
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome! This is a sub about recovery from many things, eg trauma, drugs, pills, injuries, negative emotions like depression/anxiety, etc. You can even recover from bigotry (eg if you grew up in a bigoted culture), or selfish philosophies.

Welcome! This sub is about recovery from almost anything!


  • drugs
  • trauma
  • injuries
  • illness
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • or even bigotry. (eg bigoted upbringing.)

You can recover:

  • Even if drugs caused damage, your brain can grow new cells as long as you get exercise, enough sleep, nutrition, etc.


  • You might have underlying issues you need to talk about.

  • You could replace an unhealthy drug addiction with a healthy addiction like drawing, hiking, or games.

Cool subs:



  2. šŸ™ Religious recovery is an okay topic, but don't post blatant ads for your religion.

  3. No bitching about other people, eg "my brother is a shitty addict, what do I do?"

  4. No anti-recovery assumptions, eg "your father smoked crack, therefore it's genetic."

  5. No medical advice. (eg, simply say "you could do X" instead of "you should do X.")

  6. No promoting addictive drugs as a solution to other addictive drugs

eg benzos, valium, etc can be "meds" to one person but addictive/dangerous to another. Even drugs classified as antidepressants like Parnate, Survector, Xanax, etc.

  • Blogs about your recovery MUST have a specific title, not "My blog about my recovery."

  • No personal attacks or advocating violence

  • /r/recovery

    33,837 Subscribers


    20 Days

    Well.. I made it to 20 days clean. I relapsed today. I was really trying this time, too. I'm proud for lasting 20 days as it's the longest I've been clean in a while. It still sucks, though. I don't want to restart. Recovery is hard.

    02:00 UTC


    13 days sober

    I had been smoking weed 3x a day and doing coke for the past 5 months due to ongoing mental health struggles, stress, etc.

    13 days ago I realised how addicted I was, I couldn't function without it, I was so dependent and it was really scaring me. The money issue also factored into it greatly.

    The first few days were rough, withdrawals were fucking awful and I felt like I'd never get through it. Let alone the insomnia caused by the fact I always smoked weed to get to sleep. I had some amazing friends by my side and through them and my own personal desires I've managed to be clean off everything for almost 2 weeks.

    I realise 5 months of heavy use is not much compared to a lot of people that have struggled with drugs their whole lives but it was still a challenge for me to quit and seek out healthier coping mechanism, but in all honesty I'm so glad I've quit now.

    I'm happier in general, more productive and able to see things with much more more clarity of mind. It was so fucking rough but as corny as I feel it is to say I'm proud of myself for getting through it and seeking a better way before I got even worse.

    1 Comment
    22:21 UTC


    5 years on meth cold turkey today

    Dear Friends and Family,

    I want to share an important milestone in my life: this morning, I made the decision to quit meth. I flushed all my drugs down the toilet and am committed to embracing a healthier path. At 28 years old, I feel ready for a significant change in my life.

    I welcome all the support I can get as I embark on this journey. My plan is to document my experiences and share my story through a small film that I hope to release next year on this date.

    Thank you for being part of my life as I take this step towards a brighter future.

    With love and determination,

    11:49 UTC


    Relapse after 7 months šŸ˜” BUT thereā€™s still light at the end of the tunnel! šŸŒžšŸ¤© (1st post on Reddit, hopefully helps someone šŸ™)

