
Photograph via snooOG

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If an item does not appear in our records, then someone should add it.


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  • The wiki is for analyzing and curating information that appears in canonical sources only.
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Are Midichlorians exponential in power?

Pretty simple question. As Midichlorians go higher in count, does the being in question's force sensitivity rise exponentially until eventual omnipotence? Darth Sidious had an estimated count of 19,000 or so, and Anakin was at 20,000 or more, and Anakin was unbelievably more powerful in comparison with only 1,000 more.

16:27 UTC


Anyone have or know of an up-to-date "no spoilers" chapter-by-chapter-by-comic reading order?

Finally ready to dive in and was hoping to do it this way. Here's an example I found of what I am looking for, but this only includes the first couple of releases

06:24 UTC


Lightsabers list and their color [CANON]

13:56 UTC


Canon, Legends and Non-Canon Watch List

Hello there,

I'm a part of the YouTube channel Star Wars Audio Comics. Recently we made a chronological watch playlist with everything canon on it (including fan adaptations of stuff like our audio comics and stuff from other channels). But this also includes a lot of stuff from Legends and Non-Canon as well. Non-Canon is stuff like infinities, fan films and Lego shows.

Here's the timeline which has more info about it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_hLZMC00YX5TxboZNiWm9fZR4V5GlELLYEBKK3bBISU/edit?usp=sharing

18:24 UTC


Resistance tv series timeline

Dear friends, u/Deboz96 and I have discussed a little about the timelining of Resistance, and you can see here the result.


Please keep in mind that it's a very simple work, we didn't big calculation except for the date found on S&V.

Basically all revolves around the placement of TFA and TLJ.

For those who miss it, here is the explanation of the calendar used in S&V discovered by u/Deboz96: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsReference/comments/fw49qe/i_think_i_deciphered_the_hosnian_reckoning_crc/

And here the subsequent dates inferred: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GOA0Ebec6A87abDf6xTz_ejcy1_0Y7RUIwZzHmkNB7E/edit

20:32 UTC


Star Wars Starships

Hello everyone! A while ago I started this series on the chronological appearance of on-screen starships. I haven't made many but I try to get back to producing them when I can cause they're a lot of fun. I hope you consider having a watch. Enjoy!


00:27 UTC


I've made a chronological watchlist of all main Star Wars media including anything connected to Mandalore and/or Maul!


With the recent release of the first season of the Mandalorian as well as the final season of the Clone Wars, I thought it would be a good idea to have a watchlist of all watchable Star Wars media that is about Mandalore. So I've put together a list in chronological order of the relevant episodes of Clone Wars and Rebels that revolve around Mandalore, Mandalorians, and Death Watch. Since Maul is so important to the history of Mandalore I've also included any episodes that include Maul, and with that come also most of the episodes that involve the Nightsisters. Finally I've included every movie and the two video games that come with a campaign, since they provide context, and of course all episodes of the Mandalorian. Please let me know if I've missed anything or got something wrong! Hope you find this list useful and have fun watching. Here's a link to the live spreadsheet in case I make any updates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TqrbhEI0Iz4dz8DlQgxZ7U-cxzVIMm5bYf5pEAGsehM/edit?usp=sharing

Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/h7v8wz/ive_made_a_chronological_watchlist_of_all_main/

23:08 UTC


Imperial rank insignia plaques (canon) - visual guide

19:45 UTC


The Clone Wars month-by-month timeline now online!

The website I write for has finally posted the month-by-month timeline I've recently presented here.

Link to English version: https://starwarslibricomics.it/the-clone-wars-the-month-by-month-chronological-order/
Link to Italian version: https://starwarslibricomics.it/2020/05/04/the-clone-wars-lordine-cronologico-mese-per-mese/

15:48 UTC


How much is a "Megalight per hour"?


"Megalight per hour" is the unit used to measure the relative sub-light speed of starships in real-space.

u/Deboz96 had a very good idea, noticing what follows from the short story "Raymus", in From a certain point of view.

«We're at sublight speed for the rest of the way.»

«Where are we?»[...]

«We're close, about a quarter parsec out.»[...]

