
Photograph via snooOG

All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok!


All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok!

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  • Lowko Starcraft Study with Lowko

  • Vibe's Zerg Bronze to GM series

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Daily rage thread

Just uninstalled the game, tired of 100 APM Protoss a-moves.

06:56 UTC


how do people bind multiple 3+ to a single hotkey for larva?


scarlet's POV from a pig video they're talking about hotkeys. select larva is S, D, V, and Z. I'd love to do this. makes a 12pool smoother to just hold ling key, makes macro easier for drone/ovie.



thanks all, and for anyone who finds this in the future with same question this rapidfire video covers it nicely


06:26 UTC


Speedling to Macro build

I got 1 win away from Platinum 1 then a crazy losing streak and I'm down in Platinum 3. I'm looking to ween of Vibes B2GM. I've got that down really well, at least until I get harassed or late game. I found a speedling to Macro build he did and I'm trying to copy it from the video. It's really intense and with 3 days of practice I still can't make it to the end without major mistakes. Before I spend too much time my question is two fold:

  1. Is this a good build for my level? It seems intense. I don't want to do cheeses or all-ins. Just macro for now.
  2. Would this hurt me in the long run since I'm still terrible at scouting? Because it's so intense I kind of feel like my minimap awareness will falter.

Here is the build:

My best benchmark so far is 63 drones at 5 Minutes, 73 drones at 6 minutes. Max at 8:12. I think I forgot to make my 10 safety lings so drop the drones a bit at least.

  • 12 Drone
  • 13 OL
  • 16 Hatch
  • 18 Gas (use a drone that pops for this when at 18)
  • 17 Pool
  • Rally to gas (these are the next drones made after pool is made)
  • 20th drone rally to 3rd base
  • OL ( Go natural. Send Natural OL to other base)
  • 2 queens + 4 lings
  • Rip 2 off gas after queens to natural (click mineral then hit C to tell them to return cargo)
  • 30 supply Zerg speed (or at 100. Hits at 29/30 for me)
  • 3rd hatch at 30 supply
  • 3rd queen immediately
  • 1 queen Inject, Natural creep tumor (2x before sending to 3rd)
  • Spend larva on 1-2 drones.
  • OL. You will get supply blocked for a couple seconds but you don’t have idle larva
  • Get 2 back to gas from mineral line (keep up with OL. 1 per cycle)
  • Make OL speed and rip back off the gas again.
  • 10 Safety zerglings
  • After natural saturate rally two drones to gas
  • Make more queens when you can afford. Typically 7, up to 9 if they are going aggressive
  • Scout with OL speed ~4:30 after OL speed (Should be 3 productions and 3 command centers)
  • 2-3 OL per cycle from now on
  • After Scout, Lair, baneling nest, 4 gasses
    • Aggressive? Roach warren and unit production. Stop drones at 5:00
    • 4 Command Centers? 2 Hatches and drone to 85
      • Trick, rally each base to its own mineral line to oversaturate and pull drones to gasses.
  • When lair done two Hydra, Evo’s, banespeed
  • Fully saturate 3rd base
  • Round of lings (banes with existing lings). If 3rd base isn’t down keep making lings.
  • Macro hatches (2x maybe before evo’s)
  • 85 drones cap
  • Then max out ling/bane/hydra
  • Use queens for extra injects (5 inject queens total)
  • About time you take 5th base go Infestation pit
  • Hive and 2/2 should be available at the same time
  • You can do just about anything at this time.
20:27 UTC


[ZvP Amphion Build Order] 12 Gas, 11 Pool Drone Speedling All-in Version 2 (through the back minerals)

Diamond 3+ recommended.

  • 12 Gas
  • 11 Pool
  • When gas is done & you put 3 drones on gas hotkey a drone from minerals & have them start mining out the minerals
  • 13 Overlord
  • @Pool: Ling Speed + 3 drones off gas (should take off one as it returns ‘gas 92’, another as it returns ‘gas 96’, & the third drone as it returns ‘gas 100’)

The timing should work out that just after you start ling speed the single hotkeyed drone has return minerals from 2 trips of mining out the wall, now you want to specifically make this drone mine the mineral patch behind the mined out one, if you don’t do this the drone will automatically mine the one beside it & we can’t get through on time. First 3 set lings will go harass the Protoss wall-in, set these lings to their own hotkey, try not to lose any of these lings Other lings will just stay in the main base for now

