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A place to discuss Starcraft 2 Co-op (SC2 Co-op)!

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Offenders will receive warnings. Repeat offenders will be banned.

1) If you wish to promote weekly mutation videos, post them under the weekly mutation mod post. Do not make a separate post for them.

2) READ THE WIKI before asking questions. It has a lot of information.

3) Don't be an asshole.

4) No spam.

5) No low effort posts. This includes "X exp away from leveling up" posts.

6) No "when will we have a new commander/map?" posts.

7) Self-promotion posts must be posted in the weekly megathread.

What is Co-op?

It is a two player cooperative mode with campaign-style objectives.


Mutations add special modifiers to Co-op Missions, rewarding bonus experience.

Co-op Levels

Commander Levels (1-15)

  • Unlocks units and abilities.

  • Separate for each commander.

Mastery Levels (1-90)

  • Increases power level.

  • Shared across all commanders.

Ascension Levels (91-1000)

  • Does not affect power level.

  • Shared across all commanders.

  • Rewards badge emoticons.

General Information

Speed-running (Solo/Dual)

Custom Mutation ideas

Maguro has designed some custom mutations to mimic a mini-campaign.


13,822 Subscribers


Greetings, is there a unit tester/sandbox for coop units?

As per the title, I am looking for a custom gamemode to mess around with coop units.
I have only discovered a versus/campaign unit tester, but not a coop variant.

06:57 UTC


Aba miner evacuation tip

Didn’t realize this till I was playing the current mutation with an Aba ally but apparently you can abduct the evac ships. The beacon to activate stays where it is but you can just defend at home if you pull them in. Not technically necessary or even that advantageous but amusing

21:41 UTC


How would you handle this mutation?

Diffusion, Life Leach, and Concussive Attacks on OE vs. Towering Walkers (Immortal-Collosi) comp

I was Karax P3 with Kerrigan P2.

Problem was, trains heal way too much. I tried blasting Zealots with OS, but it only makes a dent in their overall health.

06:29 UTC


Which Artanis prestige do you use?

I've played his P1 quite a bit, and it feels pretty powerful, but I hate how gas starved he is. Normally I would build templars since their storms pair well with the zealot mineral dumps, but I still struggle to hit 3/3 upgrades by the end of each match.

I haven't played P2 with mastery points in SOA energy, so I can't comment much on this one. Seems like it would be pretty underwhelming though.

P3 has been fun so far with the targeted shield overcharge having a faster CD and heretics being able soak damage. Enemies seem to target them before my army which, so far, has been a phoenix+zealot combo.

02:06 UTC


Favorite Unit Variants?

What are your favorite variants of different units? For example, of the BCs, do you prefer Raynor's, mengsk's, HH? Of the Colossi, do you prefer karax, alarak or fenix?

Why do these variants stand out to you?

16:14 UTC


Do you get air units for Han and Horner, other than Ravens?

Other than Ravens, do you get air units when playing them? I find mass reapers strong enough to destroy everything, and when I do get air units it's hard to notice if they are doing anything. I'm also not sure how effective are the attack speed bonus from Horner units are. The only air unit I really get is the carrier upgrades for Assault Galleons. The only time I really get any other unit is Battlecruiser to tank enemy's Yamato when fighting air Terran

15:07 UTC


29 of April 2024 - Mutation #419: Fire in the Hole

Mutation #419: Fire in the Hole / Map: Miner Evacuation

Mutators: Boom Bots, Missile Command

BOOM BOTS📷Uncaring automatons carry a nuclear payload toward your base. One player must discern the disarming sequence and the other player must enter it.

