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a Speech by the late Magister Smith

1 Comment
22:33 UTC


The "Sin" of Sloth...

We Satanists glorify the supposed seven deadly sins, as they all lead to some form of gratification... That said, when I filled out my active membership application, I believe I had issue with "Sloth" being something to glorify. My tide has very much changed, the more Epicurean (and honest with myself) that I have become...

It seems in the CoS there are folks like myself, who are more on the "enjoy your life, fuck the herd and what they think" kinda thing, where my pleasure is not derived from impressing others or even achieving demonstrable "accomplishments" that others would pay for. I work a job that allows me maximal autonomy and leisure, while still working the 40 hours, and I use the money I make and the time I have to enjoy the shit out of each moment I am alive, to the best of my ability and longevity (there are some pleasures, if pursued, would lead to a much shorter existence). There are others that seem to have grandfathered Ayn Rand's ilk into Satanism to such a degree that it becomes de-facto Objectivism (albeit with dour, spooky aesthetics and a more misanthropic bent). These folk seem to think that being a "prime mover" or "producer" is a value in itself, and that glorifying Western culture and "making your mark" is the true sign of a life lived Satanically. I write, perform and engage in ways to move culture in the direction I would like to see it move, but I owe nothing to anyone... especially not a "country," or future generations... and if I don't enjoy being a "prime mover," I need not strive to be one. This seemingly puts me at odds with the Satanism I see being explicitly expressed in my reading of "The Satanic Scriptures." I am about 20 - 30 pages into it... and it feels as if the Christian work culture ethic is stronger here than in the writings of LaVey - - the latter allowed a seemingly wider berth when it came to what being one's best self looks like (as equality does NOT exist, and one size does not fit all), while Gilmore seems to articulate a more rigid, traditional conception of what is and is not a Satanic "individual."

Do others in the CoS perceive this distinction, or have any thoughts about this?

00:10 UTC


Satanism from outside and within

Hello, i hope this thread is still in use

I study religion and i am writing a very bif essay on satanism. Right now i have a lot of inside info from Church of Satans official website, but also LaVeys bible. I would love to see some old news paper articles around the 1960'es - 1970'es, so i can get some information from an outsider. If anyone has that or maybe a link to an archive i would love to see it.

Also, if anyone want to discuss ritual theory or konversion to christianity i would love to ask a few quistions for my essay.

English is not my native language, so sorry for any spelling mistakes.

EDIT: I found an old issue from Knight, Sebtemper 1968 "the church that worships satan by Burton Wolfe" after i read some of the bible. Does anyone have the actual article from then? I cant acces the post unless i pay and i dont have the money from that.

Link to the site: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-knight-magazine-september-1795644579

10:12 UTC


Does anyone know where I can find LaVey's thoughts on the leviathan cross?

While trying to look up this symbol online its often said LaVey first associated with satanism, but nothing more. Does he introduce it or talk about it in one of his books?

00:03 UTC


Patient success of the human animal

WARNING...long ass story. I wouldn't read this....

I belong to an organization that has a private bar. On Saturday, I arrived late, hoping to have a drink or two before last call. I am well known for being polite, helpful, witty, and a great karaoke singer in this place. A group of kids (>50 even though I am 43), had just arrived and were obviously a group of people trying to reclaim their teenage years. Men and women acting like kids to flirt and test possible mates. Hair with epic levels of hairspray to keep the curls reaching to the heavens, and fat guys constantly mentioning their glory days of success to avoid talking about their current state of living in a shitty apartment and having no financial security.

The bartender gave me, what I would call, 'begging eyes' because she wanted to go home. She's also former military and was tired of dealing with late arrivals after 1am. I connected to their music system, and started playing GHOST. Not because it means anything, but because I could get a rise from the norms and it's amazing music.

As expected, I got them asking the bar, "hey [redacted] why did you play this satan shit?!" The local redacted person just silently pointed at me, as I quietly am writing and humming to the music. No one ever questioned me or bothered to walk up to me. I played my enjoyable music, left the bar, and had a good night. The rednecks were shortly ejected after not taking the hint, and I continue to be one of the favored guests of my club...respect and consideration of others allows you to control them.

03:59 UTC


Time to read my satanic library.

