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Rule 3: Buy/Sell/Trade and Vendor Posts. Posts that are links to sales or coupons, direct sales or requests of parts or whole cars, and any other posts deemed to be an attempt at marketing or sales by businesses and individuals are not allowed. Company accounts and small business owners are allowed to post their personal WRXs and be part of the community as long as they do not spam the sub or harass other members. Providing links to products is only allowed if requested by another member in the comments. If in doubt please contact us. |
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Rule 5: Promotion of Reckless Driving and Illegal Activities. This community does not condone nor wish to promote activities that raise our insurance rates and put people's lives in danger. Posts that are promoting/bragging about going over 100 mph on public roads, putting others in danger, road rage etc. will be subject to removal. We all make mistakes and it is okay to post about them to help others learn from them, but this is not a place to brag about them. |
Rule 6: Low Effort Posts. When making a post, please put effort into it. As the sub grows so does the number of posts daily. The community as a whole appreciates posts where effort has been put in. When asking questions throw in a picture of your vehicle or the issue. Please use the search bar, the pinned FAQ, and google to avoid repetitive posts. Low effort posts, sh*tposts, and repeated questions may be removed at the discretion of the mods. WRX, Subaru, and car memes are allowed but please don't overdo it. |
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I’m looking to get a new head unit for my 2016, do these head units support the OEM backup camera? Also, isn’t there a head unit with a volume nob from one of these manufacturers?
I'm in the middle of retuning my car with Dmann and I just like to learn more. You can see in my post history I've been looking for the source of cylinder noise in cyl #2 (shows in datalog but not an audible noise). He recommended, as a long shot, to try some redline fuel injector cleaner and we think it helped.
Anyway, I've been looking at the datalog and I'd just like some more insight/knowledge. I'm using datazap.me right now to get a nice graph of it. If anybody can help, maybe even take a look at it, lmk and I'll post the newest WOT 2500-6500 3rd gear datalog in the comments.
Just got this car a few weeks ago and it came with an invida r400 exhaust on it. Anything that's a little less loud lol
I was thinking of buying the parts listed in the forum until I realised that it was posted in 2008. Is there now a cold air intake that won't reduce the cars power. Also as for the downpipe and catback are they still the best options.
Curious if anyone has a clue… Drove an hour on the highway going abt 70 the whole way. After 10 mins off the highway my handbrake light on my dash came on. Pulled over turned it off, and back on. And the lights still there. Cobb says no codes. Any ideas? (06 wrx btw)
Evening Everyone,
I have a 2017 WRX with a stock FA20 in it. I was looking through the service manual and noticed the WRX section has a "camshaft clearance" chapter in it, whereas the STI section of the manual has a "valve clearance" chapter.
Does anybody have a simple explanation of what the difference is? They both seem to measure the distance between the cam lobe and roller rocker arm.
The vehicle is a 2000 gc8 RHD with EJ207.
Has anyone experienced this or seen the same leak before? Any in input would be helpful, cheers
I got my first car ‘17 WRX cvt limited with 100k miles for 17k. Was this a good deal? They went to the Subaru fixing up thingy place every 5k miles and the condition is really good. Is there anything I should know about the WRX moving forward? Anything I should know or advice? Would it be goofy if I added a black lip spoiler to it?
Alright so I’ve had my 2020 WRX for about 6 months now and I love everything about it. I love how it handles, I love the design, I love the interior quality (sport tech trim) everything. I do have one problem and I am sure I’m not the only one who does and that is cops. Every time I go for a drive if I happen to pass a cop they’ll follow me for at least 20 kilometres. The other day one followed me all the way home and when I turned onto my street he cut all his lights and slowed down to 15kph in a 30 then waited for me to park before slowly passing my house while looking at me. Do you guys have any tips on how to deal with cops or is it just a thing I have to get used to?
I’m currently in the market for some weathertechs in my VA WRX STI.
While I currently have the OEM Subaru All weathers, I just don’t dig the look of them. I wish I could run my cloth mats in the winter as those look the best to me. I think the WT’s look the best out of all the all weather mat options, but I was curious what the differences are between the WT and WT “HP” before I purchase a set.
Anyone know?
Also, would anyone be able to post a couple photos of their driver side weathertechs? People say WT have the most coverage, which is great, but I want to make sure the mat doesn’t go under the accelerator pedal. From my understanding, to achieve 100% throttle position, your pedal must go to the floor. A mat that goes under your pedal would prevent reaching 100%. I believe this is why Subaru floor mats do not extend under the accelerator.
Thanks in advance-
noticed this mess today on the passenger side and curious what is leaking? something i should be replacing asap or is it fine for a bit? thanks for any advice!
I’ve put around 14k on her since I picked her up is January. Caught this as I was getting ready to leave the gas station. Sad I missed the opportunity to get the 1234… but it’s been a busy year. I still can’t stop the ear to ear grin every time I start her up even with the occasional calf cramp from traffic. I also broke 130 last night but smelled something similar to burning brake pads at speed, has me a little concerned.
Her first wrx and she's in love with her car.
Hello a bit of a stupid question but could someone confirm that my vin (JF1VA1F64J9817754)isn’t the same batch as J-806877 WRX with the updated flywheel. Looking to buy a new clutch suggestions appreciated.
was my dream car for a good 2 years so you know I had to take a flick 4 the bois