  • Bots do not die on explosion. Bots are shown on the minimap.
  • Digits are visible only to one player. And only the other player can defuse the bot by selecting it and inputting the correct number.
  • Higher difficulties have more digits in the number: {1,2,3,4} (casual, normal, hard, brutal)
  • Correctly inputted digits stay visible and are shown in green.
  • Incorrect input puts you on timer for {1,3,5,8} seconds before you can try again.
  • Incorrect input increases the bot's movement speed by {0, 0.25, 0.5, 1} with each incorrect input. The maximum bonus is +4.75 movement speed.
  • Boom Bots start at 1.25 movement speed.
  • Boom bots spawn from random enemy structures. Timings on Brutal:

2:30 (1 bot)11:30 (1 bot)4:00 (1 bot)13:00 (2 bots)5:30 (1 bot)14:10 (2 bots)7:00 (1 bot)15:20 (2 bots)8:30 (1 bot)16:30 (2 bots)10:00 (1 bot).....

  • Nuke cooldown is 10s.
  • Bots explode in the same way as Going Nuclear mutator – 750 (950 vs structure) damage (100% in 4 radius, 50% in 6 radius and 25% in 8 radius).

MISSILE COMMAND📷Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.

  • Standard missiles have 10 HP and deal 100 damage.
  • Splitter missiles have 20 HP and deal 175 damage. If destroyed, it spawns 2 Child missiles, each dealing 75 damage.
  • Nukes have 100 HP and deal 300 (500 vs structure) damage (100% in 4 radius, 50% in 6 radius and 25% in 8 radius).
  • PDD has 15 HP.
  • And all these have all 0 armor; mechanical and map boss attributes.
  • In the first 5 minutes, each {45/30/20/15} seconds 2 Standard missiles are fired.
  • Between 5 and 10 minutes, each {30/20/10/5} seconds 2 missiles are fired (90% chance of Standard missiles, 10% of Standard missile + PDD).
  • Between 10 and 15 minutes, each {30/12/4/2} seconds 2 missiles are fired (60% chance of Standard missile, 20% of Standard + PDD and 20% of Splitter missile).
  • After 15 minutes, each {15/6/2/1} seconds 2 missiles are fired (40% chance of Standard missile, 20% of Standard missile + PDD, 30% of Splitter and 10% of Nuke with cooldown of {--/--/2:00/1:00} with {-/-/2/5} PDDs).

-Mutator additional info-





#235 Fire in the Hole – 8/18 SOLO CLEAR so far

Mutators: Boom Bots, Missile Command


One person, two computers “solo”: https://youtu.be/6b2lCPf8f5c

A regular missile command mutation with an extra objective: full clear as soon as possible. The boom bots are just annoying. Put observers or air units over cliffs to get vision of the numbers.

Beware of using static defense when defending the ships because those buildings can attract nukes (even cannon projections).

For duos: Swann and one of the three below

For solo queue: Tychus, Zeratul, Nova

Note: Solo runs are vastly different from duos, especially ones that use cheese


Stetmann (p1, p2, p3) [clearing is too slow, kinda sucks vs missile command when you can’t expo, hard to trap boom bots because of stetellites]

No cheese [and key points]

Nova (p3) https://youtu.be/_xEYmBLNKLU [Nova snipes detectors, banshees right-click buildings]

Tychus (p2) https://youtu.be/V4FJ-xHXruk [I full-cleared by 1130 in one attempt, but somehow messed it up. Average time is around 1300]

Zeratul (p2) https://youtu.be/0FVl1vu5FaM [Zeratul snipes detectors, DTs right-click buildings]

Cheese [and key points]

Static buildings give amon vision when they attack, so units don’t enter bunkers

Alarak (p3) https://youtu.be/QMfGvVhvl8A [i think this is doable without cheese]

Kerrigan (p1) https://youtu.be/h2S0TpVsEWk [defend natural until nukes come; use overlords to drop creep because tumors are buildings]

Mengsk (p3) https://youtu.be/VEP5DhXFpL8 [must be careful when dropping bunkers]

Raynor (p1) https://youtu.be/itNV5zPWKWA [need enough marines at each base; 7000 resources before starting the final ship]

Stukov (p3) https://youtu.be/tzUIDocTmQg [liberators vs nukes; queens vs attack waves so they don’t get vision]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

01:30 UTC


This is why I love Dehaka P1

13:40 UTC


Nova versus double edge B+

Just did a random Brutal +1 with P1 Nova. Rolled Double Edged and Outbreak on CoA.