«How long at best speed?»[...]

«Eight minutes.»

Speed of light is 299792.458 km/s or 0.000299792 billions km/s

1 light year (ly) is 9460.730473 billions km

1 parsec (pc) = 3.26156 ly

Max sub-light speed of Tantive IV is 0.25 pc (0.81539 ly) in 8 min, so 0.10192375 ly/min or 6.115425 ly/hr.

But it's still an ultra-light speed!

Furthermore, from Star Wars Super Graphic we know that the max sub-light speed of a CR90 corvette is 81 MLGT.


6.115425 ly/hr = 81 MLGT

1 MLGT = 0.075499074 ly/hr

1 LGT = 7.54991 10^-08 ly/hr = 714276.3907 km/hr

The problem remains: it's still ultra-light speed.

If what we read in the story isn't an error by Gary Whitta, we must reconsider what in SW is called "speed of light" and/or ultra-light and sub-light speed...

17:46 UTC


The Clone Wars month-by-month media timeline


I've just finished this TCW month-by-month media timeline spreadsheet and I'd like to share it with you. Still have to write some notes and references. Anyway, all dates are calculated according to the following sources:

Scum and Villainy – Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious;
• the starwars.com official TCW order;
The Clone Wars itself;
• Pablo Hidalgo and Matt Martin's informations;
Galactic Maps, where not clearly wrong;
Dark Disciple;
Darth Maul – Son of Dathomir;
Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition;
Lego – The Freemaker Adventures (not canon but not contradicting canon events).

Hope you'll appreciate it. Enjoy!

09:31 UTC


Naboo Calendar

According to Rise of the Separatists (FFG sourcebook) and Complete Locations, each Naboo year lasts 312 days and each Naboo day lasts 26 standard hour. Thus each Naboo year lasts 8,112 standard hours, i.e. 338 standard days.

In The Clone Wars S4:E18 – Crisis on Naboo, which takes place shortly after November 25, 21 BBY (Scum and Villainy – Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious), we see the 847th Festival of Light, which celebrates the 847th anniversary of Naboo joining the Republic.

We know that Padmé's coronation takes place in Grizm 34, 835th Year of Kwilaan (Propaganda – A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy), probably shortly after her election. 835th Year of Kwilaan takes place between 834th Festival of Light and 835th Festival of Light, so between 12 and 13 Naboo years before November 25, 21 BBY. Moreover, Padmé's coronation takes place before April 25, 32 BBY (Scum and Villainy – Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious).

Last but not least, each term lasts two years, which I interpreted as two Naboo years (Queen's Shadow).

So, after this introduction and after my own calculations, here's what I found:

• Padmé (1st term): December 33 BBY/April 32 BBY to October 31 BBY/March 30 BBY;
• Padmé (2nd term): October 31 BBY/March 30 BBY to September 29 BBY/January 28 BBY;
• Réillata: September 29 BBY/January 28 BBY to July/November 27 BBY;
• ?: July/November 27 BBY to May/September 25 BBY;
• ?: May/September 25 BBY to March/July 23 BBY;
• Jamillia: March/July 23 BBY to January/June 21 BBY (AOTC takes place in June 22 BBY);
• Neeyutnee: January/June 21 BBY to December 20 BBY/April 19 BBY (fits with Blue Shadow Virus and Crisis on Naboo both taking place in 21 BBY and moreover explains why we see Jamillia in AOTC and Neeyutnee in Blue Shadow Virus);
• Apailana: December 20 BBY/April 19 BBY to October 18 BBY/February 17 BBY (fits with ROTS taking place in March/July 19 BBY and with Apailana becoming Queen towards the end of the Clone Wars).

08:21 UTC


I think I deciphered the Hosnian reckoning (C.R.C. calendar)

Hello there,

I've been following this sub for a while and I've grown interested in timelines, chronologies and calendars within the GFFA. Some time ago I've bought Scum and VillainyCase Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious and I've tried to solve the Hosnian reckoning mystery. This is what I got:

• The first 4 digits are the year, this was pretty an easy task. 0 BBY/ABY = 7977 C.R.C. etc.

