
Photograph via snooOG

A recovery-related subreddit for recovering benzodiazepine users.

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A recovery-related subreddit for recovering benzodiazepine users.

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Please keep discussions civil, and carry the message to the addict who still suffers.

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A good night's sleep.

1 Comment
09:23 UTC


Stopping alprazolam

I took 0,25 mg alprazolam for about 3 months . 1 every morning. I would like to stop taking them. Can I stop them immediately since it’s a low dose, or do I do some kind of taper? I am new to all of this, I hope this is not a stupid question.

09:03 UTC


Benzo tapering and TRT

Has anyone found TRT to help with the tapering/withdrawals of Benzos.

I have implants fitted for oestrogen and testosterone and my testosterone will tank soon so I’ll have to use gels in the short term.

Did anyone find this helpful regardless….

It’s a must for me as I don’t make any of my own but I’m wondering would it actually assist?

I see mixed information on TRT and gaba receptors, glutamate etc…. No clear studies on this….



08:26 UTC


Is this anhedonia?

Something really scary has happened since coming off benzos 8 months ago. When I first came off then rapid tapered in 4 weeks, my libido went through the roof. It was crazy how high it was.

Now, months later, I have absolutely zero sexual desire and no feelings of love or intimacy. It’s really scaring me. I can look at someone who is beautiful and usually would find them attractive and have that little spark of interest. But I literally feel nothing. Terrifying. It’s like I’m not even human anymore and don’t even have desire or find people attractive or feel love towards anyone. Don’t even feel love towards my own family. Just nothingness.

Is this going to come back? It’s like my brain is broken and can’t feel anything not even primal feelings like wanting food or sex. So scary.

05:56 UTC


I've been waiting 3 years for this... But

Three years ago I fully tapered off benzos pretty much forcefully by my care provider. I had been taking a medium dose daily for almost a decade. After tapering I had a really hard time on the hard days. I felt like I could never have a break when it got tough. I always had an itch for a benzo. I would have dreams where I had a bottle and could take a pill and relax. I kept asking for a small as needed prescription from my doctor but she was adamant I didn't need them and would not write a script. I ended up moving across state lines for family. Today I went to a new doctor for an illness and casually mentioned also I was having severe anxiety on some days and I used to take bensoz. She was a more open doctor but was a little skeptical. She ended up writing a script for eight .5 Klonopin. I filled it in anticipation and went home after. The bottle is now sitting on my counter and I haven't taken any yet. I am yearning for that warm blanket feeling but another part of me just wants to have that bottle forever with 8 pills and just see if I can tough it out longer. It's a weird feeling. I have a history of being very impulsive and acting on urges. I wonder how long I can go without taking one.

04:12 UTC



So I’ve been off Klonopin for 11 months now is it possible for me to take Valium every now and maybe around a year and a half? Just for anxiety ? Maybe like once a month ?

02:46 UTC



I’m 3 months post jump and still experience waves of vertigo with nausea. Thinking about taking a cruise and wondering if that might be a bad idea. Anyone with experience here? Does benzo paws vertigo make you more susceptible to motion sickness?

02:14 UTC


I fucked up right at the end of my taper…

Long story short I’ve been taking benzos for 6/7 years daily. Went into recovery in October (was addicted to oxy also, amongst other things).

Started my taper at 35mg and got to 2mg this week.

But I couldn’t handle the WDs from the last few drops. So I ordered a load of clonazepam a few days ago and have smashed them since.

How do I get back on track? Going straight back to 2mg is gonna be hell after this binge. I’m in the UK fwiw so doctors aren’t that flexible (hence the relatively fast taper).

Been abstinent from everything else for 6 months + 11 days so I am in a better position… I tried to kill myself because of the opiates and cocaine and was totally broken, so started NA which has been great. But now I’ve fucked up I feel like a complete fraud.

Thank you for reading.

01:05 UTC


Tired of not feeling emotions

Here’s what I take daily:

  • 0.5mg clonazepam
  • 10mg citalopram
  • 37.5mg venlafaxine

I am in my late 20s. I’ve been on the clonazepam and citalopram for close to 10 years. The venlafaxine was added 2 or 3 years later. I’m tired of feeling lifeless inside every single day and would love to try to wean off my meds one day. Any advice?

