Currently discussing: Thrawn: Alliances
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Currently discussing Thrawn: Alliances
These are the Star Wars book discussions you're looking for. Welcome to the Star Wars Book Club. All life forms from across the galaxy are welcome, just please follow the rules or we'll blast you into oblivion.
Be polite and respectful/no bullying
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Please try to read on time, we will go at a moderate pace
This is not the place to talk about whatever Star Wars book you just read. We will only have discussions about books we read as a group, and we will read new books as they come out.
https://x.com/berrensjoey/status/1816235992459928017?s=46 if anyone wants to discuss about Star Wars especially obscure lore stuff I’m willing to let anyone join just don’t be rude disrespectful and toxic
It looks like we're going to be starting with Light of the Jedi.
We're still agreeing on how we'll approach this fully, with reading targets per week etc. but at the minute its a target of 5 chapters per week! If any of you would like to join, send me a message and I'll send you an invite to the server :)
Note: This post is for those that have read/listened to the Canon Thrawn trilogies.
I've been re-listening to the Ascendancy Trilogy ahead of "Ahsoka". My favorite part about the series is the expanded lore surrounding the Chiss culture and the many families within it.
One thing you're left realizing at the end of both the Ascendancy Trilogy and the Canon Thrawn Trilogy is that the Chiss are on the verge of Civil War due to the amount of political in-fighting, as well as facing existential threats from the Chaos.
With us having most recently left Eli Vanto as having been promoted to Lt.Commander in "Thrawn: Treason", it's clear he is becoming more accepted within the ranks of the Expansionary Defense Fleet, as well as comfortable within the culture. I thought perhaps there was a possibility that he could be brought in by one of the families as a Merit Adoptive. If not by one of the Nine, then by one the 40 at least.
Furthermore, with the Chiss families so concerned about glory and prestige, his role in the victory over the Grysks could certainly bolster his case for acceptance. There would also be his knowledge of the Empire and "Lesser Space".
Personally, I could see him being brought in by the Stybla for the purpose of working with the UAG. His analytical skills are after all why Thrawn recruited him to join the Ascendancy. As well, since the Stybla have no allies or rivals, it would make the most sense in terms of garnering protection, while also staying out of Chiss politics for as long as possible.
Okay, so I want to start the Star Wars books but I have no where to start. I’ve only watched the Star Wars movies episodes 1-7. Where should I begin with reading?
Anyone see any Star Wars day book sales worth sharing?
Happy holidays!
I would like to start reading some of the Star Wars books, but I don’t know where to start. I know the basic lore about Star Wars but I’ve never read the books but I do have some knowledge about legends thanks to kotor and other Star Wars video games, and YouTube.
Back in the day before Disney bought Star Wars I read both "Republic Commando" and "Medstar" and was really intrigued by the approaches these series took. From what I am able toi recall the painted a rather grim image of the Galaxy far, far away. Especially pleasant was that in both series the "main cast" of Star Wars did hardly to not appear or at least that is the way I remember it.
Now some time has passed and I want to get back into reading Star Wars books. So far I am drawn to 'Rouge Squadron' but on one hand I am not sure whether they have the tonality I am seeking and on the other hand I would like to try getting into the new canon.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
Thanks in advance!
I’m currently reading the Heir to the Empire. I am really enjoying it but for some reason I am just confused on one thing. Just tell me if I interpreted this right. Han says that Leia needs to hide because it’s to dangerous for her but she doesn’t want to leave the Republic behind. So they need a slicer so that they can get into Republic news because it’s encrypted. When it I read it, I don’t know why I was confused.
I just finished the first two Republic Commando books for the second time. I tried my best to assign each clone their own unique speaking voice as I read, and I'm curious as to how they sounded to you guys. Anyway, here's my "fancast," abridged and in no particular order:
Is the High Republic actually good?
As someone who hasn't been entirely happy with Disney Star Wars aside from the animated shows and few of the live action shows, are the High Republic books actually good? Ik never judge a book by it's cover, but from what I've seen and heard from my friends, it's not good or worth getting into. But I miss reading star wars books, and the only books I read under the new canon are one offs like "Master and apprentice" and "Brothers". So are these books actually good and do they stand on their own, or is more of what people don't like about Disney Star Wars?
