
Photograph via snooOG

A subReddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise with an emphasis on in-universe lore.

Named after Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial Research Center, from Legends, where the Death Star was designed, MawInstallation is for in-depth discussion of all Star Wars lore, as well as also examining it as a work of fiction.

The Maw Installation

A subreddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise.

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Similar to Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial research center, this subreddit is for delving deep into the intricacies of the Star Wars universe. Both Canon and Legends can be discussed here.

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I. Explain Your Reasoning

II. No excessive complaining, jokes, memes, and low effort content.

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Where were the Antarian Rangers during the Battle of Geonosis?

This question applies to both Canon and Legends since the Rangers have now been canonized. For those unfamiliar, the Antarain Rangers were a cool little faction in Star Wars. Basically, they were the Jedi's volunteer paramilitary force. A bunch of failed Jedi, Jedi supporters and soldiers made up their ranks and offered a little extra firepower for Jedi on dangerous missions. In fact, some Jedi had Rangers they worked with frequently enough that their bonds were compared by the Jedi to that of a Jedi Master and their Padawan.

So, my question is where the heck were these guys during the Battle of Geonosis? Mace bringing 200+ Jedi was explicitly done to be an intimidating show of force to rescue Anakin and Obi-Wan and to try and stop the war from happening. Wouldn't the Antarian Rangers be the perfect addition for that?

12:58 UTC


Different look at "hyperspace ramming" that could work under previously established rules.

Hello - I will admit, that the new trilogy as a whole is not that bad, even if I dislike ep8, for reason I will put into a comment, because that is not the purpose of this post.

Anyway, I think what we have seen in the ep8, and named it hyperspace ramming is stupid as it is considered. (something that was supposedly always possible, but everyone agreed to simply not do it)

Instead, what if what happened was - Resistance ship jumped into hyperspace, and instantly after exited hyperspace. The place where the Resistance ship exited Hyperspace was directly inside the Supremacy. It could be said, that it was a telefrag, for those who know Team Fortress 2.

Chance of this happening is near-impossible, since precise microjumps are extremely hard to do, because as far I understand, the shorter hyperspace jump it, the less precise it is. But it could be said, that Holdo figured out how to make precise microjumps.

12:43 UTC


Is "Underlord" a better title for the Emperor's most trusted advisor than "Overlord"? As Imperial Advisors are called "Lords", should the most trusted advisor be "Overlord" or "Underlord"?

the question title

12:15 UTC


Was Dalaas campaign with the knight hammer really that big of a failure?

Let's look at it this way. She started off with 45 imperial class star destroyers, 112 victory class started destroyers and the knight hammer itself. By the time Pellaeon was leaving the deep core once and for all, by my estimates, he would have roughly 45 imperials, assuming none were critically damaged in the attack on yavin, around 110 victorys, no knight hammer, but he had found the Dominion and Megador, with both combined would be assumed to have greater firepower than a single executor. Plus, augmented by whatever other ship that had not been found for the yavin campaign. Adding to the Reaper, maybe roughly another 60 or so star destroyers in the outer rim, adding to a total fleet of roughly 230 ships ot star destroyer class and above. So was the campaign a disaster or a minor setback?

10:05 UTC


How were Imperial Advisors addressed by other Imperial officers? Were they called for example Lord Aloo, Lord Dangor? If so, doesn't it overlap with Lord Vader? Are they the same Lord class in the Empire?

the title is the question

07:27 UTC


Going by the movie at least. It seems both Yoda and Sidious had chances to kill each other early on. But their overconfidence likely prevented this.

When the battle starts, Palpatine gets a very good early shot at Yoda. Given how Yoda latter on was capable of reacting to Palpatine's lighting and use tutaminis on it, its likely Yoda did not expected the attack to be so fast. So a bit of overconfidence on the side of Yoda.

Palpatine hits Yoda very nasty and what does he do? He slowly gloats and give him a chance to recover. Had Palpatine just shot all his power to kill without interruption, he could very likely had killed Yoda.