It was horrible. The infested were annoying, but a few turrets at my main and expansion handled them fairly well.

The double edged came along. Nova lost 2/3 her life for using snipe, and died for using any other offensive ability. I went Factory (the enemy comp was shadow disruption, Protoss Disrupter/phoenix/DT) and I could not keep my units alive. Unsieging damaged tanks, pulling back goliaths, even using hellbats just to tank and die. Nothing.

Did I pick the wrong production building? Air seems horrible, ravens can't use their missile and liberators have the same problem as tanks, lots of burst damage. Or is Nova just not well equipped to deal with double edged? Having a useless hero unit seems painful.

23:32 UTC


Is there a timer even after you collected all parts for the final boss on part and parcel?

So the one at the top right. The little gundam died so we sent our forces to kill him and then right as there was like 100hp left, the woman says we lost. What determines that?

04:45 UTC


Dehaka anti air that aren't mutalisks?

I'm getting tired of spamming mutalisks everytime so I have been trying some new army comps. Against ground comps I like spamming primal guardians and a few tyrannozors, but what about air comps? I know creeper hosts can attack air but they don't seem too effective from my experience. So what other options are there?

15:33 UTC


Who would have liked to have seen Tosh as a commander?

I mean he had a lot of potential. Reapers, spectures, and nukes would be a decent part of his army. He could have also joined the fight, since he was already a playable unit in the campaign.


01:53 UTC


22 of April 2024 - Mutation #418: Mass Manufacturing

Mutation #418: Mass Manufacturing / Map: Part and Parcel

Mutators: Void Rifts, Propagators


Void Rifts have 500 HP, 1 armor; armored, heroic, structure and map boss attributes.

  • Void Rifts spawn at2:20 (2 Rifts)8:20 (4 Rifts)3:50 (2 Rifts)9:50 (4 Rifts)5:20 (2 Rifts)11:20 (4 Rifts)6:50 (2 Rifts)each 1:30 (4 Rifts)
  • Void Rift spawns avoid starting locations (>30), resources (>10) and other Void Rifts (>20). In the first 8 minutes the distance from starting locations can't be higher than 80. On the Lock & Load in the first 5 minutes, the pathing distance can't be higher than 70.
  • Void Rifts won't spawn if there are 4+ enemy units in 10 distance.
  • Each Void Rift spawns a wave each {150/130/110/90} seconds. The resource value of the wave starts at {100/100/200/300}, at 8:20 it increases to {200/200/400/600} and at 20:00 to {400/400/700/1050}.
  • Unit's resource value is its mineral cost + gas cost. The total cost of each wave can be as high as indicated above or slightly higher thanks to the last spawned unit.
  • Units that can be spawned are: 1. Zergling8. Adept15.Void Ray2. Baneling9. Zealot16. Banshee3. Roach10. Stalker17. High Templar4. Hydralisk11. Siege Tank18. Raven5. Marine12. Immortal19. Infestor6. Marauder13. Ravager20. Hybrid Destroyer7. Hellion14. Mutalisk
  • At the start of the game, only units up to the number 10 (Stalker) can be spawned. After 10 minutes up to the number {10/10/13/16}. And after 16:40 up to the number {10/15/19/20}.
  • Apart from main waves, there is a small spawn from each Void Rift each {21/18/15/12} seconds (in Custom Mutators {42/36/30/24}). This small spawn consists of either 2 Zerglings or 1 Marine or 1 Zealot. If it's the Zealot, the delay for the next small spawn is doubled. (In custom mutators the options are 1 Roach, 1 Marauder or 1 Zealot without increasing the delay).
  • Minimap visibility can differ based on texture settings (should have been fixed, but can still behave inconsistently).


