Welcome to HellSomeMemes! A place where the hell meets the wholesome.
Welcome to HellsomeMemes!
We're a place for wholesome posts about spooky, supernatural or downright demonic things.
If you want a more blasphemous experience, try our evil sister sub r/Satan.
If you're looking for posts that are heartwarming as hell, you're at the right place!
For our purposes this means something Satanic or supernatural.
This includes all manner of occult figures, malevolent deities, demons and demigods... but also more traditional monsters and spooky figures. Witches, Werewolves, Reapers, Vampires, Zombies, Ghouls, Ghosts, Goblins, Gremlins, etc etc are all fair game.
We are lenient on this rule for the purpose of having more content. We will accept any image that is cute or heartwarming, as long as it's hellish and good-natured. Anything that fits the tone of the sub.
We do allow NSFW posts, but please make sure that you tag them. No NSFL posts are allowed. When in doubt message the mod team before posting.
Posts must be hosted by, or embedded into, Reddit (ie: Imgur, Gfycat). Clicking a post shouldn't take you to an external site. Please post any source links as a comment.
Reposts of any of the most recent 100 submissions will be removed.
Phantastic! (fka: Pink Reaper Comics)
-by u/MarciesArt
-by u/EddLai
-aka u/JimKB
-by u/fyahspreadit
-by u/thegrimmbeyond
-by u/AlfredJodokus
hey guys, we wanted to take your feedbacks and opinions about whether this community should take some actions regarding the twitter links. Right now there are few posters linking their twitter profile for promotion.
Your opinions matter to us and we want to hear them. We are considering banning any and all twitter links. Our decision will be made on what we think is best for the community and your input matters to us.
Hateful, controversial, or otherwise off-topic responses may result in a temporary ban