I have, unintentionally, shed the weak. It is what it is. Ever since getting my Baphomet, The Satanic Witch, The Devil's Notebook and The Satanic Scriptures every fake person seems against me. I do not preach, I hate sopeboxes. I do like my Baphomet out, it is a stupid repellent. I also am not stupid, Vagabond here. The Baphomet goes away, I'm no Martyr. I'm not letting life full stop so I have my books. Ever since I got interrupted in the Santa Cruz library reading The Satanic Bible Its been hell trying to read this. Dumb Homo Sapiens seem to know. Nothing will get in the way. Next the rituals. I stoped at the book of Belial. The one on the Rituals. It hit to close to home. I finally know my magic. Anyway, unsolicited story, just wanted to leave with this, you may be the god you save.

15:31 UTC


Questions about the Eleven Satanic Rules

Hi, I've been researching the Church of Satan, and one of the initial findings was the Eleven Satanic Rules. I want to mention that I have autism, so sometimes clarity is a challenge for me, and I found a few of the rules to be somewhat vague. Despite searching for further clarification, I couldn't find any additional resources. Therefore, I'm hoping to receive clearer explanations here.

The first rule, "Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked," felt unclear to me. I interpreted it as meaning that when someone shares their thoughts or rants, I should simply listen unless they specifically ask for advice. However, I could also see it being interpreted as refraining from sharing my own thoughts unless directly asked, even in casual conversation, which would limit the flow of discussion. Another question this rule invoked was if it breaks the rule to ask the other if they want advice or simply a listening ear? This is a phrase I have learned to use a lot to avoid conflict. If someone speaks of something I find morally reprehensible would I be expected to stay silent? The same for if someone is verbally attacking another in a public place?

The second rule, "Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them." am I wrong to assume that speaking of my troubles to my loved ones would be ok? To me loved ones should want to see both the good and bad, but I would understand if the answer is no as i still usually open my complaints with "Can i complain?" and if I am told no I stop. More queries that the rule evokes are do common courtesy questions like "how are you?" "how was your day?" and "what happened today?" meet the criteria to speak of minor troubles. Is it acceptable to simply ask if I can burden someone with my woes.

The eighth rule, "Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself," is pretty clear but has a little wiggle room. Does this count on things that would cause more problems if not done such as chores or school. What about things for your health like the gym or treatments? All are things you can technically not do but would cause arguments, hurt your loved ones, or hurt yourself.

The ninth rule, "Do not harm little children," confuses me a little. I an of the personal opinion that it is wrong to harm any children unless needed to for self defense as a teenager myself, but the use of the word "little" imply's a subcategory. What age range is this rule referring to?

if anyone would answer my questions it would be appreciated.

01:09 UTC


I'm proud to be a Political Pragmatist

01:32 UTC


The Satanic Panic 2.0

12:23 UTC


Mixed media piece I made called "nine".

Paint and vinyl on repurposed wood, in honor of TSB and LaVey.

13:23 UTC


Finally did it. After reading the Satanic Bible 8 years ago I’ve waited a while before submitting my application and this year on my birthday I sent in the registered member and active membership application as a gift to myself. My card finally came in and I couldn’t be happier.

17:57 UTC


The Sin Gluttony as a Virtue

In the traditional understanding of the seven deadly sins, gluttony is often perceived as a vice that results in overindulgence, greed, and a lack of self-control. However, by reevaluating this conventional view and considering gluttony as a virtue, we can uncover the value of appreciating life's abundance, savoring our experiences, and cultivating gratitude. In doing so, we can better understand the importance of balance and mindfulness in enriching our lives.

Gluttony, commonly associated with excessive consumption and insatiability, can be reinterpreted as an opportunity to fully appreciate the richness and variety that life has to offer. By embracing the essence of gluttony, we encourage ourselves to savor our experiences, be present in the moment, and practice gratitude for the many blessings we enjoy.

Reimagining gluttony as a virtue allows us to harness its potential for fostering a deeper appreciation of life's abundance. Savoring our experiences and being grateful for the pleasures and opportunities we encounter contribute to our overall well-being and happiness. In this light, gluttony becomes a vital force for cultivating a positive outlook, cherishing our experiences, and nurturing a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

To illustrate the personification of gluttony, we can look to the figure of Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell traditionally associated with gluttony in demonology. Instead of viewing Beelzebub as a symbol of excess and greed, we can reinterpret his nature as a reminder of the importance of appreciating and savoring life's abundance.

In mythology, Beelzebub is often depicted as a being who indulges in the pleasures of life. This representation can be seen as an invitation to explore the balance between appreciating the richness of our experiences and practicing mindful consumption, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Beelzebub's gluttony should not be dismissed as inherently negative or harmful. Instead, it should be recognized as an expression of gratitude and appreciation for life's abundance. By embracing Beelzebub's role as the personification of gluttony, we can learn to cherish the many blessings and experiences that enrich our lives.