  • @1:451:46 (3638 seconds before ling speed finishes): Box every drone & have them all return minerals to the Hatchery then add them to the ling hotkey of the lings at home, bring every drone/ling. Can also add that one individual drone to this hotkey group, by now it will have completely mined out the 2 patches. (remember to keep making lings)
  • @2:10~2:13: Arrive & as fast as you can select individual drones that have no minerals in their hands (none should have minerals in their hands) & manually control 4 drones to mine out 2 patches without mining unneeded patches & without walking back home (if you just right click a mineral patch a drone will take it then walk all the way back home, so you’ll want to right click the patch then shift + move command like an inch or two away from the patch).
  • @~2:27: ling speed finishes, kill your opponent. You should have 6 lings outside your opponent’s base keeping their Zealots there, you’ll want the overlord to check the Zealots movement. The 6 lings should at least attack a Gateway/Cyber Core for a bit (just run away vs an Adept) so the opponent puts their screen there. Your main drone/ling army I would bypass the pylon & just go straight for their main base & kill workers.

Benchmark [2:27]: 13 drones, 16 lings (1 set lings in production), ling speed done. 10 of the lings will be with the 13 drones, 6 lings will be reinforcing.


  • Rush distance from main to below opponent’s main ramp is ~38 seconds, however with the minerals mined out that drops to 30 seconds.
  • Attack will arrive with ling speed done which allows you to kill Cyber Core tech units.
  • 13 Overlord is the only overlord we’ll make in this build, using up another larvae for an overlord that could be another set of lings will weaken this attack.If you get supply blocked at 22/22 that’s fine you’re going to be fighting & losing drones/lings & can use the small amount of minerals to keep making lings.
  • You should arrive before any Adepts are out so you can get into a 13 drone + 6 speedlings vs 19~22 Probe fight (depends if they have every probe in their main or if they have a Probe at their natural wall, possibly a Probe out on the map that hasn’t come back home yet). Either way 13 drones + 6 speedlings should win the fight. By the time 2 Adepts can come out you should have the next set of ling reinforcements arrive & soon the one after that. If they ever move both Zealots out of the wall to fight you with 2 Adepts + the 2 Zealots they could have then you also add on the 6 lings you have outside of their natural wall.
  • If you have the micro for it you can also continuously use the 6 lings to attack their wall & if they move all but 1 Zealot to help defend the speedlings can straight up kill a Gateway with 0 lings lost as you have speed done & the Zealot can’t catch speedlings.

Replay vs AI example: https://sc2replaystats.com/replay/playerStats/24995148/1049693

Unfortunately no replays vs people yet. With such a large map Pool & three match-ups a specific map/match-up seems quite rare. Will comment below on the easier "generic" version of this build that could work on any short distance rush map, although I don't think the easier version is as good for reasons I'll explain below.

18:50 UTC


Which Maps are the Least Standard?

I'm someone who really doesn't like maps that are too crazy and I just enjoy standard maps. Last map pool I was able to veto Radhuset and I was good, this pool has a ton more nonstandard maps so I'm struggling on which 3 to veto.

Right now I'm vetoing Dynasty, Alcyone, and Crimson Court. The two I'm currently playing that seem nonstandard are Post-Youth and Amphion. Post-Youth I don't mind because everyone's going to take the in-base natural so it doesn't change a ton other than ovi pathing to scout, and amphion I haven't played a game yet where either of us mined out the minerals to the side path so it hasn't really changed much even if it looks weird. What are other people's thoughts? I'm 3.3k if it matters.

06:08 UTC


ZvP vs camping protoss (Diamond 1)

I am completely at lost on what I was supposed to do in this game, I just left out of frustration with 20k resources in the bank...

I felt like I could just not attack into him with his gateways walls and templars that just feedbacked my vipers and stormed the chokes.

Should I juste have been more patient? I'm not interested in those kinds of turtle games. Thanks in advance.

Replay: https://drop.sc/replay/24993111

02:16 UTC


I need help dealing with heavy Arial rushing playstyles

Was playing a couple games today to try and practice, faced against some people with really Arial-heavy playstyles that made it hard to counter.

replay: https://drop.sc/replay/24992406

How would I more efficiently deal with something like this? I managed to repel the initial rush, but lost at the end game. Same thing applies for the earlier ZvP game in which the enemy only used Void Rays and Tempests,

Thank you

23:18 UTC


Video Series Suggestion Coaching Metal to Diamond, Would People Watch?