    I know some ppl may look down on 12 step programs BUT itā€™s the only thing that has everworked for me IF i was ALL IN and COMMITTED. This is my 1st post here and I didnā€™t want to offend anyone. So I had 7 months clean and sober for the first time in 15 years. After about 5 1/2 months I started making excuses for not going to meetings or meeting with my sponsor even though there are TONS in my area. Stopped picking up the phone, praying/losing connection w/ my higher power and WOW. It happened so fast. I saw my dealer at the gas station and boom just like that it went from powder to pipes to needles in 3 DAYS and a month long battle with an infection that almost made me lose my arm. I have a significant other in the program with 5 years sober (IK itā€™s frowned upon but sheā€™s my angel that Iā€™ve known since high school and I just so happened to see her at a meeting 15 years later and after that we went to so many meetings together and read together and fell in love, NEVER putting our sobriety 2nd) and during my down time the only thing she did was encourage me to go to meetings and do what I was doing every single day to stay sober but She knew she couldnā€™t drag me to meetings and I had to do it myself. Anyways I couldā€™ve gotten away with using for a while but I decided to tell on myself after the 3 days to my family (disappointed, donā€™t understand addiction) and my girlfriend who I thought would dump me but instead held me in her arms while I cried like a baby and said that I will help you get back on track IF thatā€™s what you want and I honestly admitted thatā€™s the ONLY thing I wanted because that 7 months was the most amazing, healthy, happy, Iā€™ve been with so many sober friends. It was truly a miracle. Iā€™m back on track doing my 90 in 90 and my girlfriend gives me tough love when I need it and idk what Iā€™d do without my sweet angel, Iā€™d probably be dead. Anyways I just celebrated 2 months am working with a sponsor, pray everyday and do the next right thing and now realized ITS A DAILY PRACTICE AND WE ALL HAVE ONE DAY SOBER. I apologize since this is my 1st post on Reddit but I just wanted to tell the addict still suffering that it IS possible and when I got that 24 hour coin Iā€™ve never received so much love and encouragement in my life. If you read this long story thank you so much, many tears were shed during this writing. If someone hasnā€™t told you today YOU ARE WORTH IT AND I LOVE YOU. Thank you to the other addicts/alcoholics that keep me sober I am truly blessed ā¤ļø

    17:00 UTC


    I fucked up

    I am almost 8 years sober from alcohol. Or I was. My husband, who is fully aware of my situation, brought me a ā€œTHC tinctureā€ the other day when I was in bed depressed. It was alcohol. I got up and was light up like a Christmas Tree. Iā€™ve since been in a rebound. Please help me, this came out of nowhere. I NEVER planned for this or asked for it or wanted it. God, everything is ruined.

    19:49 UTC


    SMART ZOOM Tonight

    TONIGHT (and every Sunday night) at 5 pm PT / 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET (Local Online Meeting Format - all are welcome to join us): https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/6873

    19:26 UTC


    I know something has to change. I'm scared. I need help.

    Please, I know this is long, but I need someone to talk to. Idk if I count as an addict or anything, but if anyone who has experience in the NA program/with sponsors, if you would be kind enough to read this, or even just the last part about meetings and sponsors, that would mean the world to me.

    I think I might have issues with substance abuse, and it's destroying everything in my life silently from within. I'm gonna try to keep this post short since I know no one wants to hear me ramble, but I'll also try to include relevant details.

    I'm not going to say my age, but I live at home with my mom, dad, brother, and sometimes my sister when she is home from school. I also attend college, but I commute. My mom has stage IV breast cancer, and she's been fighting it on and off since I believe around when I was in 7th grade. When we first found it, it was only stage one, and they told us that there was a pretty low chance that the cancer would return or worsen in the next 5 years, but unfortunately, statistics are not always on our side. The cancer had spread beyond the initial site, it was now in ny mom's spine and brain.

    This only started happening in the past few years. She has been in and out of the hospital with low red blood cell counts, pneumonia, a recurring, possibly treatment related cough, and of course for chemo/oncology appointments.

    My family has been on my mind a lot recently, and I'm just starting to think about thinks from a crazy new perspective I never saw before cause I've been doing shrooms, and I had a particularly "Bad?" trip just a few days ago, but that was more about who it was with than anything tbh. It was awful, but also I got to express my years of repressed, built up anger into a text file on my phone because my mind didn't immediately and automatically stop me from remembering things. I feel as though I am at a crossroads. I have a few decisions I could make. Problem is, I'm so confused and disoriented and I don't know what the right thing to do is and I need help. Maybe this is all just part of the stages of change, but I'm having so much trouble fully and actually realizing sometimes that I am unwell and I Need Help. Denial is strong. I know I could try and get better, which is what I say I want to do, but my actions are not matching my words. I know I have Cannabis Use Disorder, and I'm pretty sure I have Cannabinoid Hyperemesis syndrome too, but I need to verify with a doctor first. Problem is, my actions don't match my words. I'm saying I'm gonna quit, or for my own wellbeing, I have to quit, and I'm trying to cut back to only smoking to stop the vomiting/pain/nausea, but still I keep going over to my using friends houses and ripping the bong over and over. I swear I go through the carts I buy in 4 days. Just last week I smoked all day so much for so long that two 60mg brownies did nearly nothing. After that I cut back to only hitting the cart, and only enough to stop the physical pain that would accompany cessation, but I keep going back to heavier use.

