monitors) options are disabled by default. (producing spikes and lower performance in certain games!)

    Display Settings > Graphics Settings

    Just enable both for better experience!

    Don't forget to restart.

    21:15 UTC


    Windows automatically backing up everything to OneDrive is ANNOYING

    Windows constantly presenting OneDrive locations for saving documents is VERY ANNOYING. Every time I make a new document or do a Save As..., Windows presents me with a location on OneDrive. I want to put my files on my local computer and have MS back those files up to OneDrive. Is that even possible? Thanks.

    20:03 UTC


    Looking for old commercials that feature MS Paint

    Hi everyone! I'm currently working on a video about MS Paint and I'd love to feature some footage of old commercials in it that feature shots of the program. I've tried looking for it myself but there are so many vintage Microsoft commercials to go through and I just don't have the time to go through every single one. I'd be very grateful to anyone who can send me a link to any commercials that features it, Even if it's just a single second of footage. Thank you in advance!

    19:36 UTC


    if windows skips the ''choose what to keep'' does it mean that files and apps are automatically kept (setup)

    everything is in the above.

    18:49 UTC


    Which windows had the best UI?

    Personally I think Vista had the best followed by 7 and XP. The metro ui in 8 ruined everything Microsoft had been building up since so called "y2k" Era of windows 98 to "frutiger aero" Era of xp to 7. Windows 10 is just a shell of 8's former self without the start screen and windows 11 ui feels like a bastard child of aero and metro ui that took negative elements from both parents.

    What are your thoughts?

    18:13 UTC


    What is a popular, standalone language learning software for windows at the moment?

    Is there any new one, or is Rosetta Stone still a thing?

    18:45 UTC


    Triple boot w2k, wfw 3.11 and w98?

    I have a pc with windows 2000 and windows 3.11( on dos) installed. To this pc I wish to add windows 98. How can I do this?

    18:02 UTC


    Can this disappear one day ?

    I don’t want to update to windows 11 yet and I do still have a chance until October 2025 before I stop receiving updates. So I just wanted to ask if I leave this like that for a long time can it disappear and I can no longer update to 11 like this and have to purchase it or that doesn’t happen ? I have had it for a long time already and it’s there but I am just worried that it might disappear permanently so I wanted to ask if that could happen. Thanks for any clarifications.

    16:55 UTC


    Do you miss internet explorer?

    17:29 UTC


    Are there any Video Rental/Purchase Apps that support 4k Playback for all 4k Content?

    Hey everyone,

    So I was interested in getting the new Planet of the Apes.

    I currently usually just get stuff at 1080p and then upscale it with Nvidia to "4k".

    Wanted to actually see Planet of the Apes but when I started the purchase in Amazon's Prime Video App, it told me it would not playback in 4k.

    I tried Vudu's Windows App and got the same message

    I asked in the Apple Subreddit if the Apple App ran stuff in 4k and one of the users basically said "Sometimes, it will say 4k and run it at 4k and other times it just doesnt" - Basically, unreliable.

    Does anyone know of an app or service to watch rented/purchased movies in 4k with Windows 10?

    Thanks for your time.


    17:31 UTC


    Is there a button to bring up the bluetooth settings menu, on the keyboard? If not, is there a way i can program one of the buttons to quickly bring up that menu, similiar to the windows logo button?


    16:41 UTC


    "Wake up it's 2008."

    16:22 UTC


    Custom Window Snapping?

    13:06 UTC


    What is comes from BetaCollector and you copy of Japanese version of Windows? (This is Final version of in Beta?)

    You copy of Japanese version of Windows?

    11:52 UTC


    So when I was eating breakfast I found these images that look so cool to be a windows background, thoughts?

    1 Comment
    10:46 UTC


    Editing Local Group Policy

    Hi everyone,

    I want to edit Local Group Policy for one of my test PC. Apart from using 'gpedit.msc', I've been using powershell script to change the policy.

    I have tested the script and it change the registry but when I checked at gpedit.msc, the policy have not change a bit.

    So, I am wonder if I can change the local group policy from the test PC and export the policy settings to another PC?

    Thank you.

    09:04 UTC


    Can Tiny 11 run Adobe softwares?

    I read that Tiny 11 can't run Adobe apps (here). If anybody is running Tiny 11, can you confirm it?

    04:51 UTC


    Need help remembering the names and features of something we were talking about a while ago

    A while ago I was talking to a friend of mine about how one of the big AI announcements basically came with the inclusion of

    "ohh by the way this revolutionary AI graphics card it's gonna have a built in hardware level access for us to change drivers and assert control over the system at any time."

    and he mentioned something about windows basically having something like that already built in for TPM's but not TPM's and it's driving me a little Batty trying to remember what the **** he was talking about....

    So if anyone knows the name of the device or module that gives windows remote code access execution access built in which they were gonna loan out I was hearing to Netflix or other companies so that they could securely DRM stream.... And other such bat shit things... what is it>! It's eating my brain. Pretty certain the name had an X in it....

    1 Comment
    04:12 UTC


    Permanently changing Affinity and Priority of a program?

    I noticed that my Minecraft was bumping the cpu load to 100% and had found a guide saying that I should lower the priority to below normal and the affinity to processors 1, 2, and 3. For the most part that seems to work but I want to make sure those settings are permanent, but I don't know how to make that so for the Minecraft game because I boot it up through its launcher.

    03:21 UTC


    why cant I rename files??

    no message pops up and I have permission for it so in pretty pissed, any solutions????

    02:11 UTC

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