
Photograph via snooOG

A place for Satanists interested in actual historical and modern Satanism

A subreddit for LHP Satanists with a serious or literal interest, rather than those with a passing or surface level interest. This is a place dedicated to the Prince of Darkness in his forms of Satan, Lucifer, and the Serpent/Dragon, along with similar Western ideas. Similar LHPs may be discussed but also have respective subreddits.

This sub is actively moderated. The LHP is diverse and so tensions are always possible, but they will be dealt with in the fashion of a suit & tie Satan, not a vicious tail & horns Satan. More tolerance will be granted to those who find their home here (i.e. theists) than visitors (i.e. atheistic satanists; RHPers).

Topics, a non-comprehensive list

Satan, The Devil, Samael & Lilith, the Serpent, Theistic Satanism, Draconianism, A(nti)Cosmic Satanism, Gnostic Satanism, polytheism, duo theism, Jungian archetypes, trickster gods, goetia, kabbalah/Qlipoth...


  1. Be respectful and reasonable; suit and tie Satan.

  2. No tattoos, 666s, or low quality art and such. All art should have an explanation of why you're sharing it in the comments for further discussion. These will be removed even if at great displeasure to the mods. I know there are a million memes we could all make about other subs and traditions, but we exist specifically to remain above that level. Almost everyone here is also on r/satanism , and will appreciate this content :)

  3. No fascism or Nazism period. This includes support of JoS and ONA. These may be discussed here for awareness of the awful paths they are, but this sub is explicitly opposed to those ideologies.

  4. No promoting Satanic Panic nonsense.

  5. No "One True Satanisms".

  6. Non-Satanists and Non-Esotericists may respectfully participate at any time, but can lose that right much more easily if abused

  7. No spamming discords etc.

Famous Esoteric Satanists

Stansislaw Przybyszewski, 1868 to 1927, author of Synagogue of Satan (1898) - "Satan was what was positive, the eternal in and of itself. He was the God of the brain; he governed the immeasurable realm of thoughts, which continually overthrew the law and shattered its tablets; he excited the curiosity to explain hidden things, to interpret the runes of the night..."

Aleister Crowley, 1875 to 1947, founder of Thelema (1904) - “Come, Come, Come, Aiwaz! Come, thou Devil Our Lord!” “I was not content to believe in a personal Devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.”

Gregor A. Gregorius, 1888 to 1946, founder of the Fraternitas Saturni (1926) - "The primeval serpent, the great dragon, who was and who is and who lives through the aeons of aeons: he is with your spirit!"

Herbert Sloane, 1905 to 1975, founder of Our Lady of Endor Coven (1948) - "[The Essence of Satanism is] the realization that the universe is negative to man; incarnate life. The realization that there is a Good above and beyond anything that mortal mind has conceived." "Satanism is the position opposed to the worship of the force that brought the cosmos into existence as mind and matter out of the realm of pure spirit."

Kenneth Grant, 1924 to 2011, founder of the Typhonian Tradition / New Isis Lodge (1955) - "Shaitan", he said, reading my thoughts, "is the hidden Sun, called Set by the Egyptians, and by the Christians, Satan." "The degradation of the Great Bear and Draco proved to be the creation of hell."

Anton LaVey, 1930 to 1997, founder of the Church of Satan (1966) - "It is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God... the Satanist simply accepts the definition which suits him best." "Stupidity should be painful."

Michael Aquino, 1946 to 2019, founder of the Temple of Set (1975) - "The authenticity of the Satanic Bible, as indeed that of the Church of Satan itself, rested upon acknowledgment of and allegiance to Satan - not as a mere symbol or metaphor, but a real, sentient being." "Put simply, until you are clear as to what you are and what you are not, and what these differentiations are, you cannot make an intelligent decision concerning your behavior and its rationale."

Zeena LaVey, 1963 to present, founder of the Sethian Liberation Movement (2002) - "After you've seen behind the facade of a stage set you can't take the play seriously any more. You can't go backwards and regain your ignorance; you have to move forward." "Nothing could be easier than disturbing a status quo instituted by others; the real work of the sinister current is to break the rules we rigidly establish for ourselves.”

Andrew Chumbley, 1967 to 2004, founder of the Crooked Path (~1992) - "As the Serpent's seed is spread over the Good Earth, so shall the world be brought into the Unedged Field of Antient Blessing. "If you call upon the Gods and they answer, who is there to oppose or to challenge the integrity of your Path?"