Then we have Yoda's countarattack, Palpatine likely didnt put up his force bubble at maximum because at that point he seemed to consider himself way superior to Yoda. The outcome of this is Palpatine's clear utter shock as Yoda breaks his bubble and send him flying to the other side of the room, his overconfidence here could likely have costed him his life had Yoda used a more lethal attack or immediately jumped after him after he was pushed but Yoda allowed Palpatine to stand up and tell him his rule was at an end. Palpatine attempts to flee.

When Yoda blocks him, he goes all out and after this the battle is even, neither got the chance, as far as we know, to clearly win the battle as each did early on.

I find it a fitting display both of Palpatine's overconfidence (his weakness) and Yoda's complacency (not expecting lighting so fast and rather than just go for the kill taunt Palpatine a bit after the force push) that it costed each other the chance they had to win and relatively easy, their ultimate duel. It is also a nice callback to one of Yoda's most famous phrases: do or do not, there is no try.

I think Yoda spent a lot of time thinking on his duel and his early window of opportunity on Sidious. He tried and he failed. Had he simply just done what he came to do, he could had succeeded either by preparing for the initial lighting and shooting it back (which would had given him an early advantadge) or just going for the kill immediately after the force push.

Palpatine in the comics himself latter on credits Obi Wan with this and says its the reason he won: despite his duel being way more personal Obi Wan came 100% focused with one goal: kill Darth Vader. And Palpatine himself states that if the Jedi Order had taken the same mindset Obi Wan had that day, they would likely have "lost everything".

1 Comment
05:48 UTC


What if Padme hadn't died in childbirth?

Although she had no health problems, Padme dies in RotS because she loses the will to live. But what if she hadn't?

This one change could completely alter the trajectory of the story. What would she do after giving birth to Luke and Leia? Would she try to reach out to Anakin/Vader, and if she was able to, how would he react?

04:27 UTC


What if a Jedi, after Order 66, found out that both Ahsoka and Yoda could have done more to prevent it but chose not to?

If a Jedi survived Order 66 and discovered through a Force vision that both Ahsoka and Yoda had been warned about something horrible happening to the Jedi (Order 66) and did nothing about it, how would they react?

In the episodes "Voices," "Destiny," and "Sacrifice" of season six of The Clone Wars, Yoda learns how to become a Force Ghost from the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn and the Five Priestesses. During this, he is shown a vision of Order 66 and is told it will happen, but decides not to tell anyone. For Ahsoka, during the last arc of the show, Maul tells her that he saw visions of Anakin being groomed to be Darth Sidious' apprentice. She doesn't believe him and later withholds this information from the Jedi Council. Both Ahsoka and Yoda had information that could have saved the Jedi.

Yoda could have sent some Jedi Knights and Younglings into hiding just to be safe and called them back if the worst never came to pass. Ahsoka's information could have helped Mace; he could have had someone watch Anakin, maybe the Temple Guards.

If this surviving Jedi later encounters both Ahsoka and Yoda—either meeting Ahsoka on a Rebel ship or Yoda in his swamp—how would they react to seeing them?

02:45 UTC


What would happen if the inhibitor chips malfunctioned and killed every clone instead?

After Darth Sidious killed Mace and the Jedi sent to arrest him, he proclaimed Anakin as Vader and sent him to kill everyone in the Temple. As he ordered the clones to execute Order 66, a malfunction in the chips occurred that instantly killed every clone who heard the order. Across the galaxy, the Jedi would see their clones receive an order, start twitching, and then drop dead. What happen next?

00:40 UTC


Would Luke earn the rank of Jedi Master after the events of ROTJ if somehow the ROTS Jedi Order with its original members still existed? (or Luke went back in time and the Council became aware of everything he did)

Or would he still be regarded as just a Knight?

