
Photograph via snooOG

heckin wholesome fren!

this is a subreddit for cute animal pictures šŸ„°

please no memes or text images

webcomics allowed on web comic wednesdays!

Heckin wholesome fren

We are happy to affiliate with other wholesome subreddits:

r/wholesome - Must be Wholesome. Remember to stick to the theme and stay relevant. All posts must be related to "wholesome" in some way.

r/beyondwholesome - Post anything that is wholesome... more than just wholesome

r/UnexpectedlyWholesome - Please remember to always express good wishes to your fellow user and to have a great day. Thank you for your interest and for being you!

r/wholesomememes - a meme that subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive, often showcasing genuine human emotion or a meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul or a meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate or a meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy

r/wholesomebpt - Screenshots of Black people being wholesome on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best. Black culture has a unique way of examining the everyday and we are here to showcase that.

r/wholesomegifs - Feel free to submit a gif or leave a wholesome comment! Enjoy your stay here! /r/wholesomegifs is a place for gifs that make you smile, or are inspirational, and generally wholesome.

r/wholesomecomics - a comic that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul or a comic that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate or a comic that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy or a comic with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative comic to be more positive

r/wholesomenosleep - Stories that are scary but have a nice twist. The nice twist can still be scary! Stories here have a horror element and end reasonably happily.

r/WholesomeNetwork - This is a public resource for the Wholesome Network. Feedback, criticism, suggestions, questions, general discussion are all welcome.

r/wholesomestarterpacks - Post your wholesome and positive starter packs here

r/wholesomeprequelmemes - this is where the fun begins

r/wholesomepics - Welcome to /r/wholesomepics! Feel free to submit a pic or leave a wholesome comment! Enjoy your stay here!

Other subs you might enjoy:

NEW r/animalsincars - Is that a kitty in a Beetle, a doggo in a Mustang or a hamster in a Stingray? Looks like you found an r/animalsincars This sub is dedicated to celebrating everything that moves, flies and swims and the vehicles that take them on adventures.

NEW r/showerbirb - Tired of being called the stimky birb? Spending hours preening with no results? Wondering why that budgie won't return your beak kisses? Perhaps you need a r/showerbirb.

NEW r/birdseatingthecamera - Henlo fren! Welcome to the ultimate crossover between our avian pals, and the cameras that they love to mlem. If you have a Kodak turned into a snac, a Cannon to bite on, a baloney flavored Sony or a Go Pro covered in jello you are in the right place and we want you to share.

NEW r/petbacking - Little pets and animals coming along for the fun in public in backpacks, frontpacks and other pet carriers!

r/illegallysmolbirbs - The overall goal of this subreddit is to provide a safe place to post and discuss the most criminal elements of the sky: smol birbs.

r/illegallysmolanimals - In the Animal Justice System, smol crime offenders are sometimes the most devious, dangerous delinquents.

r/WholesomeAsHeck - We know what you want: cute pictures, inspiring memes, things that make you smile and the like.

r/birdsnamedfood - Welcome to the sweetest sub on reddit where we post cute birds with delicious names!

r/greencheeks - "Greencheek Conures are known for being cuddly, silly parrots that are quieter than their larger cousins and more amicable for younger owners just starting out."

r/BirbHelp - This is a sub about helping birbs! Share your experiences and suggestions here.

r/Birbsloveseed - Here you can post birbs loving seed! Whether itā€™s eating or throwing, Birbs Love seed!


15,921 Subscribers


Tryna do smth sweet for my bf's bday

Hii...so....its my lovely bf's bday on 31st jan...and I really wanna make it memorable for him since it's his first bday after we got together...so I posted on fb asking for some suggestions and got a very cute idea...so...basically I need to gather people from different countries to write a small sweet message for him on a paper(the message will be same for everyone) annnddd then we'll send him the Pic of the message...I think it's adorable but the challenge is gathering people...I already posted on fb and now on reddit...can u guys help pls??..also I literally installed reddit just to make this post..so if you're down pls gimme a knk on fb...its Mehek Rashid(purple dress)...thanksssss :3

05:46 UTC



Hi all I want you to know if you know the name of the story user of this person on Reddit please if you could

This young man had a one of a kind voice when he would sing you could hear a bit of melancholy and grace when he sang it would make the toughest people cry to them whimpering in minutes but this young man was in the war in Ukraine soldiers would hear his melancholy voice when they heard it they were immediately relaxed and calm but one day this young man gotten very sick but the Ukrainian army didnā€™t have medicine so most of the soldiers gave him warm clothing to keep him and his voice fine but one day while the man sick he heard a bomb distances away he want to check it out when he checked he saw that it was a faulty bomb the opposite side soldiers called him over while whispering do you need medicine the soldiers from the opposite side hear his beautiful melancholy voice every day but when they heard it they thought it sounded like the man was sick so they gave him the medicine

This is the story I love but I canā€™t remember most of it but it shows that kindness is showed wherever you go

19:32 UTC



I would appreciate if you could tell the Reddit user so I can find the story

This young man had a one of a kind voice when he would sing you could hear a bit of melancholy and grace when he sang it would make the toughest people cry to them whimpering in minutes but this young man was in the war in Ukraine soldiers would hear his melancholy voice when they heard it they were immediately relaxed and calm but one day this young man gotten very sick but the Ukrainian army didnā€™t have medicine so most of the soldiers gave him warm clothing to keep him and his voice fine but one day while the man sick he heard a bomb distances away he want to check it out when he checked he saw that it was a faulty bomb the opposite side soldiers called him over while whispering do you need medicine the soldiers from the opposite side hear his beautiful melancholy voice every day but when they heard it they thought it sounded like the man was sick so they gave him the medicine

This is the story I love but I canā€™t remember most of it but it shows that kindness is showed wherever you go even the most unexpected places

01:07 UTC


Zoobooks - Baby Animals (1991)

15:08 UTC


Bunny Whispering Sweet Nothings

07:27 UTC


Bunny Kisses

23:02 UTC


three rescue dogs traveling peacefully on a plane

20:51 UTC


Bunny visits a bed & breakfast

03:50 UTC


He is just so wholesome

10:16 UTC


Aren't t hey just the cutest little duo x

15:01 UTC


Isn't he just so wholesome x

1 Comment
12:44 UTC


These two are just so wholesome

19:00 UTC


isn't this guy just so wholesome

15:26 UTC


isn't this guy just the cutest

1 Comment
12:03 UTC


He did a really great job

15:26 UTC

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