Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)!

A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)! Please check out the wiki!

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  • We do not condone the modern-day use of swords as actual weapons. Topics on the subject are not prohibited, but readers are encouraged to link to this topic explaining the official stance.

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What is the worst sword in history?

I know that there’s no best sword, and that each one was designed for a particular purpose, but are there any that were just straight up bad?

01:28 UTC


Good websites for making custom swords?

So I was checking battling blades because I saw they had a make your own sword, did some research and found out it was a shitshow. I still however want to make my own custom Sabre for myself. Are there any sites you guys would recommend for getting something like that?

00:51 UTC


Heron Marked Blade

I treated myself to an early birthday gift this year.

21:09 UTC


Ring of Steel (1994 film)

This movie came on late night basic TV back when I was a pre-teen and I loved it, basically Bloodsport for swords.

I decided to re-watch it recently and I still think it’s an excellent bad movie, great early-mid 90s corniness.

Anyone seen this? What do you think about the sword choreography? This might be the movie that got me into my interest in different sword types/styles, etc.

19:42 UTC


Can I get some info?

I wanted to get into owning swords and I bought this one. Would this be classified as a cutlass? And could anyone tell me anything about it. It has on the side of it "Made In India". Thanks for the help.

18:13 UTC


I made some tiny wire swords

Not to scale, but left to right: Greatsword Bastard's sword Arming sword Fencing sabre (not actually sure what they're called annoyingly cause I really like them) Cavalry sabre

17:39 UTC


"Tetela/Batetela" Slavers Sword Gallery now available.


Please let me know if I have gotten any information wrong, this sword was quite difficult to research and had some contradicting sources.

15:04 UTC


I’d like to bring/ship a sword from Italy to the US. Any tips?

Hello! I’m a student currently doing a study abroad program in Italy. I am planning on purchasing a cane-sword and bringing it back with me to the US. I looked it up a little online and saw that swords could be put in checked baggage. However, would Italian customs allow it? Also, would it be allowed into the US? Alternatively, if I have to ship it what would the logistics be on that?

I’m very new to this so I’m not sure of the specifics. If someone could point me in the right direction (pun unintended), that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

14:20 UTC


Question about a sword

I've been looking at this dussack for some time now but I don't know if it's any good

If anyone has bought either this or something else from this buyer let me know so I can make a decision

14:16 UTC


And this one got a little writhing serpent

Still waiting for materials for the spatha hilt so using the time and got the next blade ready. I am open to hilt suggestions for this one as I'm not that far in the thought process myself 😂

09:24 UTC



Alguien sabe de alguna tienda que venda espadas y tena la zweihander? Pero de metal real y filo o sin filo no importa por favor Alguien que me ayude

08:11 UTC


Rust on a sword

Any advice on how to remove rust from a Damascus steel sword and how to prevent rust build up? I saw someone suggested rubbing a potato on the blade to remove rust. Does this work? Any other suggestions?

1 Comment
03:14 UTC


1850 Foot Officer's Sword - best way to maintain / preserve it?

02:24 UTC


Question about "Damascus/wootz" eBay swords/daggers?

I've been into Filipino martial arts for decades and recently learned you can get some pretty good deals on Filipino blades on eBay. For less than $200 and often less than $100 you can get WWII era blades of good quality given the practices of the time. If anyone has an info on eBay Filipino blades I'm all ears.

I'm less knowledgeable about Indian blades but I see a bunch of them in the <$100 range that look pretty cool to me. They appear to be roughly the same age (WWII-ish era) and are often listed as Damascus or wootz steel. I really don't care a whole bunch about these claims but I am curious how true it is. I figure like anything there are probably blades that might technically be able to be called this without being particularly good examples of what makes these blades well known. Is there anything anyone can tell me about Indian blades on eBay?

I've always been against collecting and consumerism in general but for some reason old blades are really interesting to me. I have been surprised how cheap they are. If anyone else has any interesting info on blades like the above from other cultures I'm interested! ? I'm more interested in functional blades as opposed to wall hangers.

02:09 UTC

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