    Also, I gotta get clean before this March. I'm going on a vacation with my family and we're taking a plane, so I can't bring drugs, (I mean I guess I could bring benadryl but after the delusions I got after I overdosed last time I dont think I want to do that, at least not while I'm still around my parents), but even though I know I have to be fully sober, I'm looking at my actions and I see that I'm still trying to get drugs and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop. Just the other day, I tried reaching out to get LSD, but (honestly, lucky for me), no one had any. Until just yesterday, my plan was to place an order and grow shrooms long term so I could afford getting fucked up and also shift away from cannabis. I know this is absolutely still in me, which is why I need help. Last time I tried to get help, actually, every time, it goes Terribly. My symptoms are literally corroding my life away from the inside, and since I'm sooo smart all the time and blatantly lie to providers to avoid uncomfortable conversations, no one Ever takes me seriously, so as a result I stop talking to or trusting them, because they have all made me feel like I am stupid for suggesting I might have something actually wrong with me, and instead opt to tell me that I should try to manage my social anxiety better or something. I know they can't help if I don't tell the truth, I'm just realizing this and I still don't know how to tell the truth but I want to give help another try maybe, but this time I'm ready.

    I went to rehab last summer, just for weed (as far as anyone else knew, and for the most part, it was just about weed, kind of*). I ended up in rehab after a chemical dependency assessment I did in the hospital after having what was probably a trauma related episode. I needed so much help mentally, but somehow of all the things, 3 or 4 months of smoking weed ever seemed like the biggest problem to everyone. I was trying to tell them I was having mental health issues. I wanted to go to a mental health residential place that was co-ed, since I'm trans, and at the time didn't feel comfortable with being alone with either gender like in a boys only substance abuse treatment program like I got placed into. I couldn't do any research really either, since before this I was in the hospital, (psych wing), and we didn't have internet access. I ended up feeling so suicidal and far away from everyone else. I could relate to no one and no one could understand me. The first night, I actually almost tried to kill myself. I was sitting on the bathroom floor, (private bathrooms were in each room, and I was the only one in the 4 person room on my first night), and the next day I told the staff "Hey. I almost killed myself. Don't feel safe here, I think it would be best if I went to the hospital. I'm not sure how safe I am going to be here." Wanna know what they said? They told me "Well, it's not super common that we see people wanting to go back to the hospital from here, and if you're not in immediate danger, the hospital isn't gonna take you anyways. We're confident we can give you the help you need here, we treat mental health alongside addiction!" OK so, 1, no the FUCK they don't. Maybe they think they can help with some of these things, but everyone there was so incompetent and fucking stupid that they couldn't help me even when I was directly asking for it. I remember I spent maybe 4 or 5 days, almost completely dedicated to writing out my life in a journal. Went through some bigger events in my life, and I felt horrible too because I knew I had no one safe to share it with.