00:30 UTC


Medicinal cocktails, can you relate?

My MD wants to be supportive of my reduction in clonazepam. They've been helpful and provided some good information. I balance what they say with what I read, how I feel, etc. I just wanna see if anyone else has support through our journeys.

I've been on clonazepam for PD and PTSD for over a decade. My dose increased to 3mg over that time and PD worsened. I had lots of failed attempts taking SSRIs/SNRIs. The most successful of which raised my blood pressure to a point where I took myself off the med/SNRI.

I'm now at a 0.5mg daily use of clonazepam. I have high bp and have meds for that. I take Lyrica to help balance out symptoms from the clonazepam reduction. I just started Lexapro (heard it may be gentle on bp as well as was compatible in a Genesight report), and already feel some brain zaps and heightened anxiety. I've also had a pounding heart/palpitations, but they're the same as I've had previously.

My need for support is: have you been on a similar regimen of some sort? Please no horror stories. It's already bad enough dealing with clonazepam reduction. Thanks.

00:20 UTC


Do I need to taper?

I’ve been dealing with some prostate issues and have been taking Ativan 1mg to sleep for the past few weeks. Maybe a month total. I was prescribed 30-1mg pills and initially only used one every few days or so. The past 2 weeks have been more frequent and I experience insane anxiety roughly 24-48 hours after my last use. I’ve tapered from Ativan before after short term use but it has been a while so I’m not sure what I should do. Do you recommend a quick taper? I used to decrease by .25 every 4 days or so and that always seemed to work well.

23:39 UTC


Please help me find a psychiatrist to place me on a slow valium taper (I can go anywhere in the U.S.)

I’ll try to keep this brief

Was seeing a psychiatrist from January 2023 till last month - he sent an email saying he’s not seeing patients anymore. (Family issue or something)

I was being treated for ~6/7 years of heavy daily xanax abuse and was placed on a taper using Diazepam & made great progress.

Now i cant find another psychiatrist in my area and only have a few days of medication left so PLESE if someone could message me or leave a comment of a psychiatrist anywhere in the states that is willing to put me on a slow and steady taper using diazepam via outpatient treatment

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and for all the help you do.

22:29 UTC


Is this Benzo withdrawal, lack of sleep, or both?

I have tinnitus, and it got worse in February, keeping me from sleeping for a couple days straight. My doctor here at university put me on clonazepam 0.5mg. I took that nightly for about a month and it worked wonders for my sleep. Then I realized the dangers of benzos and wanted to get off of it as I figured my sleep had improved. So I did a very fast taper of .25 mg for a week and .125 for three days.

I believe this made my tinnitus worse and my sleep got worse than it was before going on it. Like really bad, multiple days no sleep, and when I did, like 1-2 hour nights. My school gives out drugs like candy and I’ve been on all sorts of things to try to get me to sleep and none have worked except for ambien. Which I’ve unfortunately have had to take everyday for around 6 weeks now. (10mg, but I’ve started trying to take 7.5). I’m able to guarantee some sleep on it, but still not enough. 3-5, 6 hours if I’m lucky. I also take trazadone and melatonin along with it

I never fully got off the klonopin though. Haven’t gone a week without taking some dose, but never more than 0.5mg and not more than 2 days in a row.

Recently been getting these horrible feelings throughout the day of brain fog and some derealization, intense anxiety and panic, really bad nausea, but still somehow hungry, and intense fatigue without sleepiness. It’s like a hungover or motion sickness feeling. I’ve always had a lot of floaters and maybe some visual snow, but they’ve been more intense and vision seems blurrier. Worried I’ve kindled myself or tapered too quick.

I really don’t know if this is a culmination of prolonged lack of sleep, Benzo withdrawal, or maybe the other drugs screwing with me. I’m seeing a doctor again on Friday as well.

