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FSL Elite League S1 Oct 15 Nov 12
Copa Latinoamericana S2 Oct 23 Nov 11
Bombastic 25th Anniversary LAN Dec 09 Dec 10
ESL Winter Dec 16 Dec 17
ESL Winter: Asia Oct 26 Nov 19
ESL Winter: Americas Oct 26 Nov 19
ESL Winter: Europe Oct 26 Nov 19
FS Mania Dec 05 Oct 15
ASL S16 Aug 14 Oct 15
KCM Team League S1 Oct 02 Dec 06
CSCL S1 Oct 04 Dec 16
NiuPi StarLeague Season1(NPSL) Oct 06 Nov 15
BSL S17 Oct 07 Dec 03
FSL BIG 1v1 Masters Season5 Oct 09 Nov 12
WTL 2023 Winter Sep 29 Jan 07
2023 GSL S3: Code S Oct 10 Nov 02
Cursory Cup Oct 05 Oct 23
GSL2023 S2 Sep 01 Oct 10
CSL 10: 2023 Fall Aug 21 Sep 24
Tournament of Legends International S4 Sep 09 Sep 09
KCM Race Survival 2023 S3 Jul 05 Sep 07
KCM Ladies Race Survival 2023 S3 Jul 04 Sep 05
NA Minor Proleague 1 Sep 01 Sep 01
WardiTV Korean Royale S2 Sep 13 Oct 01
PiG Sty Festival 4.0 Sep 20 Sep 24
Master's Coliseum 6 Aug 22 Sep 10
WTL 2023 Summer Apr 18 Aug 13
Gamers8 2023 Aug 03 Aug 06
Gamers8 2023: Legends Aug 05 Aug 05
2023 GSL S2: Code S Jul 04 Jul 27

source: liquipedia under CC-BY-SA

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Balance council should add smurf penalty as one priory

If you leave game immediately you cannot requeue for like 1 min.

If you leave couple of games this threshold gets up.

And if you leave a lot you get banned for some time.

This would get rid of that smurf problem that ruins ladder for us mortals

17:31 UTC


STARCRAFT: The Making of a Legend

14:30 UTC


American players

Who are some of the all time greats in Starcraft from America and who are currently the best in Starcraft 2?

13:51 UTC


Which SC Personality Fits In Best w/ Royalty?

Who would conduct themselves best while say, dining with the English monarchy. Who could blend in best with high society. Take your pick of culture.

Obviously not counting MaxPax. Wouldn't be fair

13:14 UTC


Hell, it's about time! Finally out of Bronze 1 on EU.

12:42 UTC


Wanted to share this old 4v4 tournament I hosted from WOL days. LMnt vs a team of koreans

11:28 UTC


Going Green in the Starcraft Universe: Eco-Friendly Living Tips for Terrans, Zergs, and Protoss

As the battles rage on in the Starcraft universe, it's important to remember the environmental impact of our actions. Whether you're a Terran, Zerg, or Protoss player, there are easy ways to incorporate eco-friendly living into your gameplay. Consider using renewable resources like solar panels to power your bases, recycling excess minerals and vespene gas, and planting trees on your map for a greener planet. Together, we can protect the galaxy and ensure a sustainable future for all races in the Starcraft universe!

11:25 UTC


BSL18 WB SEMIFINAL - 🇨🇳 Mihu vs 🇵🇱 Bonyth & Loser vs 🇭🇺 Sziky START 18:30 CEST - 12:30 EST - 09:30 PST - 5x BSL Champion vs 4x BSL Champion! LIVE IN 5 HOURS 📺https://twitch.tv/zzzeropl

11:21 UTC


What is up with all the auto wins on ladder? Smurfing is off the charts in diamond league.

I win 52% of my matches, but that is misleading because something like 25% of all my games are autowins on the NA server from people immediately leaving to lower their MMR.

In the games I actually play I usually lose. Pretty often I'll get destroyed by a 10x master league finisher with only 3600 MMR.

Chess.com doesn't seem to have this problem. Most of my games there are against evenly matched opponents. What is Starcraft doing that chess servers aren't?

04:37 UTC


Looking at eight players is not a balance report

There have been a lot of posts from a particular user where he looks at win rates between the top 8 or so top players and claims this as a balance report. There exists no video game, no sports game, nor game of chess, or anything where this is a valid way of thinking. These posts have been very misleading.

For example, the latest post from this guy excludes Serral, since he is out doing military duty. As such, zerg winrates have significantly plummeted. It would be complete absurdity to claim that zerg is worse as a race because of this. Nothing about the actual game changed because Serral left. This is what happens when you put a microscope on eight players and one person retires, or gets sick, or goes to the military, or gets carpal tunnel.

As if "balance" only matters where it doesn't affect 99.9% of the playerbase.

If you want a comprehensive look at data, you can look at liquipedia HERE. This shows the total tournament wins per race this year. You can draw your own conclusions from this data-I'll tell you right now it will give you a much more accurate representation of game balance than the other post-in fact, it straight up tells you the success of each race in the entirety of the SC2 pro scene.