Thomas Karlsson, 1972 to present, founder of Dragon Rouge (1989) - "The appellation of the path as Draconian also indicates its direction; the light esotericism leads to a unity with male gods of the light, like Yahweh or Marduk. The dark esotericism, on the other hand, leads out towards primordial dragon entities such as Leviathan, Tehom or Tiamat, who existed long before the gods of light and who exist in the infinity beyond the divine light."

Diane Vera, ?? to present, Solitary, - "For me, it is enough to say that Satan manifests, in the human realm, as a "dark" chthonic entity and as the Muse of our civilization -- a civilization which, like Satan Himself, has many facets and thrives on change."

Venus Satanas, ?? to present, founder of SpiritualSatanist.com - "In order to really make Satanism your own, you should endeavor to break away from the safety that is provided in group practice and study alone." "For these ancient people the act of speaking with the divine, known as the daimones, was a part of every day life."

Other LHP subs

Must Reads - Esoteric Satanism

  • The Devil's Party, Satanism in Modernity

  • The Satanic Rituals

  • The Invention of Satanism

  • The Satanic Bible 50th Anniversary Revision

  • Lords of the Left Hand Path

  • Synagogue of Satan

  • Typhonian Trilogies

  • Spiritual Satanist (.com)

  • Mephistopheles, The Devil In the Modern World

  • Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic

  • In Pursuit of Satan, the Police and the Occult

  • Dragon Book of Essex

  • The Dark Lord: HP Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition

  • Most links and PDFs here

Must Reads - Fiction

  • HP Lovecraft

  • Revolt of the Angels

  • Cain: A Mystery

  • Faust Legend


2,833 Subscribers


Books of Enoch anybody?

16:20 UTC


new server, Torches

05:40 UTC


Primordial Portal

Oil and Metallic Ink on canvas

1 Comment
00:15 UTC


a probs silly question

do satanists follow a non-biblical satan? i could be misunderstood, but thanks to anyone that answers.

17:22 UTC


Sex With Satan

Does it often happen in Satanism that someone has a sexual relationship with Satan or other gods? I never asked if I was provocative in any way I have been a Satanist for 3 years and for the past year I have noticed that this happens quite often in my case. It just happens by itself.

10:16 UTC


MLO / Liber Azerate covens?

Hail! Are there any Melancholic Luciferian Orders (Liber Azerate / chaosophy) covens still active? Or any forums online I might be missing out on? Thanks.

1 Comment
18:26 UTC


Are there any online covens I could join?

1 Comment
05:19 UTC


Goddess/demoness Lucinda question

Hi everyone, So I have autism and I’m a theistic Satanist but I think that there is a female goddess/demoness version of myself (that I have named Lucinda) that is waiting for me in hell. I think we share the same soul but I was just wondering how I can be sure of this. Any advice?

02:44 UTC


How do you pray to Lucifer?

I'm a theistic satanist. I've seen things online, specifically tiktok, about cleansing yourself, covering mirrors, don't kneel, ect. I have tried a few times to pray to Lucifer, but haven't heard anything. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something or doing something wrong.

For some context, the first time I prayed, the prayer was answered. The night I prayed, I was with a friend at, ironically, a church event. We were doing a challenge where each team had a pumpkin being dropped from multiple stories high. The pastor said for the team to pray over their pumpkin. Me and my friend were only half-participating, since our group wasn't really including us anyway. We decided to pray to Lucifer. We also, at the time, didn't know which pumpkin was ours (since each team decorated them differently and our team was excluding us). When it was time for the drop, everyone's pumpkins shattered and ours survived without any damage. Everyone was in shock that it perfectly survived the drop.

Anyway, the only difference I can see in that prayer and my later prayers were that my friend had offered something. It was simple, just a "I'll do this, if you do that", but nothing big. I'm wondering if that's necessary.

The day before that night as well as the following weekend we're very rough. I saw on tiktok that someone said finding feathers is a sign that Lucifer is there. During that week (and a little after) nearly everytime I left the house I found a feather. Since then I've seen a few, but they're all a lot smaller and a lot less frequent.

I was wondering if there are any books or articles y'all know of about prayer or signs from Lucifer. I wanna do this right, but it's hard for me to read the books since I can't have or purchase a physical copy.

Also, I just wanna clarify that I know tiktok isn't a reliable source. I just use it sometimes as a starting place to hear about different beliefs and then research them further.

18:43 UTC


do you see Lucifer as the creator?