    Eventually, the therapist there was someone I thought I could be safe with. So I shared my notes with her, and also added some about the not awesome things that were happening to me in treatment. One of the guys there, maybe 3 or 4 years older than me? started being really weird around me at one point, he was sending me secret love letters and COMING INTO MY ROOM, AND MY QUARTERS (THEY WERE BLOCKED OFF) AND SETTING THEM ON MY DESK. He was very mentally ill. Eventually, he left, he was not super popular there, he was a total rule follower among some of the more "forced to be there" 18-26 year olds. He had lots of yelling fits on the unit, and god just writing this i dont miss him. Anyways, one day I get permission to use my phone to write emails since I have things I need to do, and in my notifications, I see ONE HUNDRED PLUS MESSAGES FROM THIS MOTHERFUCKER, AND THEYRE ALL OBSESSIVE WEIRD STALKER COMMENTS. He's saying stuff about how we should meet up and go to meetings and whats my address and where do I live and eventually, because I didn't respond, (BECAUSE IM IN GOD DAMN REHAB), he starts going off on how im a terrible person, and he keeps going between "You're gonna make me kill myself" to "I won't do anything stupid" to "I'll give u the positive love but font get it twisted ur still my bitch and I'll still fuck that pussy right" (this last one is an actual text message he sent). Which is pretty much actually the whole FUCKING reason I wanted to get into somewhere co-ed!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyways, because this was happening and no one was listening to me I started cutting myself all the time there. Didn't have much to use, but I brought my bracelet strings and materials, and inside of those were metal craft rings that could bend apart and had sharp edges where it separated. There were New cuts on my arms that were not there weeks ago when I came onto rehab. I wore my fair share of tshirsts around at night too, and not a single person noticed, even after Idirectly wrote to the therapist that I was actively cutting myself!! idk if she didn't read it, if she's stupid, or if she just didn't gaf, but after reading my giant block of text that I filled my journal with for most of the week, all she had to say was Wow! That was a page turner! Well, my heart goes out to you, but you seem to be doing really good on the unit now! (Does everyone think that just because i sometimes have conversational skills that im not unwell???) People who say I'm "doing good" are missing the whole God damn point. That isn't real healing, its pretending. I'm tired of it. I am scared that its gonna happen again. I almost don't want to get help because of it. but I think I have to try?

    Last night I felt so bad and I wished so much that I had someone to talk to. I know some people call their sponsors when they're feeling like I did last night. But I don't have one. Idek if I'm ""qualified"" enough to have one? same with going to meetings, idk. I still feel like im a faker somehow and that I don't belong with "real" addicts. I feel like it would be stupid to get a sponsor for myself because I don't have "actual" problems. I am scared to join because I don't want anyone to know I am not ok. I want to heal in silence so that no one knows anything was wrong in the first place, but this may be something I have to let go of. I'm in school right now so I feel like I don't have time for getting better. I want to talk to my professors and just at least let them know I'm struggling, but I just can't make myself. I'm taking a drug education class actually, (I knew i had to take this class the moment I first saw it, even if it didn't end up being related to my major at all), and the professor himself is open about having struggled with addiction in the past. He is a phenomenal professor, and has experience in the medical field/treatment side of things too, so he is Knowledgeable. I feel like if I talked to him, I could maybe find a way to get the help I need from someone who actually knows something g about this, but at the same time, I could never. It's stupid and unprofessional, and there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to talk to him anyways. I should be able to find the help I need on my own. Plus, I'm tired of opening up to people. I just end up feeling stupid and ashamed and wishing I hadn't done it in the first place. I'm really good at bothering people and making people uncomfortable because I'm just so far removed from all of this that I don't even understand whats socially ok and whats not. Man, if literally anyone read this, thank you. and if you reply, Bless your soul lmao. I've been in an awful place and even if it's short, I just want a little bit of input. thanks šŸ„²

    16:42 UTC


    What did you learn from relapsing?

    Iā€™ve been clean from drugs for 1.5 years and three days ago I started smoking weed and snorting speed again (my main addiction was benzos tho, donā€™t wanna go back there for sure). It was a conscious decision, I thought I would be able to use it wisely now. Have the necessary self control etc. Lol no. I donā€™t.

    And drugs suck. The high can be fun but sometimes your mind and body are just in a weird mode and you get distracted from what you actually need to get done in your life. Not really worth it. But my addiction was probably re-activated now and I donā€™t like that. I will stop doing drugs tomorrow for at least a weekly.