-Mutator additional info-




#234 Mass Manufacturing – 6/18 SOLO CLEAR so far

Mutators: Void Rifts, Propagators



A legendary mutation. One of the best multitasking trainers. ("Multitasking Trainer" was trash)

Nothing too special except that you gotta control the rifts while keeping an eye on props. You should try to full clear, and if not, at least clear the entire left side so all the props come from the right. Should have autoprop defenses at the natural by 20 minutes.

This map is huge, so hit squads should be bigger than usual unless they are cloaked.


For duos: Tychus and HH

For solo queue: Tychus, Zeratul


Failures [and why I failed]

Alarak (p3) [so hard to control rifts and stop props]

HH (p1) [probably needed more reapers rather than hellions]

Karax (p3) [towers can’t move; not enough energy]

Nova (p3) [not enough gas]

Raynor (p1) [hit squads can’t have too many units (nor too few)]


Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p0) https://youtu.be/B0oy1dZ12Wc [guardians at natural]

Dehaka (p3) https://youtu.be/6eVZWr5Y3LI [muta/guardian army]

Swann (p1) https://youtu.be/1P2JgONm47Q [one base wraith]

Tychus (p2) https://youtu.be/KkMzurmhE4w [sirius at natural]

Zagara (p3) https://youtu.be/tfJgKjmWmgU [bile launchers to save money on banes]

Zeratul (p2) https://youtu.be/Bggm4nHSZx4 [abrogators at natural for late game]


Questions about any of these runs are welcome. I will make more attempts throughout the week.

01:05 UTC


Appreciating hero unit prestiges

Granted, I only have one of them (P3 Zagara) but it's still undeniably a refreshing and novel way to play a real-time strategy game focused on macroeconomy and army management. Imagine one absolute powerhouse solo clearing most areas and objectives within minutes. On longer maps, this allows you to scale and macro at a more leisurely pace than what most build orders would dictate for certain situations. This requires a bit more micro than your average joe, but it's otherwise still overall manageable. It's at least sweet enough that it motivates me to make my way towards getting the other ones.

Related: like a post from long ago said, you can ignore the RTS elements and go full LoL mode on most maps. Zagara for example, with her Baneling Barrage and stimmed Hunter-Killers skyrocketing her DPS on the field, absolutely devastates. What are your thoughts on the other ones? P2 Kerrigan, P2 Stetmann, P3 Zeratul, P3 Nova, P3 Dehaka, P2 Tychus are the ones that come to mind. (P2 Alarak still needs an army to shred, and P2 Fenix has multiple heroes fighting in the same area, unlike P2 Tychus.)

13:13 UTC


Devourer's corrosive acid ability

Quick question about the devourer's corrosive acid ability. It is said to reduce enemy armour by 3 and can stack up to 3 times. Can this reduce enemy armour to below zero? If so, are there any other armour reducing abilities that can do the same?

14:43 UTC


Mira is that you?

07:35 UTC


Raynor's Banshee Airstrike seems weak?

Newish Raynor player here, though I'm not new to coop overall. Is it just me or does it seem rather weak? It is fine early game to help clear expansion and deal with early attack waves but late game they do almost nothing. Their damage isn't that high and they are fragile and die way too easily. Am I missing something? Should I switch all of my mastery points from Banshee cooldown to Hyperion cooldown?

03:02 UTC


Best and worst commanders to level?

I've currently 5 commanders fully prestiged because I wanted to check their last prestige out. Got a few to P1 and P2.

I am currently leveling Karax, and my god it feels like I have done this for ages lol. It's SO SLOW! As of now, I am on lvl 12 on P2. I want to go for full P3 prestige, but my lord it's slow...and I dont know why!

My favorite of the few I've completed is probably Dehaka or Mengsk.

19:19 UTC


Anybody bother getting Nova's shotgun blast upgrade (Infernal Projectiles)?

I always get it (except for her P3 which makes it unavailable). I tried to compare them side-by-side, by looking at the blast area before and after the upgrade gets done. But unless I'm doing it wrong, it doesn't look like it's anything significant. Thinking I should be saving the100/100 towards, anything else really.