It is crucial to recognize that gluttony, when redefined as a virtue, does not imply mindless indulgence or a lack of self-control. Rather, it is a reminder to maintain a healthy balance between savoring our experiences and practicing mindful consumption, ensuring that we appreciate and honor the abundance that life has to offer.

In conclusion, by reinterpreting gluttony as a force for appreciating life's abundance and practicing gratitude, we can uncover its role in promoting overall well-being and fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Embracing and redefining gluttony allows us to recognize the importance of savoring our experiences, cultivating gratitude, and maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

15:36 UTC


The Sin Lust as a Virtue

21:29 UTC


The Sin Greed as a Virtue

1 Comment
18:08 UTC


Non Metal Music

Looking for music groups/ bands that are openly Satanic but do not play metal. Can anyone point me to a list someplace? I enjoy stuff like Twin Temple and Those Poor Bastards.

21:48 UTC


Question about princes/satan ideology.

Hey family, I’m reading through the Satanic Bible. LaVey says satanism is atheistic, and don’t believe in satan or a higher power. Then goes on in the ritual section to say we should invoke the names of the princes and/or satan during rituals. Why would we be saying their names during a ritual if there is no belief in them? Could someone explain this sentiment to me?

14:46 UTC


Prison keeps me from keeping the satanic commandments

I could genuinely kill rn. Not even being dramatic. The satanic principles guide us to seek vengeance when appropriate and to protect the people and things we love at any cost. But.....prison

So here's the story:

My sister is an up and coming successful athlete in her sport. She used to be a part of one team but left because of toxic dynamics from both the teammates and the coaches. Now, some mothafukas are trying to drag my sister's reputation throught the mud. They're accusing her of cheating and deliberately targeting another athlete. The worst part is that one of these kids used to be her good friend and the other was her coach. It seems like these wastes of a meatsack are trying to get her kicked out of the sport ......I'm guessing just cuz she's successful. The worst part to me is that she's just a kid. She's 13 rn she should be enjoying being g a top ranked athlete rn not dealing with character defamation.

I told her "if you let them knock you down they win. Don't let these fuckers get under your skin. They're pathetic and terrified of your success so they want to cut you down"

21:34 UTC


For those interested...

15:51 UTC


Remembering And Learning From The Satanic Panic

1 Comment
13:29 UTC


Older Satanic Bibles (x-post r/Satanism)

Does anyone have a first edition copy of the Satanic Bible or one with an introduction by Michael A. Aquino? I'm making myself a hand bound version and I'd love to include all of the introductions it's had. So I'm hoping someone could take pictures of the text for me.

11:14 UTC


Nice editions of the Satanic Bible and the Satanic Rituals?

I'm looking for nice editions of the Satanic Bible and/or the Satanic Rituals. I have a good quality hardcover print in german, but would prefer to read the original. But so far I only found cheap ass paperbacks or some expensive fancy pancy stuff. Any recommendations?

16:18 UTC


May be a little late but I put some time into curating a playlist for the duration of the eclipse (central time) for my own enjoyment. Hopefully you might like it too:

02:16 UTC


Curious Question, thank you for humoring me.

Not a CoS member here, but curious to ask something.

I understand LaVeyan Satanism and many other modern forms of Satanic religion are primarily Atheistic. I am curious as to your thoughts regarding actual Satan-acknowledging Devil worshippers. Do you know any? Is there any common ground? I know they exist as much as you or I do since I have known a few over the years, but I'm curious as to the LaVeyan take on this.


To specify my inquiry and respond preemptively to some commenters, as I think I see where this back-and-forth could go: I wasn't asking if anyone here regards whether Satan is real or not, or if it's rational or preposterous to worship the Devil, but if anyone here has met or talked to Theistic Satanists or Devil Worshippers and what their opinion is of their practice and values. Or even if those here have looked at Theistic Satanic scriptures and practices out of social, personal, or morbid curiosity and found something in the values and practices that either inspired them or made them think.

16:58 UTC


I recently watched the 'An American Satan' documentary, and I highly recommend it to anyone, like me, who has questions about the Church of Satan and Satanism in general. I identified with the people who told their stories in the film. I was enlightened and inspired. Enjoy.

22:47 UTC


Miss girl

21:50 UTC

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