I enjoy a good pro SC2 game now and again, but at the end of the day I'm d3 at 3.3k mmr the games I play look nothing like those games. One of my favorite series is Harstem's IODIS series, and specifically the ones where the players are around my level so the games actually look like my games.

Then on top of that I really enjoying reviewing the games of lower level players, there's been a few gold-level players posting here and it feels great to offer advice, see them take it, and see success stories. I've streamed a bit but there's a million people like me streaming their diamond ladder sessions, I think my peak viewership was 3.

So enter my idea. I want to find a handful of gold to low plat players and record free coaching sessions with them, tracking their progress over time for viewers to follow, and hopefully help them get to diamond where the coaching would stop. This way players get free coaching, viewers get hopefully entertaining videos that are more likely to be closer to their level than all the pro/gm content out there, and I hopefully get some subscribers. Is this a terrible idea, or would people actually watch such content?

18:57 UTC


Peaking after years of being hard stuck in diamond. Feels good.

I haven’t actually gotten the promotion to masters yet but I am soooo tantalizingly close. Was sitting at 4120 when I signed off last night and damn it feels GOOD! This puts me at around 75% of the way thru D1, so like 4-6 wins away, and with a current w/l of 55%. This is an all time MMR peak and I am just so excited that I wanted to share with y’all, as this sub has been very helpful over the years. I’ve never actually posted a replay, but have been just lurking and reading and seeking general advice.

I’ve been close to this MMR before, but what feels different this time is that I haven’t cheesed much to get here, and I’m not on a lucky hot streak or anything like that. It’s been mostly solid macro play, and I’ve just kinda been maintaining mid D1 for a while, while gradually climbing a bit every session. Previous time that I’ve gotten over 4K it’s usually been from getting inadvertently boosted by Smurf insta-quitters, or from playing builds that are either cheeses, pool/gas first pressure openers, or straight up all ins. Playing like that was effective to a point, but I would inevitably start getting shut down pretty hard above 4K, and people would start blind countering me once they recognized me. This is the first time I’ve gotten to this point playing primarily 16-18-17.

Thats it. Thats the post. Hopefully I’ll be posting a pic of that masters badge soon. Love yall, glhf.

16:26 UTC


LBH is so much fun

Was a Terran Bio enjoyer for a while, decided to start giving Zerg a try, Ling Bane Hydra is just too much fun right now, mightve been converted

14:52 UTC


[Replay Review Request] zvz dealing with early pressure and harass

Hello zerglings! I'm a silver 1 player, trying everything in the book to get a little better. If anyone has a moment, could you take a minute and review this zvz lingbane matchup?

I'm usually the aggressor when I play lingbane, so this caught me by surprise and I didn't know how to react! I definitely quit too soon, I thought my op had way more econ then they actually did.


16:26 UTC


After y'alls advice yesterday, I won my first ever game against a bronze player!

Replay: https://drop.sc/replay/24973974

I never floated above 1000 min/gas, constantly maxed out my supply and injects with control groups, always building more units, saturating my bases, I feel like I've improved immensely compared to last night.

I still could've done some things better but wow, that was a great victory. I'd love some extra feedback!

19:22 UTC


ZvP and General advice needed

I really want to improve, but I just can't seem to. What am I doing wrong? I felt like I couldnt break through this guy, like he was a brick wall. What should I work on? (btw I am the zerg)
This sort of replay is also similar to the sort of experience I have with a Terran when they make like 2 planetaries in front of their expansions either 1 or 2 tanks, 1 or 2 liberators, etc. All advice or input welcome.


1 Comment
18:48 UTC


ZvT Noobie Swarm Queen seeking feedback on my play in this lingbane vs BC / mech game!

Replay: https://drop.sc/replay/24973304

Hey all! I'm a super noobie player, got the game earlier this week. I started picking up the game from Piig's b2gm series. I love the ling bane style but I find that when the game gets to mid or late stages I completely fall apart.

Here are my takeaways, please tell me if I'm wrong and give any other advice! Go team swarm!

  • I missed bane speed which is insane. This alone might have lost?
  • When I did runbys I should have micro'd a little better to get more workers
  • I didn't harass the 3rd or 4th enough
  • When I tech swapped to corrupters to counter the BC, I totally forgot about them after making like 7 :(

Love you all, appreciate the help, take care, happy saturday, you da best, did you know that in china they call zerglings puppies?

15:06 UTC


What am I doing wrong?? I keep getting destroyed even though I'm trying like crazy.