23:53 UTC


A Theory on the Nature of Imperial Law Enforcement (specifically, Dedra Meero's job)

An element of Andor that bugged me, petty as it is, was how Dedra Meero was personally involved in the field work relating the theft of Imperial equipment and subsequent pursuit of the suspect. Meero is Partagaz's subordinate. Partagaz is Yularen's subordinate, and Yularen reports directly to Palpatine (I think this line is uttered almost verbatim in the show, but I'm too lazy to go and check). That puts her three levels down from the Emperor himself. She's not some mid-level officer, she's one of the senior members of the Imperial government. Given the scale of the Empire, she shouldn't be doing field work. She shouldn't be talking to people who do field. She should be surrounded by a small army of subordinates and so heavily entrenched behind a desk that it would take a multi-year siege to dislodge her.

Except, obviously, she isn't. She appears to have significant power to comandeer support from local authorities, but her actual list of subordinates appears to be quite low (basically, that one guy who gets shot by Cinta). If she's really in charge of a whole sector, that makes no sense (both in the logistical sense of you cannot possibly oversee operations on hundreds of worlds with just a PA and in the logical sense of why someone so senior in the Imperial power structure has such a modest footprint).

A coward would simply write this off as a misalignment between the alleged scale of the GFFA and the desire to tell human-scale stories (that are simultaneously epic), but we can do better. Something we know about Palpatine's empire is that he was big on parallel institutions and interservice rivalry. Even beyond that, it is not unreasonable that different levels of galactic government might have redundant elements.

With this is in mind, here is my theory: Meero and her peers, despite their titles, are not administrators. They don't oversee operations in their sectors. They are more akin to a inquisitors but for the ISB. Elite agents who work directly for senior ISB leadership and who can theoretically be trusted with politically or militarily sensitive cases you don't want the local police department (or even the local ISB office) looking at. They "supervise" sectors of interest, keeping an eye out for cases and incidents best handled at a more senior level. When these crop up, they will step in and preempt the local authorities (and act with a great deal of Imperial authority behind them - e.g. Blevins summarily dissolving Preox-Morlana). Partagaz's supervisors are not administrators overseeing operators, they are troubleshooters.

This is why despite being extremely high up in the Imperial org chart they have relatively few subordinates and limited direct resources. It is also why despite potentially being called upon to brief the most senior leaders of the Empire they are also out getting their hands dirty. Their job is not to administer day-to-day operations. Their job is to remove heads from asses and deal with sensitive issues ISB leadership does not trust to its lower echelons (or other Imperial organizations)

23:40 UTC


How much would a force sensitive connection be lost if their brain was place in a BT-16 perimeter droid?

A Force-sensitive individual's connection to the Force is tied to the midi-chlorians in their blood, and every time a Jedi loses a limb, their Force connection is weakened. Anakin lost an arm during AOTC, weakening his connection to the Force. Later, both his other arm and legs are severed, and he is burnt alive in ROTS, causing him to be severely weakened, only being 80% as powerful as Darth Sidious. This got me thinking: if a Force-sensitive is reduced to nothing but a brain, how would their connection to the Force be badly affected?

23:08 UTC


What's with the hate for Mortis and The One's?

Reading through years of posts on this subreddit I have yet to see something people seemingly disagree on as much. Not to mention further arguments about "misunderstanding" arc.

Is there something I'm missing? Do the themes of the arc stick out like a sore thumb within the epoch of Star Wars? Is it the one's themselves, the themes, both?

I've always loved the arc. It always felt so mystical and philosophical to me, even if I am misinterpreting it. I liked the idea of The Son not being purely evil and falling to the dark side himself, him killing his sister, The Father's sorrow and struggle for keeping his kids in balance. Also loved the Fate of the Jedi tie-in.

Am I alone in this? If so then guess I'll add another to my wall of unpopular Star Wars opinions (Vergere retcon good, kotor bad, Crystal Star good, Troy Denning better than Tim Zhan, etc.)