    How to learn from this? Should I stay completely away from everything? Weed is legal here now and I thought it could be a nice addition to my life. But Iā€™m not sure if I can keep it a once a week thing. Should I make a strict plan how often Iā€™m allowed to use? Did that work for any of you?

    What did you learn from your relapses? And what advice can you give to me? :)

    15:28 UTC


    Where do I post this

    So I wanted to talk about how I think human design could help with recovery but I'm not sure where to post I don't want to break any rules please point me in the right direction

    10:44 UTC


    I'm 6 months sober next month

    I'm doing better then when I started but today I started thinking about getting back on subs then I'm like yk what I could get back on fetty and idk like I have a lot of good going but I'm not content in just living im looking for the next best thing like the next best high I'm 21 and idk ik alone I have no one to really talk to about this stuff and idk I want to do better but I just get thoughts like that and I'm torn between right and wrong like half my life I've just been high appreciate any advice

    04:56 UTC


    Boyfriend relapsed

    This is my first time posting on Reddit. Iā€™m 27 year old female for context. My current boyfriend I have known for well over 10 years. We dated about 6 years ago and it did not work out due to his out of control drug use/criminal activities. Fast forward to a year ago, he randomly texts me after years of not speaking to each other. We hung out just as friends at first and decided to give our relationship another try. He was doing much better now and I truly saw that in him. I knew this was either going to work or it wouldnā€™t, as weā€™ve already been down this road before. He had a few relapses that lasted just a day in the past 3 years and he would get right back to an AA meeting and call his sponsor. About a month ago, he totally flew off the rails and started smoking crack, shooting up fentanyl, hanging out with homeless people shooting drugs. (He has never smoked crack before and he didnā€™t shoot up for 3 years). I was completely taken aback by the drastic relapse, and he has still been doing drugs this whole month. When he is high, he is paranoid and extremely mean. He verbally abuses me and he blames it on the drugs. He says ā€œitā€™s not me, itā€™s the drugsā€. But Iā€™m thinking that anger and bullying behavior is just in him? He never spoke to me that way when he was sober. The advice I am looking for is if I should stay with him or not. I want to be a wife and a mother and I am not sure that I want to deal with this for the rest of my life and put my future kids through that pain. Do I hold out hope? Or do I leave him?

    *I am not a drug user

    02:27 UTC


    How do you deal with the what ifs/what could have been?

    I have been messing with drugs since I was a teen but they only became a problem when I got into hard drugs at 25. Due to severe trauma and not knowing how to manage my mental health issues ( also not knowing I was autistic) I spent my teen years and early twenties self medicating, self harming, didn't mature at all, didn't invest in my education, didn't invest in real friendships, my relationships have all been abusive, toxic and when not I would sabotage them because that's what I always do, if I feel like I have something good going on in my life I will do everything in my power to destroy it.

    Fast forward to now. I'm going to be 35 soon, I've been on methadone since early December 2024, no relapses so far, been also trying to taper benzos, that has been rocky but I'm I'll get there. I realize now that I have nothing. No place of my own, sold my car last year, as of now my brain is too fried to even go back to school and doctors suspect I have a condition that will prevent or make it too difficult for me to have kids. I have no friends, none, all of them left or were just people I would hang out with because of drugs. My ex, who I'm still madly in love with, is also an addict and doesn't want to get clean. We still talk and sometimes I fantasize about what we could have if he got clean. I know I should go no contact but it's hard because our relationship wasn't even bad, we got along so well, we have the same humor, the same tastes, he gets me in a way no one else ever did and I feel so comfortable with him, it hurts my soul to think of us never being together again so I keep in touch, because I keep telling myself that maybe someday he will change, maybe someday we will have a happy ending...

    All of this to say that I'm now realizing all that I missed out on. I never even thought I liked or wanted kids until very recently and that opportunity was taken away from me. I literally feel like a lost teenager, I'm a 34 year old woman but I'm struggling so much to fit into this world without something to numb the pain. I feel raw, everything feels so heavy, so difficult, it's like I'm learning how to live life for the second time and I can't help but think about what I lost due to addiction and what could have been. How do you guys deal with this? I just feel so lonely and clueless it hurts. Does it get better?