Zerg v Terran game, I am unranked (I lose every single game), I know it's my fault that I'm losing, but I can't for the life of me figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be immensely appreciated, as I'm actually sweating in my seat playing this game while the other person beats me whilst cruising along at a measly 30-50 APM.

Replay: https://drop.sc/replay/24970518

03:23 UTC


Economic theory and ling bane vs roach hydra

So I started playing Vibe's B2Gm style which is essentially just 2 base roach that gets a handful of roaches then transitions into 85 drone roach hydra.

I watch all the GM streamers and pros, nobody does this. Either ling bane macro, or a roach all in. So I recently started to transition to ling bane, aka the standard zerg macro, expecting it to be superior economically.

Standard macro with ling bane is 50 workers 5 minutes in, and at 6 minutes, AFAIK 66 drones with 6 gasses. BUT I can do the exact same thing playing vibe's roach hydra....

I thought ling bane would let me explore my economy more-Yes I do understand you can cut zerglings to get a lot more drones at those times-but you can do the same with vibe's build.

Is the only difference in the army units? That people just use ling bane because its faster/better against Terran than safety roaches?

21:50 UTC


Maphack terran and advice how to transition from muta

Hello !

https://drop.sc/replay/24969177 This is a recent game I had on the ladder Plat 1, 3.1k MMR EU

I got 2 questions if anyone can help me :

  • How should I transition from a muta opening ? Basically I go muta but I can never finish the terran off, and they eventually reach thors. What should I transition into while harassing with muta ? Roach + bane or push hive and try lurkers ? I know they will attack into me as they feel behind and it's last hail marry for them, so what would the most defensive combinations be and easy to defend with low APM ? As long as I manage to hold their attack I should be good, but 4 out of 5 times they break me. Are mass spines an option ?

  • More of a side note did this terran used maphacks ? It felt like he was constantly prepared for all the angles I was going for. Feels like at 6:40 he knew where my mutas were.

Has there been an increase in maphackers lately ?


19:11 UTC


Example of slightly modified Vibe b2gm opening


Here's an example of an 8:10 max of Vibe's 2021 b2gm opening for any one wanting a clean(ish) way to follow it. I used the Embot Advanced mod which makes it easier to reset the match for practice. The only part of the build that's different is I added 4 lings at the start for better scouting and to help with harass.

Keep in mind it's still not perfect. For example, I got 5 too many drones (you should stop at 85). I had 3 idle drones for a bit before I caught it and I was mining 4 to a gas for a bit. Even with those issues the 8:10 max is very quick for this build. Anything under 9:00 is pretty solid.

Build outline:

  • 12 drone
  • 13 OL (Scouts your natural)
  • 14 hatch
  • 18 Pool
  • 20 gas
  • 19 OL
  • 2 queens when pool finishes
  • 3rd queen + lair immediately
  • 4 zerglings (I think I did a couple drones first in the replay. Just get the lings out sooner than later)
  • 30 OL (from this point forward get 1 to 2 OL per macro cycle depending on how close you are to max)
  • After 2nd inject Roach + EVO (upgrades when they are available)
  • Take two gases + 3rd hatch after natural saturated.
  • 8 roaches. Usually I can't make them all in one go. Just make sure you get 6 to 8.
  • When you've built enough drones to saturate the 3rd make hydra + evo + 4th gas. This happens before the 3rd is up. Hydra and evo upgrades when available
  • 3rd queen goes to 3rd base for injects. Make a 4th and/or 5th queen.
  • 4th base goes up very soon after 3rd base is up.
  • At 66 drones get hydra up to 120 supply.
  • 5th base goes up when you realize your floating more minerals or you've got enough drones to saturate 4th.
  • Stop at 85 drones
  • Max with Hydra
  • Infestation pit soon after
  • Hive when infestation pit is done
  • Tier 3 upgrades after hive.
  • Luker den

Hopefully this help anyone following the build. I had to watch several parts of his videos multiple times to get this down.

18:09 UTC


Disruptor drop response


What's the proper response/prevention to this disruptor drop for Platinum 2? It hits at 5:34. There is a double disruptor drop at 6:17.

I'm not quick enough to catch it and pull my drones out. I'm working on responses for all Protoss harassment since my ZvP winrate is so bad. One solution for several is a blind spore in each base at 3:30. That'll delay the first disruptor. Maybe I can save the first 5 drones then. After that the only thing I can think of is extra queens and hydra in the front but I'm not sure I'll have the economy to cover the front by 6:17. This game I just did a lot of running around chasing.