Picture included for 2024 tournament results. You can look at results from 2023, 2022, and 2021 from the other link, I'll tell you right now as a whole none of them are much different.

21:37 UTC


The Making of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Official Documentary

21:07 UTC


The bumbling mess that is the StarCraft 2 story


The story in StarCraft 2 is an incoherent mess, marred by the worst tropes and checkboxes possible. It used to be about three species’ interaction and their inner conflicts. Instead it gets thrown together in a quest against Diablo-wannabe Amon, and the characters became RPG heroes.

  1. Kerrigan being saved and elevated as a goddess was one of the first examples of "Divine Girl Boss Who Is The Key To Everything" we got.
  2. The story of Raynor's Raiders against Mengsk was cool but it also had its problems, with the usual resistance fighting with "the power of love" an invincible, superior foe without proper alliances like in the original game.
  3. The Zerg campaign was the same hogwash of "Wahmen are so spiritual and virtuous they connect to Gaia, the Mother Earth" we saw countless times.
  4. The Protoss campaign was the writers tumbling down the whole set of stairs. It was boring, idiotic and empty. They were in a "let's just be done with it" mood.
  5. Amon being an excuse for everything and a Deux Ex Machina.


StarCraft is Game of Thrones in space: The factions are balanced in terms of gameplay and narrative. Each race has its own unique qualities, style, and atmosphere which distinguishes it from the other races.

In SC2 it is more like those kids movies of superheroes. The plot is awful, and there is close to nothing they brought back from Brood War. The retcons about the Zerg and the Overmind were awful. Initially the Xel’naga was a race that’s technologically advanced and experimented around, but they were transformed into a primal race - “This is the circle of life” thing. It was necessary for the massive UED fleet to take Char the first time in order to capture the Overmind. Kerrigan then defeated the colligated fleets of the powerful UED, the Dominion and the Protoss under Artanis in the outer platform orbitting the planet; but now Valerian wants to invade Char by himself with only half the fleet?

Also, the Terran Dominion should be still in reconstruction after the massive destruction of the war, both from the UED invasion and Kerrigan's capricious destruction of Mengsk's capital planet of Korhal.

Instead we get a random bad guy who is to blame for every evil in the Koprulu sector. Amon might as well have been an asteroid in a Michael Bay movie.

Wings of Liberty

The overall tone of the story is the post 90's American corporate "nothing juice", so it pulls every possible punch and nothing has any consequence. Characters are not nuanced, mostly lacking in personality and everyone is "good". This is particular with the false choice between Tosh and Nova: you either pick the psychotics and deal with their behavior or you help the Dominion commando; you can't just say "Yeah, Nova lied. There are no consequences". You can notice this white wash with the Terran marines no longer having their visors up, so you don't see them as people but rather as just a faceless vessel getting killed by the Zerg.

The redesigns of the characters were great: Raynor as a dark-haired biker suited him well and Kerrigan is just a babe; even as the Queen of Blades she has a nice ass. The other characters looked cool too, especially Tosh and Tychus. The mission structures was cool and I liked that I could choose and play them in almost any order I wanted. The missions did properly explain the usage of the new units. The ones were you have to make a choice are cool too. I loved the dialogues in the Hyperion, and I would always leave Haven's last mission to the very last so I wouldn't lose the doctor. I replayed Wings of Liberty countless times and I wondered how they would repeat the Hyperion system of characters with the Queen of Blades, since woman protagonists tend to be poorly done, and oh boy... did they drop the ball.

Heart of the Swarm

Where the second story really dropped the ball was in Kerrigan's arc. It was idiotic and totally outside of Koprulu politics. The Amon thread was garbage of the lowest possible denominator and the cheap revival of Stukov was just a "Hey, remember that guy?". This lazy trend would be used in the entirety of the Protoss campaign; the Fenix member-baiting was insulting. The plot in Heart of the Swarm was dreadful and the Zerus plot and missions were total garbage. I always sigh when I reach this part. Even the devs admitted it was done to test another game, hence why it's an actual MOBA and neither our beloved StraCraft RTS or its scheming story.

The idea of infestations was nice, though. The mission on the Dominion platform was amazing and they should have kept the game in that vein instead of the pseudo-religious "essence" boondoggle. But no, we have to get the girl boss to a primordial spawning pool so she can literally bond and be remade by Mother Gaia. That's the subtlety of a brick to the face. The Zerg need to be an unstoppable evil force, nothing else.

Love story

The love story wasn't cool. While a love story per se is not a problem, the way they handled it was. If they wanted a love story, they could have given Nova to Raynor; they lazyly re-used her face for human Kerrigan anyway... The idea of losing a friend for a hoe is against the bro-code.

Tychus my man, lest we forget.