19:43 UTC


How much worse is Raynor P1 against Mutators/Mutations vs. Raynor P0?

So we're talking custom Mutations, the set weekly Mutations, and Brutal+ games.

I'm assuming it is worse? If so, can someone quantify this to some degree? I generally loath dealing with the APM for MULES, but it is most useful. I'm wondering if I should even bother using it in B+ games.

19:39 UTC


Whats in your opinion the Worst/Most useless Upgrade / Unit in the game? I start.

15:01 UTC


I'm pretty sure Dehaka P2 made me worse at the game :D

but I'm okay with it.

dehaka farms essence until glevig comes online at around the 5 min mark and it's all one big snowball from there. dehaka is over-levelled for every stage of the game (except the end ofc), pack leaders are various forms of violence that have forgone utility for more violence, and it's all just so free. even works on brutations and there's always P3 for the occasional void rifts mutator.

every time I go to other commanders, I can feel how much I've been using dehaka's absurd levels of staying power as a crutch. Everyone feels like a glass cannon lol.

21:03 UTC


How is the level 5 commander bug still a thing??

I know it's stupid to wish for bug fixes on a game that is likely being run by a single underpaid intern, but it boggles my mind that the glitch where Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis are reset to level 5 still hasn't been resolved. There's posts on this subreddit complaining about this issue from over 6 years ago. This is not the first time I've run into this bug and this time around it's been glitched for two days at this point. I understand that I still have the other 15 commanders to play with, but Raynor is my favorite commander and the one that I usually use for mutations.

I love StarCraft 2 co-op even if Blizzard doesn't, and I really wish they just borrowed a few employees from the Overwatch 2 team until this issue is fixed.

13:16 UTC


Mensks idea


I was reading Kingdom and something come to my mind : a Mensk prestige were his unit gets buffs from his special unit.

That way, with good skill, you could have small separate armies, (like a Tychus P2 but not that powerful).

Never play Mensks so maybe this a stupid idea. (And a already existing way to play him, but I never see someone play him like this, even with non P1). Now that we only got imagination to see the game evolve, I wanted to share you that.

19:14 UTC


What are the best commanders to have as ally?

Artanis Guardian Shell and Shield Overcharge increases your survivability a lot, especially if your army consists of more fragile units

Kerrigan Malignant Creep increases attack speed and health regen for everyone, and you can use the omega worms to move across the map easily. Assimilation aura is great for extra resources

Stukov creep spread is great for all Zerg commanders, especially with Kerrigan. And if he is using barracks/bunker build he don't need much gas so that's extra gas for you (If the other player allows you to have it)

Zagara non P1 or P3 Mass Frenzy is always good, and Zagara is just so strong that she can easily carry most things in general

Stetmann heal and movement speed increase is always good

Am I missing anything? Any other commanders that can help their ally a lot?

10:42 UTC


15 of April 2024 - Mutation #417: Death is Fleeting

Mutation #417: Death is Fleeting / Map: Dead of Night

Mutators: Just Die, Void Reanimators

**JUST DIE!**📷Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.

  • Enemy unit is invulnerable and stunned for 1s during reviving.
  • All enemy units are revived—including map objectives.
  • Enemy units don't trigger death effects when they are revived. Death effects are triggered only after the final death (e.g. MAD nuke, Biomass/Essence drop, Alien Incubation,..)
  • Banelings are not revived. It doesn't matter whether they explode by themselves or are killed.

VOID REANIMATORS📷Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.

  • Void Reanimators have 200 HP and 200 shields, 2.8 movement speed, 0 armor and no attributes.
  • First one spawns from random enemy building shortly after the first corpses become available. The building they spawned from has to have pathing to player 1 spawn location.
  • Each next Reanimator spawns after {80/70/60/55} + 2–12 seconds.
  • The maximum number of Reanimators on the map is {1/1/2/4}.
  • The maximum number of corpses stored is 500. After that number is reached, units with 2+ supply cost will randomly override older corpse entries.
  • Structures, workers, map bosses, map objectives, summoned units and other Void Reanimators can't be revived.
  • The cast time of the Reanimate ability depends on the supply cost of the revived unit. [0,2) supply → 1.5s; [2,6) → 4s; [6,∞) → 8s.

