A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)!
A subreddit for enthusiasts, practitioners, collectors, and investigators of swords (and related historical weapons). Real swords, decorative, historical, fantasy; humor, social, ID requests, shopping help, art; all sword-related topics are welcome (we are not very strict about topicality)! Please check out the wiki!
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Please post from only one account. Vote spamming is not just rude but dishonest.
No commercial spam. You can promote your own works and services, as long as you identify them as such. This isn't a classifieds list, but we do welcome makers, sellers, and teachers willing to engage with the community. Also, avoid posting many similar topics in a very short period (e.g. every YouTube video by a given user). Finally, be aware that Reddit automatically shadow-blocks posts that link to your own materials too often; as mods we have zero ability to stop this.
We do not condone the modern-day use of swords as actual weapons. Topics on the subject are not prohibited, but readers are encouraged to link to this topic explaining the official stance.
I purchased a custom sword a while back. It finally was shipped and a label created on November 5th. UPS still says it is in Korea over a week later. Is this normal? Haven’t gotten a message about paying customs fees yet, so don’t believe it’s getting held up for that.
What would a higher rank Roman legionary at the height of the Empire think if he saw a 16th c. Zweihänder? Like if he stumbles upon one in pristine condition in a Germanic forest during a campaign. What might go through his head?
Mine was a Devil's Edge Xiphos back in 2021, because I heard great things about it and I'm a fan of leaf-blade designs. I wish I knew how to sharpen the blade or knew someone who can do it for me because it isn't as sharp as I thought it would be, but it's still in my collection.
So I’m making a sword that’s for splitting wood and wondering if it’s legal in Ontario, Canada. It is a direct copy of the orc sword from the lord of the rings but it’s not sharp at all (blunt is better for splitting) the thing weighs like 10 ish lbs
Is there a battle ready claymore from the soul series or elden ring that anyone would recommend?
I would love to get my boyfriend an engagement sword for when he proposes to me (the time is nearing). I want to get him a beautiful piece, not meant to be used or functional. He may want to swing it around a little but not actually hit it on things or duel. The more budget friendly the better, but all recommendations including luxury are welcome :)
I have a Neapolitan sword; a Viking dragon dagger and lots of others and need some money...
I rounded out the Scottish claymore I purchased for my husband for Christmas last year (along with full clan-specific highland garb) with a damascus sgian dubh & dirk from Devil's Edge. Really want to grab a basket hilt and a lochaber, too, if I can find a solid maker at a reasonable price (the Deepeeka lochaber is kinda plain).
My main issue is how to display this fun collection of sharp, pointy things he will be amassing! We've got a fair amount of wall and floor space, and I want it to look really cool/impressive. I have only found one or two on Etsy.
Can you recommend a floor or wall display option that you love for all of these? Prefer them to *generally* coordinate but they don't all have to be in a single stand or wall display.
Planning on getting my boyfriend a hand and a half sword after he graduates with his PhD in December- looking for shop/ smith recommendations :)
I can't seem to find any information about them out there and I was just wondering if anyone had any experience buying from them?
My bank account
I’m looking to buy a sword online from Canada and have it delivered to the UK. It’s not curved but I’m worried about it being illegal or even just confiscated in importation.
Edit: As people are saying to not buy internationally, does anyone have recommendations for good online sword places in the UK where I can find a Pirates of the Caribbean type sword?
Hello hello from up in Australia.
Any advice on where to buy my first sword from in Australia? I have some good knife's ( that's not a knife, this is a knife) but I'm after a good quality sword. Cheers and thanks.
Edit to add im in Melbourne, but can pay for shipping if that means anything.
Im looking for a sword i can buy online thats actually functional my friends aa midevil nutjob and wants a real sword that has a sheath is functional sharp and all can anyone point me in the right direction