21:41 UTC


how did y’all make peace with such a longggg taper?

i started my taper at 6mg a day back in august. i am now down to 3.5mg a day. if i’m doing my math correctly, i wont be finished until february 2025. did anyone else have a taper that lasted over a year? how did you make peace with that? i’m also really afraid of going through an insurance change and possibly not getting my prescription during that, so i haven’t been chasing my job goals. idk, just wondering if anyone wants to share their experience. i feel so alone in this

21:30 UTC


Unbearable physical symptoms, not sure withdrawal related

Hello everyone. I’ve been on 2mg lorazepam for 4 years. I do remember voluntarily tapering off the dosage without the doc’s supervision (like reducing to 1mg for a few days, then quitting all together, then resuming the usage whenever PA would hit) without experiencing the terrifying withdrawal symptoms everyone seems to warn. This time, I did the same remembering the positive experience from the past, however within 2-4 weeks after the last taken lorazepam I begun experiencing the most severe PA of my life(they would happen 1-2 times a week). However, the symptoms have started to take a physical form progressively, first with a severe chest pains in the left side, which would turn into a full blown PA cus I would think I am having a heart attack. Then, I would feel full-body muscle tensions (neck, legs, head, bladder, stomach, fingers EVERYTHING) accompanied by a diarrhea, headache and nausea. (at this point I had already been taking the 2mg for quite some time). It is very difficult for me to understand weather the symptoms are caused by the withdrawal or I am having a neurotic moment since the 2 weeks preceeding to the start of the physical symptoms have been emotionally the most stressing for me ever.

I know that it was not okay to experiment with the dosage in the past (I was very young). I have an appointment with my doctor in a week, however want to learn if it is possible to experiemce such physical symptoms 2 months after quitting lorazepam? On top of all of this I have recently found myself amidst an existential crisis which really makes my anxiety worst and I suspect it wouldn’t have started had I not decided to play with prescription.

21:15 UTC


Common Dizziness or Seizure Risk?

I just wanted to seek some opinions on these symptoms and if they could be an indication of something serious:

Lately, I’ve been having these common “waves” while doing simple tasks, such as walking, hiking, even watching TV.


Weak legs, kinda feel like jelly


Tingling in my head


Feeling like I am about to pass out

Strange thoughts

A sensation of this could be my last moment, sometimes my heart rate will increase for about 10 seconds and then remains stable


I am worried about these symptoms because I literally feel like passing out, or something worse. I am also on a Very slow taper of Diazepam and have been stabilized for over two weeks on the same dosage because of these symptoms.

So, am I at risk of having a seizure during these “episodes?” Are there any remedies?

Is it common to faint or have any life-threatening events during this?

What is this called?

21:07 UTC



Okay so Ativan is the only RX that’s makes me feel normal I have done some research and I see Xanax extended release what is that like ? Does it feel like Xanax and Just last longer ? Or is like shitty kpins ? Because I feel like it would be very helpful to have something like that. That stops panic in its tracks but lasts longer. Valuim is okay just makes me so out of it and exhausted that it’s hard to function and don’t even get me started with kpin that shit doesn’t even deserve to be called a benzo imo it’s the worst benzo ever created. I’m only asking because if I could get Xanax extended release I think possibly that might work better I just don’t wanna be high out of my mind

21:04 UTC


Split the dose now???

Hello me again! 🙄🙄

So I’m water tapering and down to 6.3mg Valium.

I dose once a day but tonight the cramping muscles are kicking in…. Would it be an idea to now split my dose morning and night??

Or would that cause more issues?

Sorry for all the questions….

Trying to stay positive and work through this 🙏

20:35 UTC


Can I drop 0.25 mg Clonazepam to taper?

I read a study in which long-term users of Clonazepam dropped 0.25mg/week (Nardi et al., 2010). This is what they recommended. I have been taking 1 mg for about 6 months daily. Does this sound reasonable to do?

20:29 UTC


Clonazepam taper done.. doing OK, except weird muscle stuff and shivers?

Hey everyone.

I was initially prescribed clonazepam (1-2MG as needed) last July for anxiety and as a muscle relaxant as I had started twitching. I usually kept intake down to 1MG, It didn't shift the twitching (which I am told is benign having been seen and examined by a neurologist and had tests) but it helped me sleep. I restricted myself to 0.5MG from late last year so may have developed some tolerance, then tapered slowly from January - 2 months at 0.25, 2 months at 0.125, then jumped early April, so 10 months use in all. Maybe I should have tapered further down but I wanted to get it over with.