I'd love to hear people's thoughts and opinions on this. Whether you like it, don't like it, between or neutral. I need varying viewpoints on this to possibly consider my opinion.

21:45 UTC


What were the sith plans foe Coruscant?

I've been reading the Darth Plagueis novel, and when Palpatine first comes to Coruscant it states that "The fact that his first official duty as Naboo’s interim Senator was to attend a funeral—his second that year—seemed only appropriate, given the Sith’s eventual plans for Coruscant."

So, what were the sith's plans? Was it to turn Coruscant into one big charnel house?

21:30 UTC


Why did Anakin stop using his modified delta 7, the Azure Angel?

I know that Anakin’s original modified delta 7 star fighter was blown up by Ventress in the original clone wars series and that he eventually made a replica of it called the Azure Angel 2. I’m pretty sure this ship was mentioned in the novel Labyrinth of Evil and a few other places but it was never heard of post Revenge of the Sith. Any ideas why Anakin stopped using it?

21:24 UTC


TIL that at the height of its power, the Galactic Empire’s youth military wing « Sub-Adult Group » had two trillion members


And according to this page too, their objective was for the number of members to reach 10 trillion in the five years after the Battle of Yavin.

I really like this because the numbers seem really appropriate for a galaxy-wide military.

If its youth military organization had such numbers, then we can certainly say that the main army of the Galactic Empire at the height of its powers numbered in the quadrillions (or in the hundreds of trillions) at the very least.

This is for all the people (including me) who generally are upset about the underestimation in scale in Star Wars, which is a problem in practically all other major sci-fi operas too.

20:41 UTC


Why does nobody talk about Anakin?

At least in the media I've seen, nobody talks about Anakin after the events of order 66, I've never seen anyone talking about that guy who was supposed to be the chosen one, but probably died with the rest of them. I mean it kinda makes sense, as I'm assuming maybe a few hundred survived initial wave of jedi slaughtering, but how widely was Anakin advertised as "The chosen one"? It just seems like a topic that would come up more.

19:04 UTC


How much did Mas Amedda know about the plan?

Canon, legends, or speculation.

We’ve seen Sheev being creepy around Mas a lot, which leads viewers to believe that Mas definitely knew something shady was up and supported it, but how much did he know?

09:28 UTC


Munificent Hangers

where would the hangers be located on a munificent class frigate? most sources i find dont show one.

07:47 UTC


Why didn’t Ventress and Talzin just kill Dooku when he came to talk about getting a new apprentice?

He shows up alone, no reinforcements or anything, and Talzin talks about how he could get an apprentice from Darth Maul’s bloodline. Don’t get me wrong, I love Savage and I think his story is great, but it seems kind of unnecessary when they had him right there.

I know Dooku is incredibly powerful, but it’d be him against the entire Nightsister Clan on their home turf. Grievous won through numbers, an advantage Dooku wouldn’t have. They could have destroyed his ship while he was in there talking with Talzin and overwhelmed Dooku. Talzin would have even had his hair, so she could do that Voodoo trick and killed him that way.

07:05 UTC


What are the simplest official lightsaber designs that you know of?

I'm designing a lightsaber and I was curious to know how barebones a lightsaber would be. I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, someone decided to just use a plain metal tube with a button, but I would rather avoid oversimplifying the design. I'm also guessing younglings would use generic training sabers, but this question is specifically about personal lightsabers.

The first one that comes to mind is Kit Fisto's which really only had a few grooves aside from a small greeblie near the middle.

04:55 UTC


Did Anakin when he told Obi-Wan about his dreams about his mother, also told him that she was in danger in those dreams.

