Welcome to GoldRedditSays! GRS is the subreddit for gold miners to mine the comments posted on Reddit and to find those really good comments that show goldlords on Reddit being decent human beings.
1. Posts that are bigoted, creepy, misogynistic, transphobic, unsettling, racist, homophobic, or just reeking of unexamined, toxic privilege will probably result in a ban.
2. Please include the vote count in brackets along with a quote as the title of the gold you are submitting. A brief summary for context or for complex posts is also acceptable.
3. Please link to an individual post and refrain from liking to an entire submission. Please do not say "this whole thread," and instead find a good nugget of gold that you liked to link to from the comments.
4. Please link only to upvoted posts. We want to see people agreeing with gold, to show that there are decent people on Reddit, and upvotes are a great indicator of that.
5. Please do not link to a comment by an SRSer, a cursory glance at someone's posting history to see if they post in any Fempire subreddits is all it should take to determine this. Excellent posts by SRSers should go in [4] /r/SRSGreatestHits. Note that this includes no links to Fempire subreddits.
6. Please do not link to threads you have some involvement in.
There is a discussion on these rules, and a more in-depth explanation here.