• The following 3 digits are the portion of the year that has already passed. For example:

– 7977.331 (capture of princess Leia above Tatooine) means that 33,1% of the year has already passed. 33,1% • 365 = 120,8 days. This means we are in the 121st day of the year (May 1st, which perfectly fits with ANH set in May);

– 7945.313 (Boonta Eve Classic) means that 31,3% of the year has already passed. 31,3% • 365 = 114,2 days. We are on the 115th day of the year (April 25th, which is 2 days after Anakin's birthday in Legends).

What do you think about?

PS: please forgive my grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

Here are my personal calculations:

• TPM = April 25, 32 BBY;
• AOTC = June 11, 22 BBY;
• Nack Movers = February 6, 21 BBY;
• Boba Fett arrest = February 7, 21 BBY (a bit too close to Nack Movers but I think that's because Lightsaber Lost spans across several days and ends February 6)
• Moogan Tea = February 14, 21 BBY
• Ziro's Death = March 22, 21 BBY
• Obi-Wan in disguise as Rako Hardeen = November 25, 21 BBY (it accounts perfectly the time jump)
• Jedi Temple bomb = March 16, 20 BBY
• Barriss Offee arrested = March 19, 20 BBY
• ANH = May 1, 0 BBY/ABY (I use to call it only 0 since they're the same year)
• TESB = June 3, 3 ABY

18:39 UTC


Star Wars Comic Collections Spreadsheet

21:38 UTC


Monthly Discussion Thread (January 2020)

Welcome to /r/StarWarsReference's month discussion thread, where we put all the junk and jargon that doesn't deserve its own thread. This is a great place to drop your speculation on the series and discuss upcoming releases.

Read The Sidebar Before Posting! (Maybe it answers your question!)

Wanna mingle with your fellow librarians?

Join the official discord!

19:58 UTC


I have a list of all the unproduced CLone Wars episodes

I made this about a year ago and just realized I never shared it here where people would most appreciate it. I made it using various pieces of information, such as the confirmation that Season 7 and 8 would've been solely four parters (quite reminiscent of Classic Doctor Who, actually). That bit was actually extremely useful, as it allowed me to know how many episodes were in each arc.


23:06 UTC


Which months are the films set in?

Obviously in Legends we had specific year:month:day dates for the six films, but has any of that specificity found its way into canon yet? I know Pablo keeps his "real-world" calendar that puts Rookies in "September 1955", and he's guessed ROTS is in mid-July, but has anyone uncovered any other specific dates?

13:41 UTC


Monthly Discussion Thread (June 2019)

Welcome to /r/StarWarsReference's month discussion thread, where we put all the junk and jargon that doesn't deserve its own thread. This is a great place to drop your speculation on the series and discuss upcoming releases.

June Releases

June 5 - Age of Rebellion: Luke Skywalker #1
June 5 - Star Wars Adventures #23
June 5 - Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation (TPB)
June 11 - Alphabet Squadron
June 12 - Age of Rebellion: Darth Vader #1
June 12 - Doctor Aphra #33
June 19 - Star Wars #67
June 19 - TIE Fighter #3
June 19 - Vader: Dark Visions #5 (Final)
June 26 - Galaxy’s Edge #3

Read The Sidebar Before Posting! (Maybe it answers your question!)

Wanna mingle with your fellow librarians?

Join the official discord!

04:35 UTC


Discord link?

I left the Discord a while ago, but would like to rejoin, if only for a bit. Can somebody send me a link?

02:50 UTC


Alternatives to wookieepedia?

Hello! I was wondering if there was any other decent star Wars reference sites besides wookieepedia? It's a hard website to navigate with a phone or even a computer due to the layout, ads, and overall lack of ease-of-use. It seemed to have changed significantly over the years, I remember it mimicking Wikipedia more years ago which was far more ideal. Thanks!

18:13 UTC


So will Coca-Cola and Sprite be added to Wookiepedia?

Now that they exist in-universe sort of in Galaxy's Edge

22:31 UTC


Has Anyone Seen The 'Droids' Cartoon?