I'm sleeping OK (taking hydroxyzine; not sure I even need that) but have a fine tremor/vibration/shaking feeling which isn't visible to anyone else, and perceived muscle weakness in all 4 limbs which all came on during the clonazepam phase, along with stiff joints, a sore neck and shoulders, a stiff right hand, blah blah.

What I wanted to ask is - now and again through the day I get weird cold shivers, usually only in one limb at a time. Like a tingling/brief goosebumps type feeling which passes fairly quickly. Anyone else out there get that after jumping?!

(I'm also supplementing low B12 and having a suspicious thyroid investigated but tbh I think this weirdness is more likely to be a benzo/post-withdrawal thing.)

19:17 UTC


Been at 20mg Valium for a while

By a while I mean probably 6 months, hard to remember.

I take 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening (diazepam). The highest was 4mg Klonopin in Jan 2021.

This process has completely decimated my self-confidence. I often wonder if I’ll even make it to the end without some sort of tragedy happening to me. I’m married and my poor wife has seen me in this state for the last 3 years. And there’s still a long way to go to reach zero.

I hate the fact that I didn’t research benzos before taking them. I feel very down and out. I could cry just typing this out.

17:41 UTC


Has anyone had bad withdrawal symptoms off .5mg of Lorazepam after a short duration?

I caught Covid in December and developed insomnia which lead to nocturnal panic attacks. I took Ativan off and on at .5mg for about a month then tapered off with minimum side effects. I recently started taking Ativan at night because my nocturnal panic attacks have returned. I’ve been taking Ativan for about five days out of the seven last week. Every night I don’t take Ativan the following day has been horrible. A couple hours after I wake up I get sweaty hands and feet, shortness of breath and dizziness that last me the whole day to ten point where I take Ativan at night to help me sleep. Just wondering if anyone has had the same type of symptoms off such short use. The doctors keep telling me that it’s a panic attack but 1) I don’t have history of panic attacks during the day, 2) my panic attacks at night are short lived and 3) these symptoms seem to only occur on the days were it’s been like 24 hours since I’ve took Ativan.

17:30 UTC


Muscle stiffness help?

Feeling my cuts now, and the tightness is starting to be pretty grim in my back, shoulders and neck.

Has anyone had much relief with anything?

I take magnesium etc but has anyone any other suggestions?

Might try a muscle heat spray ??

Did b12 shots help any of you?

Any suggestions welcome - I can’t do magnesium baths sadly….

Just reaching out….. it’s bearable …. Just!

Thanks! 🙏

17:03 UTC


1 mg Klonopin to .75 mg

I’ve been on 1 mg Clonazepam for 6 months daily at night to help me sleep. I’ve recently started taking 0.75 mg at night and my anxiety is so bad and I can’t stay asleep. How long will this rebound anxiety last?

Also, I’m going to switch to 15 mg Diazepam and do a slower taper. What can I expect?

14:23 UTC


Bromazolam taper/kindling body pain

I began using Bromazolam sold as Xanax tablets about 3 months ago for sleep/anxiety after a close friend passed away. Started with 1-2mg nightly, and progressed up to 6mg with tolerance until about 1 month ago. I was aware of how bad benzo addiction/withdrawal can be, but scared myself pretty good after checking out this sub and other online sources. I decided to try and taper by 25% per week, and have now progressed down to 3mg per night.

Prior to taking benzos I experienced body pain in my neck/back/shoulders due to posture tension brought on by anxiety. I was told that this was likely brought on by being in university and experiencing heightened levels of stress at the time, and this made sense as the pain went away virtually overnight after handing in my last exam in this past fall semester.

I finished school this semester about the same time I began tapering, and my muscle pain/tension has continued despite daily stretching/yoga, steam room, Epsom salt baths, and some regular deep tissue massage. I feel as though the continued pain is connected to tapering too rapidly and now I am experiencing the effects of kindling.

Should I go back up to a dose where I don’t experience pain and then do a slower taper like what is suggested in the Ashton manual? I talked to a doctor yesterday and they are potentially going to give me a Valium taper, but they had doubts on its effectiveness comparing with tapering from Alprazolam, which is the closest benzo she was familiar with.