13:54 UTC


Max roaches for begginers

Hi, swarm, I am returning after long years... I see that I don't have buld, APM, strategy... nothing. So I plan train my macro. I remember in that time I used a build (I think it was from Stephano), where we focus on max supply with roaches (I think in 7-8 minutes) and then attack move blindly to enemy base. It was really fun to learn! My questions:

1-where can I find this build? 2-are there any update to this?

thank you!

22:24 UTC


Is it me or do all the rocks on the new maps seem unbreakable

I feel like unless I send units to just break rocks at 2 bases they will be permanent choke points…anyone else feeling like this?

08:42 UTC


ZvP - Don't let them get to skytoss and how to do it. Replay.

Hi all. I often see posts of people saying "just dont let them get there" when referring how to kill skytoss armies.

Here is an example of that of a game I played today on NA. Granted the opponent is a little lower MMR than me, but I often do this when I scout the fleet beacon.

It is a big roach queen nydus allin with a spire making while it is happening.



23:51 UTC


what units do you make vs protoss these days?

#edit huge thankyou to everyone.

had a zvp recently, took all the advice to heart. scouted a bit better (and was pretty lucky) and saw the gateway followup to oracle. Made roaches at the last second, so felt confident if I could hold initial umph of it I could out production him. take some damage, hold and stabalize, and make our new fav unit the roach. eventually see hes got just enough air units in the sky to be annoying vs roaches, and begrudgingly make like 8 hydras and treat them more speciality than deathball. a-moved roaches to counter like I'd a-move lings while hydras defended annoying piddly air harass of like 1 void and 2 oracles and maybe some pheonix? and then assisted the counter push once I forced his air home. I was gonna drone, then, realized I had no map control and made a shit ton of lings.

There was a point I felt bad for not droning, but then remembered someone telling me not to engage without lings and justified it with that. This then either helped hold an attack or launch a counter attack, I can't remember which. It also helped get map control back and know how many bases he was on and feel relatively confident he didn't have a hidden expo.

I really appreciate learning the whys of all of how this matchup can look so I can make decisions a bit on the fly. I know I can crisp my macro up even more, but its nice to play non meta starts as I feel it helps me gain advantages (and I'm fine gambling and not getting GM, knowing full well pros/good players can whoop my shenanigans)

OHGOD I didn't even realize till watching the replay. I knew I hit a fat rapidfire bile on my last push which kinda sealed the deal, but I got 3 voids and some stalkers with it.

it was a pretty close game. I lost 20 workers and made a lot of mistakes, but, y'all helped me think on my feet better and learn to understand roach comps a bit better.

I'm really lost in this matchup

feels like you need roaches or you die by 1000 cuts to early adepts

lingbane hydra dies to archon chargelot (immortal+storm), which is a shame because ling bane is my comfort zone in most matchups

oldschool logic tells me I can't go roaches and mutas, and quite honestly mutas feel like they suck now

roach hydra is so weak vs collosi, i suppose I should be more proactive in scouting and get a ton of corruptors

I just don't understand lurkers, they feel like they absolutely suck and get steamrolled by 6+ collosi or they're an instant win because opponent forgot to build observers. I don't understand how to engage with them and make something happen, and I have to wait until hivetech until they're halfway decent but by that point the opponent has an answer to them?

skytoss I generally have an idea of what I can do, but hardest part is scouting its skytoss and not oracle voidray into immortal archon

nowdays games seem to go to 6+ bases a lot more commonly, but people seem to have every unit even on 3base??? and even when I think I have a massive upgrade advantage they close the gap pretty quickly. I have no idea how to scout any of this let alone counter it.

I would really like to avoid mega turtle 200 spine/spore crawler armies that rely on my opponent walking into my defenses/abducting him into it.

used to be high diamond/lower masters and am now mid diamond just fucking around. I have no idea what the meta is like

19:08 UTC


ZvT How do I defend marine timing attack 7 min?

I played two games against the same player within a few minutes, lost both in the very same way.

I scouted at 2:10 min he is taking his natural early, so I also took my third early.
I scouted he was building 4 barracks and banshees at around 4:30 min, but my baneling nest and ling speed were already finished, so I wasn't too worried. I built two spores and 1 spine per base against the expected drops (which normally works fine, even if he also drops tanks) and produced quite some speedlings and banes.