During Attack of the Clones, Anakin was having dreams about his mother. When he told his master about them, Obi-Wan responded that they would pass in time. However, in Season 3, Episode 7 of The Clone Wars, titled "Assassin," Ahsoka had visions of Padmé being assassinated. She told Yoda about these visions, and he instructed her to accompany Padmé and not dismiss them. This got me thinking: did Anakin go into any detail about the dreams he was having? Were they nightmares of his mother in danger, or was Anakin vague about them? This is similar to his later conversation with Yoda about a person he also had visions of in danger (Padmé dying in childbirth). Because he gave so little information to work with, Yoda advised him to accept it and rejoice that they would soon be one with the Force.

03:25 UTC


What does wielding two Lightsaber blades of different colours connote about someone's personality?

The most famous example of this i can think of is Revan, his pairing symbolising that he isn't "all evil" with the purple and the red. Though, he does tend toward the evil side obviously.

I have seen Green and Blue being dual wielded by some Jedi, colours that individually signify their philosophy within the order but in combination a middle ground, i suppose?

While i haven't read the comic myself i have seen Luke's Red shoto-saber, symbolising the desire to learn all aspects of the force, light and dark. Though if i remember rightly he didn't bleed the crystal himself.

What about other combinations though? Would purple and yellow be justice at any cost for example? Is their a different signification regarding Heterochromatic saberstaffs?

23:02 UTC


What were the three most effective and dangerous Sith orders ?

Amongst the many iterations and versions of the Sith Order that came to exist during the very long history of the Sith and of Star Wars galaxy, which three of them were the most dangerous and effective as Sith Lords, enemies of the Jedi and conquerors of the galaxy ?

Which three Sith Orders came the closest to reach their objectives and/or truly didn't mess around and were the most terrifying enemies to have due to how terrible and effective they were as foes and a threat ? And what were the reasons for their dangerosity and successes ? And how would you rank them ?

21:33 UTC


Can you Include Jar'Kai into any Lightsaber form?


the way I understand it is that Jar'Kai is not really a Lightsaber Form on it's own. It's more like the Basic of how you fight with 2 swords, basically the Form 1 of Dual wielding and People either expend on that or include it in their given forms.

Like often we see it mixed with Ataru and Ventress put it into Makashii cause she was trained by Count Dooku. But can you include it in just any form?

For Example what about Form 5 ? Some sources say Ahsoka uses Djem So cause she was trained by Anakin but Djem so is about heavy Powerstrikes, would that even work with Dual wiedling?

20:25 UTC


What if Jango fett became the Cyborg General of CIS the and Grievous become template for the Clone Army of the Republic?

In an alternate timeline, Jango Fett doesn't become the template for the Clone Army for the Republic, and Grievous does not become the cyborg General of the CIS. Instead, they swap places. I've altered their backstories to explain how this happens.

During Jango Fett's time as a bounty hunter, an accident occurs. Someone plants an ion bomb aboard the ship he's on, causing it to crash and burn, leaving him badly injured. He is found in time and brought to Geonosis, where Dooku tells him that the Jedi, the same ones who wiped out his Mandalorian clan years ago, want to finish the job. Dooku offers Jango Fett a chance for vengeance: to have his body rebuilt as a cyborg and become the General for the Separatist droid army. Jango agrees and is transformed into a cyborg, but not with the insect-like and skeletal design of General Grievous. Instead, he is taller, bulkier, resembling something like Adam Smasher from Cyberpunk 2077 or Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 or the Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge. His armor is lined with Beskar and Cortosis to make him resistant to lightsabers.

As for Grievous, or his birth name Qymaen jai Sheelal, shortly after the Huk War ends in 32 BBY by the Republic and Jedi, he is met by representatives of Dooku and Sidious who offer him a deal. If he agrees to help their benefactor and become the template for the Clone Army for the Republic, they will reveal information that the Kaleesh were victims and were retaliating against the Huk. They promise to give his homeworld Kalee better technology to help both defend themselves and improve living conditions. The representatives also bring something else: the preserved body of Ronderu lij Kummar, Grievous's lover who died in the Huk War and whose body was thought lost at sea. They found and preserved her body and will give it to him even if he refuses. However, if he agrees, both he and Ronderu lij Kummar's remains will also be used as cloning templates, allowing her to live on through the legions created from her. Grievous is reluctant but agrees to it. After he lays Ronderu lij Kummar to rest, he takes a sample of her blood and goes to Kamino. In his youth, Sheelal was an excellent marksman with a slugthrower rifle and learned to wield swords from Ronderu lij Kummar. Thus, the Clone Army learns how to wield both ranged and melee weapons.