No idea if this is the place to ask something like this but I thought since everyone here is a fan of star wars lore and obscure areas of the franchise that I'd ask has anyone seen the droids cartoon from the 80s, I never hear any reference to it at all- it's a prequel to the original trilogy (yes , a prequel before the prequels) focused on c3po and r2d2 and is far worse than it deserves to be , I actually like the droids and thought it had promise but it wasn't great . If anyone's curious this is a full playlist of the series from youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riIOiNq0RHk&list=PLx1UA5PiBi5rVuSDFr3JLYdUE80O_aCH3 if anyone wants a feel of the show without a full episode this is a short video I made on the subject- obviously you can ignore this but I didn't see any rules against sharing ones own work so I thought i'd just leave the option for anyone potentially interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Mip-eWRh8

18:31 UTC


List of every Force-sensitive in canon

18:13 UTC


Any news of a new timeline?

17:15 UTC


Imperial rank badges (Canon)

I have created this table of imperial ranks and the badges used with them, and would be happy to have some feedback from you!

Best regards,


Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1giaDj2A83SjqcKw_dv_PjWleMAiUS37kSmPbmptMN40/edit?usp=sharing

17:37 UTC

20:36 UTC


Extensive List of Continuity and References in Rebel Files

Rebel Files came out today and there is a shit ton of new content. I gathered everything I thought was important or interesting