Legacy of the Void

The third game was an unmitigated turd and I can't mention a single good thing about it; I played it only once and not intend to try again. The game was clearly rushed and they had no idea what to do with it. The original teams were long gone and Blizzard was in a downward spiral unbeknownst to the players. The story and missions are poorly rehashed missions and themes from the earlier games. The game is also a hero MOBA with infantilized dialogue and tiresome gameplay. They also managed to insert their social politics into the story and have a "lesser" Protoss be elevated into the social hierarchy and Artanis lecturing about abolishing the social castes. Again, the subtlety of a kick to the balls.

When the campaign mercifully ended, I was just exhasuted. Thankfully, it received it's coup de grâce way before the gaming industry's final rot so Jim Raynor had an at least respectful send off, instead of being forced to drink blue milk directly from an alien. I was saddened when the final cutscenes rolled but at the same time relieved of how old Jim was lead outside of the stage.

20:03 UTC


Graphics Problems - Surface Book 3

I'm hoping that you wonderful people who might have a nerdier side might be able to help me. My computer is a Surface Book 3, i7, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti w/ 6GB GDDR6 graphics memory, and 32 GB of Ram, 256 SSD. I connect to a Samsung - M7B Series 43" Smart Tizen 4k UHD Monitor using a USB-C Cable. Based on everything I've read, I should be able to run the game on ultra settings, (even based on the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program). However, I run on a low graphics setting and sometimes it's so Laggy i can't stand it. I've tried setting SC2 to run on high performance in the windows graphics settings, all drivers for graphics cards are up to date. It is frustrating knowing that i should be able to game at a much better level, but something is happening that is holding me back. Any advice that you might have would be incredibly useful.

19:12 UTC


Pics with Pros for ESL SC2 Masters 2024 Spring in Dallas?

Hello all!

I am attending this event and was wondering what the best day to attend would be to get pictures with the players? I understand that there are 3 days to the event but can only go one of the days and want to be able to get pics with herO Harstem and others! Please let me know if anyone has any experience with this and can advise me on what to do.

Thanks in advance!

18:34 UTC


Clems Reaper Dying and Floating on Up to Heaven

17:38 UTC


Nice weekend to you all

12:36 UTC


Returning to SC2 after an incredible week of Manor Lords

11:36 UTC


Why do you get automatically timed out for typing "puCK" in esl chat? I'm out of the loop

I haven't been following the scene since that person went by "puck"

10:29 UTC


Join our Discord for classic RTS like WC3, SC2, AOE, C&C and more

Hello guys,

if you are looking for a nice community with mod support, tech tweaks, community events and more for a lot of oldschool rts, then feel free to join our discord server: "https://discord.gg/23SthagkUw"

08:18 UTC


Lebron James loves StarCraft 2

01:46 UTC



01:29 UTC


Don´t judge me, I just could not resist^^

23:28 UTC


How do you create a second SC2 profile?

I've been playing for years, not much cheesing. I want to have a separate profile to practice some stuff without bringing down my MMR in the process, a cannon rushing specific profile basically but I'll also be doing some terran and zerg cheesing as well. Anyway I feel like an idiot but do I have to create a separate battle.net account? Do I need a separate email just for this? And I'll have to log in and out every time I switch? Also almost all of my hotkeys are customized at this point, I'm sure I can figure out how to copy them over but I was just wondering if there's an easier way.

Or should I just play unranked and do my cheesing that way? It just seems like every streamer and pro has multiple profiles so I thought there would be an easy way to do it.

22:41 UTC


gsl ro. 16 group A

Creator pulled out the best micro i've seen from a protoss in a while to get out of the group.

Game 3 aganist SHIN was a banger!

I loved Reynor casting btw.

22:16 UTC


Scrub toss struggling against Marines

I'm a plat player, low Diamond at my absolute best. Often times I have to deal with an army of marines before I can get any meaningful number of Templar, collosus or disruptor out. How do you guys deal with this early game aggression?

21:07 UTC


I managed to climb out of the EU server Bronze league bug range and instead of putting me in Platinum 2 the game put me in Silver 1 with the MMR range being identical to Plat 2, which is weird because there does not seem to be a documented MMR overlap in this range.

20:52 UTC


ESL Masters Spring Regionals Asia Grand Finals was a weird match

!Coffee lost 0-3 as Protoss earlier, takes out 3 Protoss in a row as Terran, only to go back to lose another 0-3 as Protoss?!<

It's so odd that I'm not sure what to think of it. Do other people feel the same way?

20:26 UTC


Did legacy make pro games less exciting?

I've been rewatching games from the HOTS era and so much more stuff happens in the old games. Like one player wins a fight, they look like they're about to win, then the other player, at half army supply, finds a good position and suddenly they are the one with double supply, then surprise DTs swing the pendilum back. Whereas modern games are usually many small fights, where one player gets slowly worn down and comebacks are rare. What do you think changed? And do you think there's any way to make modern sc2 more explosive? And would that be a good thing?

19:31 UTC

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