-Mutator additional info-





#233: Death is Fleeting – 12/18 SOLO CLEAR

Mutators: Just Die, Void Reanimators

https:// youtube.com/shorts/4lThmAW3vRA?feature=share

The hardest mutation of the “red weeks”. IDEF is actually needed here, but if you leave the reanimators alone for too long, you will get overwhelmed. The reanimators will reanimate infested that die as a result of the change from night to day. Use the sensor tower to see where it is doing its work.

Stanks are extremely dangerous with two lives. Ravens and ghosts are also dangerous. Might consider retrying if it’s Terran. Try to kill the ravens inside your base so they don’t get revived easily.

Special infested difficulty (from hardest to easiest): Choker, Kaboomer, Spotter, Hunterling. Hunterlings are melee units, so they are less likely to be revived.

For duos: Nova and Swann

For solo queue: Zeratul, Swann, Karax

Failures [and why I failed]

Dehaka (p3) [gets overwhelmed before end of night 2]

Stukov (p3) [gets overwhelmed before end of night 2]

Zagara (p3) [can’t even cheese because reanimators will eventually get to the hideout]]

Didn’t try with the rest

Successes [and key points]

Alarak (p3) https://youtu.be/hQL0CWt5Pss [2min30 fast mothership]

Karax (p3) https://youtu.be/nKhfYdP2DrM

Kerrigan (p1) https://youtu.be/E55-XF61YWk [lurkers, then air]

Raynor (p3) https://youtu.be/Swzcafvk4Ks [so close...]

Swann (p2) https://youtu.be/LHUg_ECmxcU

Zeratul (p2) https://youtu.be/QB56P8VSUF0

Float cheese

Nova (p3) https://youtu.be/eppposjhWNg [p1 is better at defense, but still... not good enough]

Mengsk (p2) https://youtu.be/ohSrZMiTmdo

HH (p1) https://youtu.be/KRlwEEfxKdw


Abathur (p2) https://youtu.be/rXAfWt1meZ4 [abduct reanimators to the high ground]

Stetmann (p3) https://youtu.be/C0YgHRXaTXo [not a traditional zoo; need luck and planning]

Tychus (p2) https://youtu.be/NUARM8S1RIQ [he does what Abathur does]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week.

00:54 UTC


Anyone willing to help me here with slow fps on sc2? I assume my cpu is bottlenecked but my friend gets great fps on an overclocked i5 3700 or something and i'm on i5 2500k. Is there a way to check if cpu is performing as it should.

I don't think it should be THAT much worse but we're on headsets and he tells me during some battles hes getting 60fps and i'm getting 5. Sure it's during really big ones but didn't think the difference would be that substantial.

gpu is rx580 8gb. i'm on LOW everything just to be safe and he's on ultra.

i've heard it only uses 2 cores which is a problem for everyone, but it's still bad relative to his cpu.

20:01 UTC


PSA: The handshake button next to the mini-map toggles between alliance colors and commander's colors. Press it to have the true commander's colors rather than every game as you green / ally yellow.

I've been playing for years without knowing this and just accidentally pushed it. The commander's colors are way cooler! Especially Zagara's purple.

19:38 UTC


Solution for Arcade crashing the game

This may have been posted before, but I just learned about it. I never ran into the issue until now, but going to Custom causes the game to crash due to bad kids.

If you go to Campaign and then Custom under the Campaign tab, it doesn't crash. I can then go into Arcade, where my bookmarks are open. Even after ending the game and going back to the Lobbies under Custom, it still doesn't crash.

16:05 UTC

20:15 UTC

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