I’m trying to read the star was novel in order but I want to include legends and canon excluding the sequel trilogy from canon. Can someone tell me the first book in the Star Wars book timeline?
So I've been adding all the Star Wars Books to my audible account but I recently discovered that all 3 adaptations of the original trilogy films are gone now! This is massively disappointing to me as I wanted to listen to all the movie adaptations in order. Does anyone know know why they were taking off and perhaps where i can listen to them now?
I am looking for good ideas for starting my shelf collection. Send pics or links for different looks and options. Have my book collection, sabers, droids and other random memorabilia all over the place and want to get my items in a good working order.
At the end of Return of the Jedi, the empire falls, leaving the galaxy with presumably no political leaders. I mean, that would be absolutely devastating to the whole galaxy! Are they able to cope or recover financially? Is there a canon book description what happens?
Should I read the Jedi Academy trilogy or the Thrawn duology? Thanks for the help Edit: thanks, for the answers!
#GiveUsLucasLegends is a way, hopefully, to get Lucasfilm to publish the material that Lucas gave to Disney and they discarded. I'm talking about the 50 or so scripts for Underworld and the treatments for the sequel trilogy. Dark Horse comics could handle both the graphic and prose novels and it would be something I would love to see. Hopefully this would be something you guys would love to see as well.
Hi everyone! I know that chronological reading isn't necessary but I Have already read the dawn of the Jedi book and comics and the lost tribe of the sith, I would like to Jump into the highest quality content and I see the Bane trilogy is universally praised. What do you say, should I read Revan and Decieved or go straight to Bane? Any comments and advice would be really appreciated.
Thank you!
I live in Portugal and it's really, really hard to find old EU books in shops here, at least hardcover editions or paperbacks without the Legends banner. I preffer to buy used. Besides eBay, do you have any recommendations of websites or webshops selling these books used?
I have three credits left on Audible and I want to use them on Star Wars books before I cancel my account. I love audiobooks but I mainly would listen to them during my commute and since the pandemic has me working from home and can't justify the expenditure - and they won't let me keep pausing my subscription anymore.
I have read/listened to some books and I'm hoping for some suggestions on what people think I should get. But this is less of 'what are the best books' and more of 'what are the best audiobooks.' Especially considering I have three left, is there another trilogy I should listen to or duology and another unrelated one, etc...
I have read/listened to:
Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command, Kenobi, Dark Disciple, Death Troopers, Light of the Jedi.
I am currently reading Phasma - and have a few more audiobooks in my library - Rogue Squadron, Dooku, Specter of the Past, Outbound Flight.
I have thought about getting Vision of the Future or getting the new Thrawn Trilogy, but I am open to other suggestions as well.
I have listened to a lot of Star Wars Audibles but ‘Rebel Rising’ by Beth Revis really captivated me and I can’t get enough of it. I want to ask if there are books before or/ after this one that I should read and continue. I’m new to this subreddit. Sorry if I’m breaking the rules. I want something to read next. Not the mainstream stories but these stories on that happen in the background.
And Yes, I revere the Rogue One movie as the best of the new movies.
Full Album On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUHDkq9yhsc
Full Album On BandCamp: https://cray2mass.bandcamp.com/album/naboo
Hello all, as a huge Star Wars fan since my youth, I have now created a full length project centered around the planet Naboo. In this project I tried to capture the essence of the Naboo culture & environment. The landscape, the people, & more. Let me know what you think & if you have any favorite tracks I would love to hear about it. Thank you!
So I just finished the thrawn trilogy thrawn, alliances, and treason. Over all great Thrawn is probably my favorite non force sensative character. I only have one little gripe about the end of treason, why didn’t Zahn have Eli and Thrawn have one last face to face? At the end of the battle when Admiral Ar’alani came onboard the Chimera, Eli could’ve easily came with her for one final goodbye/thank you talk with his former commander. Again it didn’t ruin the book for me by any means but I thought it was a missed oppurtunity especially with how Admiral Ar’alani talked to Thrawn about potentially never seeing each other again, you would think Thrawn had acouple last words for Eli. Who knows maybe we’ll meet Eli and other chiss in the upcoming Ashoka show… that’s just wishful thinking.