  • This cache was buried in-universe on Durkteel
  • Hostis Ij and Auxi Kray Korbin were working with Mon Mothma as early as 5 ABY
  • Leia doesn't like that she'll always be remembered as a general
  • Alliance Political Command
  • Alliance Military Command
  • Mon Mothma joined the Republic Senate in 27 BBY
  • Trinebulon News is said to "shill for the First Order"
  • The Delegation of 2000 was created a month prior to Revenge of the Sith
  • 63 senators, including Bail and Mon, were arrested the day after the Proclamation for collusion with the Jedi
  • The "Liberators" seized an Imperial garrison on Mantooine in 5 BBY. Soon after, they became one of the first groups to join the fledgling Alliance
  • There was a Tynnan resistance group named Deep Current that worked in intelligence. It was run by Deep Fathom, one of the Alliance's best intelligence gatherers
  • There was a rebel cell called Freemarch that operated in the independent Corporate Sector
  • Agent Alecia Beck was investigating Mon Mothma in 3 BBY
  • The T-65 X-Wing was created around 3-4 BBY and the Alliance quickly made them their go-to fighter
  • The early rebel fleet was made of Dornean gunships, Corellian Corvettes, Hammerheads, Peltas, and GR-75's
  • Profundity and Home One were two of the first Mon Cala produced cruisers. They were created around 2 BBY
  • The Empire was still (rarely) using Venators around 3-2 BBY
  • The Empire used repurposed Turbo Tanks in battle
  • Magma troopers and Rocket Troopers are given more info
  • Alliance Intelligence was trying to secure an alliance with the Hutts and Bounty Hunters Guild
  • Crymorah and Droid Gotra are mentioned again, signs point towards them working together
  • Map of Alliance Operations/Allies
  • The Alliance fleet was always on the move while the rebel HQ was on Dantooine for most of the pre-ANH era
  • Alliance High Command
  • Multiple weapons described as being created from the Tarkin Initiative (Electro-Proton Bomb, Repurposed Malevolence ion cannon, blue shadow virus, Torpedo Sphere, Asteroid Dreadnaught, and the Mass Shadow Generator)
  • The Mass Shadow Generator is mentioned as a legendary weapon that simultaneously exists in hyperspace and realspace
  • A group of Imperial codenames is mentioned (Stellarsphere, Black Saber, Ion Ring, Pax Aurora, War Mantle, Cluster Prism)
  • The Partisans apparently purged a group called the Frosthawks
  • Holdo believes the First Order is using old Imperial infrastructure in the Outer Rim
  • Geonsians offshoot a project called Hammertong to Mygeeto, General Ematt thinks this has something to do with a First Order superweapon
  • Harb Binli is mentioned as Red 7, furthering the confusion on whether it's him or Elyhek Rue
  • Rusecott Melshi and Caluan Ematt fought together on Gaulus
  • Attico Wred, a new name, is mentioned as Green 4
  • Bail Organa supplied the Alliance with U-Wings
  • Rebel operatives intercepted info about the Operation: Cinder satellites prior to Scarif
  • Possible Strike Team for Jedha
  • The facility on Eadu was known as a Tarkin Initiative lab
  • Mon Mothma shut herself off from the rest of the Alliance after Jedha, feeling ashamed
  • TIE Strikers were designed to operate in the atmosphere
  • AT-ACT's were not armored for combat
  • Just before Scarif, rebel pilots managed to get a scan of the Death Star just before the jumping-off point to the Terrabe Bypass
  • Bail mentored Mon when she first became a senator
  • Ackbar's fleet was not present at Yavin. Mon Mothma left Yavin just before the battle and went to Ackbar's fleet
  • The Hutt Council recognized the Alliance after Yavin
  • The Empire placed a 10 million credit bounty on Leia soon after the medal ceremony
  • Ackbar brought the entire rebel fleet to Yavin to assist in the evacuation
  • Along with the bounty, Imperial Intelligence was authorized to strike immediately against their current targets
  • Han and Chewie were brought back to the rebellion just before the Attack on Cymoon 1 to assist in the battle
  • Cymoon 1 is in the Corellian Industrial Cluster
  • While it was hinted at in the Vader comic, Grand General Tagge initiated a large-scale attack on the Underworld of the galaxy
  • Around 8 months after Yavin, there were 5 SSD's in service (Executor, Annihilator, Arbitrator, Ravager, Eclipse)
  • The Annihilator was the one captured by Elodie Maracavanya
  • The Arbitrator was destroyed in a black hole soon after Endor
  • The Annihilator was captured by the New Republic soon after Endor
  • The Mid Rim Offensive began shortly after the Battle of Vrogas Vas
  • Rogue squadron is mentioned to have been created for the Mid Rim Offensive. They attacked crucial targets and disrupted lines of communication
  • General Cracken became the leader of Rebel Intelligence soon after the collapse of the Mid Rim Offensive
  • Extensive map of Echo Base
  • Unlike Yavin, Echo Base had an extensive evacuation plan which shows how they managed to escape the Empire
  • The Alliance had only been on Hoth for a month before the Battle of Hoth
  • Soon after Hoth, the Alliance won small battles at Pyro and Mirrin Prime
  • Sometime after Endor, the New Republic recovered the ion cannon they left on Hoth
  • The Alliance hid outside the galaxy on their fleet, periodically jumping around
  • Operation: Ringbreaker was designed to shut down the Empire's ability to produce ships and vehicles. Further ideas were to liberate numerous shipbuilding planets, including Lothal
  • Bothans managed to locate the Death Star II in the Moddell Sector
  • Mon Cala and Chandrila were the two top targets for annihilation by the Death Star II
  • Luke Skywalker was on leave from the Alliance between ESB and RotJ, only coming back to assist Leia with rescuing Han
  • Lando supplied the Alliance with tons of freighters and ships for the Battle of Endor
  • Bren Derlin, Judder Page and Caluan Ematt led the Pathfinders on Endor
  • Colonel Anna Seertay led the Pathfinders until she was killed during Operation: Cobalt
  • Mon Mothma went to Durkteel during the Battle of Endor

Thats everything I caught. The books is loaded with continuity and references so please point out anything I missed

1 Comment
23:29 UTC


Galactic Empire Structure and Rank Insignia v2

So below is the source list from my new SOLO update rank chart. As this is SW Reference im only posting the Source/Working Copy with what is canon, what is shaky and what is extrapolated.

While parts of this may be "speculation" i have marked everything in green that is canon and verifiable, so i hope it passes muster.

(the idea is as canon gets more filled out to fix the chart to match that canon)

Let me know of any issues.


06:52 UTC


Full Detailed Catalyst Timeline


So after I finish Most Wanted, I decided to read Catalyst for some Engineer clues. I ended up finding that I wanted to do a revamped timeline for it and here it is. I took two pages of notes so I am 90% sure it is pretty accurate but feel free to point out any inaccuracies

05:27 UTC

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