I've seen some people online, specifically tiktok, talking about Lucifer/Satan the creator of the universe, or creator of all. I'm just curious if there's any specific texts or branches of satanism that believe this so I can research this belief further.

22:20 UTC


Elon Musk: The Technocratic Christ

Is Elon Musk a MAN of the PEOPLE or an Agent of the NWO?

You decide.

1 Comment
01:52 UTC


The Mystical Origin of Star Wars

Check Out My NEW Video titled "The Mystical Origin of Star Wars"

In this video, we will explore the Mystical Origin of George Lucas's Star Wars Franchise.

We will discussed the History of the Order of the Jedi Knight, the Metaphysics of THE FORCE AND the Ancient Mystery Religion of the FORCE, JEDIISM, the Original Religion of LIGHT.

23:06 UTC


Friendly reminder since there's been several new accounts

23:06 UTC


Digital Demiurge: Is Artificial Intelligence Demonic?

Is it a possibility that Demonic Entities are using A.I. as a Conduit or Vessel to enter into the Physical Plane from the Astral Realms?

In this video, we will discuss how modern technology has has had a nefarious purpose from the very inception. We have all seen the Matrix and Terminator.

Is A.I. really the Biggest Threat to Mankind?

01:37 UTC


A Case Study on Andrew Tate AND the Occult: "Not a HIT PIECE."

Has Andrew Tate discovered the LOST KEY of FREEMASONRY?

Is the Top G using MIND CONTROL Techniques to HYPNOTIZE the UNSUSPECTING Minds of his Audenice?

21:00 UTC


FYI there's a new O9A move with some shill accounts. Keep your wits about you!

Friendly reminder that any tradition which promotes fascism, terrorism, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc. is not welcome here! See rule 3.

18:37 UTC


Lucifer (as we all know) translates from Latin into Light Bringer and is often also called Morning Star. When playing with Latin, an antonym to Lucifer would be "Noctifer", or Night Bringer, Evening Star. Luciferians, what is the first thing you think of when you hear "Noctifer"?"Nocfiterian"?

01:21 UTC


Tips for beginners

16:03 UTC


Symbols of Satan ?

Hiya ! I'm doing some researchs about esoteric satanism, especially the symbols associated witj Satan. People have told me ravens/crows, snakes and goats were some, but I'm not 100% sure of it, and I'm also searching for other ones !

Any help will be appreciated !

16:49 UTC


¿Puedo realizar una limpieza con cristales en mi casa aunque no tenga conocimientos profundos sobre ellos?

21:52 UTC


What is Satanism?

Don't get offended with Michael and Travis

13:40 UTC


Any advice for someone interested in Theistic Satanism?

I’ve experimented with spirituality before but am still relatively new to it. Any tips for someone interested in this path? How do I start, what books should I read, is there anything you think beginners should know, etc etc.

02:39 UTC


What drew you towards satanism?

Seems to be a lot of ex- Christian’s here. As a Christian I’m curious about what made u guys leave? No hate :)

19:13 UTC


My own symbol I drew for my own original Satanic Philosophy, but can't come up with a name for it. Any ideas?

06:36 UTC


Why eastern has this date

Many cultures throughout history have celebrated the winter solstice and the equinox, which mark significant turning points in the Earth's annual cycle. The winter solstice, also known as the shortest day of the year, occurs around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, while the equinox marks the beginning of spring and fall, occurring around March 20th and September 22nd respectively.

For many ancient cultures, the winter solstice represented a time of rebirth and renewal, as it marked the end of the darkness and the beginning of the return of the sun. This was a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, and to honor the cycle of life and death that is ever present in nature.

Similarly, the equinox was a time to celebrate the balance between light and dark, as the days and nights were of equal length. It was a time to give thanks for the abundance of the harvest and to prepare for the coming season of growth and renewal.

For many cultures, these celebrations were deeply rooted in their spiritual and religious beliefs, and served as a way to connect with their gods and ancestors, and to seek blessings for the year ahead. The celebrations often involved feasting, dancing, and various rituals and ceremonies, which varied depending on the culture and the time period.

Today, many of these ancient celebrations have been incorporated into modern-day holidays, such as Christmas and Easter in the Christian tradition, and Hanukkah and Passover in the Jewish tradition. Despite the differences in the specifics of the celebrations, the underlying themes of rebirth, renewal, and gratitude continue to resonate with people of all cultures and backgrounds

13:24 UTC

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