But he never intended to drop in the first place, but only produced mass marines (in the end from 9 rax), and he attacked at atound 7 min when stim was almost ready.

Although I had lots of speedlings and banes (maybe not enough creep), in the end of the fight even speedbanelings, i just merely managed to deflect his stutterstepping army, which did not let my banes through to connect. The bane connections hardly worked with the slow banes and not very well with the speed banes.

Although the ressouces lost in the fight were about even, he was now massing marines from 9 rax and I just could not get my banes produced fast enough.

I still believe I had about the right army to defend this (lurkers would have helped, but it's hard to have them ready in numbers whithin at 6:50, when you don't yet have a hydra den at 4:30.

So where do I suck? Too much invested in ground defense? Too little creep? Insufficient micro skills (certainly true)? Not enough queens and injects, so that I could not spend my bank? Or do I miss something else completely?

Thanks for any helpful comments.


23:08 UTC


🏆 CSO Cup #66 Registrations Now Open

🕕 13 April 2024 at 19:00 CEST **Please Note Time Change**

💰 $30 Prize Pool and OSC Points!

✍️ Sign up : https://challonge.com/csocu66

1 Comment
18:02 UTC


Hatch block on Post-Youth

Back to fretting about maps again. Post-Youth has only one halfway reasonable third base site. If P or T hatch-blocks in the nat and again in that base, there is nowhere else to try except a base that's so far from your main, you won't be able to defend it. Seems like a reasonable return on the two pylon or ebay investment: Zerg will be stuck on one base for some time and their third will also be delayed.

Is an Erik build going to be fast enough to stop this? I may have to buckle down and learn it, if so. I saw this in the wild and lost miserably.

I play a pool-first cheese in ZvP most of the time. If I see a probe in my nat, I send a drone immediately and then the one rallied to take the nat joins him: generally he'll have to invest a pylon if he wants to block me, and then I (reluctantly) take the third. But that's an AMAZING time for the probe to throw down a pylon, run to the third, and throw down another one. I will eat the economic cost of my cheese but not have the larvae to execute it. It's dire.

I am not a very good 12 pool player, but this map might justify it, if Erik can't stop the double block.

03:14 UTC


I'm tired of fighting battlecruisers

As a zerg main with meh experience and skill I'm already tired of battlecruisers. Those things and basically all other air units. Air units feel so difficult to fight as zerg since you're only real shot of dealing with it is corruptors and those feel so slow to get out and so expensive to maintain. I want something simple like my group of roaches to be able to attack air units similar to stalkers. Then I feel like I'd have more of a chance.

Just had a Terran guy attack with me with a ground macro mech (thors, hellions, siege tanks, and couple vikings) and when that army died and I finally started to push out (lings, ravagers, and a couple corruptors) I saw that he teleported like 15+ battlecruisers into my 1st base and cleaned house. I tried to corrosive bile as much as I could, spawn spewers, and even bring in all of my 10-14 queens to help. Not enough. I sent zerglings to his base just for fun to see what was up and he had 10 star ports. Man what a kick in the teeth. He managed to do this even after I banelimg dropped two full worker lines.

I'll git gud someday

02:21 UTC


Zerg scouting

I just reached platinum 2 and climbing. My scouting is pretty bad. I'd like to have the basics down before I hit diamond. Does anyone have a condensed beginner guide to scouting? The pinned post has some good info but it's too much all at once. Here's basically what I've been following:

Bronze/Silver: Send OL to natural. Check to see if they are building stuff on their side of the map.

Gold: Check if they are expanding or if it's late. If not send OL into main to see what's up. if more than two production prepare for aggression.

Platinum: Trying to get better OL placement for drops and stuff. I think I should be scouting their main before 5m but I haven't really been consistent and don't know what I'm looking for.

I don't know what the next step is but I hope it's not learning all the possible builds and timing. I think a good guide on OL placement and other basics would help me as well. I'd appreciate any you could pass my way.

19:58 UTC


To cheese or to be cheesed, that is the question

I'm D2 zerg, recently I find myself less willing to play normal game. Just so hard to scout for all the different all in BS that T and P can throw at you. Sometimes it's BC/DT/charge lot all in, sometimes they just sit behind PF/cannon until they max on carrier/mech. I'm baneling busting most of my games on the new maps. The idea is you can't cheese me if my cheese kills you first. Anyone else feel like this? Or maybe zerg in the wrong race for me...

07:27 UTC

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