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The Shevil Fempire hopes you have a wonderful day!
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Context: a screenshot of someone asking someone if they've been raped all their life, all because they didn't think that leaving a pedo alone with a small child is a good idea
Quotes from the thread
Most of what they said was pretty rational. People with this unhealthy attraction didn't choose it.
Calling non offenders monsters does nothing but ostercise them to a point wen they have nothing to lose wen they break and act on their attractions.
Here in Germany we had things like the "Don't Become a Predator" campaign so that people know where they can get help and therapy before they turn into the monster that society already sees them as.
As a victim of the CA myself, I see this as the best way to save as many children from harm as possible. People who act as if promoting help to these people equates to allowing them to act on their attraction are not helpful in this discussion. [+72]
Context: A post displaying screenshots of a thread full childfree people talking about how they refuse to have children because of their severe rage issue/ desires to harm children. While some are aware of their issues and kow their limits, others take pride in wanting to harm children. Some people in the screenshots brag about their instinct to hearing a crying baby (which they refer to as a "crying shitsack") is to kick it. Others brag abut slapping children irl. One in particular delighted in the though of having his nephew's blood on his hands (whom he referred to as a bastard)
Some comments:
Just the usual:
It's Japan. Where their traditions are concerned, they don't really do "change".
They can't seem to get rid of the misogyny, racism, and insane work ethic though.
And personally for me, the worst one:
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Hi peeps,
Welcome to the monthly chat thread. Feel free to talk about anything you like. Usual rules about being a good person apply.
Praise BRD
**!!! NOTE: The Monthly Chat Thread is a poop free zone !!!**
Please do not post any links to Reddit (or non-reddit!) poop -- or "go look at this poop" type comments -- in this thread. These comments will be removed. (Non-poop links and discussions should be fine.)
Welcome to the monthly Low Hanging Fruit megathread. This is a containment area to post all the stuff from places we would normally deem too toxic, so don your biohazard suit and bring us back some glowing nuggets of radioactive waste!
The current list of low-hanging fruit subs can be found here or in the "How to Post" section of the sidebar. Feel free to submit from any of the listed subs except for /r/teenagers.
Guidelines for submitting pls read them:
Treat top-level comments like regular SRS titles. Each top-level comment should contain a link, a direct quote and a vote total in square brackets. Queefing can then take place in replies to top-level comments.
Other posting rules such as vote count and title format still apply.
BRDspeed Nirwads!
Chain 1 which is about the character's age has three replies from this dude, in which he argues that huge age gaps are great for couples. Also something about illogical taboos or some shit. His grammar sucks, hard to tell what he's on about. Probably "wE liVe iN a soCiETy".
Chain 2. Mr. Red Rocket uses Celine Dion being 26 years younger than her husband and met him at 12 as a positive example...
One final comment about how a huge age gap is wonderful!
That being said, the rest of the users in there seem to be sensible enough. But it's prob not long until more drama gets brewing.
From a thread discussing pedos and whether laws against CP could be considered thoughtcrime:
I think we're at a point where we need to re-examine our reference points on sexuality. There's essentially a hierarchy of preferences as low as red-heads being preferred but not required and as high as requiring them to be women. Some people have "fetishes" for things that don't even exist though. Like furries, they're fans of a style of fantasy porn and even within that have preferences towards concepts that aren't possible, things they've never even been able to see in real life and never will. What's fascinating about it to me is how important these preferences can be to some people. One person might think...I dunno pick something absurd...let's go with inflation (that's something they'll DEFINITELY never experience) is "kind of cool" but another person might have a strong attachment to it, and could even get to nearly requiring it for pornographic satisfaction. People will balloon fetishes are surprising too for that matter, that they can be thoroughly aroused by a simple rubbery object. It's fascinating and our understanding of it is just simply inadequate. I personally think anyone should be able to masturbate to whatever porn they want, because that can be a fantastic outlet for stress. With child-porn though, we have a whole different set of concerns. I feel like resolving the issue of child sex-trafficking and use in porn would still be a big part of any "solution" but I feel like it's incredibly inappropriate to arrest someone for possessing any kind of porn. It might be a brief cause for concern, but that's basically it.
" I was once in the position where I was fixing a clients PC that I found a bunch of really questionable pictures on. That was one of the hardest decisions of my life.
Do I turn in this guy, who lives in a really nice, expensive house, has a wife and kids that seemed happy and adjusted, simply because of this treasure trove on his notebook? Honestly, most of the girls looked about 13, but they weren't really hardcore photos. I don't recall any fellas being in the pictures, so I guess you could argue they were artistic (I'm not convincing myself of that statement)? Also, they all seemed to arrive on this guys PC in the space of about 20 minutes. I checked the modified tags, they probably all came off a CD or something.
Even if that weren't the case, I don't think I could live with myself if I had the right to interfere with what people think about simply because I don't feel the same way. Thoughts should never be policed or we would all be in jail I think, and there was absolutely no evidence that the guy had done anything wrong. Maybe his kids downloaded them? Do you break up a happy family because of a few pictures? Thats what the police typically tend to do. To argue arbuthnot-lane's final statement, I don't know if that would have been a win-win-win..."