I would like to get off this stuff as soon as possible and replace with holistic methods of treating anxiety, like exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. (which I have already started doing). Feeling a bit hopeless and stuck right now, and I feeling like I’m living through unnecessary pain after reading through the info on this sub, so just wondering if anybody has any constructive support/input.

Thanks ya’ll! Appreciate the support.

14:21 UTC


The brain fog…

I’m halfway thru my taper & I can’t even…I’m only 31 and feel like I’m 81. I forget what I’m saying mid sentence. I remember things and the suddenly forget them. Just poof… gone. I literally wander around the grocery store forgetting (even though I have a list!!!) what I’m even there for. Sometimes I forget where I’m driving!!!! I can barely focus for a few seconds. I even have to stop myself during the day to figure out what day it is sometimes and what I have to do. Also, I feel like an old person on my phone trying to show ppl pictures, etc. I had to switch the Wi-Fi this morning and couldn’t remember how for a few seconds. I just blank. All of this esp tech stuff used to be automatic for me. I’m a millennial!!! This is crazy.

14:06 UTC


Jumping from 1mg Valium

Hey all,

I’ve just cut out my daily 1mg diazepam that I’ve been using for approx 8-9 years… It’s been 3 days will be day 4 tomorrow and I feel.. Pretty much fine?

I’m just waiting for the withdrawals to start or the “acute” ones at least but all I have seen so far is probably headaches, more difficulty sleeping general feelings of discomfort and muscles feeling a bit off general discomfort being worst

I’ve been to rehab for Xanax powder (ungodly amounts) and heroin addiction and this feels like absolutely nothing in comparison perhaps cause I’ve been on the 1mg Valium for so long now

Is this a normal experience or because at the moment I’ve just been “waiting” for the shit acute stuff to start almost want it to so I can feel like I’m getting the worst of it “over and done with” is that still yet to come or is it actually just mildly shitty to get off this dosage of Valium compared to other stuff?

Appreciate input from others who have been in similar situation (also not trying to take from anyone’s experience posting this getting off Benzos is a truly hard thing to do and I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to minimise anything truly I just don’t feel that bad and am seriously wondering what’s going on)

Sorry for the long post it you have gotten to the end appreciate you and please leave a comment for me!!

13:51 UTC


Im taking 5mg Diazepam ,(Valium) right now and my doctor said to take that for and then break the pill in half for another month. Is this a good plan? Should i quit a bit sooner?!

10:34 UTC


how long does diazepam stay in the body?

11:09 UTC


Have any of you guys ever felt alone on your slow benzo taper and/or experienced bad withdrawal symptoms while still on the taper?

Anyone find that even slow tapers can be hell? I've heard people say that they have done slow tapers and experienced next to no withdrawal symptoms. Lucky them.

As for me, I'm not even halfway through my taper and I'm waking up every night, my body is in pain, I feel hopeless, and have worse symptoms than I did before I started taking this poison (among many other symptoms).

My prescriber has kept me on the same dosage for weeks now. I feel like a loser because I don't want to look like I'm trying to prolong this unnecessarily (I just want to be off benzos), but I'm so so tired, yet I can't get the sleep I need to recuperate and heal. They don't want to give me any pain medication or anything, so I'm not sure what to do. At the same time, I guess I don't want to become dependent on something else like an opiod.

I have to keep working at my job as I'll be perceived as lazy if I don't, even though I feel like I'm dying sometimes. I only have one family member that I can tell about my taper and experiences, but they don't ask me much about it, despite me showing them the Ashton Manual, videos of other people's experiences, etc.

So I guess my questions are as follows (both for people currently going through this or who have been through it):

  1. Did you guys experience bad withdrawal symptoms even during your slow taper?
  2. Did you have anyone to depend on or that cared? Did you have anyone that you tried to inform, but they just didn't show interest or couldn't "get it"? I've been told, "you're taking your medication, why are you feeling like that?" I can't blame this family member as they have enough going on in their own lives and, if doctors don't get it, how can they?
  3. If you experienced symptoms on your slow taper, what were they? Mine are many, but include tinnitus and an inability to get either unbroken sleep or a full night's sleep, resulting in the horrors that sleep deprivation brings on.
09:07 UTC

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