    02:26 UTC


    During active addiction VS. sobriety

    The top two photos are so embarrassing and came up in my Snapchat memoriesšŸ˜­ I was so barred out, fat and so unhealthy. The bottom was yesterday sober as can be! WE DO RECOVER!šŸ˜šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜

    20:45 UTC


    3 years today

    3 Years ago I stopped letting alcohol beat me. Iā€™ve learned and grown so much in the last 3 years and Iā€™ve accomplished things that never wouldā€™ve been possible on the path I was on. Just wanted to share this victory todayšŸ¤™šŸ» Smoking is the next thing to go.

    13:37 UTC


    Do you get drug tested right when you arrive to sober living?

    Or is it a a week to a few weeks after you arrive?

    10:56 UTC


    Zyprexa showing up as an opioid and methadone on drug test sober living

    I'll be going to a sober living house in a week and am worried I won't pass the drug test that will be administered to me upon arriving because based on my research zyprexa can show up as an opioid and also as methadone. I have screenshot of articles proving this but am worried I'll be kicked out despite me having the proof on hand. What should I do? I'll arrive to the house in less than a week and zyprexa stays in the system for up to 7 days so I'm worried.

    10:54 UTC



    I have a lot of anxiety still. It has gotten better but I'm really just an anxious person. I have a hard time sharing at meetings. I never know what to share. I would appreciate it if someone would guide me with some suggestions. I would feel less anxious speaking if that makes sense. Thank you

    03:44 UTC


    Remember and Encourage one another!

    Needed to post something and reminisce of my beautiful cousin/sister

    I miss her everyday. It still doesn't feel real most days šŸ˜–

    I keep her in my mind and heart, as she did for me during my many recovery attempts. Always coming with me to my therapy appointments to check in with me at the end of my therapy sessions, and even came with me to a few meetings as she and I both needed the support from another.

    She had always been supporting me throughout my identity as a Two-Spirit Transwoman and even came with me to join the Wabanaki Two-Spirited Alliance in Halifax for a pride parade for which she graciously accepted the opportunity to wear this regalia. (image taken & posted by me)

    She still inspires me to this day to always be adventurous, yet cautious. Blunt, but gentle. Kind, but real. And always, ALWAYS, be true to myself about identity, culture and recovery.

    I wish she could've seen me today as I picked up my 3 month tag (note: I'm 4 months today), I held my head down in silence for her because she had such an important impact on my identity, recovery, and heritage.

    She is always by my side as I keep a photo of her in my purse as a gentle reminder that even the strongest/kindest individuals can have a bad day, and that we are truly stronger together.

    Rest peacefully my family, sister & friend.

    This disease has no more control over you šŸ¤ You are free of further pain and suffering. šŸ©· But we will suffer through pain of remembering you're contagious smile and laugh, and how courageous you were!

    One day at a time, Keep going. āœļøšŸ½

    1 Comment
    03:20 UTC


    Upcoming shoulder surgery fears.

    Hopefully somebody in here can give me some advice. I am a recovering drug addict / alcoholic. I have been sober for 12 years and I'm feeling a little anxious about an upcoming rotary cuff surgery that I am scheduled for. Because the surgery is for a full tear it's a pretty intense procedure that will require opiates in my post recovery. It is been so long since I have used any substances that I feel pretty confident that I will be able to maintain a scheduled dosage of painkillers but they're still just a part of me that's really scared to take them at all. The question is... What are some ways that I can mitigate this problem? Does anybody know of some more holistic ways to handle breakthrough pain i e surgical recovery pain? If anyone has some methods in which I could use I would certainly appreciate the insight. I have looked this up online but I really need some real life experience feedback. I've spoken with my sponsor and to be honest she's not much help LOL Thank you in advance.

    03:09 UTC


    The key to sustainable long term recovery šŸ”‘

    Hey guys. Hope all of you reading are in good health and doing well.