This is not the Grievous from the Clone Wars show who is a mustache-twirling villain that runs away when the situation is not in his favor. This is the Grievous who was a leader seen as a demigod by his people, who fought a more advanced species off his homeworld and used their own ships to launch a counter-invasion of the Huk homeworld and colonies. If Grievous had not been stopped, he would have wiped them off the face of the galaxy. This is the template for the Clone Army.

How would this change the events that happened during the Clone Wars? How would the Republic feel about having an army of cloned aliens fighting for them? Would Qymaen jai Sheelal also want unaltered clones of Ronderu lij Kummar and himself to have as children, like Jango Fett did in the original timeline?

19:44 UTC


The way Windu handled palpatine's arrest was a terrible mistake

The end of the Windu/palpatine duel has been commented and debated a lot over the years but something I don't see discussed nearly as much is the premise of this fight: When Anakin tells Windu that Palpatine is a sith lord, Windu immediatly goes to confront Palpatine with three other masters and arrest him. I think that was a terrible move on Windu's part.

-The biggest mistake, in my opinion, is to not inform anyone of what's going on, meaning if Windu loses, no one knows about Palpatine, except Anakin who's not in a very good headspace and not the most trusted person by the jedi council, which allows Anakin to attack the jedi templs with a complete surprise effect. I think the temple should be in an alert state, ready for whatever Palpatine could attempt, and at the very least Yoda should have been notified. He was on his wood platform on Kashyyyk, so he could have taken the call.

I also think other people should have been informed. Padmé comes to mind, since she is known for her good relationship with the jedi order and her political influence. Bail too is a known ally of the jedi with credibility in the senate.

-I think the jedi trying to arrest Palpatine on their own was a bad move too. They have no authority, no legitimacy to do so, and it was way too easy to make look like a coup. With all the informations they had gathered during the clone wars, had they waited and kept investigated, they could have at least tried to reveal Palpatine's true nature/plans to the public.

It's weird, now that I think about it, that no one even tried showing the senate or leaking the security footage of the jedi temple. They have a hologram showing anakin killing many jedi and bowing to a cloaked figure we can't see the face of but that could realistically be Palpatine. Then we see said figure calling Anakin his "apprentice" (which, in context, sounds a lot like a Sith thing to say) and talking about the Empire as their own. I'm not saying Palpatine couldn't get out of this but it would a the very least create doubt in the senate.

15:55 UTC


Is Savage Opress a Sith?

A question I’ve been pondering.

Specifically referring to his time with Maul, as he wasn’t a Sith during his time under Dooku. But Maul continues to label himself as a Sith and seems to be attempting to break away from Sidious and establish his own lineage, calling Savage his apprentice. So could we call Savage a Sith Lord? He lacks the traditional Darth Title but it does seem like Maul might have tried to teach him some of the philosophy behind being a Sith, what distinguishes them from just being people who use the darkside.

What’s everyones thoughts? Is he a Sith Lord of a rival branch? Or just a man who uses the darkside

09:00 UTC


Judiciary Forces and Chancellor Palpatine

Did Palpatine use them at all, or did they sort of wither and die? Or did he roll them into some sort of Imperial peacekeeping force?

I recall him stating they were becoming ineffective due to not enough numbers or something, but don’t think it was ever mentioned again?

03:27 UTC


What do you think happened to the Confederation after the Second Galactic Civil War?

They never officially reunited with the GA at least not until the Legacy Era, how did things go for them, do you think they could have survived independently?

03:16 UTC

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