    I (25M) have been sober off opioids and benzodiazepines for 4 years. I first started getting high when I was about 15 years old, in sophomore year of high school. One of my closest buddies had a grandmother pass away, she had severe cancer so in turn had an abundance of pills and medications. Oxy being one of them. At this point I had only smoked and drank a bit like a typical high schooler would. Until my friend gave me half of a 20mg oxy, in which we snorted.

    That was the precipice of a grueling 6 year long fight and addiction with opioids. We lost our house in Harvey, and had to move. We ended up moving to a apartment complex temporarily while we rebuilt the house, but in this complex there was a guy that had a condition that resulted in a lot of pain, so he had a lot of pain killers.

    Over the years, on and off, fighting to stay away because I hated how much I liked them, destroying everything in my path I got clean and went to rehab. Was in an intensive out patient treatment program for 10 months, where I went to school, afterschool, etc. basically 14 hours a day every day. Was clean for a year and a half. That was until I left to Austin, TX to pursue a degree at UT. A few months in, I had an appendectomy and got prescribed 60; 10mg hydrocodon. As you could imagine, this was not good for me. I quickly spiraled back down and found myself at square one.

    One day, withdrawing from a 300mg of OxyContin a day, I called my mom crying asking for help. I will forever be grateful to have parents willing to help me. I went home and went to a clinic and got suboxone for the week until I could figure out whether I wanted to get on subs, or taper, etc.

    The reason for this post and testimony, is that the one thing that allowed me to redirect that obsessive addictive personality, was finding the gym. Working out, getting in shape and capable, looking my best and feeling my best. 4 years later here I am, my brother and I are starting a online fitness and nutrition coaching/consulting business specializing in helping people in recovery or dealing with addiction. We are looking to take on 3-5 clients completely free of charge, all we ask is for people that are willing to be fully dedicated to changing for the better, because we will be dedicated on your behalf.

    If this interests you, please send me a DM so we can have a quick convo and see if youā€™re right for our program!

    God bless.

    19:01 UTC


    Meth Addict Partner refuses to go to inpatient

    My partner has been abusing meth for almost 30 years on and off. We have been together for a year and he lied about his sobriety for monthsā€¦set my apartment on fire , totaled my car, owes me thousands of dollars... I didnā€™t discover the truth until I was deep in a trauma bond. He has lost everything...literally has zero dollars to his name and refuses to get a job to make steady income to pay for basic expenses and on top of that, he has a child.

    Needless to say, had I known the extent of his addiction, I would never have gotten involved. I didnā€™t know much about meth addiction so I wasnā€™t able to see the signs. I wanted to ask this community what their thoughts are about him refusing to go to inpatient treatment. He says anyone can get sober in inpatient and that is the reason why he doesnā€™t need it and prefers outpatient because thatā€™s where he is really tested. He goes to AA meetings and is in a sober living house. I just have a feeling that heā€™s been passing drug tests with baking soda and not wanting to be caged up in a rehab so he can use drugs because you canā€™t be monitored 24/7 like in inpatient. I got him into a great program covered by insurance and he left the next day.

    He exhibits signs of narcissism as wellā€¦will scream at me if I donā€™t give him money, food etc. always promises to pay me back but never does. He was logged in on my laptop and I saw many emails where heā€™s scammed people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and even to this day has his childā€™s mother whipped and driving his son to him on weekends despite the fact that he has zero money for a car, gas , food etc. His behavior hasnā€™t seemed to change much over the years. He is 59.

    Is it true that inpatient is easy and that he does not need it with a good outpatient program? How hard is it to fake negative urine tests?

    18:48 UTC


    Sober off all drugs and alcohol for a year, starting to use weed medicinally. Any advice(please only respond if youā€™re using/used cannabis medicinally in recovery)

    Iā€™ve made the choice to start using cannabis medicinally. If I didnā€™t feel confident that I could do it in a healthy, safe way, I wouldnā€™t do it. I also want to try and set some guide lines for myself because itā€™s a mood altering substance. Does anybody have experience with this? I believe that sobriety looks different for everyone. Thanks!

    16:24 UTC


    partner of an addict, could use advice?

    partner of an addict, could use advice?

    Hi, iā€™m new here and i hope this doesnā€™t offend anybody. i dated my partner for three months before i even discovered his pill use, in fact it wasnā€™t until he came clean to me. he never went to a doctor but started buying subs from friends and i was really happy with the progress at least. i know he was doing some pretty heavy shit for years so the fact that he was willing to take this step was a green flag aside from not going to a professional to do it. but itā€™s been two years now and he is showing no sign of trying to be actually clean. i understand the subs arenā€™t nowhere near what he was doing before but it feels like his safety blanket he will rely on for the rest of his life and i donā€™t want to be with somebody like that. but i want to try to motivate him first, i want to see if he can actually get 100% clean. itā€™s hard because iā€™ve never necessarily been an addict myself, not that i havenā€™t ever experimented throughout my years on this planet but iā€™ve never reached that extreme or past the point of self control (all i do is smoke weed now). in a way i feel like he just looks at me like i have no clue what im talking about and it just makes me feel helpless. i want to push him but i dont want to push him away.

    12:33 UTC


    We are not just SOBER, We are Living a New Life!!

    • New Life, New Beginnings: Recovery isnā€™t just about stopping a behaviorā€”itā€™s about embracing a whole new way of living. Take it slow, but actively look for ways to build a life that feels meaningful and aligned with your values.
    • Progress, Not Perfection: In the early stages, itā€™s easy to feel like youā€™re not doing enough or not changing fast enough. Remember that the journey is one of growth, not perfection. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
    • Healing Relationships: While focusing on yourself is key, healing the connections with others is also an essential part of recovery. Take time to rebuild trust, practice patience, and communicate openly with those you care about.
    • Embrace the Journey: The path of recovery will have challenges, but each step forwardā€”no matter how smallā€”is part of the new life youā€™re creating
    1 Comment
    03:26 UTC


    113 days free today. Taking some time to focus on mastering my emotions instead of being ruled by them. A good reminder that growth starts within.

    00:47 UTC


    Any advice appreciated.

    First let me begin with an apology. I'm not quite sure this is where I should ask this.

    I'm a 25 y/o male in recovery, March 15th will be my two years. I have grown my hair out since I was in middle school. And it used to be so thick and just overall looked really good. In the height of my fentanyl addiction which was about five years (age18-23), I started noticing it was really thinning out, and practically falling out on its own. I figured that once I was in recovery and put back in the care and proper hygiene that I ignored while homeless and out there, that it would begin to come back. Well, now it's still rather thin an seem to lose a lot of it when brushing it or showering. I'm just looking for some advice from anyone in hopes there's some way I can get my hair back to what it used to be. Thanks in advance, and again I'm sorry if this isn't really the place to be asking this.

    21:33 UTC


    910 days in recovery. 78,624,000 seconds since I took the first step of many. 1,310,400 minutes since I decided to change my life. 21,840 hours since I left my eating disorder behind. 910 days ago I made a change, and it's been 130 weeks since I haven't looked back.

    1 Comment
    06:07 UTC


    Helping Other Heal Addictions Through A Nomad Lifestyle

    ā€œRecovery is not a journey of perfection, but one of progress. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating.ā€

    Itā€™s been a long 10 months but being a Nomad and learning how be a Recovery Expert has been an absolute journey and a half!! Iā€™ve immersed myself in so many methods and learned a ton of them all from AA, dharma recovery, naturalistic healing, science backed recovery and rewiring your brain, energy healing, spirituality healing, Christian healing methods, yogi healing methods, yoga, meditiation, and so so so much more! I was put on the Earth to help others recover no matter what works for them and I now understand why I had to be a Nomad and force myself out of my comfort zone and it was so I could help anyone from any walk of life learn the method thatā€™s for them!

    02:25 UTC


    Made it official last night

    13 years. We do recover

    00:51 UTC


    When you're married to a normie but need to clean the oven! almost 2 years sober but realize now I don't think I've ever used baking soda for its intended purposes before...

    19:26 UTC

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